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HomeCauseWhat Anxiety Medication Causes Weight Loss

What Anxiety Medication Causes Weight Loss

Medications Used For Anxiety That Help With Weight Loss

Can Anxiety Cause Weight Loss?

If you are a person plagued by anxiety and in need of medication to treat it, there are many options for you to discuss with your doctor. Anxiety patients concerned about the possibility of weight gain on such medications need not worry, considering the anxiety drugs available that can actually aid in weight loss 12.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

What Causes Loss Of Weight

There are many causes of weight loss. Stress and anxiety are two that often go hand in hand. However, they should not be the only cause of weight loss as there are other factors like decrease in body fluid, muscle mass, or fat stores that can cause a person to lose weight.

Anxiety and stress may lead to anorexia, which is when someone has an obsessive desire to stay thin and restricts their food intake. Anorexia can lead to unhealthy habits such as bingeing on food or taking laxatives, which will do nothing to help with weight loss goals.

If one is aware of the effect anxiety has on them and how it will affect their weight, they can make an effort to come up with a plan that will help manage their anxiety by managing their weight.

When Prozac Weight Loss Becomes A Problem

Significant weight loss is a concern when people use Prozac. The concern is more troubling when it occurs in very underweight people who are depressed or living with bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder.6 A person with an eating disorder could continue to lose weight because the Prozac treatment is not doing enough to manage symptoms.

Among people treated with Prozac for bulimia nervosa, 8% experienced decreased appetite. Among those with depression, 11% experienced decreased appetite. Among those with obsessive-compulsive disorder , 17% experienced decreased appetite.6

If you find that you or a loved one are losing significant weight, make a call to the prescriber or primary care physician. They can assess the severity of the weight loss and recommend appropriate care to lower the risk.

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Search Results And Study Description

We identified 99 relevant SRs that included 3548 RCTs, which we reviewed and from which we selected 257 eligible RCTs . These RCTs evaluated weight change associated with 54 different drugs and enrolled more than 84 696 patients. During the full-text screening, reviewers had excellent agreement . The main reasons for exclusion were nonrandomized study design and lack of weight change assessment.

The process of study selection.

In these trials, 46% of participants were men. Ages ranged from 22 to 88 years. Most RCTs exclusively enrolled obese patients 23% enrolled only overweight patients. We found an underrepresentation of nonwhite populations in the included trials .

How Antidepressants Affect Weight Loss

Anti Anxiety Medication That Causes Weight Loss
  • How Forward can help you balance depression treatment and weight management
  • Roughly 13 percent of Americans over the age of 12 take antidepressant medications. If youre one of them, your medication can help ease common symptoms of depression and anxiety to improve your quality of life. Unfortunately, like all medications, antidepressants pose a risk for side effects, including weight gain and weight loss challenges. Understanding how antidepressants affect your weight allows you to choose the right approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes to set you up for lasting weight loss success.

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    Antidepressants And Weight Gain

    Weight gain while taking an antidepressant is complicated. There is some research investigating the interaction of brain chemicals, antidepressants, and hormones that might result in weight gain, but more study is needed.

    One study found that about 65% of people taking antidepressants experienced weight gain. Another noted that weight gain can be a “significant cause” of discontinuing treatment in the first two months.

    However, not all antidepressant medications have this side effect. Research shows weight gain is mostly linked to a few antidepressants:

    Weight gain associated with other antidepressants, if it does occur, is usually short-lived. In addition, individual factors seem to play a role. In other words, it’s hard to predict who will gain weight on certain antidepressants because so many variables are at play.

    Is Wellbutrin An Ssri

    Wellbutrin SR and Wellbutrin XL are atypical antidepressants that are not selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors . Wellbutrin medications belong to the drug class called norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors . They are also known as aminoketone antidepressants. They act to balance chemicals in the brain to help improve symptoms of depression.

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    Can Antianxiety Medicines Cause Weight Loss

    There is a rumor that Antidepressants cause weight loss. Often some people lose weight when they start taking antidepressants. But this is not always due to the effect of the medicine. They just lose weight for other reasons.

    Side Effects Of Antidepressants: When you start taking antidepressants, the side effects of diarrhea and vomiting are common. If this happens, food will not be absorbed and water will be lost from the body. Then you may lose weight. However, diarrhea and vomiting fade over time as you get used to the medicine. Then, the effect of serotonin metabolism suppression takes effect, and you may gain weight rather losing it in the long run.

    Switching Antidepressants: When you switch to a different antidepressant, you may also lose weight. Antidepressants have different weight gain depending on the type. Antidepressants such as tricyclic class and NaSSA promote weight gain. Conversely, SNRI antidepressants do not cause severe weight gain. Thus, you may lose weight when you switch from a NaSSA class drug to an SNRI class antidepressant. This is not promoting weight loss, but only the fading of the side effects of the NaSSA.

    Anti-anxiety medications can relieve symptoms of anxiety and related disorders as part of a treatment program under the supervision of a doctor or therapist. The effects of anxiety medication include changes in eating habits and body weight.

  • Wilson TK, Tripp J. Buspirone. StatPearls : StatPearls Publishing 2019.
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    How Can I Lose Weight While On Antidepressants

    Anxiety Medications and Weight Loss

    Losing weight is often a struggle, especially when a person is also living with a mood disorder. The causes are multiple. Increased appetite and carbohydrate craving, along with reduced activity level, are common symptoms of depression. And yes, certain antidepressants and other medications may increase appetite. However, most medications do not alter metabolism, per se. Thus, weight loss can still occur when attention is given to other factors, including the composition and timing of dietary intake.

    Eating more frequently and smaller amounts, increasing the relative amount of protein eaten , reducing breads and starches, eating a healthful breakfast, and avoiding large meals or snacks late in the evening can provide a more balanced diet throughout the entire day.

    If one believes their current efforts to lose weight should be more productive, a consultation with a nutritionist may be helpful. If that isnt possible, keeping a written log of ones consumption may provide clues to problem areas and reinforce better dietary habits. In particular, check out the nutritional content of commonly eaten foods and foods believed to be healthy.

    Chronic, low-grade sleep deprivation is another contributor to obesity. Skipping sleep leads to persistently elevated levels of the bodys stress hormone, which can cause elevated blood sugar levels and increased fat stores. Staying up late may also make one more prone to late night snacking.

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    Eligibility Criteria For Rct

    We included parallel or crossover RCTs that enrolled adults and evaluated any drug listed in Supplemental Table 1 as an intervention as long as the length of treatment was at least 30 days. Studies that investigated combinations of drugs were excluded. We also excluded studies that reported only subjective outcome measures . We elected not to include observational or quasi-randomized studies.

    Agreement among the reviewers was measured using the statistic. A reference management system was used for study selection, providing real-time agreement statistics. The first author monitored the agreement between evaluators during the trial selection in order to discuss disagreements and clarify the protocol and selection criteria when needed. The whole selection team met with the first author and the senior author five times during the selection process.

    Who Should Not Use Bupropion Sr

    Do not use bupropion SR if:

    • You have had seizures in the past or have been diagnosed with a seizure disorder.
    • You have a current or prior diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia nervosa.
    • You have abruptly discontinued alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or antiepileptic drugs.
    • You are taking a class of medications called monoamine oxidase inhibitors . Examples of MAOIs include isocarboxazid , phenelzine , selegiline , and tranylcypromine , linezolid, or intravenous methylene blue. When MAOIs are used at the same time as bupropion, there is an increased risk of very high blood pressure levels which can lead to a medical emergency.
    • You have a known allergic reaction to bupropion hydrochloride.

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    Depression And Weight: Whats The Connection

    Depression and obesity are closely related. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that people with depression are more likely to have body mass index ratings that fall under the obese category than those who dont have depression. In fact, about 43 percent of adults with depression are obese and those with moderate to severe depression who take antidepressants are the most likely to be obese among all people with depression.

    Whether depression causes obesity or vice versa is open for debate. Some experts believe that obesity contributes to depression due to a poor self-image and low self-esteem that trigger or worsen depression symptoms. Other experts think that depression leads to obesity because it makes weight management difficult.

    Its also possible that obesity and depression have a bidirectional relationshipobesity increases your risk of depression, and depression increases your risk for obesity. A systematic review of previous studies explains that obesity and depression may even develop at the same timeyou may begin to gain weight and experience symptoms of depression at roughly the same time.

    Can You Stop Bupropion Cold Turkey Does Bupropion Cause Withdrawal Symptoms


    When you and your doctor have determined it is time to stop taking bupropion, the safest way is to taper your dose to reduce the risk of some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. However, this only needs to take one or two weeks.

    When you stop taking bupropion, 99% of the drug is eliminated from your body in under 5 days.

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    Take A Slow And Steady Approach To Fitness

    Exercise is vital to lasting weight lossand your overall health. The CDC even reports that regular exercise can ease symptoms of depression. Its general guidelines for adults is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week. While this should be your ultimate goal, fatigue caused by depression may undermine your efforts to get active.

    To lose weight while taking antidepressants, ease into a fitness routineinstead of trying for the full 150 minutes, start with 30 or 45 minutes per week. When you stick to your commitment for two or three weeks, celebrate your success! Then, increase your exercise goal by 15 or 30 minutes the following week.

    Special Benzodiazepine Risk Factors

    Anyone who takes benzodiazepines can experience unpleasant or dangerous side effects. But certain individuals are at a higher risk:

    People over 65. Older adults are more sensitive to the sedating effects of benzodiazepines. Even small doses can cause confusion, amnesia, loss of balance, and cognitive impairment that looks like dementia. Benzodiazepine use in the elderly is associated with an increased risk of falls, broken hips and legs, and car accidents. Long-term benzodiazepine use also increases the risk of Alzheimers disease and dementia.

    People with a history of substance abuse. Because theyre physically addicting and on their own and dangerous when combined with alcohol and other drugs, anyone with a current or former substance abuse problem should use benzodiazepines only with extreme caution.

    Pregnant and breastfeeding women. Benzodiazepine use during pregnancy can lead to dependence in the developing baby, with withdrawal following birth. Benzodiazepines are also excreted in breast milk. Therefore, pregnant women need to have a thorough discussion about the risks and benefits of these medications with their prescribing doctor. If medication is necessary, the goal is the smallest effective dose.

    The connection between benzodiazepines and accidents

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    How To Prevent Weight Loss

    People with a low or moderate weight do not need to lose weight, and excessive weight loss can be harmful. To maintain a weight within the healthy range, a person should eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet.

    This involves avoiding or limiting foods high in fat, salt, and sugar, as they can increase the levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood glucose.

    Instead, a person should try to eat meals and snacks :

    • 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily
    • whole grain starches and carbohydrates with every meal, including oatmeal, potatoes, cereals, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and whole grain bread
    • full-fat dairy
    • fish, eggs, poultry, meat, or other protein sources
    • 68 glasses of water per day, but not directly before a meal, as this may limit how much a person feels able to eat

    Milkshakes with protein powder are a good way to boost calorie intake. People can also snack on nuts, peanut butter toast, yogurt, or fruit between meals.

    If someone experiences serious side effects, they should call 911 or visit the emergency room.

    If other side effects worsen or cause concern, a person should make an appointment with a doctor.

    People under the age of 25 years are most at risk of suicidal thoughts when they first begin taking antidepressants. It may be wise for an individual to tell a friend or family member that they are on antidepressants so that this loved one can check in from time to time.

    Anxiety Medications Can Lead To Weight Loss

    Can stress or anxiety cause weight loss?

    If youre experiencing severe anxiety, your doctor will most likely prescribe drug treatment to help you deal with it. Some of these medications have side effects that can cause weight loss.

    Here are some of the medications and how they cause weight loss:

    • Benzodiazepines. This medicine acts as a central nervous system depressant. Side effects of this medicine include nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach. These side effects can easily lead to weight loss.
    • Venlafaxine and Desvenlafaxine. These two medications are likely to cause you to lose your appetite and therefore cause weight loss.
    • Buspirone. This medicine is known to cause many gastrointestinal buspirone side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and others. These side effects can lead to weight loss.
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. These medications also have gastrointestinal side effects, which can lead to weight loss.

    Here are some examples of anxiety medications that can cause weight loss due to their side effects.

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    Prominent Anxiety Medications That Do Not Cause Weight Gain

    Anxiety medication that does not cause weight gain can include Effexor, Paxil and BuSpar. To know more about these antianxiety medicines, read on…

    Anxiety medication that does not cause weight gain can include Effexor, Paxil and BuSpar. To know more about these antianxiety medicines, read on

    Did You Know?By visualizing happy thoughts, our brain gets flooded with positive signals, thereby making us feel better. So, focus on positive thinking to lead a healthier life.

    Becoming anxious beyond normal limits for no obvious reasons, is an anxiety disorder. It is estimated that around 40 million people residing in the United States suffer from anxiety disorders in a year. An effective form of treatment, recommended by doctors, involves use of anxiety medications. These medications relieve stress and give a feeling of relaxation. There are few side effects associated with the intake of anxiety medications, and one of them is weight gain.However, not all drugs prescribed for anxiety disorders cause significant weight gain.Some of them are given below:

    Prozac : Facts Dosage & Side Effects

    Prozac is the 31st most prescribed medication in the United States. Nearly twenty-two million Americans take Prozac to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders. It can help improve your day-to-day mood, energy, and interest in life, while reducing panic attacks and the urge to perform repetitive compulsive tasks or binge eat.

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    Antidepressants & Weight Gain

    The more common effect of antidepressants is to trigger weight gain in patients. Some gains may be immediate, delayed, continuous, or temporary with plateaus. Older medications are more strongly linked to weight gain and other unwanted effects, but even the newest generations of antidepressants may produce weight gain.

    Antidepressants that cause weight gain may include:3,5

    • Amitriptyline, Tofranil and doxepin: types of tricyclic antidepressants
    • Nardil and other monoamine oxidase inhibitors
    • Paxil and Celexa : two types of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
    • Effexor : a commonly used serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
    • Remeron : an atypical antidepressant

    Some medications cause weight gain that seems to level out over the course of a few months. Other medications, like Effexor and Remeron , seem to trigger weight gains that continue to increase with time.1

    The primary goal of antidepressants is to manage the patientâs mental health symptoms, but a rapid weight gain could prove problematic, especially if the person is already overweight at the beginning of treatment. The decision to continue or end treatment must be a conversation between the prescriber and the patient as they consider the risks and benefits of continued treatment.

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