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How To Calm Your Mind From Anxiety

How To Calm Down Quickly

How to Calm your Mind – Help for Anxiety and Stress

Something sets you off, and before long, you feel stuck in an endless loop of intrusive thoughts, pondering every possible thing that could go wrong. Your body tenses, your breathing quickens, and you can hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears.

When you feel anxiety kick in like this, its time to calm yourself down. The first step is awareness. Its a good idea to learn to recognize the first signs of anxiety and get to work right away before experiencing an episode.

Try 6 Meditations To Help Reduce Anxiety

Looking for more meditations to help you feel calm? The Headspace app offers subscribers several courses and single meditations on topics related to anxiety, including:

  • Managing Anxiety 10-day course. Cultivate a new perspective on fear and anxiety.

  • Unemployment Anxiety single meditation. Recognize and release stress about job loss and the future.

  • Letting Go of Stress 10-day course. Enjoy a healthier mind by developing your awareness of stress and learning how to reframe negative emotions.

  • Stressed single meditation. Notice what you’re holding onto and how to drop the preoccupying storyline.

  • Why can’t I sleep? single meditation. This exercise will help you practice calming the mind and body during the day, so you feel more ready for sleep when bedtime comes.

  • Difficult Conversations single meditation. The prospect of a difficult conversation can drive feelings of anxiety and fear, but by lesseing habits of reactivity and developing a calmer, more patient mindset, you can both listen and express yourself more clearly.

Can You Hire An Anti

Absolutely! More accurately, you can reach out to a therapist for help calm your anxiety. Quite often, we self-sabotage in ways that we can no longer identify. It is essential to have an experienced and unbiased guide to help you recognize your patterns. From there, you can work together to conjure up new approaches and ideas.

Feel free to reach out to me for a free 20 minute phone consultation to see how I can help you manage your anxiety without medication.

Click here for more information on executive coaching.

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How To Calm Your Anxiety Fast:

When you need to stave off an anxiety attack or pull yourself out of spiraling thoughts, you need immediate interventions. Sometimes, our worries can intrude on our everyday tasks and can take us out of the present moment, de la Rosa explains. When that happens, these techniques can help break the cycle.

Categorize Your Thoughts

Another technique Goldman likes is listing objects in a category say, 80s bands, ice cream flavors or any topic that gets your brain whirring. The more you enjoy the category, the more it will help shift the anxiety and distract from the triggering situation, she says. Because you can do it anywhere, this technique works well for anxiety that strikes in public or when you cant physically remove yourself from a situation.

Get Rid of an Anxious Feeling By Replacing It

If youve ever found yourself hysterically laughing after an intense crying jag, you know the healing powers of a good chuckle. Switch on an absorbing podcast, crack open a spine-tingling thriller, or hit play on a gut-busting YouTube video to swap out anxious thoughts for more pleasant ones. When we genuinely laugh, we will feel less anxious, even if just for a moment, says Goldman. Sometimes, even a brief hit of levity can stop anxiety from carrying you away. The same principle applies when redirecting your emotional energy into something that really captures your attention, whether its comedy or true crime.

Walk It Out

Use Cold Water to Calm Yourself Now

Is Your Worry Solvable

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Productive, solvable worries are those you can take action on right away. For example, if youre worried about your bills, you could call your creditors to see about flexible payment options. Unproductive, unsolvable worries are those for which there is no corresponding action. What if I get cancer someday? or What if my kid gets into an accident?

If the worry is solvable, start brainstorming. Make a list of all the possible solutions you can think of. Try not to get too hung up on finding the perfect solution. Focus on the things you have the power to change, rather than the circumstances or realities beyond your control. After youve evaluated your options, make a plan of action. Once you have a plan and start doing something about the problem, youll feel much less anxious.

If the worry is not solvable, accept the uncertainty. If youre a chronic worrier, the vast majority of your anxious thoughts probably fall in this camp. Worrying is often a way we try to predict what the future has in store-a way to prevent unpleasant surprises and control the outcome. The problem is, it doesnt work. Thinking about all the things that could go wrong doesnt make life any more predictable. Focusing on worst-case scenarios will only keep you from enjoying the good things you have in the present. To stop worrying, tackle your need for certainty and immediate answers.

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Incorporating Serenity Into Your Day

1. Practice deep breathing.

Our breathing and physical state have a huge influence over our mental state. During the day, when you are feeling overwhelmed, get into the habit of stopping and focusing on your breath.

Take five minutes and do nothingbe still, try to quiet your thoughts, and focus only on your breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth. Do this a dozen times and you will feel better and more composed.

2. Tap your way to peace.

Tapping several times on pressure points such as your wrists, the inside of your finger tips, neck, and chest can also help relax you. While tapping, imagine you are sending tranquil energy directly into your body. It only takes a few minutes, and you can do it anywhere and as frequently as you like.

If you believe that you suffer from an abnormal level of anxiety or have experienced symptoms like my friends or mine, is important that you seek help.

We all need to de-stress and focus on becoming more balanced. If we dont get into the habit of fostering inner peace, we could experience severe consequences that take a lot of time to rectify in the long run.

We need to nourish our minds by providing the tranquility it needs to function efficiently and proactively.

Meditation silhouette via Shutterstock

Seeking Treatment For Anxiety

If your anxiety symptoms seem to be staying the same or even getting worse, regardless of any techniques that you try, and if you are finding that your anxiety is having a damaging impact on your quality of life, you may need a bit of professional support to help you manage your symptoms.

At Priory Group, we are able to provide you with treatment, and for people experiencing anxiety, this will typically include a form of therapy. When you first come to one of our hospitals or wellbeing centres, you will meet with one of our doctors who will assess your symptoms, provide you with a robust diagnosis and work with you to determine the most effective treatment programme, which may include medication and therapy.

Our expert multidisciplinary team will then support you through your treatment programme so that you can begin to better manage your anxiety symptoms and improve your health and wellbeing for the future.

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Accept Your Fears And Move Past Them

Once you acknowledge your fears and anxiety, accept them without judgment. That way, you can find a path or way to cope with them so that you can overcome them and imagine things never thought possible.

Imagine the worst-case scenario, and then compare it with reality so you can move beyond your fears.

Its a way to put you in the drivers seat, rather than letting fear control your life.

Harvard University Health Services suggests a worry container. Its a visual exercise and works like this.

First, think about a container or box with a lid on it. Perhaps its a mason jar.

Next, focus on the one thing in your mind that you cant stop worrying about and put it in the container.

Close the box and move it to the side. Even better, put it somewhere like a shelf.

Finally, the choice is yours. Will you take that worry out or will you keep the worry on that shelf and in that container so you can focus on other things?

Schedule Time For Your Anxiety


Remember that avoiding anxiety will only make matters worse. Making time to feel those uncomfortable feelings is important.

Give yourself a time-frame during which you allow yourself to be anxious and then after that time is up, remind yourself you have allotted space for anxiety and you need to leave the anxiety for those specific times, says Dr. Wolkin.

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Blogs > Meditation & Mindfulness

Primed Mind

Relaxation seems like it should come easily to us, but the reality is that it can be hard to let go and loosen up. Especially for high performers, relaxation can feel incredibly challenging. Yet, those of us who are constantly on the go are the ones who need to relax the most. In fact, if you dont take time to decompress and practice self-care, youre at risk for burnout and a host of physical and mental health issues down the road.

But how do you relax? There are a whole host of relaxation exercises that can help even the most stressed-out people calm down and release tension. With that in mind, lets learn how to relax!

How To Stop Anxiety And Unwanted Thoughts

  • Persistent, unwanted thoughts are common in all forms of anxiety
  • With obsessive-compulsive disorder, unwanted thoughts are one of the primary symptoms
  • Examples of the types of unwanted thoughts can vary considerably
  • Its possible to use small, easy to implement strategies to reduce or stop unwanted thoughts
  • When those smaller strategies do not work, a more comprehensive anxiety reduction strategy will be necessary

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Overcoming Fear During A Crisis

Sometimes, it works to our detriment, though. It can be as contagious as a virus or illness threatening the world.

Shoppers frantically purchased toilet paper, antibacterial soap, face masks, rubber gloves, cleaning supplies, meat, and even eggs, in some cases leaving store shelves empty. Theres, of course, a lot of fear when theres a public health threat, no treatment, and a vaccine that is likely at least a year away.

Wharton management professor, SigalBarsade, calls these frenzied purchases a form of emotional contagion.

These chain reaction emotions during a pandemic are problematic.Nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel are left with few supplies whenthey need them most, and shoppers struggle to find paper products.

During a conversation with the Wharton Business Daily on Sirius XM, Barsade said, One of the things we also know from the research literature is that negative emotions, particularly fear and anxiety, cause us to become very rigid in our decision-making. Were not creative. Were not as analytical, so we make worse decisions.

Think about how many rolls of toilet paper you need to survive a 14-day quarantine. Even with lockdowns in effect, stores are still open. While you may not want to go out to a store during the height of the spread, you can at most, stock up on just a 30-day supply of necessary goods.

Talk Back To Your Inner Negative Thoughts

Quotes To Calm Anxiety. QuotesGram

I often warn my clients not to bathe their brain in negativity. Our internal monologue and how we relate to ourselves greatly impacts our mood and anxiety. If you find yourself believing the harsh things youre saying to yourself, remember that your thoughts are not facts. It can sometimes help to think of the anxious thoughts as a worry monster that you can talk back to and stand up against.

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Keep Your Phone Away From Your Bed

When it comes to managing anxiety, reducing screen time is essential.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, lots of jobs require us to be plugged in the majority of the time. But one place we can stop staring at screens is our beds! Make your bed a screen-free zone. Go back to a good old-fashioned alarm clock if you use your phone to wake you up, and force yourself to stop taking your screens into bed with you, Greenwald states.

What Should I Do If I Cant Relax

Sometimes, it can be very hard to calm down, but rest assured that its never impossible. Even the most panicked feelings eventually end.

When youre struggling to relax, its a good idea to change your environment. Go for a walk around the block, around the office, or even around your apartment. It can really help to get your body moving and change your surroundings.

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Contemplate Our Common Humanity

It may feel like youre the only person experiencing anxiety, but rest assured that millions of people feel just as you do in this very moment.

Recognize that many others, if they were in the same situation as you, would feel just like you do.

Say to yourself, Anxiety is part of the human condition. I am not alone.

Talk Nicely To Yourself

How To Calm Your Anxious Mind

Anxiety is correlated with unhealthy thinking which often entails self-deprecation and self-criticism.

Berating yourself for being too anxious, for example, will only put kerosene on the fire of your anxiety.

Use self-compassion to be kind and nurturing to yourself. Instead of thinking I am an idiot for getting so worked up, reassure yourself as you would a friend with words such as I dont blame you for being so anxious youve gone through a lot and I have faith I will get through it stronger and wiser.

Replace words of discouragement into words of encouragement.

Instead of shaming yourself for being so anxious, show yourself some love and unconditional acceptance.

And last but not least, literally give your self a big bear hug!

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Dealing With Anxiety In Athletes

7) Get help.

If your anxiety is significantly impacting your life and/or relationships, dont try to white-knuckle it on your own. See your doctor, to assess whether your anxiety might have a medical cause. If it is purely psychological, expert counseling treatments such as Cognitive BehavioralTherapy can be extremely helpful. Im a proponent of trying non-pharmaceutical treatments first, but medication can be a lifesaver if youre drowning in fear and cant function in your daily life. Its unlikely that you would be on it life-long, but for many people it takes the edge off during a season of crisis, so that youre no longer just trying to survive and are more able to take the necessary steps to get your life back on track.

Copyright Dr. Susan Biali Haas 2017

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