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How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

The Ultimate Approach To Stopping Morning Depression

Anxiety Relief | How to Get Rid of Anxiety in the Morning | Relaxation Tips

All of the above are wonderful ways to stop morning depression. But there is another method, both super-efficient and easy, that has proven itself scientifically time after time. This method is called subliminal messages.

They contain positive affirmations and suggestions that you cannot fully hear and understand by that, they effortlessly bypass your consciousness and natural resistance.

If, for example, you hear clear-spoken affirmations such as, I feel wonderful to get up in the morning, you will reject it right away because this kind of statement is the complete opposite of your built-in depression-based thought patterns.

However, when you dont hear this suggestion, you will not have the option to resist it in other words, the suggestion has the ability to leave behind your depressive mornings.

Once you have no resistance, there is nothing that will stop these powerful affirmations from syncing in and reaching deep inside your subconscious mind.

They are recorded in a way that bypasses conscious processing. Allowing them to take root deeply and permanently rewire your mind to feel happier in the mornings.

Why You Wake Up With Anxiety

Theres no definitive explanation for what causes morning anxiety, but psychologists have theories.

When you first wake up, your defenses are down, which means you are much more vulnerable to an ambush of negative thoughts, explains Tsilimparis. These thoughts, if not properly managed, could lead to anxiety.

Anxiety originates in the amygdala, a section of the brain that regulates emotions, Pittman explains. One of the amygdalas jobs is to register danger, and when it IDs a threat, it mobilizes the body into fight or flight mode to help you combat the danger or run to safety . Your heart starts pounding, blood flows to your extremities, and your thinking skills may become impaired. The thing is your amygdala cant distinguish between an immediate danger and perceived danger it activates the same physiological responses either way.

So waking up and immediately worrying about your day, or other chronic stressors in your life, can jolt your amygdala into fight or flight, and that, in turn, leads to anxiety.

Looking At My Old Morning Routine It Was A Joke

Alarm goes off.

Alarm goes off 9 minutes later.


Alarm goes off 8 minutes later.

After begrudgingly convincing myself I needed to wake up, Id roll out of bed like a zombie, do bathroom things, shower, and sprint out the door for work.

From the moment I woke up I was fighting the clock, which only made me feel rushed and more anxious. The way I approached my mornings was erratic at best and only fed my existing stress and anxiety.

There was nothing routine about it.

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Common Misconceptions About Anxiety

Unfortunately, there are several myths regarding anxiety and how its handled. Some prominent misconceptions include worrying is genetic and incurable, anxiety medication is addictive, using distractions or avoiding stressful situations can help minimize the threat of anxiety, and being around supportive people can cure anxiety.

Avoid Checking Your Phone Until You Leave

How to Get Rid of Morning Anxiety: 8 Simple Steps ...

I know, we wake up and we tend to scroll through our Facebook feed our Instagram or even just your emails. and this takes an important amount of time out of your morning routine.

This also can make you elevate your anxiety since you are getting bombarded with many possible triggers.

Sometimes out mind starts to wonder after you see someone getting married or having kids, getting into a relationship or getting engaged, traveling, having a job promotion, and so on.

This can cause a lot of anxiety since the beginning of your day and can accompany you for the rest of it.

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How To Tell Whether You Have Morning Anxiety

Maybe you wake up feeling extremely on edge and your chest is tight. Or perhaps your mind is racing and your stomach hurts before youve even gotten out of bed. People experience anxiety in a lot of different ways, explains David H. Rosmarin, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Harvard and founder and director of the Center for Anxiety in New York. There are cognitive symptoms of anxiety, like excessive worry, difficulty concentrating, and racing thoughts. There are also physical symptoms, like chest tightness, heart palpitations, constricted breathing, sweating, nausea, and shakiness. If you experience a combination of both mental and physical symptoms in the a.m., you likely have morning anxiety.

Anxiety isn’t the same as run-of-the-mill stress, which is what a lot of folks experience as they get ready for a busy day ahead. Stress occurs when we don’t have enough resources to deal with the demands of our day, explains Rosmarin. Say, for example, you have a work presentation due in four hours, but you estimate it will take you at least six hours to finish it. Or you have to pay a $500 bill, but you have only $300. Those scenarios would trigger stress.

Turn On The Do Not Disturb Mode On Your Phone

If you are the king/queen of procrastination, this tip is for you. If you need to exclude all chances of postponing work tasks, the Do Not Disturb feature on your smartphone becomes a lifesaver. When your device screen doesnt light up every few minutes, you can fully focus on any task.

Yes, your friends might have to wait an extra hour to get your reaction to the funny meme. But at least your return message will be sincere.

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Dont Check Your Phone Immediately

In an ideal world, your day shouldnt begin with the phone, says Dr. Dimitriu. Reading about stressful news events before your day even begins compounds anxiety. Be mindful of what media you ingest, especially in the morning. I recommend trying to keep your mind blank and your thoughts your own for the first hour of the day, he says.

Why Anxiety Can Be Worse In The Morning

How to get rid of your palpitations naturally – Stress and Anxiety

Three women explain why they feel more anxious earlier in the day.

Let’s face it: anxiety can occur at any time of day and, when it does, it can be the actual worst. But for some, anxiety has a particular habit of rearing its ugly head in the mornings.

At the start of a new day, its easy for the mind to ruminate on what’s ahead and become overwhelmed with negative thoughts about what you need to achieve that day. This can leave us with a sinking feeling and a high level of anxiety, says Dr Elena Touroni, a Consultant Psychologist and co-founder of London’s The Chelsea Psychology Clinic.

And it turns out there’s a scientific reason why anxiety can be so common in the morning for some. “For most people, the stress hormone cortisol is highest in the first hour upon waking, helping us to stay alert and focused in the morning,” says Elena. “However, going to bed feeling anxious can cause cortisol levels to spike too early, which might lead you to wake up with a racing mind. Blood sugar levels are also lower first thing in the morning, which can trigger anxiety for those who are prone to it.”

Here, three women whose anxiety was worst in the morning explain why it happened, and how they’ve learned to cope.

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Examine Your Habits And Stressors

Becoming aware of your morning anxiety helps you confront it rather than sweeping it under the rug.

You might try taking note of what prompts or exacerbates, or worsens, your anxious feelings.

Do you hit the snooze button on your alarm every morning? Do you pick up your phone to check your email, the news, or social media while half asleep to avoid getting out of bed?

These seemingly small habits can contribute to anxiety on a bigger scale than you might realize.

Try to replace habits that increase your anxiety in the morning with ones that may help ease your feelings. For example, if checking your phone first thing in the morning increases your anxiety, try meditation or deep breathing exercises instead.

Also try to avoid hitting the snooze button on your alarm when you wake up. While it may provide temporary relief, it can prolong the challenge of getting out of bed.

See Our Other ‘how To’ Guides

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions. It has a very strong effect on your mind and body.

Fear can create strong signals of response when were in emergencies for instance, if we are caught in a fire or are being attacked.

It can also take effect when youre faced with non-dangerous events, like exams, public speaking, a new job, a date, or even a party. Its a natural response to a threat that can be either perceived or real.

Anxiety is a word we use for some types of fear that are usually to do with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, rather than right now.

Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat, sleep, concentrate, travel, enjoy life, or even leave the house or go to work or school. This can hold you back from doing things you want or need to do, and it also affects your health.

Some people become overwhelmed by fear and want to avoid situations that might make them frightened or anxious. It can be hard to break this cycle, but there are lots of ways to do it. You can learn to feel less fearful and to cope with fear so that it doesnt stop you from living.

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How To Manage Anxiety By Stephen Buckley Head Of Information At Mind

What is anxiety?

“What causes us to feel anxious varies from one person to another,” says Stephen. “Anxiety is a normal reaction to a stressful situation, but if feelings last a long time or keep returning, you might be experiencing an anxiety disorder. Anxiety and depression are common and treatable, but its best to speak to your GP as soon as you can.”

What should I do if anxiety is disrupting my sleep?

For some people, the symptoms of anxiety may feel stronger at night without the usual distractions of the day,” advises Stephen. “Its not uncommon for people with anxiety disorders to wake up during the night having a panic attack, which can be really scary. Lots of people will find they experience other physical symptoms such as headaches, clenching their jaws and grinding their teeth at night all of which can disrupt our sleep. If youre struggling to sleep, you might find that your mental health becomes worse as a result, and it can become a cyclical pattern.”

But there are things that can help: “Only get into bed when you are tired, rather than at a set time,” continues Stephen. “Relaxing before bed, such as having a bath, or reading a book, can also be helpful. Some people use meditation techniques like focusing on their breath. Technology can also prevent you from sleeping well, so make sure you step away from screens at least an hour before you want to sleep.

How should I manage my anxiety?

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How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

How to Get Rid of Morning Anxiety: 8 Simple Steps ...

Morning anxiety can be a shock to your system that lays the foundation for a long, anxiety-filled day. If youve ever been jolted awake by an obnoxious alarm clock and immediately started worrying about the day ahead and/or the mistakes you think you made yesterday, youve begun your day frantically and with anxiety. You dont have to continue to live this way. Read on to learn how to get rid of morning anxiety.

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Reframe Your Anxiety By Acknowledging It

Noticing that youre anxious, responding to it in a way that says, Its bad. I hate this emotion. What if it never goes away? I have to get rid of it, has the effect of intensifying the emotion and keeping it around, Driscoll said.

When you do this, anxiety becomes something else to be anxious about. A way to let go of the struggle is to build skills in service of acceptance and acknowledgment of the emotion, he added. Remember that acceptance is not the same thing as approval of or liking anxiety. Practice acknowledging anxiety by saying, Yes, I am feeling anxious right now.

How To Overcome Morning Anxiety

Try the following steps to help reduce feelings of anxiety first thing in the morning:

Give yourself extra time

One of the most effective ways to combat morning anxiety, is to give yourself a little extra time – for example, setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier. This can help you to wake up and avoid the additional stress of having to rush and the potential for worrying about being late.

Sidestep caffeine

Instead of reaching for the coffee, swapping to camomile tea might help too – as stimulants can often exacerbate anxious symptoms.

Pause social media

Avoiding social media first thing may also help if you feel yourself constantly needing to check your feeds, as you may find yourself becoming anxious as a result of social media pressures.

Try mindfulness meditation

Make time to meditate using wellness apps such as Headspace. They can help you to check in with your emotions and thoughts, so you can relax and prepare you for the day ahead.

Boost endorphins with exercise

Make time for yoga or exercise. Yoga can help to channel your energy and help to switch off your fight or flight stress response. Similarly, exercise first thing in the morning can release endorphins to combat low mood or anxiety.

Talk about your worries

If you’re really struggling, it is important to address the underlying reasons for your anxiety. Counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy or talking therapy support through your GP might be beneficial.

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How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety: 8 Simple Steps

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Have you ever woken up in the morning with a voice in your head telling you to worry about different things?

It is that irrefutably real voice that constantly tells you that youre worthless and stupid, and that no matter how hard you try, you are going to mess up all important things.

Does this voice go away? Fortunately, the answer is yes. Morning anxiety the medical term for the condition is Americas silent epidemic , but there are a number of ways you can deal with it. However, these steps require time and patience.

In this article, we will jot down some simple steps that will help you get rid of anxiety and become a happier person.

Side note: One way to reduce anxiety is to build the mindfulness habit. If youre interested to learn more, check out the book to learn how to stop worrying and reduce anxiety.

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