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How To Combat Depression And Anxiety

Eat Food That Makes You Feel Good

How To Fight Depression and Anxiety Caused By Hypothyroidism

Its borderline impossible to eat super healthy all the time especially when you have zero energy to cook. And it doesnt do you any good to feel bad about the food choices you make.

But since research supports the idea that certain foods can impact your mood, we encourage you to pay attention to how your food makes you feel.

What Do Fear And Anxiety Feel Like

When you feel frightened or seriously anxious, your mind and body work very quickly. These are some of the things that might happen:

  • Your heart beats very fast maybe it feels irregular
  • You breathe very fast
  • You have hot and cold sweats
  • You get a dry mouth
  • You get very tense muscles

These things occur because your body, sensing fear, is preparing you for an emergency, so it makes your blood flow to the muscles, increases blood sugar, and gives you the mental ability to focus on the thing that your body perceives as a threat.

With anxiety, in the longer term, you may have some of the above symptoms as well as a more nagging sense of fear, and you may get irritable, have trouble sleeping, develop headaches, or have trouble getting on with work and planning for the future you might have problems having sex, and might lose self-confidence.

Most People With Major Depression Also Suffer An Anxiety Disorder

What’s the best way to deal with depressiona and anxiety? Quickly and definitively. Whatever kicks them off, depression and anxiety both are maintained by styles of thinking that magnify the initial insult and alter the workings of the brain in such a way that the longer an episode exists, the less it takes to set off future episodes.

Anxiety and depression are probably two faces of the same coin. Surveys have long shown that 60 to 70 percent of people with major depression also have an anxiety disorder, while half of those suffering anxiety also have symptoms of clinical depression.

The stress response system is overactive in both disorders. Excess activity of the stress response system sends emotional centers of the brain into overdrive so that negative events make a disproportionate impact and hijack rational response systems. You literally can’t think straight. You ruminate over and over about the difficulties and disappointments you encounter until that’s all you can focus on.

Researchers believe that some people react with anxiety to stressful life events, seeing danger lurking ahead everywherein applying for a job, asking for a favor, asking for a date. And some go beyond anxiety to become depressed, a kind of shutdown in response to anticipated danger.

Cognitive-behavioraltherapy gets at response patterns central to both conditions. And the drugs most commonly used against depression have also been proved effective against an array of anxiety disorders.

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How To Cope With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. Heres what you need to know if they strike simultaneously.

Do you sometimes worry so much that it interferes with your everyday activities? Or feel so blue that it completely clouds your outlook? Do you often experience these or similar feelings together? Youre not the only one.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , anxiety disorders which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder are the most common mental health problem among U.S. adults, affecting 18.1 percent of the population each year. And mood disorders which include major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder are the leading cause of disability.

Moreover, the incidence of developing depression in addition to an anxiety disorder or vice versa is high. Many people with major depression also suffer from severe and persistent anxiety, notes Sally R. Connolly, LCSW, in Louisville, Kentucky. And some experts estimate that 60 percent of people with anxiety will also have symptoms of depression, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness .

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Anxiety & Depression: Ways To Prevent It

Anxiety Vs Depression â Which Is Worse?

December 23, 2021Health0

Its not unusual for anybody to experience anxiousness or depression at some point in their life. Perhaps after losing a loved one, being fired from a job, getting divorced and many other difficult situations can lead to somebody feeling sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or anxious which are natural reactions to lifes stressors.

However, some people experience these feelings daily for no apparent reason, making it difficult to function normally and this is what is classed as an anxiety disorder, depression, or both.

It is also quite common for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. In fact, almost half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, these disorders are both treatable, separately and together.

Being depressed and anxious can make many people feel helpless, but along with therapy and sometimes medication, theres a lot you can do to help yourself, for example changing your behaviour, your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking are all natural depression treatments.

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    Talk To Someone Friendly

    Another very effective technique is to talk to someone you like and trust, especially on the phone. Don’t be shy about your anxiety – tell them you feel anxious and explain what you’re feeling.

    Talking to nice, empathetic people keeps your mind off of your symptoms, and the supportive nature of friends and family gives you an added boost of confidence. If you’re suffering from a panic attack, it also helps you feel more confident that if something were wrong, you’d have someone that can watch over you.

    What Makes You Anxious

    Because anxiety is a type of fear, the things weve described about fear above are also true for anxiety.

    The word anxiety tends to be used to describe worry, or when fear is nagging and persists over time. It is used when the fear is about something in the future rather than what is happening right now.

    Anxiety is a word often used by health professionals when theyre describing persistent fear. The ways that you feel when youre frightened and anxious are very similar, as the basic emotion is the same.

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    The Effects Of Stress On Your Body

    Stress can be normal, especially that it is already part of our daily lives. When you experience stress, a part of your brain, specifically the hypothalamus reacts, allowing the release of stress hormones. Stress hormones are the same hormones that make you sense the fight or flight response of your body.

    When you are threatened, stressed, or having an intense emotion, you will feel that your heart is beating fast, as your heart rate increases. Your breath also becomes faster, your muscles start to shake, and for some, it leads to uncontrollable shedding of tears.

    Chronic stress can affect your body, both in terms of your physical health and mental health. If left untreated or unmanaged, it may result in consistent irritability, anxiety disorder, depression or major depressive disorder, insomnia, headache, back pain, shoulder pain, diarrhea, constipation, stomachache, and nausea and vomiting.

    For some, stress is diverted to overeating, substance abuse , as well as social withdrawal. It can even lead to certain illnesses and serious health conditions like high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, heartburn or acid reflux, erectile dysfunction for males, and irregular, heavier, or more painful menstruation for females.

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    How to fight Depression and Anxiety

    Your doctor is a good source of information and can discuss with you whether what youre experiencing may be anxiety or depression. They can also refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Any of these health professionals can help you with an action plan, whether or not you are diagnosed with anxiety, depression or both.

    Anxiety and depression are like any other conditions there are ways to treat and manage them.

    Lifestyle changes, such as spending time with supportive friends and family, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet and cutting down on alcohol and other drugs are all worthwhile changes that can help to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

    Psychological treatments, including cognitive behaviour therapy, are effective in treating anxiety and depression and are often recommended first, particularly for mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Your doctor may refer you to see a psychologist or other counsellor for this type of treatment.

    For some people, antidepressant medication might also be an option. Antidepressants can be effective for both anxiety and depression. They usually take at least 2 weeks before they start to help, and it may also take some time for your doctor to find the medication and dose that is most effective for you.

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    Focus On The Things You Can Control

    Truthfully, there’s not much you can do about what’s happening around you. You can only take care of yourself, so that’s what you should focus on, Neidich says. Follow the advice of the major health agencies monitoring and fighting coronavirus in the US — the CDC and the WHO.

    • Wash your hands often
    • Stay away from people who are sick
    • Cover your mouth when you cough and your nose when you sneeze
    • Avoid touching your face whenever possible
    • Leave the face masks for medical professionals, caretakers and people with compromised immune systems
    • Avoid nonessential travel
    • Keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and managing stress

    “There is so much that we don’t have control over in life and COVID-19 is no different,” she says. “I invite people in this situation to focus on what they are able to control and to make sure they have a loved one or a counselor to confide in about their emotional experience.”

    Try To Eat A Healthy Diet

    Some people don’t feel like eating when they’re depressed and are at risk of becoming underweight. Others find comfort in food and can put on excess weight.

    Antidepressants can also affect your appetite.

    If you’re concerned about weight loss, weight gain or how antidepressants are affecting your appetite, talk to your GP.

    See tips on how to eat more healthily.

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    Pay Attention To Sleep

    Some people have a hard time going to sleep even at night, because of too much stress or worry. Sometimes, such worry or stress leads to sleep disorders. On the other hand, a sleep disorder may come first, and result in anxiety in the long run. Having said that, research has found out that sleep deprivation may contribute to the aggravations of anxiety.

    Moreover, a lack of sleep also increases your risk of developing heart disease or heart failure. Some may also increase their risk of having high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity, and irregular heartbeat. These are just some of the reasons why you should pay attention to your sleep pattern.

    On a much deeper view, disrupted sleep is almost present in other mental health issues like depression, affecting your daily living. For instance, it can negatively impact your work performance, academic performance, cognitive ability, and increases the risk of physical injury. Surely, these health problems that may arise in the future may create additional worries. Therefore, it is better to take care of your sleeping pattern as early as possible.

    Finding Ways To Fight Anxiety

    Short Tips

    All of these strategies can be effective for those that want to learn how to fight anxiety. They each address specific issues that many of those with anxiety face, and integrating them into your life is a great way to reduce the effects on anxiety on your overall satisfaction.

    But fighting anxiety isn’t enough. You need to win the war. For that, you need to be ready and willing to commit to a successful treatment option that will get to the heart of what is driving the anxiety, and has been shown to reduce anxiety in those that suffer from it regularly.

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    Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

    There isnt a clinical diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for depression and anxiety. From a medical perspective, people who experience these conditions simultaneously have both a diagnosable anxiety disorder and a diagnosable depressive disorder.

    If you start to compare depression vs. anxiety symptoms, youll notice that theres significant overlap. The table below shows distinct symptoms of each disorder, as well as overlapping symptoms common to both. Some people have started referring to the simultaneous experience of anxiety and depression as agitated depression.

    Connect With Friends And Family

    This can be one of the hardest things to do when feeling depressed, but it is one of the most rewarding activities. Isolating oneself from others may seem like a good idea, but put a limit on it and then get out there again.

    Confiding in friends and family members can have a huge positive effect on your mood.

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    What Is Focused Meditation

    Meditation is the practice of becoming self-aware through breath and attention to connect the mind, body, and spirit.Meditation as a whole can change the structure and function of our brain. That being said, focused meditation or a guided meditation for focus is by far the best one. Meditation for focus and concentration can come in different forms. Experienced meditators use the following:

    • Mindfulness this meditation involves us to be focusing on your breath and observing thoughts. This allows us to focus on our feelings without becoming too absorbed in them.
    • Concentrative a meditation that gets us to focus on a particular point be it a word, breath, object, or a point in the space youre meditating. This is meant for us to pay attention to that point and prevent our minds from getting distracted.
    • Moving this meditation involves gets us to focus on slow and repetitive movements similar to yoga or tai chi. The goal is again to be focusing on your breath while relaxing your body and mind with the movements.

    Focused meditation, also known as concentrative meditation, is the practice of meditating and bringing your attention to one single object. This object can be something practical and tangible, such as a mandala painting or a candle flame. It can also be something abstract, such as a phrase or a sound .

    Tip : Practice Relaxation Exercises

    Fight Depression and Anxiety With Your Core Values 26/30 How to Process Emotions

    If you’ve ever sought out help for anxiety in the past, then you’ve no doubt come across relaxation strategies like visualization, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and others. You may have even tried them, and if you have, you probably didn’t experience that much success.

    That’s because what these people don’t tell you is that it can take a long time to feel the benefit. Part of the reason for this is because in the beginning, all you’re doing is thinking about how to do them correctly and whether or not they’ll work. Your mind gets caught up in analysing rather than actually relaxing.

    We’ve said time and time again that you cannot hope to fight anxiety if you are thinking about it too much. So when you start any relaxation exercise, you’re thinking about how it makes you feel and what it does, and whether you’re doing it right, and how ridiculous it feels, and so on. This is natural when trying something new. You’re doing nothing but thinking, because the relaxation exercise isn’t natural to you yet.

    For it to be effective, you have to keep doing it and expect little results until the exercise itself becomes both boring and second nature. As soon as you’re able to perform the relaxation exercise without thinking about it or focusing on each individual part, that’s when it should start working for you.

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