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How To Calm Down Anxiety

Summary: How To Calm Anxiety Fast

How-To calm down, stop anxiety and stress

Pare down the to-do list, creating white space on your calendar. Practice being still before God, meditating on His goodness. Focus on things you can control, rather than the things you cant control. When you identify what is outside of your circle of control, pray and entrust it to God.

Be purposeful in carving out time to be still, meditating on things that are lovely delightful and true. Try box breathing as a way to calm down. Take the time to write your thoughts down and then challenge thoughts that are untrue. Practicing gratitude can increase your happiness by 25%, decreasing your anxiety at the same time.

Play worship music soak in things that improve your spiritual, emotional and mental health. Focus on just doing the next thing rather than worrying about tomorrow. Give yourself permission to worry at designated times so it doesnt consume the day. Find a trusted friend who is seasoned in faith to support you through feeling anxious.

What would you add to this list. What helps you to calm anxiety fast? Leave a note in the comments!

Instant Ways To Calm Yourself Down

Becoming easily overwhelmed or over-aroused is common in highly sensitive people. Here are some tips and tricks I’ve learned to take the edge off.


As a highly sensitive person , I’m easily overwhelmed or over-aroused. As such, I am always looking for ways to calm down. Here are some techniques I have compiled over the years. Some of them I picked up in Arons book, some as part of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program I participated in, and others in Lauren Brukners fantastic book The Kids Guide to Staying Awesome and in Control .

Release The Anxiety Or Anger

Dehorty recommends getting the emotional energy out with exercise. Go for a walk or run. in some physical activity serotonin to help you calm down and feel better.

However, you should avoid physical activity that includes the expression of anger, such as punching walls or screaming.

This has been shown to increase feelings of anger, as it reinforces the emotions because you end up feeling good as the result of being angry, Dehorty explains.

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Knowing When To Seek Additional Help

If handling anxiety and stress on your own isnt working, it may be time to seek professional help.

Parents need to know the signs to look for, so that they know when its time to bring their child to a professional for an evaluation and possibly treatment, says Saltz.

They also need to communicate with educators when they think their child needs more help, attention, tools, and support.

Additionally, says Saltz, parents need to know when they may need extra help. Its hard to help your child with anxiety if you yourself have an anxiety disorder, she says.

Ways To Help Lower Anxiety Naturally

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Overcoming a challenge takes strength and courage, so its a good idea to show up nourished and well-rested. Heres how to help lower anxiety naturally.

Taking care of yourself is key. Research shows that after a good nights sleep 7-9 hours is ideal youre likely to feel less anxious and more confident. Physical activity during the day will help you sleep better, but you know that! Eating real, unprocessed food lean protein, whole grains, legumes, fruit, nuts, veggies, the occasional piece of dark chocolate! will keep your energy level on an even keel. Fast food and processed snacks cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar that can leave you jittery. Here are 6 natural cures for anxiety worth considering.

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Knowing The Signs Of An Anxiety Attack

The first anxiety attack someone has usually catches them off guard. The signs of an attack are often so intense that the person does not know how to react at the time. Since they become more anxious about being anxious, symptoms worsen. Many tend to think that they are having a heart attack or a stroke.

An anxiety attack can sneak up on you, and the symptoms can hit you quickly. Knowing what the signs are will make it easier for you to calm down. Some signs of an anxiety attack include shortness of breath or heavy breathing when thinking about a particular scenario. Sounds seem louder, and lights seem brighter than the norm. The heart may beat very fast or irregularly. Many people suffering from anxiety attacks experience dissociation, feeling as if they are watching themselves from outside their bodies.

When someone is anxious, they may display an extreme change in emotion, such as an unstoppable need to cry, scream, laugh, or yell. The person may need to get away from an uncomfortable situation immediately, even if it results in losing a job or ruining a relationship. Physically, someone having an anxiety attack can have an uncontrollable shaking or other movements of a hand, foot, or another body part.

In many cases, those who suffer from severe anxiety worry about having a panic attack. This condition can escalate the symptoms and bring on an anxiety attack. Learning coping mechanisms from therapy can stop anxiety before it even starts is extremely important.

Burn Off Your Anxiety

When youre anxious, it can sometimes be too hard to perform a technique like deep breathing, as your adrenaline makes it difficult for you to concentrate.

In these moments, try doing something that rids your body of this adrenaline, which could include:

  • Chores that need a lot of energy to complete
  • High intensity exercise
  • Dancing around the house to loud music
  • Any aerobic exercise

These activities can calm your brain and body, helping you to focus and think rationally. You may then choose to move onto something like deep breathing or the 5,4,3,2,1 technique to quieten any anxious thoughts that are still present.

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Practice Deep Belly Breathing

You can practice deep breathing between classes, at lunch, or before and after school.

  • Sit comfortably, with both feet on floor, and place one hand on your abdomen. Make sure your muscles are relaxed.
  • Breathe deeply through your nose until your abdomen rises.
  • Hold this breath for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth like youre blowing through a straw.
  • Repeat this pattern for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Hydrate With Water And Meditate On Water

    How to Calm Down Instantly in 10 Seconds (When You’re Anxious)

    During the workday, I will often walk a block over to a creek and follow the subtle current with my eyes. Maybe it is because as infants we emerged from water that it has the power to soothe. Water helps in many ways, writes Aron. When overaroused, keep drinking it a big glass of it once an hour. Walk beside some water, look at it, listen to it. Get into some if you can, for a bath or a swim. Hot tubs and hot springs are popular for good reasons.

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    Take A Mental Health Day

    Tracking your moods can also allow you to plan ahead for low days. For example, your mental state may fluctuate with hormonal changes throughout your cycle, so if you know you typically feel extra anxious just before your period, you can begin to anticipate certain waves of emotions and inform those around you, says Colangelo. She suggests planning a Zoom with friends, or taking a mental health day if you can, just to relax.

    Start A Walking Program

    Walking just 30 minutes a day can significantly reduce your risk for major chronic diseases, including anxiety and depression. Read these tips to get started.

    Use the following ideas to start your own walking program.

    • Wear the pedometer for a few days and see how many steps you average.
    • Set a daily goal and work up to it. A good goal is to increase your average daily steps gradually so that you get used to the increased distance. Recommendations vary on how fast to increase steps. Anywhere from 500-2,000 steps a week is reasonable.
    • Record your daily steps in a log or notebook.

    There are many ways to increase your daily steps:

    • Choose a more distant parking place
    • Take the stairs
    • Walk over to a friendâs dorm room or a colleagueâs office instead of using the phone or e-mail
    • Walk the dog
    • Walk with a friend each day

    Find ways to walk even during the winter months or other inclement weather.

    • Walking in the malls
    • Local school track or fitness center
    • 3-5min âwalk breaksâ during study time/work/etc

    If you experience pain or discomfort, check with your primary care provider.

    Remember, it takes about six months to âlock-inâ a new behavior. Think of your walking program as a permanent change in your behavior. If you maintain your walking program for a minimum of six months, you are much more likely to maintain this change long-term.

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    Causes Of Anxiety Fear And Panic

    There are many different causes of anxiety, fear or panic and its different for everyone.

    When youre feeling anxious or scared, your body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.

    This can be helpful in some situations, but it might also cause physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate and increased sweating. In some people, it might cause a panic attack.

    Regular anxiety, fear or panic can also be the main symptom of several health conditions. Do not self-diagnose speak to a GP if youre worried about how youre feeling.

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    Home Remedies: Anxiety And Stress

    How to calm down during an anxiety attack, panic attack ...

    Stress is something that just about everyone knows well and experiences often. Itâs that feeling of pressure, typically a result of too much to do and too little time to do it in. In a busy life, stress is almost unavoidable. Stress is caused by events that are positive new job, vacation or marriage as well as negative job loss, divorce or death in the family. Stress is not the event itself but rather, your psychological or physical reaction to the event.

    Anxiety is a tense feeling that often accompanies stress. Itâs typically directed toward the future toward something that may happen soon. Some Anxiety can motivate you or help yo respond to danger. However, if you have ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities and makes it hard to enjoy life, then anxiety can be a problem.

    Lifestyle and home remedies:

    Art and music therapy can be helpful. You can use drawing, painting, clay and sculpture to express you inner thought and emotions when talking about them is difficult. The creation and interpretations of art is thought to therapeutic. Listening to or playing music even during medical procedures a]has also been shown to have relaxing and calming effects.

    To cope with an anxiety disorder, here are things to consider:


    Thereâs no way to predict for certain what will cause someone to develop an anxiety disorder, but you can take steps to reduce the impact of symptoms if youâre anxious:

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    How To Deal With An Anxiety Attack

  • Anxiety
  • How to Deal With an
  • If you regularly suffer from stress, knowing how to deal with an anxiety attack is exceptionally beneficial. Many people do not know how to react when anxiety reaches the point that it triggers an attack. Knowing how to calm down right away will help you cope with the situation. Read on to learn the signs of an anxiety attack, steps to take when one occurs, and how Rose Hill Center, our anxiety treatment center in Holly MI, can help.

    Draw Around Your Foot In Your Mind

    Place your feet on the ground and in your imagination pick your favorite color to draw an outline around each foot. Start at the heel and using your imaginary pencil slowly go up the side of your foot to your pinky toe and then make sure you draw around each toe and then go back towards the heel. Repeat on the other foot.

    Another quick way to focus on your feet when you are in a stressful situation is just wiggle your toes inside your shoe. Pay attention to the sensation as you move each separate toe. Do some move independently of the others? Tense up your whole foot then stretch it out. Now do the other foot.

    As you can see, grounding helps you get out of your brain and bring your focus to your body. Try them all when you are only slightly worried about something and then chose the ones that you like best and practice them so they are easy to remember when you really need them.

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    How To Help Calm Other People

    It can be hard to know how to help your friends and colleagues when theyre upset. And you likely know how frustrating Just calm down can be. Here are some ways you can help calm other people down when theyre upset:

    1. Just listen

    A listening ear is surprisingly hard to find. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone whos upset is provide a safe, non-judgemental space. Avoid giving them advice or interjecting with your experience. Just let them get it out.

    2. Ask questions

    Instead of telling them what they should do, ask questions about their experience. Aim to understand where theyre coming from. Validate them and their feelings. Statements like I cant imagine how frustrated you must be can help them feel heard without adding fuel to the fire.

    3. Encourage them to get out of their head

    When dealing with emotions, the physical sensations can be just as overwhelming as the emotional ones. Utilize the brain-body connection and do something physical. Depending on what theyre feeling, you can have them push against a wall, stretch, do jumping jacks, or just exhale slowly.

    4. Help them change their scenery

    If its possible, take them on a walk or get them into a different space. This can be especially helpful when the location theyre in is contributing to their stress. Grab a cup of coffee or visit a nearby park. If thats not possible, see if you can grab an open conference room or other, neutral space.

    5. Smile

    Talk To Someone Friendly

    How to Calm Down (Relax Anxiety Instantly)

    Another very effective technique is to talk to someone you like and trust, especially on the phone. Don’t be shy about your anxiety – tell them you feel anxious and explain what you’re feeling.

    Talking to nice, empathetic people keeps your mind off of your symptoms, and the supportive nature of friends and family gives you an added boost of confidence. If you’re suffering from a panic attack, it also helps you feel more confident that if something were wrong, you’d have someone that can watch over you.

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