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HomeTreatmentWhy Do I Have Such Bad Anxiety In The Morning

Why Do I Have Such Bad Anxiety In The Morning

Prepare For The Next Day

Why Do I Have Anxiety in The Morning? | How To Beat Morning Anxiety Quick!

Getting yourself organised for the following day can help put your mind at ease, Bijlani says.

“Many people struggle to get to sleep because they are anxious about the following day. You can try to reduce this anxiety by making sure that you have everything prepared. For example, you could have a to-do list or even get your clothes ready.”

Become More Vibrant During Morning Hours

Imagine what it would feel to function more efficiently and leave behind tiredness associated with morning depression.

Wouldnt it be refreshing to get up full of energy, vitality, and exhilaration? Imagine what your morning would look like when you are free of depression. Once you start your morning with happiness and joy, your entire day will match to this starting point.

No more fear of dealing with reality and daily routines. No more lack of motivation to get out of bed due to draining morning depression. From now on, all of this can change for you because you will create new and healthy conditioning!

It is time to raise your energy vibration and change the way you perceive your life. As you continue practicing, you will feel safer because you will not view the world around you as threatening.

Your lack of energy and depression will be replaced with excitement as you continuously embrace positive and empowering patterns.

This is your time to say goodbye to morning depression and finally, open your eyes with a genuine passion to start your day early.

How To Overcome Morning Anxiety

Try the following steps to help reduce feelings of anxiety first thing in the morning:

Give yourself extra time

One of the most effective ways to combat morning anxiety, is to give yourself a little extra time – for example, setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier. This can help you to wake up and avoid the additional stress of having to rush and the potential for worrying about being late.

Sidestep caffeine

Instead of reaching for the coffee, swapping to camomile tea might help too – as stimulants can often exacerbate anxious symptoms.

Pause social media

Avoiding social media first thing may also help if you feel yourself constantly needing to check your feeds, as you may find yourself becoming anxious as a result of social media pressures.

Try mindfulness meditation

Make time to meditate using wellness apps such as Headspace. They can help you to check in with your emotions and thoughts, so you can relax and prepare you for the day ahead.

Boost endorphins with exercise

Make time for yoga or exercise. Yoga can help to channel your energy and help to switch off your fight or flight stress response. Similarly, exercise first thing in the morning can release endorphins to combat low mood or anxiety.

Talk about your worries

If you’re really struggling, it is important to address the underlying reasons for your anxiety. Counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy or talking therapy support through your GP might be beneficial.

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Symptoms Of And Myths About Anxiety

Many people conflate stress and anxiety, but theyre different. Websters defines anxiety as being uneasy, apprehensive or worried about what may happen, whereas stress is mental or emotional tension or strain characterized by feelings of anxiety, fear, etc. Stress can also be defined as not having the resources to complete a task, while anxiety is usually tied to a perceived threat, real or imagined. Stress may be alleviated by accomplishing the task, but anxiety sticks around, producing a host of physical and psychological symptoms.

Coffee And Sugary Morning Foods

Why do i have such bad anxiety in the morning ...

Coffee has developed an unfair reputation in the anxiety world. While coffee can increase your risk of anxiety symptoms and panic attacks, many people are able to drink coffee without too many problems and some even find the clarity that coffee brings to be calming.

But coffee can still contribute to feelings of morning anxiety. Studies have shown that coffee increases cortisol levels, which may trigger a physiological anxiety response. This might also involve an elevated heart rate, and for those that are sensitive to how their heart feels, that increased heart rate may trigger further anxiousness.

But coffee is not the only culprit. Many people eat foods high in sugars, from donuts to cereal to juice, and high sugar foods can also contribute to nervousness and jitters. All of these scenarios may indicate that your diet could be affecting morning anxiety.

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What Are The Morning Anxiety Signs To Look Out For

Number one on the list of symptoms: racing thoughts. Mentally, youll feel as if there are problems you need to solve or that you cant possibly solve, and your mind will try to create solutions, Wallace says.

The anxiety these racing thoughts create can also lead to physical symptoms including:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Tense muscles

While it may feel as if the physical symptoms start first , thats not the case, Wallace says.

In addition to racing thoughts, if youre regularly experiencing any of the following emotions or behaviors when you wake up, theres a chance you have generalized anxiety disorder that’s presenting in the morning:

  • Overthinking worst-case outcomes constantly
  • Worrying about things that are out of your control
  • Blowing a scenario out of proportion with reality
  • You’re terrified of making the wrong decisions
  • You’re unable to let go of a worry

With generalized anxiety, your thoughts are racing, and you’re trying to come up with solutions to problems that may not be realistic or might even be catastrophic, she says. And then those physical symptoms can come upheart racing or fatigue, for example. When all of this is going on in your body, you’re exhausted.

Set Out Your Clothes For Tomorrow

Your closet might be packed with items you love but all of those options can lead to decision fatigue, or the exhaustion and stress thats associated with having too many options to choose from. Getting dressed in the morning sounds like a simple task for any adult, but for some, it really can be wearing. If this sounds like you, try setting out your outfit the night before to see if doing so can help combat some of that morning stress. This process is you looking out for your future self, alleviating some of the jitters that come after sunrise.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Morning Anxiety

As with other forms of anxiety and anxiety disorders, the symptoms you may experience upon awakening with morning anxiety can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Tense muscles, fast breathing, or a pounding heartbeat
  • Feeling irritable, on edge, restless, or keyed up
  • Racing thoughts or, conversely, you may not be able to concentrate or may find that your minds goes blank
  • Difficulty controlling your anxiety or stopping yourself from obsessively worrying

Think About Your Future

Morning Anxiety! Do You Have Morning Anxiety?

Use Monday morning to think about where you are at in your career now and where you want to be in future. Ask yourself questions like: What is my ultimate goal? What steps do I need to take to reach there on a daily- basis?

Having clear and achievable goals are essential to your satisfaction in the here and now. You will see that it is easier to manage daily tasks if you remember why you are doing so.

Your employer should also support and show you the options available to you in order to progress within the organization. Having said that, you still need to be proactive and seek out opportunities such as training, development, and promotions. Tugce Gulsoy suggests constantly following up the company news and notices from your local HR, Talent Development or Internal Communications departments. They have the most up-to-date information about these opportunities. Also remember to check-up on the company platforms like Intranet and Yammer on a regular-basis to stay up-to-date with the opportunities in your organization.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

How Do I Know If I Have Morning Anxiety

While morning anxiety isnt a formal medical term, it refers to feelings of stress about the day ahead.

Perhaps you wake up on edge with little motivation to get out of bed. Or, the sound of your alarm sets your brain into panic mode.

Anxiety is experienced in many different ways and certainly is not a one-size-fits-all situation.

While some may find their anxiety levels are higher in the morning, this may not be the case for everyone with an anxiety disorder.

For those who do experience morning anxiety, they know that it can put a damper on the day. Symptoms of anxiety can feel more intense in the morning.

These can include:

  • racing thoughts and heightened worry about the days tasks and responsibilities
  • rapid heart rate or feeling like your heart is pounding
  • muscle tension
  • trouble concentrating

When you feel zapped of energy or have trouble managing your thoughts, its taxing on all levels physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Its important to remember that youre not alone. Its normal to feel off when you first wake up in fact, there are several explanations for why this happens.

Practice Mindfulness Meditate Or Pray

Meditation, mindfulness and prayer all have similar goals get your mind off future worries and focus on the present. Try to put yourself in a mindful state when you first wake up. Objectively observe your feelings, thoughts and bodily state while trying not to react to them. Take some deep breaths, turning your focus away from what you cant control and turning it toward what you can.

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How To Cope With Morning Anxiety

Waking up with anxiety really sucks, especially when it feels like theres so much to be worried about. But there are ways to cope, practice self-care, and protect your mental health.

For people of color especially, its important to look for resources specifically for us, Ertel says. We live in a world and a culture that wasnt created for us, and its easy for therapists to have all the right intentions but not have the understanding. You don’t necessarily have to find a therapist, she adds. There are tons of podcasts that are specifically for mental health in the Black community, such as Between Sessions,Celeste the Therapist, and Naming It. Seeking resources like that whether in your community or on the internet can be really helpful because it helps you connect to something that is relatable, Ertel says.

Most of us use our phones as alarm clocks, which means that the minute we wake up, were confronting an inbox of unread emails and a barrage of depressing Twitter alerts. That can be a recipe for morning stress and anxiety. As an alternative, stash your phone in another room at night and rely on a manual or digital alarm clock instead, suggests Rosmarin. This isn’t about burying your head in the sand: The emails and headlines will still be there but youll give yourself a little time to center yourself and practice self-care before addressing them.

Jenny McCoy is a freelance journalist in Boulder, Colorado.

Other Causes Of Anxiety In The Morning

Why do i have such bad anxiety in the morning ...

All of these are potential causes of waking up with anxiety, and this is not an exhaustive list. It’s possible to wake up with anxiety simply because youve had fights with a significant other in the morning in the past. Some people experience morning-time hypoglycemia , which has been linked to the development of anxiety symptoms. Some people also get panic attacks in their sleep which causes a person to wake up significantly distressed. There are several issues related to anxiety disorders that may cause you to wake up anxious, many of which we have discussed today.

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Symptoms Of Morning Anxiety

Most people experience several of the following symptoms when feeling anxious:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Feeling weak, faint, or dizzy
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and fingers
  • Nervousness, sense of terror, of impending doom or death
  • Feeling sweaty or having chills
  • Chest pains
  • Feeling a loss of control
  • Fatigue

Getting Enough And Quality Sleep

When we dont get enough sleep, it can also contribute to waking up to anxiety. Here we have cortisol to blame since not getting a good nights sleep can increase cortisol levels throughout the morning.

Remember to avoid drinking any caffeine or smoking before going to bed since it can interfere with your sleep.

Moreover, make sure to have all screens away before going to sleep, checking the temperature of the room, avoid exercising before going to bed , limit your daytime naps to 30 mins during the day and steer clear from food that can disrupt your sleep.

To improve your quality of sleep, add this pillow spray and the best anxiety sheets you can find to your bed. In addition, you can decorate it with stuffed animals and put some earplugs for the noises. We recommend the following Best Earplugs For Anxiety, where the Stiizy Pods and Pax Era Pod for anxiety stand out, where you can put Binaural Beats.

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Accept Dont Fight For Just 10 Minutes

If youre finding that managing morning anxiety is a too difficult with the strategies mentioned, try planned worrying. Give yourself a time limit of 10 minutes to experience worry feelings. When the timer goes off, move on to your self-care strategies. Though you cant expect to simply shut off your anxiety like a timer, this approach allows you to acknowledge your worry, and gives you a concrete time to move on to self-care.

The symptoms of morning anxiety can feel incredibly uncomfortable and overwhelming, but they are highly treatable. When you combine professional treatment along with the self-care strategies listed above, you will experience relief from anxiety, and wake up hopeful and calm.

Face your fears. Live with uncertainty. Take control of your life.

Dr. Theresa Welles

Are You Struggling With Morning Anxiety Here Are 12 Proven Ways To Curb It

Why you should wake up early if you have anxiety!

How you start your morning dictates much of what will happen to you in the daytime. Morning anxiety can greatly affect your entire day if not well managed.

When you wake up in the morning and you start overthinking about your greatest fears, then it means anxiety is already on you. Morning anxiety is that feeling of uncertainness about the tasks ahead.

Putting too much effort into thinking about your schedule in the early morning is not healthy. That is why you should command your day by winning your morning anxiety.

With the current situation of Covid -19 and more day to day challenges, morning anxiety seems to be inevitable. There are currently a lot of new emerging challenges that are mentally and emotionally draining.

Worrying is becoming a norm for everyone today. Thats why we should try our best to overcome waking up with anxiety.

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