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HomeCauseDoes Anxiety Medication Cause Weight Gain

Does Anxiety Medication Cause Weight Gain

Which Antidepressants Cause The Most Weight Gain

  • Which Antidepressants Cause the Most Weight Gain? Center
  • Although gaining weight is a possible side effect of nearly all antidepressants, everyone responds to antidepressants differently. Some people may put on weight while on treatment, while others may not.

    Antidepressants that can cause wait gain include:

    • Atypical antipsychotic medications
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

    Both the likelihood of weight gain and the amount of possible weight gain vary from drug to drug. Appetite regulation and weight gain or loss are very complex reactions that are influenced by a wide variety of hormones, all of which may be negatively affected by antidepressants. Some antidepressants are more likely to cause weight gain than others:

    • TCAs and perhaps MAOIs may be more likely to cause weight gain than SSRIs or the newer antidepressants, with the exception of Remeron.
    • SSRIs tend to cause loss of appetite early on, sometimes due to side effects such as nausea, and others can cause weight gain with long-term use .
    • Some antidepressants, such as Effexor and Wellbutrin, may be less likely to cause any weight gain.

    Why Wellbutrin Or Prozac May Be The Most Sensible Options

    Many people with depression have worked hard to treat their disease. You may attend therapy and take your antidepressants, only to find that the numbers on the scale are moving up and your clothes are not fitting like they used to. While you may feel better emotionally and mentally, you might also feel discouraged by your physical appearance or health.

    Some of this may be due to the connection between antidepressants and weight gain. It is not a side effect of every medication used to treat depression, and some are more associated with weight loss.

    However, any side effectweight gain includeddepends entirely on how your body reacts to the medication. It is possible that you will notice no change in weight or that you will swing in the opposite direction of what’s typical, no matter which medication you take. For some people, the fluctuation in weight is only temporary.

    Track Medication And Diet

    The majority of people who gain weight on anti-anxiety medications change their exercise patterns and track their caloric intake. If an individual isnt tracking calories, its difficult to know whether or not the weight gain is a byproduct of the medication. The weight gain or weight loss that individuals that take anxiety medications experience can be a result of physical activity or calorie intake. By adjusting those two factors, weight gain should be counteracted.

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    How To Prevent Weight Loss Due To Antidepressants

    When taken as directed, antidepressants can be effective in treating both depression and anxiety.

    If you lose an excessive amount of weight after starting an antidepressant, talk to your doctor about the medications benefits and side effects.

    If the benefits dont outweigh the weight loss side effects, you can also ask if adjusting the doseor switching medicationsmight be helpful. Discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before making such a decision.

    S To Avoid Weight Gain When Starting A Psych Medication

    Effexor Cause Weight Loss

    Asking for a referral to a qualified weight loss program in your area is a good idea, says Dr. McGee. What else?

    • Focus on what and how you eat
    • Don’t eat for gratification, boredom, or self-soothing or overeat to punish yourself
    • Discuss whether weight loss medicines, in addition to the structured weight loss program, may be appropriate, at least to start.

    According to Dr. Gonzalez-Campoy, ”along with a prescription for antipsychotic medications and most antidepressants, a concomitant prescription for weight management should be provided .”

    And for those on antipsychotics, you should be made aware of the health risks that come with significant weight gain such as the development or worsening of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, he says. These are medical issues that should be monitored as well, he says.

    The bottom lineFor anyone who is taking an antidepressant or antipsychotic medication: “Taking these medications is very important,” Ms. Christensen says. “Don’t be concerned about the potential weight gain because that can be mitigated .”

    None of the healthcare practitioners had relevant financial conflicts with regard to this study.

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    Are There Antidepressants That Dont Cause Weight Gain

    Antidepressants are among the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. Although they are generally well tolerated by most people, antidepressants do often come with a long list of side effects, including weight gain.

    Gaining weight at a time when you are experiencing feelings of low self esteem can be very troubling for some patients, so much so that some people avoid taking antidepressants altogether for fear of gaining weight.

    Many people wonder if there are antidepressants that dont cause weight gain.

    What Are The Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders

    It is likely for people to experience one or more co-occurring disorders such as anxiety with bipolar disorder, depression, or borderline personality disorder. There are many reasons that a person will develop anxiety. Some of these reasons include genetics, environmental stressors, or changes in the brain. When a person deals with long-term stress or trauma, changes in the brain causes anxiety which then regulates ones mood.

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    Does Lexapro Cause Weight Loss

    Lexapro is the brand name for a drug called escitalopram, which is a treatment for anxiety and depression. Taking Lexapro may cause a person to gain a small amount of weight. Less commonly, it can cause weight loss. A healthful diet and regular exercise can help to prevent unwanted changes in weight.

    Why Weight Gain Happens

    Bipolar Disorder: Psychiatric Drugs and Weight Gain

    While gaining weight on antidepressants is far from inevitable , it would be remiss to ignore the possibility.

    In one recent large study, involving nearly 300,000 people, people who had used an antidepressant for more than a year were found to be at higher risk of weight gain. Compared to the control group, they were 21% more likely to put on weight, although there was a lot of variability in which drugs had which effect.

    Studies of this kind can’t tell us why the weight gain happened, or even prove a causal relationship between antidepressants and weight gain. However, there are several theories as to why it might occur.

    “Most antidepressants are effective through modulating the brain chemicals serotonin or noradrenaline however, they can also unintentionally bind with other biochemical pathways in the brain and body, causing side effects,” says Tracy. “We think that when weight gain occurs, some of this is due to binding with the ‘histamine’ system in the brain.”

    The older types of antidepressants and the medication mirtazapine appear more likely to cause weight gain for this reason. Other types of antidepressants may have different effects on appetite and metabolism. And there are probably genetic factors determining your individual propensity towards weight gain.

    Will taking antidepressants really lead to weight gain?

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    Lexapro And Depression Or Anxiety

    Both depression and anxiety can affect a persons appetite. For example, some people may feel too anxious to eat. This can cause someone to have less of an appetite or find less pleasure in eating. Other people may find comfort in food and develop binge eating habits.

    If Lexapro helps improve your depression or anxiety symptoms, it can have a positive impact on your eating habits. In turn, you may lose or gain some weight. These changes in weight may therefore be related more to improving symptoms rather than a side effect of the medication.

    Which Antidepressants Cause Weight Gain

    Though most antidepressants can cause weight gain as side effect, some antidepressants seem more likely to cause weight gain than others, including:

    The effect of SSRIs on weight is mixed.

    Despite the fact that many SSRIs cause weight loss during short-term treatment, other studies show that these drugs may cause long-term weight gain. The effects of these drugs will need continued study before we know more.

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    Sertraline And Weight Gain: What You Need To Know

    Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

    Sertraline, sold under the brand name Zoloft®, is a widely used antidepressant that belongs to a class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.

    Like other antidepressants, sertraline can cause certain side effects. One potential side effect of sertraline that you may be aware of is weight gain.

    Below, weve discussed the relationship between sertraline and weight gain, as well as what you can expect if youve been prescribed this medication.

    Weve also explained what you can do to reduce your risk of gaining weight after you start using sertraline or other antidepressants.

    Get Mental Health Treatment Today With K Health

    Do Antibiotics Cause Weight Gain

    You can start controlling your anxiety and get access to the treatment you need with K Health.

    Starting at $19/month get prescriptions for mental health medications plus unlimited doctor visits through the K Health app. Start your free assessment here.

    K Health has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

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    What Is The Best Anxiety Medication That Does Not Cause Weight Gain

    Bupropion was associated with the least amount of weight gain, close to none. Two others that also appeared to have less weight gain were amitriptyline and nortriptyline. Amitriptyline and nortriptyline are older drugs. Because newer drugs tend to have fewer side effects, those two arent prescribed as frequently.

    Seek The Help For Depression You Need

    If you are feeling depressed, its important to seek out the help you need. Speak with your healthcare provider or a mental health professional to figure out if antidepressants, therapy, or a combination thereof are right for you. If you are concerned about weight gain on antidepressants, be sure to discuss that with your healthcare provider as well.

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    Do All Anxiety Medications Make You Gain Weight

    There are few side effects associated with the intake of anxiety medications, and one of them is weight gain. However, not all drugs prescribed for anxiety disorders cause significant weight gain. Some of them are given below: This is an antidepressant that is commonly prescribed for the treatment of anxiety disorder.

    Work With A Licensed Therapist


    Work with professionals who will guide you in learning ways to manage stress and weight-related issues. If you’re suffering from anxiety due to prolonged stress and feel your weight or physical health is being affected, a licensed therapist can help you. With compassion and expertise, licensed therapists are equipped to help you develop positive and healthy eating habits. You can read reviews of some BetterHelp therapists below, from people experiencing similar issues.

    Counselor Reviews

    “Shana is a very helpful and thoughtful counselor. Shana not only helped me work through my immediate problems but discussed a path forward so that I could find more time to enjoy myself and manage the stress and anxiety in the future. I really appreciate her counseling.”

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    What Is Buspirone Used To Treat

    Buspirone is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of anxiety and is most commonly used to treat a type of anxiety called generalized anxiety disorder . The medication acts on the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine, to help relieve symptoms of anxiety.

    Buspirone is also sometimes used for the treatment of depression, particularly when combined with SSRIs or SNRIs. Patients whose depression symptoms do not resolve when taking an SSRI or SNRI alone may find relief when adding buspirone to their prescription regimen.

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    Anxiety Can Cause Cortisol To Spike Which May Cause Fat Gain

    A 2011 study showed that while anxiety can speed up your metabolism and release appetite-suppressing hormones, there is also a correlation with increased levels of cortisol.

    Scientists believe that the body releases cortisol when we experience heightened levels of stress or anxiety, Chait says. A 2013 research review suggested that increased levels of cortisol can cause weight gain or make it harder to lose weight.

    When anxiety or stress kicks off your bodys fight-or-flight response, more cortisol starts to circulate. This can mess with your metabolism.

    Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes your body to release sugar. Your body notices that youre stressed out and thinks you need a burst of sugar to provide you with energy .

    This can cause an increase in appetite and a craving for sweet, high fat, and salty foods, says Vanessa Rissetto, RD.

    So yes, there is a scientific reason that you reach for the donuts in a bid to cast away these jittery feelings.

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    Anxiety Can Mess With Your Sleep Which Has Links To Weight Gain

    Getting plenty of high quality sleep is essential for managing your weight.

    A small 2010 study found that participants lost less body fat and more lean mass when they slept for 5.5 hours rather than 8.5 hours. Those who slept for less time also reported feeling more peckish during their waking hours.

    But for those who have an anxiety disorder, catching enough Zzzs can be a real challenge.

    Anxiety can cause disrupted sleep and, in turn, increased fatigue. Both of these things can cause you to crave unhealthy foods, burn fewer calories, and decrease your willpower to avoid unhealthy food, says Sari Chait, PhD, a clinical psychologist based in Newton, Massachusetts.

    When you dont get enough sleep, not only are your defenses down , but sleep deprivation also throws your bodys hunger system for a loop.

    One research review found that participants who got less sleep produced more ghrelin than participants who slept a full 8 hours.

    Does Anxiety Medicine Make You Lose Weight

    What Ssri Is Best For Weight Loss

    As with any medicine, antianxiety medications can have side effects. Reduced appetite and weight loss are not common side effects with medications used to treat anxiety, but can occur in some people taking certain drugs. Weight loss related to antianxiety medication is usually minimal and rarely a cause of concern.

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