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When To See A Doctor For Anxiety

Worries Come And Go Away But What Happens When They Stay With You All The Time Dont Let Anxiety Affect Your Life For Too Long And See A Mental Health Provider Before It Gets Worse

Should People who have ED caused by Performance Anxiety see a Doctor?

All people experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Normal anxiety has to do with stressful situations that occur from time to time. But some people experience this disorder more intensely and more frequently. The persistent state of anxiety can lead to an anxiety disorder if not treated. Comparatively to normal anxiety, it impacts the quality of life and day-to-day functioning. The signs and symptoms of anxiety come up slowly and develop over time. Every person should take them seriously because they are very dangerous for their lives.

How Accurate Is It

This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by licensed healthcare professionals. If youd like to learn more about anxiety Psycoms guide Tell Me All I Need to Know about Anxiety.

Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns arent legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.

Try A Book Or Online Course

When you are diagnosed with GAD, your GP may recommend trying self-help treatments before having more intensive psychological therapy or medication.

This will usually involve working from a book or computer programme for around six weeks or longer. In some cases, you may be closely supported by a trained therapist who you will speak to every week or two, although some treatments only involve minimal or occasional contact with a therapist who will monitor your progress.

There are a number of different books and courses available that can help you learn to cope with your anxiety, but the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence only recommends trying treatments based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy .

CBT is a type of psychological treatment that can help you understand your condition better and how your problems, thoughts, feelings and behaviour affect each other. The aim of CBT-based treatments is to help you learn ways to manage your anxiety by modifying negative or unhelpful behaviour and thoughts.

Find out more about Living Life – a service which offers appointment-based telephone support based upon cognitive behavioural therapy.

Don’t Miss: How Much Can Anxiety Raise Blood Pressure

Who Is This Anxiety Quiz For

Below is a list of questions designed for people who are experiencing anxiety-inducing thoughts. The questions relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder .

Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.

What Should I Do If I Think I Might Be Suffering From Anxiety

How to cope with Anxiety about Doctors  One Care Medical ...

Both experts urge people who are struggling with anxiety to seek help.

Dr Touroni said: Remember, its OK to ask for help.

In a similar vein, Mr Watts said anxiety is not weird but in fact a rather normal aspect of life.

However, for more severe anxiety disorders, any symptoms are worth a visit to the doctor.

Mr Watts explained: If you know exactly why youre anxious and understand it, then you can use any of the techniques above to relieve it.

Otherwise, if you have a symptom you dont understand, its always best to err on the side of caution, rather than assume that its just anxiety.

Its easy to assume that a mild symptom is nothing more than anxiety but theres no fool-proof way of finding out other than by medical investigation.

This is even true if you just feel anxious but dont know why, since that can often be a sign of physical illness that is as yet not producing other symptoms it can be caught early.

There are a variety of methods of help for anxiety available, including cognitive behavioural therapy and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy .

Dr Touroni explained: If your anxiety is spiralling out of control, therapy can be very helpful.

In your session, a psychologist will help you figure out the root cause of your anxiety, identify any triggers and teach you coping skills and techniques to help diffuse and manage your worries.

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Preparing For Your Appointment

Before the appointment it might be helpful to write down what you’d like to talk about to make sure that you don’t forget anything. Take a few minutes before the appointment to write up a list of things you might want to bring up.

Write down any symptoms of how you’re feeling and how your mood might be affecting you day-to-day life.

Write down key personal information, including upsetting events in your past and any current major stressful events.

Make a list of your medical information, including other physical or mental health conditions and the names and amounts of medications, herbal remedies or supplements you take.

Feel free to take a family member or friend along to your appointment for support if it will help you feel more at ease.

Write down a list of questions to ask. These may include:

  • what type of mental health problem might I have?
  • why can’t I get over my mental health problem on my own?
  • how do you treat my type of mental illness?
  • will counselling or psychotherapy help?
  • are there medications that might help?
  • how long will treatment take?
  • what can I do to help myself?
  • do you have any brochures or other printed material that I can have?
  • what websites do you recommend?

In addition to the questions that you’ve prepared, don’t hesitate to ask questions to your GP if you don’t understand something.

You aren’t alone

How To Help At Home

It is impossible, and often counterproductive, to remove all sources of anxiety from a childs life.

A better approach is to help a child learn effective and productive ways to cope with the situations and activities that make them anxious. This will lower their levels of anxiety over time.

When talking to a child about their anxiety, the way a person poses their questions is key. Some phrasing may lead a child to dwell on their anxiety.

Instead of asking whether they are anxious about a situation, a person can ask an open-ended question about how they feel.

A child may also benefit from someone talking through the situations with them. This can help some children feel more in control of the situation and their responses to it.

It may also help to:

Modeling good coping mechanisms at home can also teach a child how to deal with their own anxiety. It is not necessary for parents or caregivers to hide all of their anxiety from a child by managing stress and anxiety in healthy ways, they can lead by example.

It may be a good idea to seek advice from a doctor if a child is showing symptoms of anxiety that are not eased with anxiety-management techniques at home.

If anxiety is affecting the childs school life or relationships, a doctor or therapist can help.

Possible treatment options for childhood anxiety include:

Read Also: How To Combat Anxiety And Depression Naturally

What Happens During The Appointment

Your doctor will probably complete a physical examination and is likely to take blood samples. He or she may also ask you to go for further tests, depending upon his or her initial assessment. This is to rule out any physical causes of your anxiety, such as thyroid problems, diabetes, or heart disease. The doctor will probably ask you a number of questions, some of which you have answered in the information you wrote down:

  • What are your symptoms and how severe are they?

  • How do your symptoms interfere with daily activities?

Have You Gone To The Hospital For Panic Attacks Before

Top 4 Ways To End The Anxiety Over Doctor Visits

If so, you probably had a series of tests, such as an electrocardiogram and bloodwork. The results are a sure way to find out if your symptoms came from a heart problem or a panic attack.

If doctors didnât find a health issue then and you have the same symptoms now, itâs likely that youâre having another panic attack. But if youâre not sure, you should go to the hospital.

Most panic attacks pass within 30 minutes, but you can take a few steps to calm them on your own. If youâre short of breath, you can try breathing exercises. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable. Take slow, deep breaths gently, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Even if you know panic attacks can cause your symptoms, itâs a good idea to ask your doctor if thereâs a chance you have heart disease.

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Youve probably thought of a million questions you want to ask your doctor. But when youre in the office, theyre easy to forget. Writing them down will help both you and your doctor, and save time. Its a good idea to put the most important questions at the top of the list in case there isnt time for all of them. Here are some questions you may want to ask. Add any others you think are important for your doctor to know.

  • Do I have an anxiety disorder?
  • Is there something else that might be causing my symptoms?
  • What treatment do you recommend?
  • Should I see a psychiatrist or a psychologist?
  • Is there a medication that I can take? Does it have side effects? What can I do to prevent or relieve the side effects?
  • Is there a generic medication I can take? How long will I need to take it?
  • When will I feel better?
  • What else can I do to relieve my symptoms?

The list of questions you make will help you be prepared to answer your doctors questions. Here are some questions your doctor will probably ask you:

Is This The First Time Youve Felt This Way

If youâve never had a panic attack and youâre having chest pain, go to the hospital. A doctor should check to make sure youâre not having a serious medical problem, like a heart attack, a blood clot in your lungs, or a collapsed lung. Risk factors for a heart attack include high blood pressure, being overweight, having a close family member who has had a heart attack, and smoking.

Recommended Reading: How Do Doctors Test For Depression And Anxiety

Talking To Your Doctor About Social Anxiety

Many people with symptoms of social anxiety disorder never receive an official diagnosis because they’re afraid to talk to their doctor about how they’re feeling. You may feel like you don’t know what to say or how to explain it, or maybe you even feel embarrassed about your social anxiety. You’re not alone many people with social anxiety feel similarly.

It is important to realize that anxiety is very commonalmost 20% of U.S. adults experience at least one anxiety disorder each year and more than 30% will experience some type of anxiety disorder during their lifetime.

Unfortunately, research suggests that only about 20% of people with anxiety disorders receive treatment. You don’t have to be one of those numbers. Here are some tips to help you talk to your doctor.

When Should You See Your Doctor For Anxiety Symptoms

At What Level of Stress Do I Need to See a Doctor?
  • Whether you are experiencing anxiety symptoms for the first time or your existing symptoms are worsening, a trip to the doctor is important. Whenever you have new or worsening symptoms regarding anything, a check-up is in order. Youll establish a baseline that will be used to measure progress or regression.
  • You should see a doctor for anxiety, especially generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder symptoms or the experience of panic attacks, to rule out underlying causes of your anxiety. Many medical conditions either mimic anxiety or have anxiety as a symptom and need to be treated directly.
  • Checking in with him/her about over-the-counter medicines and herbal treatments for anxiety can help you get to the bottom of the problem. According to WebMD, some of these supplements contain chemicals that worsen anxiety symptoms.1
  • You should see your doctor for anxiety if you feel that it has taken over your life and is negatively affecting your thoughts, feelings, and actions. A visit to your doctor about what is happening is important to get anxiety treatment recommendations. He/she might talk to you about medication and give you a prescription, and/or might refer you to a reputable therapist or psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders.
  • Always see your doctor, or go straight to the emergency department of your local hospital, if you are having suicidal thoughts.

Recommended Reading: How To Deal With Social Anxiety

When To See A Doctor For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

and panic attacks can interfere with your daily life. If that’s the case, its time to talk about it with your doctor. A doctor can help you find the right treatments so you can cope with your emotions. You can learn to overcome your fears and move through your life with more ease.

You might wonder whether your symptoms are bad enough that you need help. Think about how often you deal with anxiety and panic attacks. Think about how much they affect your life.

Here are signs to look for:

When To Talk With Your Doctor

Anxiety is linked to many medical conditions, so its always a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. If youre concerned about your feelings of anxiety, thats reason enough to talk with your doctor theres no need to wait.

You dont need to have all of the anxiety symptoms to speak up about them, and you shouldnt wait until they worsen, or you develop new ones. Today is a great time to talk about anxiety with a medical professional who cares about your well-being. With both physical and mental health, prevention always benefits you.

The sooner you have an open and honest conversation about anxiety with a health care professional, the sooner you can feel better.

Recommended Reading: How To Calm Chest Anxiety

How Do You Feel About It

The most important question is: how do you feel about it? If you believe that anxiety is impacting your life in a significant and meaningful way, it is worth speaking to your doctor about it.

Maybe you cannot hold down a job, or maintain relationships. But life is about happiness, and if anxiety is taking that from you, you have a right to reclaim your life.

How Will The Doctor Diagnose My Anxiety

Doctor Explains How to Stop a Panic Attack

You will discuss your symptoms with the doctor: what they are, how they interfere with your life, and how long youâve been struggling with them.

The doctor will then likely perform a psychological evaluation and compare your symptoms to criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , published by the American Psychiatric Association.

With that information, your doctor will diagnose you with a specific type of anxiety and recommend a medication to help treat your symptoms.

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