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How To Help A Teenager With Anxiety Worksheets

Anxiety Worksheets For Elementary Students

School Anxiety! Activities To Help Kids and Teens Manage It

In this lesson students will identify issues that bring on anxiety using a writing activity, and learn about square breathing as a tool to help them cope.

Prep: Print worksheets for your students and hand out the first one titled Fill Up Your Worry Cup

Prompt: Let your students know that we all have things we worry about, they may be big or small, and they may make us feel uneasy. . Explain that feelings of worry can creep up on us, but talking about those feelings with others can often make us feel better.

Say, Lets take a few minutes to write down a few things that you are worried about

Give the students some writing time

After students have completed the writing assignment, discuss examples as a class or in small groups.

Next: Hand out the square breathing worksheet. Review the instructions with students and do the exercises together as a group. Explain that this breathing technique is a tool in our toolbox that we can take out when we feel anxious or worried.

Give your students some other examples of calming/coping skills:

  • Imagine your favorite place
  • Picture the people you care about
  • Take a break

Social Anxiety Group Participant Workbook

This excellent resource from the Hamilton Family Health Team is intended to be complemented by attending a group session for social anxiety. If youre in the area of this group and interested in attending, you can find more information at

If, however, you are in the majority of readers who could not commute to such a group, this workbook can be a handy guide for working through social anxiety on your own as well. Of course, its most effective to practice with others, but it cant hurt to give some exercises a try on your own, right?

This worksheet covers eight sessions worth of materials, including sessions on learning about shyness and social anxiety, cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and four skill-building sessions .

Not only will you find tons of information on social anxietys symptoms, causes, and treatment options, you will also find numerous worksheets and activities that you can use to work on your own social anxiety.

For example, you will find several Three Components Anxiety Monitoring Forms in the workbook.

These forms are composed of five columns with space to write about a few anxiety episodes:

  • Place/Situation, Date/Time
  • Anxious Thoughts
  • Anxious Behaviors
  • These forms are intended to help you find the patterns in your anxiety attacks, identify your anxiety triggers, and determine which symptoms are most bothersome or most inhibitive in your daily functioning. For maximum effectiveness, try to use these daily or as often as you can.

    Other Worksheets You May Be Interested In

    Below are links to a few more worksheets which are closely related to the worksheet above.

    On this page, we provided you with the How to help a teenager with anxiety worksheets which hopefully helpedteenagers to deal with their anxiety.

    If you have any questions or comments please let us know.

    Amanda Knowled is an Applied Psychologist, with a deep interest in psychopathology and neuropsychology and how psychology impacts and permeates every aspect of our environment. She has worked in Clinical settings and has contributed at local Universities as a Faculty member from time to time. She has a graduate degree in English Literature and feels very connected to how literature and psychology interact. She feels accountable and passionate about making a “QUALITY” contribution to the overall global reform and well-being. She actively seeks out opportunities where she can spread awareness and make a positive difference across the globe for the welfare of our global society.

    Read Also: What Can Anxiety Lead To

    Reviewing The Anxiety Workbooks For Teens

    Credit: The CEO Kid

    If you want to invest in a good anxiety workbook, you may stumble upon one problemnot knowing which one is the best. Even if you have someone who has read some of these books and can recommend them to you, you cant be sure whether what worked for them will work for you. Different anxiety workbooks have different approaches to dealing with the issue.

    Everyones experience with anxiety is different, which is why you cant know which book is the perfect one for you, but you can rely on reviews. This will help you get an insight into what the book is like, whether you like the methods it suggests, and decide if you will end up buying it.

    The five anxiety workbooks we will examine here are:

  • Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne
  • The Anxiety Workbook for Teens by Lisa M. Schab
  • Managing Anxiety Workbook for Teens by Ester R. A. Leutenberg and John J. Liptak
  • The Anxiety Toolkit by Alice Boyes
  • Help for Anxious People: Literacy and Life Skills by Angela Ramsay
  • When Do You Feel Anxious

    Anxiety Worksheets for Kids and Teens

    Use this Exposure Hierarchy worksheet to identify the situations that make you anxious. You should also determine how much the specific situations cause your anxiety to act up. This activity will help you:

    • Find the cause of your anxiety
    • Determine the type of anxiety disorder you may have
    • Be prepared for the next time you find yourself in the anxiety-triggering situations
    • Make peace with your stressors

    Read Also: How To Recover From Anxiety Attack

    When Does Anxiety Become A Problem

    Anxiety is a normal emotion that is essential for survival. Specialists in child development have also noticed that certain fears are more common at certain ages. For example, it is normal for young children to experience some anxiety around strangers, and for older children and teens to experience some performance anxiety in front of peers.

    For some, difficulty with anxiety starts to cause considerable distress or interference in everyday life. Common examples of distress are:

    • Crying every day before going to school, because a parent does not stay

    • Crying when the child sees a bee or a large dog that comes close

    • Having an upset stomach every time there is an important test at school

    • Lashing out or screaming

    Anxiety may also interfere with normal activities and with the enjoyment of life. Common examples of interference include:

    • Refusal to go on school field trips because of anxiety

    • Being very slow in play or failure to join in with other children

    • Wanting to stay home sick on the day of a school presentation

    • Not wanting to participate in unfamiliar activities

    Most people consider anxiety to be a problem when it causes significant distress or interference for the child or the family.

    Key Point: When encouraging your child to face his or her fears, remember that you are asking your child to fight against an instinctual response to danger!

    Visit for information and community resources.

    What Makes Me Angry

    We typically believe that other people or events make us angry, but it is our thoughts and beliefs that control our anger. We can, with practice, assume control over our feelings .

    Use the What Makes Me Angry worksheet to encourage the teen to recognize that they have ultimate control over their anger.

    Ask them to make a list of what makes them angry. Then consider each point in turn.

    Help them understand that the decision to be angry is down to them. Its your thoughts and beliefs that make you angry .

    Anger is about your reaction to the situation, not the situation itself.

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    Helping Preteens And Teenagers Manage Anxious Feelings

    Learning to manage anxiety is an important life skill, which you can help your child learn. Here are some ideas.

    Encourage your child to talk about anxietiesJust talking about the things that make them anxious can reduce the amount of anxiety your child feels. Talking and listening also helps you understand whats going on for your child. And when you understand, youre better able to help your child manage anxieties or find solutions to problems.

    Acknowledge your childs feelingsYour childs anxiety is real, even if the thing they feel anxious about is unlikely to happen. This means its important to acknowledge your childs anxiety and tell them youre confident they can handle it. This is better than telling them not to worry. For example, if your child is anxious about whether theyll pass an exam, let them know you understand how they feel but youre sure theyll do their best.

    When you acknowledge your childs feelings with warmth and compassion, it helps your child to use self-compassion in challenging situations too.

    Encourage brave behaviour This involves gently encouraging your child to set small goals for things they feel anxious about. Just avoid pushing your child to face situations they dont feel ready to face. For example, your child might be anxious about performing in front of others. As a first step, you could suggest your child practises their lines in front of the family.

    You can help your child behave bravely by encouraging them to use:

    Do You Cope In Destructive Ways

    Art Therapy Activities for Depression, Anxiety or Grief Part 1 with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

    This sheet is similar to a reflection paper. You have to write down the circumstances that make react out of anger or pressure. It is important to answer this sheet thoughtfully if you want the best possible results.

    This page is also a great way to know if you become destructive your anxiety takes control. If you realize that you do indeed deal with anxiety destructively, maybe its time to consult a health professional.

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    What Are Anxiety Workbooks For Teens

    Credit: freestocks

    Anxiety workbooks for teens are resources that help you deal with your anxiety, whether it is an occasional problem or a mental health disorder. These workbooks are written by experts in the field, so they are regarded as practical and efficient tools for dealing with this issue. If you are being treated for your anxiety, your doctor can also give you workbooks to aid your recovery.

    There are two main types of anxiety workbooks for teens, based on the target audience. The first type is anxiety workbooks for teens who struggle with anxiety. The second type is for therapists who treat children, teens, and adults for anxiety disorders. They consist of the activities the experts can use to help their patients.

    Lets take a closer look at:

  • The content of anxiety workbooks for teens
  • Their purpose
  • Managing Anxiety Workbook For Teens By Ester R A Leutenberg And John J Liptak

    Managing Anxiety Workbook for Teens is a workbook that is primarily aimed at experts to help them work with people with anxiety issues. The full name of the workbook is Managing Anxiety Workbook for TeensA Toolbox of Reproducible Assessments and Activities for Facilitators. You can take a glimpse inside the book in PDF format.

    Although it is written for experts, Leutenberg and Liptaks workbook contains information that can give you a detailed explanation of anxiety as a mental health disorder.

    The workbook presents the Awareness Module that helps counselors select the activities in their practice that focus on each aspect of anxiety disorders individually. The module consists of five parts:

    • Signs of Stress Symptomsrecognizing anxiety
    • Need for Controldetermining whether the need for control rises to a dangerous level
    • Social Approvalexploring how the need to be approved by other people affects anxiety
    • Perfectionismanswering how the need to achieve constantly hinders the progress of overcoming anxiety
    • Erasing the Stigma of Mental Health Issuesfocusing on how suffering from clinical anxiety carries a social stigma and how dealing with that stigma can worsen anxiety

    Heres more about Leutenberg and Liptaks workbook:

    Managing Anxiety Workbook for Teens Information
    The Awareness Module

    Recommended Reading: How To Relax Mind From Anxiety

    Best Resources For Helping Youth

    There are various resources available online that can inspire and educate young minds, help them manage their emotions, and offer essential parenting tips.

    • Young MindsThis is a practical and helpful resource for teenagers who are keen to better understand the experience and emotions involved in anger. Additional links offer the interested reader additional guidance on depression and anxiety.
    • Anger Management for TeensWritten for teenagers, this uncomplicated site discusses how anger feels and offers guidance on how it can be managed.
    • Deal With AngerThis valuable guide for teenagers has practical tools to improve awareness and self-control. The five-step approach to managing anger is particularly beneficial.
    • Anger Overload in ChildrenThis article offers parents, teachers, or guardians helpful guidance on diagnosing more severe anger issues and practical behavioral and cognitive techniques to assist teenagers in regaining control of their emotions.
    • Parenting Angry TeensTry out the six tips for parenting angry teens and recognize that hostile teens are capable of becoming strong, healthy, independent adults.

    The Anxiety And Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution By David A Clark And Aaron T Beck

    Anxiety Worksheets for Kids and Teens

    This book, written by leading experts in the area of clinical psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy David Clark and Aaron Beck, is a must-have for anyone struggling with anxiety.

    The authors provide tools and techniques drawn from CBT to provide readers with nearly instant relief from acute anxiety and the skill-building that will allow them to tackle their future anxiety. It includes helpful worksheets, useful exercises, and examples based on the authors own experience working with clients over several decades.

    Readers will learn practical strategies for identifying their anxiety triggers and discover new ways to challenge and confront their unhelpful thoughts and beliefs.

    This book also enjoys a nearly 5-star rating on Amazon and has provided relief from anxiety to people around the world. You can find it for purchase here.

    Don’t Miss: How Do I Get Rid Of Anxiety Without Medication

    Can You Workout Regularly

    Regular physical exercise helps you eat and sleep better, boosts your self-esteem, and makes you less anxious about everyday situations. If you find it difficult to work out consistently, you need a plan:

  • Pinpoint the type of exercise that is the least unpleasant for you
  • Determine what time of the day is best to start doing that exercise and do it at that time always
  • Start with small steps and select three days a week for your exercise
  • Set the alarm on your phone that reminds you to exercise
  • Give yourself a treat when you complete an exercise
  • Is My Anxiety A Problem

    via mylemarks

    Feeling anxious is normal. It is inevitable to feel worried about uncertainties. But those feelings become a problem when they begin to control your life.

    This worksheet can help you answer questions about anxiety. It is made specifically for children, but we think it also suits teens and adults. If you are wondering whether or not your anxiety is becoming a problem, try answering this worksheet.

    Don’t Miss: How To Get Anxiety Medication

    What You Need To Know About Anxiety

    Anxiety is normal. Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in time. For example, it is normal to feel anxious when on a rollercoaster or before an exam.

    Anxiety is not dangerous. Although anxiety feels uncomfortable, it is temporary, and will eventually decrease.

    Anxiety is adaptive. Anxiety helps us prepare for real danger, such as crossing a busy street. It can also help us perform at our best, and motivate us to study for an exam or practice for a big game. When we experience anxiety, it triggers our “fight-flight-freeze” response, and prepares our body to react. For instance, our heart beats faster, to pump blood to our muscles, so we have the energy to run away or fight off danger. Without it, we would not survive.

    Anxiety becomes a problem when our body reacts in the absence of real danger.

    Children, teens, and adults experience anxiety in three ways:

    • Physicallywhat we feel in our body

    • Mentallywhat goes through our mind like worrisome thoughts

    • Behaviorallywhat we do or our actions, such as avoid or seek-reassurance

    The pattern of these experiences varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.

    Anxiety is felt in the body. Often, when young children feel anxious, they do not actually recognize or describe it as anxiety or nervousness. Instead, they may say that they feel sick, or have a sore tummy. Teens may complain of headaches, chest pains, and sore shoulder muscles.

    Children and teens can experience anxiety in their body in many ways:

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