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Who To Go To For Anxiety Medication

Medication For Anxiety Disorders In Adults

Anxiety : How to Use Anxiety Medication

NYU Langone psychiatrists often prescribe medication to manage anxiety disorders as well as coexisting mental health conditions, such as depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Our experts choose a medication based on your symptoms.

Medication can be a short or long term treatment option, depending on your symptoms and your response to treatment. Often, medication is used in conjunction with behavioral therapy or psychotherapy. A medication consultation with an NYU Langone psychiatrist enables you to ask questions about your treatment and discuss your concerns.

Anxiety Medication: List Types And Uses

At some point or another, you have probably experienced anxiety symptoms like racing thoughts, sweaty palms, or shortness of breath. Anxiety is the bodys way of responding to stress, so it is normal to feel physically or mentally anxious from time to time. However, if fear and worry are persistent and interfere with your everyday life, you could be experiencing an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., impacting 40 million adultsthats more than 18% of the population. There are a number of treatment options for anxiety, including anxiety medication.

Other Medications For Anxiety

Many other medicines may help treat anxiety, although doctors usually only prescribe them if SSRIs or similar drugs do not work.

Other medications for anxiety include:


Beta-blockers are a common medication for people with high blood pressure and heart conditions. However, doctors may prescribe them off-label for anxiety in certain situations.

Beta-blockers reduce the effects of norepinephrine, meaning that they can relieve some of the physical symptoms of anxiety. Examples of beta-blockers include atenolol and propranolol .


This anti-anxiety medication may treat short- or long-term anxiety symptoms.

Buspirone works much more slowly than benzodiazepines and may not treat all types of anxiety disorder, but it causes fewer side effects and has a lower risk of dependency.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are one of the earliest types of antidepressant. Doctors may prescribe them off-label to treat the symptoms of panic disorder and social phobia. Types of MAOI include:

  • isocarboxazid

The United States Food and Drug Administration require all antidepressants to carry a black-box warning relating to the risk of suicide in children and young adults.

People under 25 years of age may experience an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors while taking antidepressants, particularly within the first few weeks of use.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK , and it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Recommended Reading: Do Internal Medicine Doctors Treat Anxiety

You Just Need A Break

It’s OK to take medication as a way of giving your mind a break, while also allowing the chance to your thoughts patterns. “Medication can be helpful to take the edge off and make life more manageable,” says NYC-based therapist Kimberly Hershenson, LMSW. “This will allow you to develop healthy coping skills to deal better with your anxiety.”

Using Medication To Manage Anxiety

What You Should Know Before Taking Anti

There are lots of ways to manage anxiety, including cognitive behavioral therapywhich focuses on finding and changing negative thoughtsas well as mindfulness and stress management strategies.

Your doctor or psychiatrist may also recommend anxiety medication. Almost 12 percent of adults in the U.S. take prescription medication for problems with emotions, nerves, or mental health, according to a research letter published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2017. Women are twice as likely as men to take these meds.

There are four different categories of anti-anxiety medicine: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors , benzodiazepines, and tricyclic antidepressants. These medications can also treat other conditions, like depression.

In addition, other medications are used off-label to treat anxiety. This means they are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat anxiety symptoms, but doctors may prescribe them anyway.

For example, beta-blockers, which are drugs used to treat high blood pressure and heart conditions, are sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety.

Beta-blockers, such as propranolol and atenolol , can block physical anxiety symptoms, such as a racing heart or sweating. They are sometimes prescribed to treat short-term symptoms due to stage fright or social anxiety.

Here are the four main categories of anti-anxiety medications:

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Heres What You Need To Know

If your cat suffers from anxiety, you probably want to know what your options are to help her feel better.

Some cats might need a little extra push to help them be their best, and thats where cat anxiety medications come in.The Dodo reached out to Dr. Michelle Burch, a veterinarian from Safe Hounds Pet Insurance, to find out more about the different kinds of anxiety meds for cats.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

In most cases, the first medication you’ll be offered will be a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor .

This type of medication works by increasing the level of a chemical called serotonin in your brain.

Examples of SSRIs you may be prescribed include:

  • difficulty achieving orgasm during sex or masturbation
  • in men, difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection

These side effects should improve over time, although some such as sexual problems can persist.

If your medication isn’t helping after about 2 months of treatment or it’s causing unpleasant side effects, your GP may prescribe an alternative SSRI.

When you and your GP decide it’s appropriate for you to stop taking your medication, you’ll normally have your dose slowly reduced over the course of a few weeks to reduce the risk of withdrawal effects.

Never stop taking your medication unless your GP specifically advises you to.

Also Check: When Is Anxiety A Problem

Complementary And Alternative Therapies

Complementary and Alternative Therapies, sometimes called Complementary and Integrative Medicine, are treatments that are not part of standard medicine, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, or dietary supplements. It is a term used for a wide variety of health care practices that may be used along with, or instead of, mainstream medical treatment. For more information on the use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies related to Anxiety Disorders, please visit the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

If you are thinking of using any herbal supplement as a treatment for anxiety, talk to your doctor first, especially if you take other medications. Interaction between some herbal supplements and certain medications can cause serious side effects. The Mayo Clinic discusses this and different herbal remedies that have been studied to treat anxiety.

Deal With Specific Stresses

How Do I Take “As Needed” Anxiety Medication?

If some of what you are worrying about is due to other issues that cause stress, such as financial problems, alcohol or drug addiction, stress at work or other mental health conditions, it’s important to also address those directly.

See also:

Read Also: Can Anxiety Cause Dizziness All Day

How To Get The Most From Your Child’s Anxiety Medication

In general, if your child shows the symptoms of unhealthy amounts of anxiety, try to help them at home first. If that doesnt work, seek professional help and get your child into therapy. If therapy alone doesnt help, then ask your doctor to add medication as well. Good luck.

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  • John Walkup et al. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sertraline, or a Combination in Childhood Anxiety. N Engl J Med 2008 359:2753-2766
  • How Will The Doctor Diagnose My Anxiety

    You will discuss your symptoms with the doctor: what they are, how they interfere with your life, and how long youve been struggling with them.

    The doctor will then likely perform a psychological evaluation and compare your symptoms to criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , published by the American Psychiatric Association.

    With that information, your doctor will diagnose you with a specific type of anxiety and recommend a medication to help treat your symptoms.

    Recommended Reading: How To Get Over Health Anxiety

    What To Try Before You Give Your Child Medications

    It is understandable that as parents you might not want to have your child take a medication that will affect their brain and their state of mind. It seems possible that a medication might change the natural course of a childs development.

    Before you seek medical help, there are a few things that you can try at home to help your child with their anxiety.

    The first thing to do is to support your child lovingly when they are anxious. You can help your child become comfortable with their anxieties and work their way through them.

    Another thing you can do is help your child become more confident around the things that they are scared ot. Without forcing them in any way to confront the things they are scared of, you can support them as you slowly give them safe experiences with the things of which they are afraid.

    However, if you find that you are unable to help your child reduce their anxieties then the time has come to seek medical help. And indeed, you doctor might prescribe medications for your child. Lets look now at the medications that are used to treat childhood anxiety disorders.

    How To Plan For An Online Treatment Session With An Anxiousness Professional Best Medication For Anxiety


    Stress and anxiety experts have a lot of expertise as well as experience in dealing with anxiousness disorders. In addition, they know what to get out of the client, making them an ideal candidate for on the internet therapy sessions.

    To prepare for a session with an anxiety expert, it is very important to make sure that you are mentally and literally prepared. You need to have the ability to answer the adhering to inquiries before the session:

    • What is your goal in therapy?
    • What does treatment look like?
    • What are your expectations for your therapy?
    • Exactly how will you connect during sessions?

    Recommended Reading: What Chemical In The Brain Causes Anxiety

    Identification Education Treatment & Monitoring

    Identify and communicate the diagnosis of GAD as early as possible to help people understand the disorder and start effective treatment promptly. Consider the diagnosis of GAD in people presenting with anxiety or significant worry, and in people who attend primary care frequently who:

    • have a chronic physical health problem or
    • do not have a physical health problem but are seeking reassurance about somatic symptoms or
    • are repeatedly worrying about a wide range of different issues.
    • provide education about the nature of GAD and the options for treatment, including the Understanding NICE guidance booklet
    • monitor the persons symptoms and functioning .

    This is because education and active monitoring may improve less severe presentations and avoid the need for further interventions.

    How Experts First Treat Anxiety

    Once you understand the type of anxiety youre dealing with, you can start to explore measures with a physician or mental health professional who can help you manage the symptoms. While anxiety can present itself in many different forms, all anxiety disorders have one thing in common: They are highly treatable, and most of them respond well to medication, said Chelsea Hudson, licensed therapist in Chicago and founder of Cityscape Counseling.

    However, that doesnt mean you should immediately head to your doctor to get a prescription. Many people think medication is a magic bullet to feeling better, Baksh said, but in reality, its part of a comprehensive treatment plan that should also include other interventions, such as lifestyle changes and therapy.

    Seeking professional help from a counselor, guided imagery, family and peer support and meditation have all been shown to help alleviate anxiety, Baksh said. Cognitive behavioral therapy in particular has been shown to be effective in treating anxiety disorders, Sistrunk said.

    Lifestyle changes can also play a big role in managing anxiety. Incorporating more exercise into your day, improving your sleep and eating healthier can all help, said Katie Ziskind, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Connecticutand owner of Wisdom Within Counseling.

    Don’t Miss: What’s Anxiety Feel Like

    Psychological Therapies For Gad

    If you have been diagnosed with GAD, you’ll usually be advised to try psychological treatment before you’re prescribed medication.

    You can get psychological therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy and applied relaxation on the NHS.

    You can refer yourself directly to an NHS psychological therapies service without a referral from a GP.

    Or your GP can refer you if you prefer.

    Anxiety Medication: A Complete Guide

    Anxiety & Depression : How to Relieve Anxiety Without Medications

    Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

    Feeling anxious, especially before a big event or stressful situation, is a normal part of life. For people with anxiety disorders, however, anxiety can be a nonstop problem that has a negative effect on everything from work to relationships.

    Anxiety disorders are extremely common — in fact, theyre the most common mental illness in the United States.

    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 18 percent of all American adults are affected by an anxiety disorder each year.

    Dealing with a mental health disorder like anxiety can be a frustrating experience.

    Luckily, anxiety disorders are treatable, with a variety of options available to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and make living a normal life easier.

    While anxiety is commonly treated using psychotherapy, treatment for anxiety can also involve the use of medication.

    Below, weve listed the medications that are typically prescribed for anxiety. Weve also talked about how each medication works, its safety, as well as the side effects you may experience if youre prescribed a certain medication to treat an anxiety disorder.

    Recommended Reading: How Does Meditation Help Anxiety

    How Do I Ask My Doctor For Anxiety Medication

    Is excessive fear, worry, or anxiety affecting your daily life? You are likely suffering from an anxiety disorder.

    Help is out there. Many people are relieved to learn that you dont need to see an expensive psychiatrist to receive mental health help.

    Primary care doctors are able to treat many common mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Initiating a conversation about starting anxiety medication can be nerve-wracking, but theres no need to be intimidated. Remember the doctor is there to help you.

    In this article well go over how to ask your doctor for anti-anxiety medication so you can feel prepared to get the help you need.

    What If My Anxiety Medication Isnt Working

    If youre not experiencing a positive response on one medication, you may have to try another or several others before you find one that is right for you.

    In some cases, healthcare providers may give you two medications that work differently if you have anxiety. You may also get switched to a new medication if you dont experience any improvements within 6 weeks or if symptoms dont fully go away within 12 weeks.

    Don’t Miss: Who Do I Talk To About Anxiety

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