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How To Help Calm Anxiety

Check Levels Of Magnesium

How To Calm Your Anxiety

Magnesium is an important mineral in the human body. It plays a role in more than 300 enzyme reactions and helps maintain muscle and nerve function, blood pressure, and the immune system.

Its also one of the minerals that many Americans do not get enough of in their diet.

There have also been several studies that have found that magnesium supplements can help reduce anxiety symptoms, including those related to PMS.

Like with vitamin D, you may want to check your current magnesium levels before supplementing.

You can get magnesium naturally by eating:

  • whole wheat

, but your body doesnt make them on its own. Instead, you get all your omega-3 fatty acids through your diet by eating foods such as fish or flaxseed.

Research, including a 2018 meta-analysis and a 2018 review study, found that omega-3 in the form of fish oil supplements could help ease anxiety.

If youre considering taking omega-3 supplements, you may want to mention this to your healthcare team. They can sometimes interfere with certain prescription medications, such as blood thinners. They may not be recommended for people with certain medical conditions.

Tell Us About How Long

Long-term stress can cause heart problems, digestive issues, and impact your reproductive health. It also attacks two of the brain areas that are most sensitive to aging. The hippocampus is critical for long-term memory formation and that is the structure that first gets hit in dementia and Alzheimers disease. The prefrontal cortex, which is important for decision-making and focus, also gets affected. These areas start to shrivel and particularly, in the hippocampus, cells die. You do not want dead cells in your hippocampus as you get older, because thats already vulnerable.

Take A Moment For A Mindful Inquiry Practice:

  • Before you begin, ask yourself whether this is a good time to explore your feelings. Do you feel safe at this time? If you do feel safe, proceed with the next step. If you do not feel safe, then it is okay to wait and attempt this practice at a more secure time, perhaps when youve returned to the privacy of your home.
  • Your practice begins as soon as you tune in to and become mindful with your breathing. Wherever you arerunning around town, meeting up with a friend, standing in line, or walking down the aisle of a marketyou carry your breath everywhere, and it is your focal point for maintaining your connection to the present wherever you go. Be mindful of your breathing, in and out, noticing the sensations of warmth as you breathe in and coolness as you breathe out, experiencing the rise and fall, the in and out of each breath.
  • You may experience a strong impulse to resist or fight against these painful and terrifying emotions,as may be your habit. We all have a natural tendency to strive toward what feels good. For this exercise, you are practicing non-striving: not trying, or not attempting to change your feelings or shift them in a different direction. Just let the feelings be what they are. The less energy you spend trying to resist or alter your panicky emotions, the lesser the hold your panic can have on you.
  • Remember to be aware of your breathing and to connect again with the here and now.
  • A 30-Minute Meditation for Investigating Panic Attacks

    Recommended Reading: Does Vyvanse Help With Anxiety

    If Someone Has A More Serious Anxiety Problem Avoid Stigmatizing Them

    What can we do for folks with more serious issues? People experiencing things like panic disorder, depression mixed with anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or obsessional thinking may fear that theyre literally going crazy. Helping them may feel beyond your ability.

    You can still be supportive in many ways. When someone is experiencing significant anxiety, its helpful to reassure them that your overall perception of them hasnt changed. Theyre still the same person theyre just suffering a temporary problem situation that has become out of control. Theyre not broken and who they are hasnt changed. To the extent possible, you can help the person stay connected to positive aspects of their identity by participating in or encouraging their interests and hobbies.

    Sometimes, individuals who have chronic anxiety problems arent interested in changing. For example, you might be friends with someone who has agoraphobia or an eating disorder, but their condition is long-term and stable. In these cases, you can be accepting of that person so that they dont feel isolated. Being matter-of-fact about their limitations without excessively shaming them or insisting they should pursue becoming normal is often the best strategy.

    And You Provide A Number Of Tools In Your Book To Help Us Do That What Would You Say Are Some Of The Most Effective And Things We Can All Start Incorporating In Our Everyday Lives

    How To Calm Down During A Panic Attack

    The two top tools that I always start with are things that can immediately turn down the volume of anxiety. The first is simply by breathing deeply for long durations in and out. You might have heard of this before. But what you might not have realized is that that works because it is stimulating the part of the nervous system that was evolved to directly counteract the fight or flight response. Thats known as the rest and digest system. It slows your heart rate down and slows your respiration. The best way to activate it is to breathe slowly in and out.

    The second thing is moving your body, something that Ive studied in my lab for many years at NYU. Physical activity is an amazing way to have an immediate positive effect on anxiety levels. The reason this works is that exercise stimulates the release of neurotransmitters in the brain like dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline. I like to say that every time you move your body, its like giving your brain a wonderful neurochemical bubble bath that works to improve your mood and and depression levels.

    This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

    Recommended Reading: How To Help Someone With Postpartum Anxiety

    Tip : Talk About Your Worries

    It may seem like a simplistic solution, but talking face to face with a trusted friend or family membersomeone who will listen to you without judging, criticizing, or continually being distractedis one of the most effective ways to calm your nervous system and diffuse anxiety. When your worries start spiraling, talking them over can make them seem far less threatening.

    Keeping worries to yourself only causes them to build up until they seem overwhelming. But saying them out loud can often help you to make sense of what youre feeling and put things in perspective. If your fears are unwarranted, verbalizing them can expose them for what they areneedless worries. And if your fears are justified, sharing them with someone else can produce solutions that you may not have thought of alone.

    Build a strong support system. Human beings are social creatures. Were not meant to live in isolation. But a strong support system doesnt necessarily mean a vast network of friends. Dont underestimate the benefit of a few people you can trust and count on to be there for you. And if you dont feel that you have anyone to confide in, its never too late to build new friendships.

    Describe Your Surroundings In Your Head

    If you feel sudden panic strike, try to observe your surroundings and start describing thingsin your headin increasing detail. For example: Theres a chair.It has four legs.The legs are wooden.The cushion is embroidered.The embroidery is blue and white.It has white stitching. Whether its a chair or a book cover or a cute puppy, the idea is that the more you focus on describing something, the less you focus on freaking out. The more of your brain youre using to think of words to describe a golden retriever, the less of your brain youre using to think about any negative thoughts swirling around your head.

    Also Check: When To See A Doctor For Anxiety

    When Should I Seek Professional Help For My Anxious Child

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and our experts, you should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist with experience treating children with an anxiety disorder when the childs behavior or anxiety:

    • Disrupts the household and interferes with family activities and life
    • When the child gets upset multiple times a day or week
    • When the frequency and intensity of the fears escalate .
    • When the anxiety leads to significant avoidance behavior. The child continually and consistently makes excuses to avoid school or other situations that may provoke anxiety.
    • When the disorder is making it difficult for the child to interact with, make or keep friends.
    • When sleep habits are disrupted
    • When you begin to see compulsive behaviors and rituals such as repeated hand washing, counting, checking things and when the child refuses or is unable to leave the house without performing these rituals.
    • When your child shows a pattern of physical symptoms that are disruptive and detrimental to the child
    • When your child experiences panic attacks characterized by heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, hyperventilation.

    Worrying Yourself Crazy These Tips Will Help You Live With Less Anxiety

    Box breathing relaxation technique: how to calm feelings of stress or anxiety

    Im a naturally anxious person, Ive been that way since I was a kid. I didnt like being separated from my mom, worried if she was late picking me up from somewhere, and stressed out about the monsters under the bed. As an adult, other than my specific fears of heights and tiny cramped spaces, I tend to be more of a run-of-the-mill general worrier.

    A few years ago I attended a course at Harvards Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine, and was fascinated by the presentations from leading physicians and neuroscientists. They explained that an anxious disposition can be passed on from an anxious mother to her fetus. Its not just a genetic tendency if a mother is anxious during pregnancy that can directly impact the brain development of the fetus. Some of us are born anxious as a result. For those who have a better start, life can still be full of all kinds of anxiety-provoking events and circumstances. Thankfully, theres great hope for all worrywarts.

    The faculty at the Harvard Medical School course demonstrated that deep-rooted tendencies toward anxiety could be physiologically and even anatomically reversed. Relaxation techniques, for example, when practiced regularly, can actually change the architecture of an anxious brain by shrinking the fear-mongering amygdala and strengthening the more rational, calm cortex.

    Here are some of my favorite tools for maintaining calm and defusing worries:

    Recommended Reading: How To Treat Anxiety Disorder

    The Serene Beach Scene

    The following is a beach scene visualization exercise that you can practice on your own. Beach scenes are one of the most popular visualizations due to their calming and tranquil impact. Feel free to change it to better suit your needs and imagination. Use this visualization to relax, unwind and briefly escape from your day-to-day tasks.

    Calm Anxiety In Three Steps:

  • Open your attention to the present moment. The invitation is to bring attention to our experience in a wider and more open manner that isnt really involved with selecting or choosing or evaluating, but simply holdingbecoming a container for thoughts, feelings or sensations in the body that are present and seeing if we can watch them from one moment to the next.
  • Focus on the breath. Let go of that widescreen and bring a focus thats much more concentrated and centered on breathing in one region of your bodythe breath of the belly, or the chest, or the nostrils, or anywhere that the breath makes itself known, and keep that more concentrated focus.
  • Bring your attention to your body. Become aware of sensations in the body as a whole, sitting with the whole body, the whole breath, once again we move back to a wider and spacious container of attention for our experience.
  • Read Also: Is Lexapro Good For Anxiety

    Fill Your Plate With Anti

    Science is discovering more about the gut-brain connection. Researchers often refer to the belly as the second brain, since about 95% of serotonin receptors are found in the lining of the gut. Science shows that foods containing certain vitamins and minerals may help reduce anxiety, so when youre thinking about natural ways to help anxiety, consider filling up on these:

    • Leafy greens, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, which are rich in magnesium. Evidence suggests that magnesium may have a beneficial effect on anxiety.
    • Oysters, liver, and egg yolks contain the mineral zinc, which has been linked to lower anxiety.
    • Wild Alaskan salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce anxiety.
    • Turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which the body needs to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin that helps regulate sleep and mood.
    • Berries, apples, prunes, cherries, plums, broccoli, beets, and spices like ginger and turmeric are all high in antioxidants. Anxiety is thought to be correlated with lower levels. Artichokes and asparagus, which is widely used in Chinese medicine, are known for their anti-anxiety properties.

    If you have anxiety, its a good idea to limit caffeine and alcohol both of which can aggravate symptoms.

    How To Calm Anxiety: Acknowledge Your Emotions

    Ways To Calm Down From An Anxiety Attack

    Panic is contagious. Fear is everywhere. If I turn on the news or dare step outside, Im sure the zombie apocalypse has arrived.

    Sadly, Im now accustomed to managing my anxiety from hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, school shootings, and terrorist attacks. But those are isolated incidents. After sadness passes, I can separate myself from those events. Now, there is no escape from the cloud raining down anxiety upon us. This pandemic has taken my fears global.

    Pandemics are not new, but never before has our society experienced anything like this. The range of emotions we feel is intense. Like traveling through the stages of grief, we experience denial, anger, bargaining, and sadness all in an effort to psychologically and emotionally accept what is happening and figure out how we are going to get through it.

    Also Check: How Can You Help Someone With Social Anxiety

    Breathe Slowly And Deeply

    Taking slow, deep breaths is associated with a sense of calm and reduced anxiety. Breathing in a slow, deep, controlled manner helps the body relax, which is critical for fighting the physical tension that comes up in response to anxiety, Gelbart says.

    Taking slow deep breaths activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and calm. That can help quell anxiety, Gelbart says. Gelbart recommends using an app to guide your breathwork in order to reduce anxiety.

    Belly breathing is one type of slow, deep breathing that can help interrupt anxiety. To try it, sit or lie in a comfortable position, with one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Breath in through your nose, watching the hand on your belly rise. The hand on your chest shouldn’t move.

    After you’ve pushed the belly hand out as far as you can, slowly exhale through your mouth with your lips pursed, watching the belly hand fall. Repeat that 3-10 times, or until you feel calmer.

    Quick tip: If you have anxiety at night, you may want to try these breathing exercises for sleep and relaxation.

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