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HomeHelpDoes B6 Help With Anxiety

Does B6 Help With Anxiety

Cant I Just Buy A Good Vitamin B12 Supplement Then Why Buy A Complex

Vitamin B6 For Anxiety & Depression. Fact or Fiction?

Sure you can and it might even work very well but heres the deal

even though the B1,B2,B3,B5,B7 and B9s do not have as strong role in the anxiety reducing mechanism as B12 and B6 they are indeed important for getting the optimal anxiety reducing effects.

This is because they work synergistically so without them the B6 and B12 would not be able to reduce anxiety as well as they do. Thats why I strongly recommend taking a full B complex supplement instead of buying only B12 and B6 addition to this the whole vitamin B family are, of course, also involved in hundreds of processes in our bodies that have nothing to do with stress, anxiety and depression but are otherwise crucial to our health.

How Does Vitamin B6 Help With Stress

Do you feel like youre constantly under pressure? Stress can have negative effects on both your physical and mental health. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life. One way is by taking vitamin B6.

Vitamin B-complex supplements are often recommended for people who are under a lot of stress. Vitamin B-complex includes all of the B vitamins, but vitamin B-12 and folic acid are the most important for stress relief. These vitamins help the body to produce more energy and reduce anxiety.

Vitamin B-12 is found in animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy. It is also available in supplement form. Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It is also available in supplement form.

If you are taking a vitamin B-complex supplement, make sure it includes both vitamin B-12 and folic acid. If you dont eat meat, eggs, or dairy, you may need to take a vitamin B-12 supplement.

Vitamin B-12 and folic acid are important for stress relief because they help the body to produce more energy. When youre under stress, your body needs more energy to cope with the demands placed on it. These vitamins help to increase energy production in the body.

In addition to taking a vitamin B-complex supplement, there are other things you can do to reduce stress. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall health. Yoga and meditation are also excellent ways to reduce stress.

Vitamin B: A Helpful Tool For Stress Management

B6 is an overlooked strategy for handling stress and inflammatory conditions. Many people may benefit from this well-tolerated and inexpensive treatment at lower doses. While most studies look at B6 alone as a treatment, it seems to work best in an integrated approach with other B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, and other nutrients. For those who are at risk or prone to low levels, you may want to discuss with your doctor if B6 supplementation could be helpful.

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B6 Vs Stress: How B6 Protects The Brain

Most of us know how stress can affect our mood and energy levels during the day. However, handling stress isnt just about being mentally strong enough. Chronic or long-term stress can actually change the brains biology and make us more vulnerable to conditions like depression and anxiety.

Vitamin B6 is arguably the most important B vitamin for mental and brain health because it is critical for making neurotransmitters and can help minimize the harmful effects of stress, including:

  • Psychological effects of stress: B6 helps produce calming neurotransmitters, including serotonin and GABA. These neurotransmitters can help us feel more stable and less overwhelmed in the face of trauma or day-to-day stressors.

  • Biological effects of stress: Over time, stress hormones like cortisol can cause damage to the brain and body, resulting in problems including memory loss and stomach ulcers.

  • Physical toxins and infections: Animal studies have found that B6 may reduce brain inflammation and cell death and prevent memory loss associated with meningitis infection.

In order to effectively handle stress emotionally and physically, its important to have optimal levels of B6.

What Is Vitamin B6 What Does It Do

Genius Joy B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that we must get through our food, as our bodies cant make on their own. There are six different forms of B6, and pyridoxal 5-phosphate is the most active form that the body can easily use for important functions.

B6 is like a busy, productive factory worker that operates in over 150 pathways in the body. Its two main roles include:

  • Building and breaking down molecules, including amino acids, fats, and neurotransmitters. Notably, it helps to break down the amino acid homocysteine. Too much homocysteine can be a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and dementia.

  • Protecting us from the effects of stress. Over time, stressors like high blood sugar and inflammation can cause damage to our cells and tissues, leading to more serious conditions like diabetes.

In addition to its many tasks in the body, B6 is also busy at work in the brain.

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What Were The Findings Of This Study

As illustrated in the chart below, both the magnesium only group and the magnesium plus B6 group experienced rapid and significant reductions in stress over the 8 week period overall, the reduction was around 40%. However, there was a 24% greater improvement in stress in the magnesium with vitamin B6 group compared to the magnesium only group for those with severe or extremely severe stress.

This study is an example of how nutrients can work together to produce a greater effect on health than either nutrient alone.

Slows Down Memory Loss

Weve already touched upon the importance of B12 when it comes to brain function. A deficiencyhas been strongly linkedto impaired cognition and memory loss in older adults.

Vitamin B12 has been linked to improved brain processes, helping your neurons to regenerate the nerve fiber sheaths that work to protect the neuron.

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Our Favorite Vitamin B6 Supplements

We trust the following products based on their quality and our clinical experience: Klaire Labs& Designs for Health.

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May Promote Brain Health And Reduce Alzheimers Risk

Vitamin B6 Supplements In High Doses Can Calm Anxiety, Depression

Vitamin B6 may play a role in improving brain function and preventing Alzheimers disease, but the research is conflicting.

On the one hand, B6 can decrease high homocysteine blood levels that may increase the risk of Alzheimers .

One study in 156 adults with high homocysteine levels and mild cognitive impairment found that taking high doses of B6, B12 and folate decreased homocysteine and reduced wasting in some regions of the brain that are vulnerable to Alzheimers .

However, its unclear if a decrease in homocysteine translates to improvements in brain function or a slower rate of cognitive impairment.

A randomized controlled trial in over 400 adults with mild to moderate Alzheimers found that high doses of B6, B12 and folate decreased homocysteine levels but did not slow decline in brain function compared to a placebo .

In addition, a review of 19 studies concluded that supplementing with B6, B12 and folate alone or in combination did not improve brain function or reduce the risk of Alzheimers .

More research that looks at the effect of vitamin B6 alone on homocysteine levels and brain function is needed to better understand the role of this vitamin in improving brain health.

Summary Vitamin B6 may prevent a decline in brain function by decreasing homocysteine levels that have been associated with Alzheimers disease and memory impairments. However, studies have not proven the effectiveness of B6 in improving brain health.

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Ok So It Looks Like Vitamin B Does Work With Anxiety But Will It Work For Me

No one can say for sure. It depends on many factors. For example people who are deficient in vitamin B and who starts supplementing will probably be the ones who notices strongest effects. This is of course natural and to be expected but even people who eat a healthy diet and do not have a B12 deficiency, for example, have also reported reduced anxiety levels. In addition to this we are all different and respond differently to everything so the only way to know for sure is to try it.

Personally I feel the effects but its by no means a miracle cure . It is, however, another tool for anxiety and my philosophy is to collect and try out as many tool and tricks I can

as long as they are risk free, that is.

How Might It Work

The evidence suggests B12 could improve our mental health. But how might it do this? Or, to use the technical term, what might be the mechanism of action ?

The research from McGill1 provides a possible explanation:

âIn most, but not all, studies on patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, folate deficiency was associated with low levels of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid . In one study, supplementation with folate restored CSF 5-HIAA levels to normal.â

If B12 is vital to regulating our levels of serotonin, and serotonin is key to a healthy brain, this could provide an explanation.

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Why You Should Consider A Vitamin B12 Supplement

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that serves several crucial roles in the body, including improving your mood and decreasing your symptoms of anxiety and depression.

You should take the necessary steps to keep your levels of Vitamin B12 within a normal range to boost your mood and may help your depression.

Vitamin B6 Supplements Were Shown To Reduce Depression And Anxiety In A Recent Study

Vitamin B6 for migraine headaches health remedy

According to a recent study, using high-dose Vitamin B6 tablets could help with feelings of anxiety and depression.

Researchers from the University of Reading studied the effects of high dosages of Vitamin B6 on young adults and discovered that they felt less anxious and depressed after taking the supplements every day for a month.

The research, published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, adds to the body of evidence supporting the use of supplements believed to alter brain activity levels for the prevention or treatment of mood disorders.

Dr. David Field, the lead author of the study from the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, said: The functioning of the brain relies on a delicate balance between the excitatory neurons that carry information around and inhibitory ones, which prevent runaway activity. Recent theories have connected mood disorders and some other neuropsychiatric conditions with a disturbance of this balance, often in the direction of raised levels of brain activity. Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, and our study links this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants.

While prior research has shown that multivitamins or marmite may lower stress levels, few studies have looked into which vitamins are responsible for this impact.

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Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid is one of the lesser known B-Vitamins to the average individual, as it is not commonly used as a natural health supplement. But it’s still an important one. It plays a role in the creation of the acetylcholine neurotransmitters, oxidizes fatty acids, and more. It also produces CoEnzyme-A.

It’s rare to be deficient in B5. The name itself translates almost literally to “from everywhere” because it’s found in nearly every type of food.

While Pantothenic Acid may help with a variety of unfortunate and painful conditions, it does not appear to play any role in anxiety or stress whatsoever.

Verdict: No known benefit

Foods High In Vitamin B6

Your body isnt able to store very much B6. To avoid deficiency, you need to consume it on a regular basis.

This is generally not hard to do, as B6 is widely found in many animal and plant foods. In addition, its often added to fortified foods like breakfast cereals and nutrition bars.

The reference daily intake for vitamin B6 for non-pregnant adults is 1.7 mg .

Here are some of the top foods that naturally supply B6, as well as common serving sizes :


27 ).

Nerve problems from B6 deficiency are reversible with adequate B6 intake. On the other hand, nerve problems from B6 toxicity may be more difficult to treat.

Summary Burning, shooting pains in your limbs, hands and feet can be caused by nerve damage from B6 deficiency or overdose.

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Panic Attacks And Anxiety Linked To Low Vitamin B6 And Iron Levels

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness, affecting 18% of the American population alone. They develop as the result of a complex set of factors, including personality, brain chemistry, genetics, and life experiences. Anxiety disorders often accompany depression.

Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder. Panic attacks occur spontaneously and often when theres no real threat, only a perceived one.

It is characterized by the following physical symptoms :

  • Breathing difficulty shortness of breath or feeling smothered
  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Feeling hot or a cold chill
  • Tingly or numb hands
  • Hyperventilation

We often cannot change things that happen to us but how we handle lifes curve balls dictates our quality of life. However, if we could change things, who wouldnt jump at the opportunity.

Studies into the causes of anxiety and depression have found that diet directly affects your mental state.

A New Research Measured The Impact Of High Doses Of Vitamin B6 On Young Adults And Found That They Reported Feeling Less Anxious And Depressed After Taking The Supplements Every Day For A Month

P5P (Active Vitamin B6) Beat Anxiety & Depression increase Energy

Trial participants reported feeling less anxious or depressed after taking high doses of Vitamin B6 for a month. The trial provides evidence that the calming effect B6 has on the brain could make it effective in preventing or treating mood disorders.

Scientists at the University of Reading measured the impact of high doses of Vitamin B6 on young adults and found that they reported feeling less anxious and depressed after taking the supplements every day for a month.

The study, published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, provides valuable evidence to support the use of supplements thought to modify levels of activity in the brain for preventing or treating mood disorders.

Dr David Field, lead author from the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, said: “The functioning of the brain relies on a delicate balance between the excitatory neurons that carry information around and inhibitory ones, which prevent runaway activity.

“Recent theories have connected mood disorders and some other neuropsychiatric conditions with a disturbance of this balance, often in the direction of raised levels of brain activity.

“Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, and our study links this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants.”

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Tiredness And Low Energy

A vitamin B6 deficiency can leave you feeling unusually tired and sluggish.

A big reason is vitamin B6s role in helping make hemoglobin. Thats the protein in your red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout your body.

If your cells dont get enough oxygen as a result of too little hemoglobin, its called anemia. That can make you feel tired and weak.

There have been select cases of B6-related anemia in which taking the inactive pyridoxine hydrochloride form of the vitamin didnt help. However, supplementing with the bodys most active form of B6, called pyridoxal 5-phosphate , resolved the anemia (

27 ).

Nerve problems from B6 deficiency are reversible with adequate B6 intake. On the other hand, nerve problems from B6 toxicity may be more difficult to treat.

Summary Burning, shooting pains in your limbs, hands and feet can be caused by nerve damage from B6 deficiency or overdose.

Vitamin B6 Supplements May Help With Anxiety And Depression


Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that is found naturally in many foods as well as in meals and supplements. The active coenzyme form and most frequent measure of B6 blood levels in the body is pyridoxal 5 phosphate . PLP is a coenzyme that helps more than 100 enzymes accomplish diverse jobs, such as protein, carbohydrate, and fat breakdown maintaining appropriate homocysteine levels and supporting immunological function and brain health. The metabolic mechanisms that reduce brain excitation and promote inhibition are mediated by vitamins B6 and B12.

  • Some fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens, bananas, papayas, oranges, and cantaloupe
Vitamin B6 Benefits

A high dose of vitamin B6 or B12 supplementation for one month was compared to a placebo in a double-blind trial to see how it affected a variety of behavioural outcome measures related to the harmony between brain excitation and inhibition. Vitamin B6s involvement in disease prevention has received a lot of attention. The vitamin in supplement form shows the most potential for treating pregnancy-induced nausea, but such use should be done under the guidance of a doctor. In comparison to low blood levels, adequate B6 levels may be related to a decreased risk of cancer. Separate B6 supplements are inconclusive and not advised.

Research Trial

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B Vitamins That Actually Work For Anxiety

  • B-Vitamins are often marketed as a natural treatment for anxiety.
  • These vitamins should not be confused for medicine. Anxiety medications are more effective.
  • Only some B-vitamins may have an anxiolytic effect.
  • Be careful about taking any supplements that have not been substantially researched.
  • Other methods of reducing anxiety are likely far more effective.

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