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Is Anxiety And Depression The Same

Is It Anxiety Or Depression How To Tell The Difference

The differences between stress, anxiety, ptsd & depression

Many people who experience anxiety or depression know the symptoms of each are not always well-defined. For instance, they can overlap. Commonly overlapping symptoms of anxiety and depression include difficulty concentrating, sleep issues, tiredness, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities.

It is not always easy to tell which condition is causing symptoms. In many cases, people seem to experience aspects of anxiety and depression. They may not know whether they are dealing with anxiety, depression, or even both. One reason for this confusion is each conditions ability to mimic the other.

Identifying one main cause of symptoms is not always possible or necessary. But knowing the root causes of your symptoms could help you find the best treatment approach. A deeper understanding of your experience may also help you feel more hopeful about seeking help.

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Healing Your Anxiety Or Depression

I am here for you.

I want you to find the same healing I did. There is a better outcome, and you can get there. From a place of personal understanding, I know how much this is hurting your life and I want to help.

Come join me in my Healing Center and start working on those deep struggles that are pulling you down.

With a Healing Center membership, you will be able to access my Healing Plan for Depression as well as my Healing Plan for Stress, Fear and Anxiety where I can guide you toward balanced energy and healing.

Why People Get Confusedabout Anxiety And Depression

People get confused about the distinction between anxiety and depression for several reasons. The first is that, if they are receiving medication for an anxiety disorder, they’re probably getting an anti-depressant medication. A group of anti-depressant medications known as the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors have been demonstrated to be helpful with both anxiety and depression, and are now the preferred medication treatment for people who receive medication for anxiety disorders. Sometimes people with anxiety disorders receive these medications, find out they’re taking an anti-depressant, and then wonder if that means they’re depressed. It doesn’t, not by itself.

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Why Do Anxiety And Depression Happen Together

Though the exact cause is unknown, anxiety and depression may both have to do with brain function. The current scientific thinking is that both anxiety and depression are related to neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical compounds that allow cells to communicate in the brain.

In particular, a neurotransmitter called serotonin may be important. Serotonin appears to impact our feelings of happiness and well-being. Other neurotransmitters like dopamine and epinephrine may also play a role. These shared biological roots could explain why depression and anxiety often occur together.

Additionally, there are some similarities in what types of people will get depression or anxiety. For example, you are more likely to get depression or anxiety if you have a family member with these conditions. You are also more likely to get depression or anxiety if you have experienced trauma in your life.

People with both anxiety and depression often share similarities, too. For example, people with both of these conditions are more likely to be female. They are also more likely to be between the ages of 25 and 34, and they are more likely to live alone. Finally, having anxiety itself can actually put you at risk for depression.

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Anxiety Versus Depression
  • Anxiety and depression in men are common, and effective, evidence-based treatments are available.
  • Anxiety and depression are mental health conditions, not weaknesses.
  • Taking action may seem difficult but help and support is readily available.
  • Its important to seek support for anxiety and depression early the sooner the better.
  • With the right treatment, most people recover from anxiety and depression.

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Anxiety And Depression: 7 Proven Tips To Treat Both

Many people try to address anxiety or depression separately, but the two conditions often co-occur. The reality is that these disorders tend to hang together, and its more common than you think to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time.

If youre experiencing both conditions at once, well show you how to recognize the signs and symptoms and, even more importantly, how to treat them.

Many people try to address anxiety or depression separately, but the two conditions often co-occur. The reality is that these disorders tend to hang together, and its more common than you think to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time.

If youre experiencing both conditions at once, well show you how to recognize the signs and symptoms and, even more importantly, how to treat them.

Stress Is Not Anxiety Or Depression

Stress is not the same as anxiety or depression but for some people, being stressed for a long time can lead to anxiety or depression, and it can affect a persons physical health, particularly cardiovascular health.

When we talk about being stressed, it usually means were upset or tense about something thats happening in our lives. Stress is a normal part of daily life. Its a natural physical and mental response that is designed to help people cope effectively with emergencies.

Some stress can be a good thing. It can help us get motivated to get things done, but health problems from stress happen when it is regular and doesnt let up.

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How To Get A Clinical Diagnosis

Theres no single test that can diagnose depression or anxiety. Instead, your doctor will likely conduct a physical exam and a depression or anxiety screening test. For this, theyll ask you a series of questions that help them get a better insight into what youve been experiencing.

If the results arent clear or if your doctor suspects the symptoms may be the result of another condition, they may order tests to rule out underlying issues. Blood tests can check your thyroid, vitamin, and hormone levels.

In some cases, general practitioners will refer you to a mental health expert, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, if they dont feel equipped to properly manage your symptoms and conditions or if they suspect youre experiencing more than one condition.

Although depression and anxiety are two separate conditions, they share many of the same treatments. A combination of these may be used to treat both conditions at the same time.

What Is The Link Between Smoking And Mental Health Conditions

Are Depression and Anxiety the same thing?

Smoking is much more common among adults with mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, than in the general population.6 About 3 out of every 10 cigarettes smoked by adults in the United States are smoked by persons with mental health conditions.6 Why smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions is uncertain. More research is needed to determine this. No matter the cause smoking is not a treatment for depression or anxiety. Getting help for your depression and anxiety and quitting smoking is the best way to feel better.

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How To Cope With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. Heres what you need to know if they strike simultaneously.

Do you sometimes worry so much that it interferes with your everyday activities? Or feel so blue that it completely clouds your outlook? Do you often experience these or similar feelings together? Youre not the only one.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , anxiety disorders which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder are the most common mental health problem among U.S. adults, affecting 18.1 percent of the population each year. And mood disorders which include major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder are the leading cause of disability.

Moreover, the incidence of developing depression in addition to an anxiety disorder or vice versa is high. Many people with major depression also suffer from severe and persistent anxiety, notes Sally R. Connolly, LCSW, in Louisville, Kentucky. And some experts estimate that 60 percent of people with anxiety will also have symptoms of depression, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness .

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What To Do When Depression And Anxiety Mix

Youve noticed some changes lately. Maybe you feel sad, hopeless, or donât get any joy out of activities that used to be fun. Sounds like depression, right?

Maybe thats not all. Sometimes youre worried, afraid, and just plain uneasy. Isnt that a sign of anxiety?

Not so fast. Itâs normal to have ups and downs or to have things youâre concerned about. You might be going through a difficult time. Your doctor can help you figure out if itâs actually a condition and what would help.

Depression and anxiety are like flip sides of the same coin, says therapist Nancy B. Irwin, PsyD. Being depressed often makes us anxious, and anxiety often makes us depressed.

If it turns out that you have both conditions, there are lots of ways to get help.

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How Do You Treat Depression And Anxiety

It can be harder for doctors to diagnose and treat depression and anxiety when they happen together. That’s why it’s important to tell your doctor about all of your symptoms.

The treatment for both anxiety and depression involves talk therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the main talk therapies. It teaches you how to think and behave differently to stop triggering your anxiety or depression.

Antidepressants are medicines that treat depression. They change the balance of chemicals in your brain to improve your mood. Anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, and beta-blockers are treatments for anxiety.

The sooner you start treatment, the more likely it will help you. Let your doctor know if the treatment you’re on doesn’t relieve your symptoms or if it causes side effects. It may take a few tries to find the treatment that works best for you.

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Reach Out To Someone Youre Comfortable Talking To And Talk About Whatever You Feel Like Whether Thats How Youre Feeling Or Something You Saw On Twitter

Having Anxiety and Depression Is Like Being SCared and Tired at the ...

Strong relationships are one of the best ways to help you feel better. Connecting with a friend or family member can provide a natural boost and let you find a reliable source of support and encouragement.

Symptoms that last two weeks or more may be an indication you have depression, anxiety, or both. Severe symptoms may include:

  • problems with sleep
  • sudden loss of interest
  • feelings of worthlessness or helplessness

If youre not feeling like yourself and want help understanding, make an appointment to see your doctor. Its important to be open and honest so they can fully understand whats happening and get a clear picture of what youve been feeling.

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You Sometimes End Up Withdrawing From Everyone

Boundaries can become very restrictive. Isolation from loved ones and others can be used to control social anxiety. This can also lead to you feeling lonelier and more depressed. Having boundaries are important, but they should not be too loose or too rigid. LaQuista Erinna, a licensed clinical social worker in Willingboro, New Jersey

How Are They Related

Both depression and anxiety are very common and often happen together. About 60% of people with anxiety also have symptoms of depression, and vice versa. Each condition can make symptoms of the other get worse or last longer.

The same genes may be behind both conditions. Anxiety and depression could also stem from the same structures or processes in the brain. Stress and trauma early in life can trigger both depression and anxiety.

If you have anxiety, you may be at greater risk for depression. Experts say avoiding the things you fear might lead to depression.

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The Disorders Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin Over The Past Couple Of Years Clinicians And Researchers Alike Have Been Moving Toward A New Conclusion: Depression And Anxiety Are Not Two Disorders That Coexist They Are Two Faces Of One Disorder

Are you anxious or are you depressed? In the world of mental health care, where exact diagnosis dictates treatment, anxiety and depression are regarded as two distinct disorders. But in the world of real people, many suffer from both conditions. In fact, most mood disorders present as a combination of anxiety and depression. Surveys show that 60-70% of those with depression also have anxiety. And half of those with chronic anxiety also have clinically significant symptoms of depression.

The coexistence of anxiety and depressioncalled comorbidity in the psych bizcarries some serious repercussions. It makes the course of disorder more chronic, it impairs functioning at work and in relationships more, and it substantially raises suicide risk.

Over the past couple of years, clinicians and researchers alike have been moving towards a new conclusion: Depression and anxiety are not two disorders that coexist. They are two faces of one disorder.

“They’re probably two sides of the same coin,” says David Barlow, Ph.D., director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. “The genetics seem to be the same. The neurobiology seems to overlap. The psychological and biological nature of the vulnerability are the same. It just seems that some people with the vulnerability react with anxiety to life stressors. And some people, in addition, go beyond that to become depressed.”

Ways To Identify The Conditions

Anxiety VS Depression (How To Tell The Difference)

If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, one place to start is to speak with your primary care doctor. They can do an initial screening and may look for medical conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms. You will likely then be referred to a mental health professional for an official clinical diagnosis.

The mental health professional will use the standard reference manual for diagnosing recognized mental illnesses in the United States, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition .

The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for depression and each anxiety disorder are different. A diagnosis might be harder to make when anxiety and depression overlap.

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How Are They Different

The main difference between depression and anxiety is the symptoms. Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness. You also have no energy and you lose interest in activities you once loved. Some people with depression think about hurting themselves.

Anxiety involves fear or worry that you can’t control. Depending on the type of anxiety you have, the worry can surface during everyday activities like meeting new people.

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