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How To Handle Depression And Anxiety

Know When To Disengage

How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt

If you know that a situation causes you undue stress, you might want to plan ahead to absent yourself from that situation so your children will not interpret it as unsafe. Lets say, for example, that school drop-offs fill you with anxiety. Eventually you want to be able to take your child to school, but if you are still in treatment, you can ask a co-parent or another trusted adult to handle the drop off. You dont want to model this very worried, concerned expression upon separating from your children, says Dr. Howard. You dont want them to think that theres anything dangerous about dropping them off at school.

In general, if you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with anxiety in the presence of your child, try to take a break. Danielle Veith, a stay-at-home mom who blogs about her struggles with anxiety, will take some time to herself and engage in stress-relieving activities when she starts to feel acutely anxious. I have a list of to-do-right-this-second tips for dealing with a panic, which I carry with me: take a walk, drink tea, take a bath, or just get out the door into the air, she says. For me, its about trusting in the fact that the anxiety will pass and just getting through until it passes.

Do The Opposite Of What The Depression Voice Suggests

The automatic, unhelpful voice in your head may talk you out of self-help. However, if you can learn to recognize it, you can learn to work through it.

If you believe an event wont be fun or worth your time, say to yourself, You might be right, but itll be better than just sitting here another night. You may soon see the automatic thought isnt always helpful.

When Those Around Need A Helping Hand

Since you’ve made a commitment to being involved in the health care field, you probably are known for your big heart and willingness to help others.

That’s why it can be especially difficult to watch a friend or loved-one battle with these symptoms and issues.

At a time where you may feel the need to “fix it,” Jakub has some other alternatives to consider:

  • First thing is to understand what depression& anxiety is, and that it is a medical condition and treatable. However, depending on the level can be very serious if not treated.
  • Encourage them to get help, don’t demand it, and just encourage them to do so.
  • Always remember that it is best to be a good listener to them, other than you be the one talking and giving advice.

For those dealing with suicidal thoughts, he cautions, “do not leave the person alone. Dial 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.”

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Reduce Caffeine And Alcohol

Caffeine is a great stimulant, and many nonprofessionals believe that it is good for fighting depression. For this, you need to be careful, as Caffeine being a stimulant may worsen anxiety.

On the other hand, alcohol is a depressant. While you may seem to notice that alcohol is helpful in making you fall asleep during the night, it does not automatically mean that you get quality sleep. Instead, it can harm you even more, as alcohol and depression have a reciprocal need and interaction.

For instance, alcohol intake can worsen the symptoms of depression, and depression makes a person attracted to alcohol use.

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Visualize A Happy Memory

Infographic: How To Deal With Stress and Anxiety

When a patient continually revisits a painful memory, it can tip them into emotional distress. Before you go to a dark place and let negative feelings overcome you, shut your eyes and visualize a happy memory. Think about the time when you graduated from college, got married to the love of your life, or had a baby. Describe the details of your happy memory to yourself. This will help your counter the gloominess and provide an immediate dose of positivity.

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The Bottom Line On Managing Depression And Anxiety

If youre experiencing any of these signs of depression or anxiety, know youre not alone and youre not stuck.

Discover more mental health resources that have your back top of mind.

And when youre ready to connect with a mental health professional, you may want to begin with an online psychiatry evaluation to secure personalized advice, counseling and if relevant and recommended, medication.

What To Say When Someone Is Depressed Or Anxious

You could start the conversation by asking questions such as: It seems like things have been hard for you lately. Whats on your mind? and: What can I do to help?

Something Ive learnt is to ask sincere, open-ended questions like, How does this feel? So the other person can feel supported, comforted and safe, rather than being told what to do. ayrc_1904

When you want to bring up a sensitive issue with a friend, try to choose a time and place when youre both comfortable, relaxed and theres some privacy. Dont push them if they dont want to talk, and be there for them if they become upset. You might not have an answer or a solution, but just being there to listen can be super helpful.

It might be difficult for your friend to accept your help continue to check in with them and let them know that you care about them, and that youre there for them if they need you.

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How To Cope With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. Heres what you need to know if they strike simultaneously.

Aleksei Morozov/iStock

Do you sometimes worry so much that it interferes with your everyday activities? Or feel so blue that it completely clouds your outlook? Do you often experience these or similar feelings together? Youre not the only one.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , anxiety disorders which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder are the most common mental health problem among U.S. adults, affecting 18.1 percent of the population each year. And mood disorders which include major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder are the leading cause of disability.

Moreover, the incidence of developing depression in addition to an anxiety disorder or vice versa is high. Many people with major depression also suffer from severe and persistent anxiety, notes Sally R. Connolly, LCSW, in Louisville, Kentucky. And some experts estimate that 60 percent of people with anxiety will also have symptoms of depression, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness .

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Prevalence Of Anxiety And Depression In Men

How To Deal With Depression | 12 Ways To Fight Depression And Anxiety

On average, one in 8 men will have depression and one in 5 men will experience anxiety at some stage of their lives.

Men are less likely to experience anxiety and depression than women. They are also less likely to talk about it. This increases the risk of their anxiety or depression going unrecognised and untreated.

Untreated depression is a high risk factor for suicide. In Australia, there are about 3,000 suicides each year. Around 75% of people who take their lives are men, with an average of almost 7 men taking their lives every day.

Its important to remember that anxiety and depression are conditions, not weaknesses, and effective treatments are available.

and depression not only for you, but for your friends and family. Visit Beyond Blue to find out more about anxiety.

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How Does Depression Affect Productivity

Depression and workplace productivity can significantly counteract each other. This is a common challenge for many people suffering from depression. Employers suffer, too: The estimated cost, due to loss of productivity related to depression and its effects, is in the billions of dollars.3

Why is it hard to keep up workplace performance when youre depressed? The symptoms of depression can be debilitating. Depression can affect productivity in these ways:4

  • Lack of concentration
  • Lack of initiative or motivation
  • Low energy, fatigue
  • Poor communication with others

Depression at work is a challenge for many. Self-care and daily changes in your routine may help, but its important you talk to your doctor, a therapist, or behavioral provider for long-term management of depression. Without treatment, depression can worsen.

Stress Anxiety Depression: Difference & Ways To Deal With Them

Stress, anxiety, and depression are three different medical terminologies. Here’s the difference and ways to deal with them.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many experienced stress, anxiety, and depression to varying degrees. According to a scientific brief released by the World Health Organisation , after the COVID-19 pandemic the global prevalence of depression and anxiety has increased by 25%. Also, the global prevalence of depression and anxiety has increased by 25%, said the World Health Organisation. In India, post-pandemic, the prevalence of stress, depression, and anxiety is 61%, 33%, and 34% respectively. Thus, anxiety, depression, and stress have become unprecedented threats to mental health worldwide.

To know more about the difference between stress, anxiety, and depression, OnlyMyHealth editorial team spoke to Dr. CR Chandrashekar, MBBS, MD – Psychological Medicine, Psychiatrist, Samadhana Counselling Centre, Karnataka.

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Diagnosing Anxiety And Depression

Successfully diagnosing anxiety and depression begins with a physical or mental health exam, where a doctor or therapist will ask about your symptoms, feelings, behavior, and personal and family history of mental illness. In either case, your symptoms will be compared to the criteria described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition . The DSM-5 is the go-to source for describing many forms of mental illness and related disorders.

Practice These Coping Skills Every Day

132 Ways to Help Overcome Depression and Anxiety

I recommend doing many if not all of the following coping skills and techniques once a day when experiencing depression. Its important to know you probably wont be motivated to do any of them at first because depression frequently saps motivation. In other words, know that its normal to feel unmotivated until youre halfway done.

The patients I work with who frequently practice these coping skills get better.The seven techniques can be memorized with the acronym MY PEERS.

1. Meaning: Find small ways to be of service to others.

Find personal meaning by serving something larger than yourself. Remember service doesnt have to be big to count. Consider this, Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued it must ensue as the unintended side effect of ones personal dedication to a course greater than oneself. Viktor E. Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning

2. Your goals: Find workable goals that give you a sense of accomplishment.

Most people feel guilty when talking about goals because they set unreasonable or unworkable goals. A goal is workable if its:

  • Something you can control
  • Realistic for you
  • If something goes wrong with your goal, adopt a what can I learn from this? attitude . Also, be careful when comparing your progress with others. We usually compare our biggest weakness with another persons biggest strength. This is unfair .

    3. Pleasant Events: Schedule pleasant activities or events.

    4. Engagement: Stay in the present.

    5. Exercise: And, eat right too.

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    Symptoms Of Anxiety In Men

    Anxiety is more than having sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach. Symptoms of anxiety can include ongoing feelings of worry, fear and impending doom that are so severe they interfere with your ability to work, maintain relationships and get a decent nights sleep. Physical signs of anxiety may include:

    • pounding or racing heart
    • thinking about death or suicide.

    Accept Anxiety To Deal With It

    Sometimes, though, trying to find the upside of a stressful situation can be hard.

    Some situations are what they are and there are no ways to fool yourself into thinking about them differently.

    In that case its better just to accept the situation to cope with anxiety and stress, rather than fighting it.

    Acceptance doesnt mean its right, that youre happy about it or that you ignore it.

    It also doesnt mean that you give up.

    Rather its acceptance that something cant be changed and it is wasted effort trying to work out how it can be changed, or how it could have been different.

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    Try To Eat Balanced Meals

    Nourishing your body with whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, can help you get the nutrition you need and it could also help improve your symptoms.

    Caffeine, refined sugars, and processed foods, on the other hand, could potentially worsen symptoms of both anxiety and depression.

    You dont need to cut these out of your diet entirely, but try to balance them with nutrient-dense foods when possible.

    Tips And Strategies To Manage Anxiety And Stress

    Tips for coping with depression and anxiety | Michelle’s Mental Health Story | Mind

    At some point, anxiety and stress affect everyone. They can manifest differently in different people, and the level of anxiety one experiences can vary, but there is one thing for certain: there are ways to manage anxiety, even if it feels out of control.

    Of course, if anxiety is affecting your everyday life and getting in the way of your daily productivity for an extended period, please seek assistance. Find Help

    Information about causes and treatment goes a long way in helping to understand anxiety and stress, but there are also some physical and mental things you can do when feeling anxious or stressed. Some coping strategies from ADAAs experts include:

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    What To Do When Anxiety And Depression Mix

    You might have noticed changes in yourself lately. These changes might have made you feel sad, hopeless, or lost of passion for things you used to love. All of these sounds like you have depression symptoms, but you could be wrong. Your worry, fright, and feeling of uneasiness could also be anxiety symptoms.

    Having ups and downs in life is normal. Worrying and being scared of things are normal. You might be going through a difficult time. Let a doctor help you determine if it is a condition or normal human emotions.

    Being worried often makes us depressed, and vice versa. Depression and anxiety are like two sides of the same coin. There are several methods to obtain help and treatment of depression and anxiety.

    Make Specific And Appropriate Referrals To Psychotherapy

    Just as there are specific medications, there are specific forms of psychotherapy. Patients with anxiety disorders in particular, benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy , in which they undergo exposure to their fears and gain mastery over them. There are several forms of effective psychotherapy for depression, including CBT and interpersonal therapy.1 Non-specific supportive therapy can help people in times of crisis or stress but is typically not efficacious for serious mental health disorders.12 Family therapy or behavioural marital therapy can be effective when dysfunction in families or couples is a primary driver of the patient’s depressive symptoms.13 Providers should be aware of local therapists who practice evidence-based forms of treatment.

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    When Should I See My Doctor

    If you or someone close to you is experiencing an emergency, or is at risk of immediate harm, call triple zero . To talk to someone now, call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

    If you have tried relaxation techniques and reaching out to someone you trust, but still feel overwhelmed, you can check in with your doctor or speak with a mental health professional.

    Stress is not itself a diagnosis but rather a clue that something else is going on. Chronic stress could be a sign of depression, anxiety or a symptom of another mental health condition. GPs and psychologists are trained to know how to recognise when stress is a sign that you need extra support, so dont hesitate to reach out for advice.

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    Monitor Adherence Closely During The First Month

    Infographic: How To Deal With Stress and Anxiety

    Roughly half of all patients prescribed an antidepressant medication discontinue it within 30 days of initiation,16 and at least one-third who start an antidepressant medication have low adherence.17 A phone call to the patient one to two weeks after starting medication to inquire how they are doing can identify side effects, help correct any misunderstanding about the drug and increase medication adherence.18 This contact is especially important in patients under the age of 25 as all antidepressants carry a black box warning about suicide risk for this age.15

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    How Do You Comfort Your Partner When They Are Stressed

    Offer support

    Dont just look at them with a fixed stare. Instead, say supportive things and use supportive language. Empathize and sympathize, but dont compare your stress to your spouses. When your partner starts complaining, dont say, Oh, you think your day was bad, listen to what I had to deal with! 20.

    Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

    According to the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States, anxiety and depression can share several common symptoms, including, but not limited to:

    • Being easily fatigued
    • Sleep disturbance

    Other signs that a person may suffer from both anxiety disorder and depression include:

    • Constant, irrational fear and worry
    • Physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, headaches, hot flashes, sweating, abdominal pain, and/or difficulty breathing
    • Changes in eating, either too much or too little
    • Persistent feelings of sadness or worthlessness
    • Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
    • Inability to relax

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