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How Can I Beat Anxiety

Practice Acts Of Kindness

How to BEAT Depression and Anxiety NOW

In a 2015 study of 115 college students living with social anxiety, performing small acts of kindness for 4 weeks helped reduce the desire to avoid social situations.

The link between kindness and social anxiety may not be immediately clear, but it makes sense, when you think about it.

Social anxiety generally involves some fear of rejection or disapproval. But if youve just done something kind and thoughtful, like bringing a sick co-worker their favorite soup or offering to pick up your neighbors grocery order, the person you help is far more likely to have positive feelings toward you than negative ones.

Earning this approval on a regular basis can help decrease your fears around social situations, so you might find that interacting with others gradually becomes easier.

Talk With A Therapist

Despite what some people might suggest, social anxiety goes beyond shyness, or feeling uneasy and nervous around new people. Social anxiety is a mental health condition, and its not always possible to work through symptoms yourself.

You can do a lot on your own to manage the anxiety and distress you experience, but getting professional support is always a good place to start.

A trained mental health professional can:

  • offer more insight on the difference between social anxiety and shyness
  • help you identify social anxiety triggers
  • teach helpful coping strategies, social skills, and relaxation techniques
  • offer guidance with challenging and replacing or reframing negative thoughts

Therapy also offers a safe environment to practice navigating anxiety-provoking situations through graduated exposure, one potential treatment for social anxiety.

Your therapist might recommend group therapy or support groups, which give you the chance to practice social skills and interact with other people also coping with social anxiety.

A therapist can also refer you to a psychiatrist, who can prescribe medication for social anxiety. Medication can provide some relief from severe symptoms, making it easier to start working through them in therapy.

How To Deal With Anxiety

Now that weve established that anxiety isnt a fake or silly issue. The next question is: How do we deal with anxiety? Perhaps before we can answer the question, we need to understand the bigger picture.

Our brain and spiritual soul are interdependent on each other in ways that we cannot fully see.

This means there physical and spiritual strategies that deal with the condition of our brain and soul.

God can heal both types of anxiety. It is up to us to discern and seek wise counsel for the best path to take.

1. Give your Life and Your Thoughts to Christ

Billy Graham once said: At its best, anxiety distracts us from our relationship with God and the truth that He is Lord of heaven and earth . At its worst, anxiety is a crippling disease, taking over our minds and plunging our thoughts into darkness.

The Bible goes on to tell us in the book in Philippians chapter 4, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The first step to becoming free of anxiety is to give your life to Jesus Christ. Once youve taken this step, the next is to practice fixing your thoughts on Christ and his promises .

In the battlefield of our minds, we are to practice awareness of our thoughts and take them captive.

2. Ask for Anointing Prayer

3. The Gospel is Everything

4. Self-Care is Gods Care

5. Seek the Trio of Counsel

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How You Get Tricked

* If you have Panic Disorder or Agoraphobia, you keep getting tricked into believing that you’re about to die, go crazy, or lose control of yourself.

* If you have Social Phobia,you keep getting tricked into into believing that you’re about to look so unreasonably nervous in front of people that you will be completely humiliated and be cast aside by your community.

* If you have a Specific Phobia, you keep getting tricked into believing that you’re likely to be overcome by some external object or animal, or by your fear of it.

* If you have OCD, you keep getting tricked into believing that you’ve set in motion a terrible calamity. You might fear that your neighborhood will burn because you left the stove on, or that your family will get poisoned because you mishandled the insecticide.

* If you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you keep getting tricked into believing that you’re about to be driven mad by constant worrying.

In each case, the episode of fear passes without the expected catastrophe. You’re none the worse for wear, except that you’re more worried about the next episode. The details seem different, but it’s the same anxiety trick.

How Long To Overcome Social Anxiety


How long does it take to overcome my social anxiety?

In todays episode, Sebastiaan will be answering this question.

He will also be giving his insights about what to focus on, on your journey to social ease, as well as the 4 ways to measure your progress.

If you want to watch the coaching episodes that Sebastiaan talked about in this video, you can go to this link.


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Write Down The Signs Of An Anxiety Attack

Once you know youre having an anxiety attack, try to jot down a few of the symptoms and thoughts you are experiencing. This can help you put your anxiety attack into perspective.

One of the things that worsens anxiety and can make it develop into a panic attack is looking at those symptoms in a catastrophic way, says Cheryl Carmin, PhD, director of clinical psychology training at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center and a professor at Ohio State in Columbus.

Learning To Be Assertive

Being assertive means communicating your needs, wants, feelings, beliefs and opinions to others in a direct and honest manner without intentionally hurting anyones feelings. A person with an anxiety disorder may have trouble being assertive because they are afraid of conflict or believe they have no right to speak up. However, relating passively to others lowers self-confidence and reinforces anxiety. Learning to behave assertively is central to developing a stronger self-esteem.

Also Check: Can You Have Anxiety And Depression At The Same Time

Consider Quitting Smoking Cigarettes

Smokers often reach for a cigarette during stressful times. Yet, like drinking alcohol, taking a drag on a cigarette when youre stressed is a quick fix that may worsen anxiety over time.

has shown that the earlier you start smoking in life, the higher your risk of developing an anxiety disorder later. Research also suggests nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke alter pathways in the brain linked to anxiety.

If youre looking to quit, there are lots of different ways you can get started. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends finding a safe substitute for cigarettes, like toothpicks.

You can also take up habits that may distract you in order to create an environment that works for your smoke-free life. Additionally, you can make a plan with a support system who can provide everything from encouragement to distractions.

Write Down Your Thoughts

5 Easy Tips to Beat Anxiety!

Writing down whats making you anxious gets it out of your head and can make it less daunting.

These relaxation tricks are particularly helpful for those who experience anxiety sporadically. They may also work well with someone who has generalized anxiety disorder when theyre in a bind!

However, if you suspect you have GAD, quick coping methods shouldnt be the only kind of treatment you employ. Youll want to find long-term strategies to help lessen the severity of symptoms and even prevent them from happening.

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Aromatherapy And Essential Oils

Essential oils, the extract from plants, have been used for thousands of years to treat a number of conditions, including anxiety. Essential oils activate certain areas of your brain and release feel-good chemicals such as serotonin. They have been found to ease symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression, improve mood, and improve sleep.

Recommended use includes diffusing, inhalation, or topical treatment which can aid with anxiety symptoms. When diffusing an essential oil or essential oil blend you will need an essential oil diffuser to fill your space with the desired scent. Inhalation is used by deeply smelling the essential oil straight from the bottle or by applying a drop or two of the oil on something such as a diffuser pad or lava bead that is connected to a bracelet, necklace, or even keychain. You can also place a drop or two of essential oil into your hands, rub them together, then cup your hands and take a few deep inhalations to get the desired effect.

You should be sure that the essential oils you use are pure oils and not mixed with chemicals. Some good brands to use include: Mountain Rose Herbs, Plant Therapy, Young Living, Doterra. You can do your own research to find a brand that will best work for you and your budget. Remember that a bottle of essential oil will last a long time since you typically use only a few drops at a time.

Essential oils that are great for treating anxiety include:

Beat Anxiety In 1 Minute

  • Practice belly breathing
  • Picture your favorite spot in the world
  • Peek at a positive photo
  • Have you been running from meeting to meeting at work and now you feel anxiety creeping up on you? These coping mechanisms are for times like that in which it feels like you dont have a second to breathe. Head to the bathroom if its the only way you can get privacy and allow yourself a minute to recoup. Youll be surprised at what a difference 60 seconds can make.

    Don’t Miss: How To Stop Anxiety Before It Starts

    When To Seek Medical Care

  • 1Talk to your doctor before trying supplements. While some herbal remedies or supplements may help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, they can also interact badly with certain medications or conditions. Before trying any supplement or herbal remedy, discuss the possible risks and benefits with your doctor.XResearch source
  • Give your doctor a full list of any medications or supplements you are currently taking, including over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, and vitamins or dietary supplements.
  • Talk to your doctor about any physical health conditions or concerns you may have since these can affect what types of supplements you can safely use.
  • Get emergency medical care if you have symptoms of a severe allergic reaction while taking a supplement, such as difficulty breathing or swallowing, a rapid heartbeat, fainting or lightheadedness, nausea and vomiting, or swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • 2See your doctor if you have severe or persistent anxiety. Everyone deals with anxiety on occasion, but sometimes it can become overwhelming. If you feel like youre so anxious that its interfering with your everyday life, work, or relationships, talk to your doctor to discuss possible treatment options or get a referral to a mental health specialist who can help.XTrustworthy SourceNational Institute of Mental HealthInformational website from U.S. government focused on the understanding and treatment of mental illness.Go to source
  • Learn How To Manage Your Anxious Thoughts

    Four ways to beat anxiety

    Anxiety doesn’t come out of the blue. When you have anxiety attacks, it’s often because your mind tends to spiral into negative thoughts – often without your control. Sometimes you can control this anxiety by keeping these thoughts at bay and learning to dismiss triggers that cause you anxiety.

    For many, this is easier said than done. But there are many different strategies you can try that may be effective. These include:

    A Question Checklist

    When you feel anxious, have a checklist on hand of questions to ask yourself about that anxiety experience. The longer the checklist, the more you’ll find that your thoughts become more realistic. Questions that you can use include:

    • Is there a reason to believe something is wrong?
    • What evidence is there that something is wrong?
    • Is there a chance I’m blowing this out of proportion?


    Affirmations not for everyone, but those that do use them find them to be very beneficial. Affirmations are things that you say to yourself to make yourself feel better. These include:

    • I’m okay. This is just anxiety and I will get passed this .
    • I have a great life and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
    • My anxiety won’t control me.

    Getting Used to Physical Symptoms

    The latter is known as “exposure therapy” and there are countless ways to create exercises that will habituate you to your panic attack triggers.

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    Finally Learning To Calm My Mind

    I believed for years that I was just one of those people who “couldnt” meditate. I couldnt sit still, closing my eyes felt boring, and it made me too aware of my racing heart. I resisted it for years.

    Finally, I discovered something that yogis of India have known for millennia. Its called meditation “practice,” not meditation “perfection.” I let go of needing to be good at meditating, just doing my 15 minutes dutifully each day and throwing in a few yoga stretches beforehand, and something “clicked.”

    The trick is to not beat yourself up if your mind wanders during meditation you simply bring your awareness back to your breath as soon as you notice its drifted. Having thoughts during meditation is totally normal and doesnt mean you have failed.

    The thing that convinced me to really give meditation a try was learning about the science behind it when it comes to anxiety. It changes our brains, reducing the part responsible for the fight or flight response and helping the part of our brain that thinks about the future to become more calm and rational. I started to feel results gradually, and after a few months of regular practice, I felt as though Id rewired my brain.

    How To Understand Your Anxiety

    If youre feeling anxious or stressed, there are a few things you can do to help. First, its important to understand whats causing your anxiety. Often, stress is just a result of something were worried abouta situation we dont know how to handle or a conflict we feel stuck in. Once you identify the source of your anxiety, you can start to deal with it head-on.

    One way to reduce stress is by practicing mindfulness. This involves paying attention to your surroundings and your thoughts without judging them. When you focus on your thoughts and feelings rather than avoiding them, you can start to see that most concerns are unfounded and easily dismissed.

    Another approach is cognitive behavioral therapy . CBT focuses on changing the way you think about yourself and your problems. Often, this involves challenging negative thought patterns and developing positive habits for coping with stress.

    Finally, consider seeking out support from friends or family members who understand and can sympathize with your anxiety symptoms. They can provide practical advice and emotional support as you work through your challenges.

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    Tip : Evaluate Your Diet

    The idea that diet plays a key role in anxiety is overblown. A person can develop anxiety with or without a healthy diet, and there are no foods that will cure anxiety as though they are like medication.

    But there is still benefit to changing your diet. Bodies that are high in nutrients and hydration tend to have better sleep, experience less discomfort, and help a person gain better energy to cope with anxiety.

    On the flipside, there are some natural tools you can use to fight anxiety. For example, herbal supplements like kava can be taken as needed, and as long as you use them in combination with non-medicinal treatments, you shouldn’t start depending on them.

    Similarly, you may find that your anxiety symptoms dissipate with other natural tools as well. You may benefit from magnesium supplements, for example, because magnesium is depleted during times of stress, and magnesium deficiency can lead to some very upsetting symptoms and difficulty controlling anxiety.

    There are plenty of natural and healthy options to try, and you should consider talking to your doctor about them as a way to assist in your stress reduction techniques.

    Tips On How To Manage Anxiety

    How I Beat Anxiety & OCD

    The best way to combat anxiety is to commit to a comprehensive treatment program. Overcoming anxiety needs to be a lifestyle, meaning that it is something you work towards on a consistent basis. Think about the last time you wanted to get fit for the summer. You knew you had to exercise, but you couldnt just do it sporadically it required consistent healthy eating and exercise to achieve your fitness goals. This is the same with managing anxiety.

    That being said, there are various tactics that can help you better manage anxiety and can be integrated into your life at home, without medical intervention.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of talk therapy can be useful, but the following represent how to overcome anxiety without medicine.

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    What Is The Anxiety Trick

    The Anxiety Trick is this: You experience Discomfort, and get fooled into treating it like Danger.

    What do we do when we’re in danger? We only have three things: Fight, Flight, and Freeze. If it looks weaker than me, I’ll fight it. If it looks stronger than me, but slower, I’ll run away. And if it looks stronger and faster than me, I’ll freeze and hope it doesn’t see so good. That’s all we have for danger.

    When people experience the fear of a panic attack, or a phobic encounter, or an obsessive thought, they instinctively treat it as a danger. They try to protect themselves, with some variation of Fight, Flight, or Freeze.

    How Can I Treat Anxiety

    Anxiety can be treated in a variety of ways. One common treatment option is cognitive behavioral therapy , which helps provide people with tools to cope with anxiety when it occurs.

    There are also certain medications, like antidepressants and sedatives, that work to balance brain chemistry and prevent episodes of anxiety. They may even ward off the most severe symptoms.If youre looking to go a more natural route, though, there are little and big ways you can help combat anxiety.

    You can make adjustments to habits, like exercise, sleep, and diet. You can also try something totally new, like aromatherapy or meditation. No matter what your lifestyle demands, theres a natural way to help reduce anxiety for everyone.

    Recommended Reading: How Do I Know I M Having An Anxiety Attack

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