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How To Become Anxiety Free

Balance Your Blood Sugar

How To Become Worry Free

Hypoglycemia causes the same symptoms as anxiety. Seriously. Because when your body is low in glucose your brain goes into red alert to let you know that energy is needed or you could eventually die. Keeping your blood sugar steady lets your brain know you’re ok and prevents those anxious feelings.

Here are the basics: Eat a balanced, non-sugary breakfast and dont skip meals. Eat a good quality protein at each meal and snacks, eat something every few hours, and include high quality fats at each meal. Avoid foods that lead to blood sugar drops. Sugar, white carbohydrates, and caffeine are the most common examples.

It gets a little more complicated in that food sensitivities and gluten intolerance can cause inflammation in your body, and when inflammation runs amuck, it fuels anxiety. So an elimination diet can sometimes help you get to the bottom of your anxiety and there might be certain foods that you need to avoid to support your mental well-being. There’s a strong connection between gut health and mental health, too.

Dont Worry About Dying Worry About Not Living

Someone once told me Dennis, you could be waiting for a day that wont come, and it was the most important words I needed to hear. For years I carried around my past decisions, memories, beliefs, identity, all the things that made me who I was without realizing how much this bag of stuff was weighing me down in life.

The Bottom Line Is That Those Suffering Fromanxiety Do Not Need To Feel Hopeless Orhelpless

Living with an untreated anxiety disorder is difficult to say the least. Normal, everyday tasks can become insurmountable. In an attempt to avoid triggers, an individual can become isolated, making employment difficult, and causing relationships to break down. Without treatment, anxiety disorders tend to worsen over time, and as the suffering increases, the ability to manage daily life decreases. To make matters worse, untreated anxiety often invites self-medication in the form of substance abuse or other maladaptive coping behaviors, which ultimately makes the problem much more complicated to treat.

If you suspect that you, or a loved one, are suffering from an anxiety disorder, please seek professional help without delay. If its a true emergency involving a person being a danger to themselves or others, an emergency room is the best choice. Otherwise, there are many proven successful treatment avenues to explore with a wide variety of mental health professionals available to assist with whichever particular challenges youre facing. Its also important for everyone to tackle the stigma around anxiety and mental illness by encouraging open and honest discussion and advocacy, as well as not misusing terms like OCD or PTSD. Anxiety sufferers should also remember that they are not alone anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis both in the US and worldwide.

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Map Your Social Anxiety Triggers

As much as you may struggle with social anxiety, its important to remind yourself that youre not always socially anxious.

There are likely certain people in your life you do feel comfortable around. And there are probably plenty of non-social times throughout your day when youre not in the grips of social anxiety.

I say this for two reasons:

  • For one thing, exaggerating the extent to which you are socially anxious is only going to lead to more social anxiety. If you constantly describe yourself as constantly anxious about people or Im socially anxious, whats the message youre sending your own brain?
  • But the other reason is that when you start paying attention to times when youre not socially anxious, you begin to get a better sense for the boundaries and triggers of your social anxiety.
  • One of the reasons social anxiety can be so overwhelming is that it becomes an automatic process.

    Heres an example:

    Now, simply managing the triggers of your social anxiety isnt going to completely eliminate them.

    But Ive found that its a very useful first step because it can seriously take the edge off your anxietyenough to be able to start implementing some of the strategies which target the core maintaining causes of your social anxiety directly.

    Try this:

    Expert Tips On How To Overcome Social Anxiety

    How to Become A Stress

    As a psychologist who specializes in anxiety, I get asked all the time about how to overcome social anxiety.

    And while I know what a struggle social anxiety can be, I have good news

    With the right mindset shifts and some new habits, you can overcome social anxiety.

    And thats exactly what Im going to show you how to do in this guide.

    Youll learn:

    • What social anxiety is exactly
    • Some specific examples of what social anxiety looks like
    • Where social anxiety comes from and what causes it
    • A collection of practical tips to help you work through your social anxiety in a healthy way

    Okay, lets dive in!

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    Utilize Employee And Student Resources

    “Most employers are offering some level therapy for their employees,” Marques says. Ask your human resources department about employee assistance programs that you can take advantage of for free or little cost.

    Similarly, most college health centers offer low-cost or free counseling services, Marques says. In addition to therapy, they may have wellness resources, such as meditation workshops and relaxation tools, available for students. Although you may not be on your college campus, virtual therapy is just as good as counseling in-person, she adds.

    One Study Found That Mindfulnessreduced Physical Symptoms Ofemotional Distress Like Heart Rateand Blood Pressure

    Finally, there is emerging evidence that exercise can have a huge impact on anxiety. Running, in particular, has been associated with notable declines in anxiety scores in multiple studies. Fortunately, non-runners have options too. Simply walking for around half an hour, particularly in green or forested places and alongside mindfulness techniques, has a documented calming effect, as does yoga. Scientists think the positive effect exercise has on anxiety is due to several factors, including feel-good endorphins released by the brain during physical activity, physical movement facilitating a present/mindful mental state, and even the physical release of stress or tension.

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    A New Years Resolution Is Just The Starting Point In Healing Anxiety

    To start this year off on the right foot we must clear up a few misconceptions when it comes to anxiety recovery:

    • Relying on doing more for yourself and learning more about anxiety doesnt always mean better. In fact, many times it backfires because the quality of your self mastery work drops.
    • Lessons over past setbacks must be learned , but also the application of new habits must be emphasized.
    • Your support group can support your new years resolution to become anxiety free but they cant do the work for you.
    • Without a set plan to follow daily you will revert back to old habits that spur on the fight or flight response again.
    • No matter where you are in your healing journey youre exactly where you need to be to start moving forward.

    These principles are a good starting point around your new years resolution to become anxiety free. This journey demands both wisdom from the inside along with information and knowledge from others. To attain the wisdom you must trust in it as it intuitively arises, this is a key piece to overcoming anxiety the right way. This is how trust is built in your own capabilities along with the changes that are always happening in and around us.

    Set Small Achievable Goals

    How to Become Anxiety Symptom Free

    Anxiety sufferers tend to set unrealistically high expectations for themselves. To counteract this tendency, set goals that you can easily accomplish. This builds your confidence and your sense of accomplishment.

    When you are learning skills to handle stress and reduce your anxiety, small steps work best. For example, if your goal is to integrate deep breathing into your life, start by practicing for one-minute intervals three or four times a day instead of for an hour all at once.

    Setting small, achievable goals will help will take you farther than you can imagine over time. It will help you reach your final destination: a happier, low-anxiety life.

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Definition Of Anxiety

    Summary & Extra Resources

    Social anxiety is excessive and persistent fear of what other people think of you.

    And when it comes to the question of how to overcome social anxiety, the most important distinction to keep in mind is this:

    Whatever caused your social anxiety originally is not necessarily the thing maintaining it now.

    This means that in order to effectively overcome your social anxiety, you need to identify the habits in the present that are keeping your anxiety strongor even making it worseand work to eliminate them.

    To review, here are the 10 tips I recommended to get you started:

  • Map your social anxiety triggers
  • Control your worry habit
  • Practice self-compassion with your social anxiety
  • Talk about your social anxiety
  • Restructure overly-negative self-talk
  • Avoid coping strategies like alcohol or marijuana
  • Set better boundaries
  • Spend more time around people who appreciate you
  • Clarify your values
  • The Abc Model Of Anxiety

    Understanding how emotional reactivity, core beliefs, and coping strategies interact in time should lead to more precise diagnoses and better management of anxiety disorders. We recently applied a mathematical model using nonlinear dynamics to describe these processes and further developed this model to cover diagnostic presentations and their underlying processes. The model that we, for simplicity, call the ABC model of anxiety could be viewed as an interaction in space and time of alarms, beliefs and coping strategies .

    Schematic detailing the ABC model of anxiety. In this model, a variety of triggering events can elicit responses at the levels of Alarm sensations, Beliefs, and associated Coping strategies, including behaviors. Each of these processes originates in discrete brain circuits that are functionally connected. Over time, this perpetuates a vicious circle, shaping the presentation of a variety of anxiety disorders.

    Alarms are emotional sensations or physiological reactions to a trigger situation, sensation, or thought. A well-defined set of brain circuits rapidly processes information about the alarm.

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    Learn Strategies To Immediately Deal With Symptoms

    Educate yourself by learning strategies to immediately deal with anxiety symptoms. The National Institute of Anxiety and Stress has just made available free information that can help you reduce anxiety symptoms quickly, easily, and effectively.

    This free information contains audio and workbook exercises that show you:

    • how to stop intense anxiety using a simple three-step formula
    • how to deal with anxiety symptoms quickly
    • what to do when youre having a panic attack

    Why Wont My Fear Go Away And Leave Me Feeling Normal Again

    5 Activities to Help You Become Stress Free ...

    Fear may be a one-off feeling when you are faced with something unfamiliar.

    But it can also be an everyday, long-lasting problem even if you cant put your finger on why. Some people feel a constant sense of anxiety all the time, without any particular trigger.

    There are plenty of triggers for fear in everyday life, and you cant always work out exactly why you are frightened or how likely you are to be harmed. Even if you can see how out of proportion a fear is, the emotional part of your brain keeps sending danger signals to your body.

    Sometimes you need mental and physical ways of tackling fear.

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    Treat Anxiety Naturally Without Medication

    There are quite a few easy, natural ways to lessen anxiety and help you fall asleep faster. But before we get there, its good to know why we should consider treating anxiety without prescription medication.

    First, anti-anxiety medications can have some serious side effects. For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil are used to treat depression and anxiety by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain these can have some serious side effects including nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, nervousness, emotional numbness, blunted emotions and sexual dysfunction to name a few.

    Alternatively, Benzodiazepines, like Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium, are used to treat anxiety by reducing abnormal electrical activity in the brain they are essentially tranquilizers used to treat acute panic attacks. In addition to possible side effects like dizziness, nausea, confusion, fatigue, and nightmares, benzodiazepines can cause physical dependency and can be easily abused.

    Second, recent research suggests that, for anxiety disorders, short term structured learning-based treatments regularly outperform medication treatments. This is especially true for long-term results. By teaching your brain not to panic, you treat the cause rather than the symptoms. Learn more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy here.

    Meditation And Mindfulness To Manage Anxiety

    Meditation is becoming an increasingly popular approach to managing stress, and more and more scientific studies are backing up its effectiveness. Brain imaging has allowed neuroscientists to determine that meditation can actually change your brain for the better. In a study performed by Dr. Sara Lazar, neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, after just eight weeks of meditation , subjects had physically altered their brains: they had grown areas of their brain associated with empathy, compassion, learning, memory and emotional regulation , and shrunken the part of the brain associated with anxiety, fear, and stress .

    Buddhist monks have actually been training their brains in this way for centuries. At the recommendation of the Dalai Lama, neuroscientist Richard Davidson from the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at University of Wisconsin, Madison studied the brains of eight practitioners who had spent over 34,000 hours meditating. What they found was that meditation had allowed the monks brains to become more plastic, more adaptable and accepting of change and stressors.

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    Contact Your Health Insurance Provider

    If you decide you need to seek professional support from a therapist or licensed mental health counselor, your health insurance provider is a good place to start looking, Marques says. The company should have a database of clinicians who are accepting patients.

    A few questions Marques suggests asking before you settle on one: “Do you offer evidence-based science-driven therapy? Have you ever worked with someone like me before? How many sessions should I expect to attend?”

    If you’re concerned about the cost, you may want to ask if the clinician provides appointments on a “sliding scale.” Talk therapy appointments can cost between $100 to $200 a session, according to GoodTherapy, a database of therapists.

    When To Contact A Doctor

    10 Steps How to Become Stress Free and How to Declutter your mind

    Most people experience anxiety from time to time. When a person has anxiety so intense that it undermines sleep, daily functioning, or relationships, it is time to seek help. This type of anxiety is a medical condition. And while medication is an option, it is not the only treatment.

    A doctor can help with getting the correct diagnosis, ruling out physical health issues, and finding therapy and other remedies.

    A person should contact a doctor or healthcare provider if they experience the following:

    • They feel chronically anxious for no clear reason or have constantly shifting anxieties.
    • Their anxiety is disproportionate to the stress they feel, such as if a person who has a relatively safe and comfortable life is chronically afraid of violence or starvation.
    • They experience panic attacks or physical anxiety symptoms, such as a racing heart or stomach pain.
    • Their anxiety treatment does not work or suddenly stops working.

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