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How To Calm Down My Anxiety Attacks

Do I Have An Anxiety Disorder

Tips on How to Calm Down From a Panic Attack

If you identify with any of the following seven signs and symptoms, and they just wont go away, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder:

  • Are you constantly tense, worried, or on edge?
  • Does your anxiety interfere with your work, school, or family responsibilities?
  • Are you plagued by fears that you know are irrational, but cant shake?
  • Do you believe that something bad will happen if certain things arent done a certain way?
  • Do you avoid everyday situations or activities because they cause you anxiety?
  • Do you experience sudden, unexpected attacks of heart-pounding panic?
  • Do you feel like danger and catastrophe are around every corner?
  • Do You Immediately Try To Stop Trembling

    Most people will not allow themselves to shake when anxious.

    When their whole body starts to shake violently, they freak out and quickly try to suppress all shaking.

    when you do not release the energy of an aroused nervous system it gets stored in your muscles as tension

    This tension can result in:

    More frightful thoughts and unusual bodily sensations, such as:

  • leg cramps
  • And sometimes just a whole lot of more shaking.
  • This, in turn, makes you even more anxious a vicious cycle.

    Anxiety trembling is a discharge of nervous arousal and a fast clearing of stress hormones from your body.

    Isnt mother nature clever?

    Describe Your Surroundings In Your Head

    If you feel sudden panic strike, try to observe your surroundings and start describing thingsin your headin increasing detail. For example: Theres a chair.It has four legs.The legs are wooden.The cushion is embroidered.The embroidery is blue and white.It has white stitching. Whether its a chair or a book cover or a cute puppy, the idea is that the more you focus on describing something, the less you focus on freaking out. The more of your brain youre using to think of words to describe a golden retriever, the less of your brain youre using to think about any negative thoughts swirling around your head.

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    Effective Ways To Deal With An Anxiety Attack

    When anxiety strikes, knowing how to calm down is vital for your health and functioning in social situations. One way to battle an anxiety attack is to hone in on your senses. Deliberately thinking about items around you that you can smell or hear will help distract you from the anxiety itself so you can calm yourself. Removing yourself from the public eye when you are having an anxiety attack can be beneficial. When people stare at you because you are having an attack, symptoms may worsen. Let a few trusted people know if you regularly suffer from anxiety and alert them about what would make you feel better if you do have an attack. They may be able to talk you through the situation or get you to a safe location so that you can calm down.

    How To Calm Down During A Panic Attack

    High school marks the peak time for panic attacks  El Estoque

    Here are 3 quick and easy tools to help you calm down during a panic attack.

  • Deep Belly Breathing

  • Grounding Exercise

  • Object Focus

  • The best way to practice is when youre already feeling calm so you get used to these exercises and can easily recall them whenever you notice youre not feeling well. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice .

    Don’t Miss: What To Do When You Get Anxiety At Night

    Use Your Smartphone For Distraction

    My Words With Friends addiction is a tad out of control, but it sure comes in handy when Im feeling eclipsed by panic.

    Games like crossword puzzles and word searches , says Dr. Masand. The idea is it can act as a distraction to the fear or the body symptoms of anxiety. Our smartphones offer a plethora of great coping tools and this is something the majority of us already carry with us. Download some games that will distract you and get your mind off of the unpleasant symptoms you are feeling. You can also download relaxing music and guided relaxation sessions.

    I Experimented With A Few Different Tactics That Would Help To Calm Anxiety Or At Least Offer Some Relief In The Moment

    No matter how severe your anxiety symptoms are in the moment, there are natural ways to calm anxiety that are worth trying. I hope this post from someone who just like you has been there and has personally tried a lot of different things and wants to share the things that were most helpful. This blog is mainly to offer you hope that with long-term lifestyle changes you can lessen or rid anxiety over time !

    This post may contain affiliate links. See Full Disclosure. This does not effect the price you pay but helps to support our work.

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    How To Calm Yourself Down At Work

    Work can be a major source of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, when we’re at work, it’s not always possible to just leave and get a massage or go for a run. Developing skills to help you calm yourself at work can improve your communication with your colleagues. It can boost your productivity and your satisfaction with your career.

    • Take a break

    If you work in an office even if its a home office a change of scenery can do you good. Take a quick walk or run some errands. Breaking from your routine will naturally give you some emotional and physical distance to process why you’re upset.

    • Do something not work related

    If you find yourself triggered or upset during a meeting , try doing something else. In virtual meetings, go off-camera, color, draw, or squeeze a stress relief ball. For in-person meetings try massaging the palm of your hands or flexing your toes one by one. You can also practice mindful, deep breathing without anyone noticing.

    • Set up a soothing workspace

    If work is a source of chronic stress, set it up to be anxiety optimized. Declutter your desk, keeping only what makes you feel good or inspires you. Try adding a supportive mantra, an essential oil diffuser, or a small plant to your workspace. Move close to a window if possible.

    Anxiety Attack: What To Do To Calm Down

    Panic Attacks- My First Panic Attack, How to calm down from one, and how to prevent them

    To deal with a panic attack, we must be aware that it is always temporary and remember some guidelines that help us overcome it.

    Faced with a panic attack, the first thing to do is to rule out that there really is an organic disease such as endocrine, circulatory disorders Once the psychological origin of the symptoms of the anxiety attack that has been suffered has been confirmed, it is advisable to reflect on how we are living and letting ourselves be helped by a professional.

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    Ways To Calm An Anxiety Attack

    1. Stay in the present moment

    Anxiety tends to be a future-oriented state of mind. Instead of worrying about whats going to happen in the future, try to bring yourself back to the present. Ask yourself, Am I safe right now? Is there something I can do about the situation right now? If theres nothing you can do in the present, revisit your concerns later so that you arent getting thrown off track by distant scenarios.

    2. Talk to yourself

    When you sense a panic attack, remind yourself that what you are experiencing is anxiety and that you are not in real danger. You can even address the fear directly by practicing a response like I am not afraid or This too shall pass.

    3. Meditation and mindful breathing

    Pay attention to your breathing. Initially, it may be loud and fast try to consciously slow it down and breathe as deeply as you can. Redirect your thoughts to something positive so that you arent overwhelmed with negative thoughts. Give yourself affirmations, like saying I will be okay over and over again.

    4. Be aware of your triggers

    Self-awareness and increasing your knowledge about your mental health are crucial. The more aware you are of your triggers and how your anxiety starts, the easier it will be to get yourself through an attack.

    5. H.A.L.T. your attack

    6. Get up and do something

    7. Follow the 3-3-3 rule

    • Look around and name three things you see
    • Name three sounds you hear
    • Move three parts of your body

    8. Watch a funny video

    9. Stay away from sugar

    Relax And Lean In To The Panic

    This step seems like a massive ask but I only recommend it because I absolutely know as an energy healer, as a reiki therapist and as someone who has experienced panic attacks in the past, this step is absolutely crucial to calm down during an anxiety attack.

    Im going to ask you to relax in the face of panic.

    Its going to go against every single bodily reaction that youre going to have.

    This takes conscious effort.

    So youre in this massive overblown fear reaction, your shoulders are up, youre not breathing right, your heart is beating out of your chest and Im going to ask you to consciously relax your shoulders.

    Consciously relax into the feeling of your heart beating out of control.

    Accept it, allow it.

    Yes, my heart is beating out of control out of my chest in this moment. Yes, I am having trouble breathing. Relax and accept into that.

    This is a panic attack. I know what it is. I feel like Im out of control, but just accepting and relaxing and kind of leaning into those feelings a bit instead of trying to resist them and run away from them because resistance is what fuels anxiety. Absolutely, 100%.

    So what you need to need to do is remove that resistance and you remove that resistance by relaxing and kind of leaning into the panic.

    I know its a massive ask, I know its huge but trust me, it works.

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    How To Stop A Panic Attack In Its Tracks

    11 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack 1 Use deep breathing. 2 Recognize that youre having a panic attack. 3 Close your eyes. 4 Practice mindfulness. 5 Find a focus object. 6 Use muscle relaxation techniques. 7 Picture your happy place. 8 Engage in light exercise. 9 Keep lavender on hand. 10 Repeat a mantra internally.

    Calm Your Anxious Heart

    Telling Someone With Anxiety To Calm Down Is Like Telling

    Managing anxiety can improve your quality of life and take stress off your heart.

    A wave of dread overcomes youyour chest hurts, your heart flutters, and you can’t catch your breath. These classic anxiety symptoms are often mistaken for a heart attackand for good reason. Emotional turmoil triggers the release of stress hormones, which act on the same brain areas that regulate cardiovascular functions such as heart rate and blood pressure.

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    Write A Quick Gratitude List

    A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology asked participants to jot down a few sentences each week, focusing on specific topics. One group wrote about the things that they were grateful for that week, a second group wrote about the things that had displeased them and a third group wrote about things that had happened . After ten weeks, researchers found that those who had written about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives than the other two groups. Not only that, but they had also exercised more and had fewer visits to the doctor. So grab a notebook and try to jot down a few things that youre thankful for each week. Hey, even no traffic on your daily commute is a win in our book.

    Talk To Someone Friendly

    Another very effective technique is to talk to someone you like and trust, especially on the phone. Don’t be shy about your anxiety – tell them you feel anxious and explain what you’re feeling.

    Talking to nice, empathetic people keeps your mind off of your symptoms, and the supportive nature of friends and family gives you an added boost of confidence. If you’re suffering from a panic attack, it also helps you feel more confident that if something were wrong, you’d have someone that can watch over you.

    Also Check: What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder

    Stay In Your Time Zone

    Anxiety is a future-oriented state of mind. So instead of worrying about whatâs going to happen, âreel yourself back to the present,â says Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., a psychologist and author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety. Ask yourself: Whatâs happening right now? Am I safe? Is there something I need to do right now? If not, make an âappointmentâ to check in with yourself later in the day to revisit your worries so those distant scenarios donât throw you off track, she says.

    What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like

    How to calm down anxiety

    Imagine that you’re driving to work when you’re suddenly overcome with feelings of dread and fear. Your heart feels as though it’s pounding out of your chest and you have difficulty breathing. You become increasingly afraid as you begin shaking and sweating. You feel tingling, like “pins and needles,” in your legs and hands and you start getting nauseous.

    You think, “This cant be happening to me.” You almost get a sense that you’re watching yourself from a distance, feeling completely disconnected from yourself and your surroundings. You pull over to the side of the road, fearing that you will lose control of your car or possibly pass out behind the wheel.

    Just as quickly as your symptoms set in, you notice that these sensations are gradually subsiding. But even when you realize the panic attack has passed, you still feel on edge or keyed up. It takes you a minute to refocus and get back on the road. The rest of your day is marked by a sense of nervousness and apprehension.

    These attacks can have an emotional, physical, and cognitive impact that may affect you long after the attack has diminished. After experiencing a panic attack, you may find it difficult to pull yourself back together.

    Recommended Reading: What Is An Anxiety Attack Like

    Knowing The Signs Of An Anxiety Attack

    The first anxiety attack someone has usually catches them off guard. The signs of an attack are often so intense that the person does not know how to react at the time. Since they become more anxious about being anxious, symptoms worsen. Many tend to think that they are having a heart attack or a stroke.

    An anxiety attack can sneak up on you, and the symptoms can hit you quickly. Knowing what the signs are will make it easier for you to calm down. Some signs of an anxiety attack include shortness of breath or heavy breathing when thinking about a particular scenario. Sounds seem louder, and lights seem brighter than the norm. The heart may beat very fast or irregularly. Many people suffering from anxiety attacks experience dissociation, feeling as if they are watching themselves from outside their bodies.

    When someone is anxious, they may display an extreme change in emotion, such as an unstoppable need to cry, scream, laugh, or yell. The person may need to get away from an uncomfortable situation immediately, even if it results in losing a job or ruining a relationship. Physically, someone having an anxiety attack can have an uncontrollable shaking or other movements of a hand, foot, or another body part.

    In many cases, those who suffer from severe anxiety worry about having a panic attack. This condition can escalate the symptoms and bring on an anxiety attack. Learning coping mechanisms from therapy can stop anxiety before it even starts is extremely important.

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