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How Long Can An Anxiety Attack Last

When To Get Help

How Long Do Panic Attacks Last? (MAY SURPRISE YOU!)

See a GP if you’ve been experiencing symptoms of panic disorder.

They’ll ask you to describe your symptoms, how often you get them, and how long you have had them.

They may also carry out a physical examination to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

It can sometimes be difficult to talk about your feelings, emotions and personal life, but try not to feel anxious or embarrassed.

You may be diagnosed with panic disorder if you have regular and unexpected panic attacks followed by at least a month of continuous worry or concern about having further attacks.

How To Stop An Anxiety Attack And Panic Attacks

Anxiety attacks can be powerful and unnerving experiences that are accompanied by a few to many symptoms. But we can control, stop, and prevent panic and its symptoms with practice. The more you practice, the more proficient you become at ending them. As your proficiency increases, so will your confidence. As your confidence builds, anxiety attacks, panic, and their symptoms become a non-issue. Eventually, your skills will become second nature and your struggle with anxiety attacks, panic, and their symptoms will end.

If you havent yet read the above information about anxiety attacks, their symptoms, and causes, we recommend you do before reading further. The above information will give you a necessary foundation that will help you use the following stopping and prevention strategies.

If you’ve done that, here are 30 ways you can stop anxiety attacks and panic attacks naturally any time you want and anywhere you want:

How To Help Someone Having A Panic Attack

Seeing a friend or a loved one experience a panic attack can be a frightening experience. It can also be challenging to feel powerless to help that person and to watch them suffer. While youre unlikely to be able to stop your loved ones panic attack in its tracks, there are things you can do and say to help them through the experience.

Primarily, it is important to stay calm, patient, and understanding. Help your friend wait out the panic attack by encouraging them to take deep breaths in for four seconds and out for four seconds. Stay with them and assure them that this attack is only temporary and they will get through it. You can also remind them that they can leave the environment they are in if they would feel more comfortable elsewhere and try to engage them in light-hearted conversation.

Once the panic attack is over and the person has returned to a calm state, encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional at their earliest convenience, if they havent already. You can help them further by assisting with the search for a licensed professional, researching coping techniques online, and looking for self-help books that might be useful.

Also Check: What Does Anxiety Look Like In A Child

The Stress Response Is Supposed To Feel Powerful

The bodys survival mechanism is supposed to feel powerful so that it motivates you to take immediate action to either fight or flee. In its effort to keep you safe from harm, the stress response will boost your energy, increase your sense of danger and reactivity to danger, and create a sense of urgency to escape.

If these body-wide changes feel overwhelming, theyre supposed to. This means your body is doing its job in response to the perception of danger.

Choosing to not react to this strong feeling will allow the stress hormones to be used up and the body to return to its pre-stress response state.

Dont mistake the strong feelings of an anxiety attack as being the SOURCE of danger, but rather the bodys automatic survival response TO danger.

The bodys emergency response is not something we need to fear. Its a reaction to danger, not the source of danger.

How Long Do Anxiety Attacks Last

How Long Can Anxiety Attacks Last And How Do I Cope With ...

As mentioned above, anxiety is closely tied to your unique situation, physical and mental well-being, and mental health history. There is no set timeframe for the duration of an anxiety attack but research suggests that most attacks last about 20 minutes.

While 20 minutes doesnt sound like a long time, to someone in the throes of an anxiety attack it can feel like hours. It can be extremely helpful to take note of multiple factors surrounding incidents of anxiety attack such as factors that may have triggered the event and the actual duration of the attack. This can be incredibly valuable information that can help mental health professionals determine what type of treatment is best for your particular situation.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the complex issue of anxiety and anxiety attacks. Treatment may focus on several factors including individualized therapy, medication, diet, and lifestyle changes.

At SUN Delaware, were committed to serving your unmet needs when it comes to helping conquer your anxiety. Our individualized approach to mental health treatment can help you overcome your preoccupation with anxiety and live a healthy life.

Call us today at .

Because we understand that anxiety is a complex and personal issue, weve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand the topic:

Recommended Reading: How To Get Officially Diagnosed With Anxiety

What Happens During A Panic Attack

Panic attacks are associated with physical symptoms that include:

  • Shaking or trembling
  • Feeling that your heart is pounding or racing
  • Sweating
  • Feeling that you are choking
  • Nausea
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands, arms, feet or legs
  • Chills or hot flashes
  • Sense of unreality or dreamlike sensations

A person may also have an extreme fear of losing control, going crazy, or dying during a panic attack. It is very rare for a person to have all of these symptoms at once. However, the presence of at least 4 symptoms strongly suggests that a person has panic disorder.

Many of the symptoms that occur during a panic attack are the same as the symptoms of diseases of the heart, lungs, intestines, or nervous system. The similarities between panic disorder and other diseases may add to the persons fear and anxiety during and after a panic attack. For example, you may believe that you are actually having a heart attack.

Just the fear of having a panic attack is often enough to trigger the symptoms. This is the basis for a condition called agoraphobia. A person who has agoraphobia finds it difficult to leave home because he or she is afraid of having a panic attack in public or not having an easy way to escape if the symptoms start.

What Are The Differences

Here are some of the features that distinguish them.

An anxiety attack, or anxiety:

  • can have a specific trigger, such as an exam, workplace issues, a health issue, or a relationship problem
  • is not a diagnosable condition
  • is less severe than a panic attack
  • usually develops gradually when a person feels anxious
  • involves physical symptoms, such as a racing heart or knot in the stomach

A panic attack:

The term anxiety attack is not listed in the American Psychological Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition .

Panic attacks, however, are a symptom of panic disorder in the DSM-V. Only a licensed professional can diagnose panic disorder.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

How To Stop Panic Attacks While Sleeping

Chronic stress, which causes involuntary panic attacks, is the leading cause of having panic attacks while sleeping. To stop panic attacks while sleeping, you have to address the cause chronic stress.

You can accomplish that by reducing your bodys overall level of stress and persisting at that until your stress is back within a healthy range. As your bodys stress diminishes, you should see the cessation of panic attacks while sleeping.

This is not to say youll never be woken up feeling anxious again, as most people are occasionally woken up with bad dreams . But that the frequency of being woken feeling anxious will return to what is considered normal.

In addition to reducing stress overall, anxious people also need to address their anxiety issues, since having issues with anxiety is the most common cause of their chronic stress. Accessing good self-help information and working with an experienced anxiety disorder therapist, and one who understands the many underlying factors that cause issues with anxiety, is the most effective way of overcoming issues with anxiety and the chronic stress it so often causes.

Once an involuntary panic attack has started while sleeping, you can stop it by using the many strategies we mentioned in the How to stop an anxiety attack and panic attacks section. As the panic attack subsides, you can calm yourself and go back to sleep once your body has used up the stress hormones from the panic attack.

Anxiety Attacks Arent A Sign Of A Medical Emergency

How long do PANIC ATTACKS last?

If your anxiety attack or panic was caused by apprehensive behavior or chronic stress, and not because of a medical reason, the attack isnt dangerous or harmful. Its just the bodys way of trying to protect you from harm or reacting to being chronically stressed. You dont have to react to an anxiety attack as if the attack itself is dangerousbecause it isnt!

Anxiety attacks occur in response to apprehensive behavior or chronic stress. You dont have to be afraid of or worry about anxiety attacks.

For more information, see our article, The Difference Between An Anxiety Attack And A Heart Attack.

Don’t Miss: How Do You Know If You Have Anxiety

When Panic Strikes: How Long Can An Anxiety Attack Last

Your heart races, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your thoughts are a jumbled mess, and you feel sweat break out along your underarms and cheeks. You feel a painful squeeze in your chest and grow lightheaded. Are you having a heart attack? Are you losing your mind? Or are you having an anxiety attack?

What Is An Anxiety Attack?

An anxiety attack is a physical manifestation of anxiety. Anxiety attack signs and symptoms vary from person to person. Duration, frequency, and severity all depend on the person in question. Although some people require a trigger to experience an anxiety attack, others will experience anxiety attacks without a trigger and warning some people with anxiety disorders can experience a sudden onset anxiety attack in the middle of a nap or another seemingly mundane task.

Anxiety attacks begin abruptly, even when a trigger is present, often difficult to anticipate, and therefore difficult to curb. To qualify as a panic attack, it has to begin quickly and possess at least four classic anxiety attack symptoms. Many people who experience anxiety attacks fear that they will die or lose their minds amid an attack and may frequently seek out medical intervention for their symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety Attacks?

How Long Do Anxiety Attacks Usually Last?

Is There A Difference Between Panic And Anxiety Attacks?

Getting A Diagnosis

How To Manage When Panic Strikes

Anxiety Attacks In Action

Anxiety And Panic Attacks Always End

Anxiety attacks are based on one or a series of stress responses that were triggered by apprehensive behavior . You can stop anxiety attacks anytime by stopping apprehensive behavior and working to calm your body.

Even if your anxiety attack was an involuntarily attack, it will still end. No panic attacks go on forever. Yes, you can keep them going via apprehensive behavior. But the minute you stop apprehensive behavior, the stress alarm ends. Then, its only a matter of time until the body uses up or expels the remaining stress hormones and you feel better.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Stomach Pain

Anxiety Attack Symptoms In Men

Since each person is somewhat chemically unique, signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack can vary from person to person, and even from men to women. That said, anxiety and the accompanying stress responses affect everyone in a similar manner. If there are differences in symptoms, that is due solely to the behaviors of each person and how each body responds to stress.

The Above Anxiety Attack Symptoms Can Be Accompanied By:

How long do PANIC ATTACKS last?
  • Choking sensation, tightening throat, it feels like your throat is closing, it feels like something is stuck in your throat
  • Confusion
  • Depersonalization
  • Derealization
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, unsteadiness
  • Inability to calm yourself down
  • Knot in the stomach, tight stomach
  • Panicky feeling
  • Sudden urge to go to the bathroom
  • Vomiting
  • Feel like crying

This list of symptoms is not exhaustive.

Anxiety attacks can be experienced as limited-symptom panic attacks where the attack is accompanied by only a few symptoms whereas they can also be experienced as full-blown anxiety attacks where the attack is accompanied by many or all of the symptoms.

Moreover, a person can have a limited-symptom anxiety attack one time with few symptoms and have a full-blown anxiety attack with many or all of the symptoms at a different time. All variations and combinations are common.

As you can see, there are many physical, psychological, and emotional signs and symptoms of anxiety attacks and panic attacks. For more detailed information about each anxiety symptom, see our anxiety symptoms list all section.

Medical Advisory

We recommend all new, changing, persistent, and returning anxiety symptoms be discussed with your doctor, as some medical conditions and medications can cause anxiety-like symptoms, including anxiety attacks and panic attacks.

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What You Can Do Yourself

These lifestyle changes can help you control your anxiety and your stress levels. You can try the next interventions to focus on your mental and physical well being.

  • Practice deep breathing
  • Get some exercise or physical activity
  • Dont abuse alcohol and recreational drugs
  • Avoid using alcohol and recreational drugs as a coping mechanism
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Accept that life is scary sometimes, and we dont have everything under control
  • Dont fight or avoid these scary thoughts or situations
  • Take action towards your goals and dont be stopped by your fear or worry
  • Eat a balanced and full diet
  • Talk about it with friends, family or at a support group

What Is The Difference Between An Anxiety Attack And A Panic Attack

The DSM-5 from the American Psychiatric Association does not speak of anxiety attacks. It is not recognized.

What you define as an anxiety attack might be the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder . You probably feel a strong worry and excessive thoughts going around in your head. You might feel stress, heart palpitations, and be highly irritable.

Furthermore, your thoughts are out of control and you have no room to focus on other things anymore. Your sleep might also be suffering as you can not seem to stop worrying.

We could say that the difference between what you describe as the above anxiety attack and a panic attack is that you can pinpoint a source. During a panic attack you might not be able to.

Also a panic attack comes with stronger physical symptoms. And lastly, feelings of anxiety are more of a gradual constant feeling, while panic is abrupt. It has a peak and goes down again.

Try to remember that panic attacks always blow over. You are having physical symptoms, however it is not a heart attack and it does not last.

A panic attack has the following official symptoms, according to the DSM-5:

  • palpitations, a pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Paresthesias
  • Chills or heat sensations

Remember, feeling all things is incredibly normal during a panic attack. They are of course not fun to feel.

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