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What Crystals Help With Anxiety

Anxiety Affects Almost Everybody But Crystals For Anxiety Can Be An Amazing And Helpful Tool

6 Crystals & Gemstones to Help With Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety is something that almost all humans have in common. Most of us experience it to some degreebut of course, some experience it more seriously than others.

First, if youre struggling with serious anxiety or an anxiety disorder, its important to do further research and ask for help if you need it. Healing crystals for anxiety can be a helpful tool, but are also not a full solution. While many people swear by healing crystals and their benefits, healing any kind of ailmentmental or physical is always most effective when multiple modalities are used. Using healing crystals in conjunction with other types of anxiety treatments will be more beneficial for your healing journey.

That being said, if youre looking for something to help relieve regular day-to-day anxiety or for a thoughtful gift for someone struggling with anxiety, grounding crystals are a great area to explore!

Does Color Matter When Choosing Crystals

In addition to crystal meanings, there is also color therapy, when using crystals for depression, it is recommended to select crystals that are orange in color. Apart from the fact that it is a beautiful color, it is also a really intense one. It is the hue of happiness and friendliness, love and affection, and you need a lot of these elements during anxiety or depression. This theory is not to say that any other color of crystal wouldnt serve its purpose when using crystals for depression, it just insists that orange is also effective in color therapy.

You can actually shop by crystal color on the website, just head to the menu and scroll down. For example, you can shop ‘pink crystals‘ which will also cover a little bit on the color therapy and chakra associations.

Purple Banded Agate Promotes Mental Strength

When youre experiencing anxiety, its easy to feel like youre emotionally weak or not mentally strong enough to deal with whatever it is youre going through. This couldnt be any further away from the truth. Anxiety effects everyone and anyone it does not discriminate. You are not weak just because youre experiencing anxiety. However, using purple banded agate for anxiety can provide you with mental strength and clarity to get through those stressful times.

How Does Purple Agate Help with Anxiety?

Purple agate healing stones are great purple crystals for anxiety, especially when you need an extra boost of positive energy to increase your mental and physical performance. It can provide you with increased relaxation, tranquility, inner stillness, and balance between Yin and Yang energies. Heres a quick breakdown of the healing properties of purple agate for anxiety:

  • Increases relaxation and tranquility
  • Provides protection from bad luck
  • Encourages you to achieve your goals

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Do Crystals Work For Anxiety

Yes, there are lots of crystals out there that can work wonders when it comes to clearing anxious thoughts and feelings. Look for crystals that are known for their soothing energy and ones that also encourage clarity and restful sleeping. Gemstones like Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and Kyanite can help bring serenity whereas Black Tourmaline and Hematite are protective stones that help you feel safe.

Overcome Anxiety Attacks With Amethyst

Crystals For Anxiety And Stress Hibiscus Moon

Amethyst is our savior on days we feel under pressure and it seems that everything is going wrong. It brings clarity and relaxes the mind, helping us understand what causes stress. This beautiful crystal can help us reduce anxiety while simultaneously attracting peaceful vibes. How to use Amethyst to reduce anxiety and stress:

  • Wear Amethyst jewelry to enjoy its calming energy all day long
  • Display Amethyst hearts in your bedroom to create a peaceful ambiance
  • Use Amethyst palm stones for meditation
  • Practice breathing techniques while holding Amethyst in your palm
  • Place Amethyst hearts on your Heart Chakra area during relaxation

In our shop, you can find a wide variety of Amethyst products including:

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Crystals For Dogs With Anxiety

Even dogs may suffer from anxiety, especially those who are always with people. That is why pet owners should know the best crystals for dogs with anxiety. Amber has calming and energizing effects while amethyst reduces stress. You can also try to use black tourmaline to protect dogs from the negative emotions and physical energies from people.

Selenite can clear up negative energies and may also help both dogs and humans with seizures. On the other hand, clear quartz can lessen emotional distress, and it has amplification benefits to the dogs. Of all the crystals, this one is the must-have for your pet.

Crystals For Travel Anxiety

Although travelling can be fun, we cannot do away with stress while travelling. To keep yourself calm and relaxed, bring some crystals for travel anxiety such as amethyst. This stone can assure you that you will have peace of mind during your trip. Of course, you want to have fun and enjoy the moment. Feeling stressed and anxious will just take away all the fun.

Hence, if you are on travel, carry an amethyst with you. Place it in your purse or pocket to reduce anxiety. This way, you can go places without worrying about anything, and you will make the most of your trip.

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So What Healing Crystals Are Actually Good For Anxiety

Firstly, Amethyst!

Amethyst is a type of crystal that has long been valued for its many therapeutic benefits. In particular, this stone is prized for its ability to relieve anxiety and help restore mental clarity and balance. Its healing properties are believed to be linked to its high level of quartz, which itself is known for its positive effects on the mind and emotions. Crystal healers also believe that amethyst has a calming effect on both the body and spirit, making it useful for reconnecting with your more grounded and peaceful self. Whether you use amethyst as part of your regular meditation practise or simply carry a piece in your pocket, there is no doubt that this powerful crystal can provide relief from feelings of stress, worry, and panic. So if youre looking for some natural help with your anxiety, why not give amethyst a try? You just might be amazed at how quickly it can lift you up out of those anxious feelings and return you to your peaceful, centred self.

Lepidolites Healing Properties are great for reliving Anxiety,

Lepidolite is a type of crystal that is said to be helpful for relieving anxiety. Some people believe that lepidolite can help to balance mood swings and calm the mind. Others say that lepidolite is helpful for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims, but many people find lepidolite to be helpful for managing anxiety.

Finally, Clear Quartz!

How To Use Blue Lace Agate For Anxiety:

CRYSTALS FOR ANXIETY || 9 crystals that can help cope with and prevent anxiety
  • Blue lace agate is very popular as a jewellery stone, for both its calming properties and its beautiful appearance
  • Place the stones in your bedroom to benefit from its gentle energy while you rest
  • Put the stones on your desk or elsewhere in your office to help reduce tension and improve communication

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The History Of Using Healing Crystals For Anxiety

The origins of crystal healing date back to Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and Rome, and Ancient India.

Crystal healing is a natural practice of alternative medicine that uses crystals for healing purposes. It uses the vibrations created by the crystals to heal physical and mental ailments. The healing properties of crystals have been used since ancient times by different cultures worldwide.

Crystals That Help With Anxiety

crystals for anxiety and stress. crystals for anxiety and depression, crystals for anxiety and sleep, crystals that help with anxiety, gemstones for anxiety, crystals for confidence and anxiety.

If you often find yourself wearing the weight of stress and anxiety. These Healing Crystals can be just the cure to the chaos you need.

As gemstones have tremendous healing powers, we have picked out the best crystals for anxiety to soothe and instill balance back into your soul.

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Purple Crystals For Anxiety Relief And Healing


Finding the right healing crystals for anxiety can sometimes cause you to feel more anxious. There are thousands of stones, crystals, and gems to choose from, and sifting through the different types to find the stones you need for your mental health can be a difficult task. The good news is that I make it easy! On our online mental health shop, we only sell crystals for mental health so you can easily pick whichever ones you gravitate towards and know that it has the benefits youre looking for. However, if youre looking for purple crystals for anxiety relief, this guide will steer you towards the best ones for that.

How Do You Activate Crystals

Crystals for Anxiety

Each crystal activates differently and you must consult your dealer on how to do it. Generally, the activation process involves keeping it covered and soaked in water overnight. The kind of material you need to use for this process differs from case to case. Sometimes, you need to reactivate the crystal using rituals.

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Rose Quartz And Rhodochrosite

The pink stones signify the heart chakra. This is the most powerful stone among all the crystals as it will provide you the energy to view life through rose-tinted glasses. The pink hue is the color of unlimited love and compassion.

It gives you full strength to fight your anxiety. Rose quartz has a strong healing effect for anxiety. They are almost of pastel pale pink shade, which is a good sign of its most commonly known feature. These stones function both to receive and give love.

How To Use Blue Lace Agate To Cure Anxiety

  • Sometimes our minds can get mixed up with the feelings that arise in our body. Blue Lace Agate can help us separate our minds from the feelings that arise
  • When the mind stops labeling the feelings that occur throughout the day, we are in a much better position to deal with anxiety.
  • Use this crystal if you are having trouble with sporadic feelings and thought-forms during your meditation
  • Placing this crystal anywhere in your home or your workspace can bring a feeling of serenity in that location
  • Due to its color, it can be very helpful in dealing with blockages of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is directly related to anxiety, since its responsible for how you express your intentions out into the world.

So what crystal is best for anxiety? The above mentioned crystals are what has been highly recommended by users for anxiety. The truth is there is no right answer!Crystals are like programmable computers, they can be used to achieve multiple goals. So if you havent decided which one is for you yet, go through the list once again and choose a crystal that resonates the most with you!

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this site are intended for motivation and to help you gather knowledge. We assemble this data from crystal experts, books, legends and different sources. They are likewise reliant upon the beliefs and convictions of the person. They are not a replacement for proper medical advice from qualified professionals.

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Alexandrite Gives You Courage To Face Change Without Fear

People fear change. Its in our DNA. But change isnt always a bad thing, especially when you learn how to embrace it and thats where Alexandrite will help you. Alexandrite is a stone of courage that balances the nervous system to help you face change with no fears.

How Does Alexandrite Help With Anxiety?

Alexandrite helps you face change and difficult situations without fear, which combats anxiety right then and there. Its also helps balance your nervous system to alleviate anxiety, tension and stress. Alexandrite is also a great stone for treating physical anxiety symptoms, such as tension headaches. Here are some additional healing properties of Alexandrite:

  • Balances nervous system
  • Helps you assess your emotions and emotions of others
  • Guides you to accept change
  • Encourages you to let go of emotional issues
  • Promotes calming feelings when feeling lost

Crystal therapy using purple stones for anxiety offers well-rounded healing that addresses physical, mental and emotional issues contributing to your mental health. Its a natural alternative that is readily available to you at anytime. As long as you have your purple crystals for anxiety, you have the healing youre looking for.

However, if you are in a really difficult spot in your life and find yourself struggling, there are many other types of therapy for anxiety. Please speak with a professional who can provide you with the necessary techniques and guidance needed to get you through.

How Can Crystals Help Anxiety

CRYSTALS FOR STRESS & ANXIETY- emotional support

Despite there being no scientific evidence to back the use of crystals for healing, there remain mass amounts of people who seek out the use of these energetically charged rocks from the Earth for the purpose of attaining wellness.

One can work with crystals for a myriad of purposes. Some use them to dispel negative energy, attract opportunity, or amplify love. Others use them to relieve stress or manage chronic pain. There are some crystals that supposedly even work to connect one to plains of psychic ability.

Its unsurprising then that there is help in the form of specific crystals for anxiety and PTSD. If youre looking for hard facts about how these anxiety crystals work on the human body, youll be searching until the end of time.

Understanding how crystals can help with anxiety requires a certain level of surrender to the powers that be: those that are beyond what can be observed physically with the eyes and only experienced on an energetic level.

Crystals work by affecting the energy of objects and beings within close proximity of the stones themselves. These crystals are naturally occurring rocks found in the Earth , and they are charged with the energy of the elements.

When we introduce energy specific crystals into our personal vibratory field, we can attract relief from various conditions, including anxiety and stress.

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Traditional And Historical Uses

Ancient practices, primarily from the Asian tradition, employed crystals as charms for health and protection. People used certain crystals for specific purposes. For example, the ancient Egyptians used chrysolite to ward off nightmares and evil spirits, and used green stones for burial purposes.

Crystals also played a role in some religious traditions, and people used them up for healing up until the Renaissance period. They are mentioned in several sacred texts, including the Bible, the Koran, and Buddhist writings.

The ancient Greeks used amethyst to prevent drunkenness and hangovers, and hematite, a type of iron ore, for protection in battle.

In addition, as late as 1609 in Germany, the court physician to Rudolf II suggested that good or bad angels transmitted powers to certain crystals, giving them their power.

The placebo effect may produce some benefit in people who use crystals. However, they are not a cure or long-term remedy for anxiety and depression. Instead, a doctor may recommend any of the following treatments for long-term success:

  • recurring therapy sessions

Form A Calm Trust And Love Grid

Create a grid thats specifically made to counteract your anxiety and fears. You can use Chrysocolla, Rose Quartz, and Nirvana Quartz for this purpose.

There are many different soothing crystals for anxiety, and everyone will resonate with many different ones.

Trust in what you feel when choosing the best anxiety healing crystals for you to use. If you find a certain crystal attracting you or drawing you, trust in your intuition and go for it.

If you are able to see, listen to, touch, and feel the calming crystals in person, hold each crystal in your hand and find out which one feels perfect with your energy!

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Here Are Some Of My Favorite Social Anxiety Tools

Thanks for reading! I hope you found some helpful tips. Since this site is about social anxiety, I wanted to also share some tools I use that I hope youll find helpful. Some of these are affiliate links, so if you decide to try them, Ill earn a commission. However, I only recommend things I have used myself and would recommend to a friend or family member.

Online Therapy: For online therapy, I have personally used and like the service offered by Betterhelp. It’s easy to get started from the comfort of your home. You’ll even get a discount on your first month of therapy when you use my link.

Doctor Visits: For doctor visits, Web Doctors offers convenient online appointments.

Audible Subscription: I recommend a lot of self-help books on this site, but I actually prefer an audiobook subscription over print books! My favorite subscription service is Audible because it has all the best-sellers and they stay in your digital library forever . You can and listen to your first two books for free.

Social Anxiety Masterclass: The Social Anxiety Masterclass is my signature course where I walk you through everything I know about how to manage social anxiety. If you’re not ready to enroll in the course, be sure to to hear about special deals!

How To Cleanse Crystals For Anxiety

Dispell Any Nervous Energy By Keeping These Stones Near You

Like any other crystals, the different crystals for anxiety may become compromised by negative energies and vibrations especially, if they are exposed to the outside world for a long period of time. With that in mind, you need to cleanse your crystals at least once every month to maintain their powerful energies.

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