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How To Know If You Have Social Anxiety

Identify If You Are Addicted To Social Networks

Social Anxiety: Here’s How to Spot the Signs

Nowadays, networks as a contact tool have taken a back seat. These places are now a space to show off what we do and who we are.

Many can use it as a means of inspiration to travel, eat or meet new trends, but there are those who only use it as a platform to be recognized.

Now, to know if you are in the second group, it is important that you take into account the following:

  • The first thing you do when you get up is to update the notifications of your networks
  • You check your profiles constantly
  • You always hope to have a positive feedback
  • You explore your friends’ posts
  • If you don’t get the right feedback, you get frustrated
  • You have an obsession to publish everything, from the moment you get up until you go to bed
  • You compulsively “like” other posts
  • You want to be “online” all day
  • Losing your phone can cause tachycardia or stress
  • You feel more comfortable with conversations through a chat and you rarely feel safe speaking in person
  • If you visualize yourself in at least 5 symptoms like these, then let me tell you that you have become compulsive on social networks.

    Social networks are not the problem, the negative effect can be caused by the malpractice that we give it.

    The networks need a public profile to find followers, the difficult thing is at the level of exposing themselves to public opinion, this is what generates a great addiction.

    Common Symptoms Of Sad

    Symptoms of social anxiety disorder might manifest in different degrees in different situations. Additionally, some people might only experience one or two of these symptoms.

    Because social interaction is such an integral part of life and our feelings of self-worth, symptoms of the disorder come in most areas of our lives. Namely, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, and behavioral symptoms exist at once or separately in different degrees.

    Lets take a look at each one of those categories:

    Explore Your Next Steps

    At NextStep 2 Mental Health, we provide comprehensive and compassionate anxiety treatment. Whether youve been struggling with generalized anxiety or social anxiety disorder, we can help you feel better. Give us a call at our Louisville, Kentucky office at , orsend us a message to request more information.

    You can also request an appointment with our convenient scheduling tool here.

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    What Not To Say

    If youre a confident person whos never suffered from social anxiety, its easy to just not comprehend what someone else is going through or how you can help them deal with their issues. Questions like why do you feel anxious, asking someone to calm down or giving tough love will often do the opposite effect. Instead, the following if far more beneficial:

    Effects Of Social Anxiety

    When you have Social Anxiety it

    Childhood is the time when social skills develop in preparation for the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. Children who suffer from SAD often do not develop appropriate social behaviors. As children grow with the disorder, they may become accustomed to having social fears and create a life based on avoidance.

    Social anxiety disorder can have a devastating impact on your education, career success, financial independence, and personal relationships. Often it will lead to an isolated lifestyle and subsequent depression or substance abuse.

    At the same time, it is unfortunate that people wait so long or never get help when this disorder is treatable. In fact, studies show that nearly 70% of individuals suffering from SAD may be successfully treated with cognitive therapy.

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    Develop Coping Statements To Help You Counter Anxious Thoughts

    Its important to identify coping statements you can tell yourself in a compassionate, kind way. These statements can help you tune out any self-critical thoughts and feel more confident, whether youre at an event or about to be. For example, you may tell yourself, Just breathe, Im safe, Im anxious right now, but thats OK Ive done this before and survived, I can do this, and any other ones that may work for you. You can say these in your head or even go recite them privately in the restroom or outside.

    How To Tell If You’re Just Shy Or Battling Social Anxiety According To Experts

    If you’re an introvert, you may feel insecure or even wonder if there’s something “wrong” with you because you don’t enjoy making small talk or meeting new people as much as everyone else. It can become especially tricky when you begin college and find yourself starting over, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. You may even become concerned that you have social anxiety disorder, and that’s the real reason you sometimes choose not to socialize. But experts say there’s a major difference between being shy and having social anxiety disorder. Here’s how to know where you stand.

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    Diagnosing Social Anxiety Disorder

    There is no medical test to check for social anxiety disorder. Your healthcare provider will diagnose social phobia from a description of your symptoms. They can also diagnose social phobia after examining certain behavioral patterns.

    During your appointment, your healthcare provider will ask you to explain your symptoms. They will also ask you to talk about situations that cause your symptoms. The criteria for social anxiety disorder includes:

    • a constant fear of social situations due to fear of humiliation or embarrassment
    • feeling anxious or panicky before a social interaction
    • a realization that your fears are unreasonable
    • anxiety that disrupts daily living

    Mental Health Treatment Program Locator

    How Do You Make Friends if You Have Social Anxiety? | Kati Morton

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides this online resource for locating mental health treatment facilities and programs. The Mental Health Treatment Locator section of the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator lists facilities providing mental health services to persons with mental illness. Find a facility in your state at

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    Prognosis Of Social Anxiety Disorder

    Social anxiety disorder is often successfully managed with treatment, depending on how severe your fears are. Antidepressant medicines can also be effective.

    Social anxiety disorder symptoms can change over time for example, they may get worse if you’re dealing with a lot of stress or increased demands. In other cases, the symptoms of social anxiety disorder may fade over time.

    How Do I Know If I Have Anxiety

    Anxiety is a normal reaction to many things in life that may cause us to feel threatened, challenged or under pressure. Feeling anxious from time to time is no great cause for concern. However, if you experience persistent anxiety that feels overwhelming, unforgettable and interferes with your daily life, you may be dealing with the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Always reach out to a mental health professional for expert advice on whether your symptoms meet the criteria for a diagnosis.

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    It Damages Social Relationships

    Another negative point that addiction to social networks can produce, are people who do not know how to communicate if it is not through them.

    There are people who prefer to spend more time connected to social networks, and they share little with their loved ones.

    It has even been proven that some acts of infidelity that lead to marriage are caused through social networks.

    Psychological And Emotional Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder

    Anxiety in Women

    The physical signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder can be powerful, but the psychological and emotional symptoms of the disorder are just as significant and disabling.

    Severe social anxiety produces excessive self-consciousness during interactions with other people, and the self-reflections of social anxiety sufferers tend to focus exclusively on worst-case scenarios.

    The psychological and emotional symptoms of social anxiety disorder include:

    • Intense fear of being negatively judged, based on inadequate social performance
    • Constant worry about saying or doing something embarrassing
    • Feelings of severe awkwardness or inferiority around authority figures
    • A fear that others will notice the social anxiety sufferers discomfort and reject them because of it
    • Extreme reluctance to express opinions or initiate conversations, motivated by a fear of being dismissed as stupid or pushy
    • A disproportionate feeling of giddiness or satisfaction at being praised or applauded by others
    • A powerful desire to never be the center of attention
    • Anticipatory anxiety: a debilitating fear of social situations before they arise
    • Feelings of shame and inferiority during actual social encounters
    • Harsh self-judgments following conversations or other interactions with people

    The fears of socially anxious people are not based on a realistic assessment of the possibilities.

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    Where Does Shyness Fit In

    Shyness is another trait that often gets mixed up with social anxiety and introversion. Its even been suggested that social anxiety simply represents an extreme form of shyness.

    Like people with social anxiety, shy people usually feel uncomfortable around strangers and hesitant to open up in social situations.

    If youre shy, you might:

    • prefer to communicate through text or email
    • stick close to good friends in social settings
    • worry about meeting new people and wonder whether theyll like you
    • blush, get sweaty, or feel sick to your stomach before speaking in a group

    Yet shyness often eases as you begin to feel comfortable. For example, you might have zero reservations about speaking your mind among close friends. Or at a party, your nervousness might begin to wear off once you feel welcomed and accepted.

    Social anxiety, introversion, and shyness can occur together, making it tough to tell where one ends and the other begins. That said, many people tend toward shyness or introversion without also having social anxiety.


    If youre shy, introverted, and also have social anxiety, the three can potentially play off each other, making social situations even more overwhelming to contemplate.

    Heres an example:

    Your best friends birthday party is coming up. Theyve planned a smaller, quiet night of boardgames and food, and you know that they really want you to attend.

    Introversion might lead you to prepare by planning a night for yourself before and after the party.

    You might:

    Tips For Making Friends Even If Youre Shy Or Socially Awkward

    No matter how awkward or nervous you feel in the company of others, you can learn to silence self-critical thoughts, boost your self-esteem, and become more confident and secure in your interactions with others. You dont have to change your personality. By simply learning new skills and adopting a different outlook you can overcome your fears and anxiety and build rewarding friendships.

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    They Are Horribly Self

    While most people will accept a bad hair day or clothing that may not be wonderfully flattering, those with social anxiety put huge emphasis on physical appearance, convinced that they are being regularly judged by how they look. The best response? Give compliments on their physical appearance tell them that their outfit looks good on them tell them that the color they are wearing is great praise any physical feature that you can. This bolsters self-confidence and creates a feeling of acceptance.

    How Is It Treated

    How To Know If You Have Anxiety

    Treatment of social anxiety disorder includes counseling, such as , and sometimes medicine, such as antidepressants. Whether you need medicine depends on how much the problem affects your daily life. If you already feel anxious around other people, it may be hard to ask for help. But treatment for social anxiety disorder works for many people.

    Some people with social anxiety disorder turn to alcohol or drugs to help them relax. This can lead to . They may also have depression. It is important to treat these issues too.

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    And How To Tell If Your Child Has Social Anxiety

    On the flip side, kids who have social anxiety fear judgment from others. They worry about embarrassing themselves or making a mistake in front of friends, teachers, and even strangers. You may hear a socially anxious child worrying aloud about doing something wrong. This fear can be paralyzing, and it doesnt usually get better on its own.

    Because socially anxious kids fear judgment, they can definitely have a hard time talking to friends or meeting new people. However, they can have a hard time with other public activities, too. The social in social anxiety refers not just to friendships, but any activities that involve being observed by others. This can include things like reading out loud in class, participating in gym class, or even eating in restaurants or using public restrooms.

    If You Feel Like Other People Are Watching And Judging Your Every Move You Might Have Social Anxiety

    As an introvert, its common to hear things such as come out of your shell, why are you so quiet, speak up more, just come out with us tonight. Since introverts feel more comfortable in the sanctuary of their home, comments such as these can convey pressure and frustration, and they may feel as if they are not accepted for who they are. Its as though introverts are expected to interact as if they were extroverts, and all of this can feel quite uncomfortable!

    This pressure can lead to feelings of anxiety, especially if introverts feel like they are coerced to step outside their comfort zone. Does this mean introverts also have social anxiety? It can, but not necessarily. Theres a difference between being introverted, being shy, and having social anxiety. However, reasons like the above are why introverts may be more susceptible to experiencing social anxiety. But research shows that not all introverts experience social anxiety, and not all socially anxious people are introverts.

    Similarly, being an introvert and being shy are two different things, as well. If you are introverted, you might keep to yourself because you enjoy solitude and recharge from it you need it. If you are shy, however, you may find your shyness eases up as you begin to feel comfortable. For example, you might have zero reservations about speaking your mind among close friends. Or at a party, your nervousness might wear off once you feel welcomed and accepted.

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    Living With Social Anxiety

    Although social anxiety disorder is a chronic mental health condition, there are things you can do to help you manage your diagnosis. Treatment plans may include a combination of therapy, support groups, and/or medication.

    Getting Psychotherapy

    Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is especially helpful for treating social anxiety disorder. CBT teaches you alternative ways of thinking, behaving, and reacting and can in turn help lessen some of your anxieties and fears.

    With CBT, you may also be able to practice social skills. This type of therapy can be done in either a one-on-one or group setting.

    Attending Support Groups

    Although social gatherings can be distressing for people with social anxiety, support groups in which every member deals with the same issues as you do can provide a chance for unbiased feedback as well as understanding. You can also learn how others deal with social anxiety, which might give you some new tools to try.

    Taking Medication

    If your doctor diagnoses you with social anxiety disorder, they may prescribe you one of the following types of medications:

    • Anti-anxiety medications

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