Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomeHealthCan You Have Anxiety Without Feeling Anxious

Can You Have Anxiety Without Feeling Anxious

Youre Short Of Breath

This is Why You have Anxiety Symptoms Without Feeling Anxious!

Your blood circulates oxygen around your body. When your stress response boosts how quickly youre sending blood around your bodythanks to your heart racingyour breathing might increase to provide you with more oxygen.

If you breathe too quickly , you can actually enhance a lot of the physical anxiety symptoms on this list because your oxygencarbon dioxide balance gets out of whack, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Thats why we often talk about belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, says Dr. Potter. This is essentially breathing slowly and deeply by really using your diaphragm. By slowing down how quickly youre breathing, you have more of a chance to get the oxygen you need, Dr. Potter explains.

Physical Symptoms Without Feeling Anxious


Is it possible to still have symptoms of anxiety without being anxious or having a panic attack at the moment? I am constantly feeling the symptoms which actually MAKE me feel anxious. Like my body twitches nonstop, my body trembles, etc. It’s such a bother and I wonder if any of you still get symptoms even if you’re not anxious ?

7 likes, 53 replies

  • Posted 6 years ago

    Totally get what you’re saying. I still have the symptoms of anxiety even though I am not anxious. Like feeling dizzy, tension headaches, fatigue, eye strain and the worst depersonalization. Want to know if others are getting this too

  • Posted 6 years ago

    Right! It’s like I have to push myself to do anything because I feel so drained, it’s horrible.

  • Posted 4 years ago

    i have all this which throws me into a frenzy! super scary and i go into panic.

  • Posted 4 years ago

    I am going through the same thing now. Physical symptoms without the anxiety. I get light headed, feel faint and then the flight symptoms of sweaty palms and heart racing starts. No reason, the feelings just hit me.

  • Posted 6 years ago

    I think it’s because our nerves are oversensitive due to the years of stress and tension that we have been putting on them. The best we can do is let them be and not worry about it.

    I know its easier said than done. But thats the only way imo. The important thing is to carry on our normal routine as we used to do. and hopefully these symptoms will fade away.

  • Aromatherapy And Essential Oils

    Essential oils, the extract from plants, have been used for thousands of years to treat a number of conditions, including anxiety. Essential oils activate certain areas of your brain and release feel-good chemicals such as serotonin. They have been found to ease symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression, improve mood, and improve sleep.

    Recommended use includes diffusing, inhalation, or topical treatment which can aid with anxiety symptoms. When diffusing an essential oil or essential oil blend you will need an essential oil diffuser to fill your space with the desired scent. Inhalation is used by deeply smelling the essential oil straight from the bottle or by applying a drop or two of the oil on something such as a diffuser pad or lava bead that is connected to a bracelet, necklace, or even keychain. You can also place a drop or two of essential oil into your hands, rub them together, then cup your hands and take a few deep inhalations to get the desired effect.

    You should be sure that the essential oils you use are pure oils and not mixed with chemicals. Some good brands to use include: Mountain Rose Herbs, Plant Therapy, Young Living, Doterra. You can do your own research to find a brand that will best work for you and your budget. Remember that a bottle of essential oil will last a long time since you typically use only a few drops at a time.

    Essential oils that are great for treating anxiety include:

    • Lavender
    • Vetiver

    Recommended Reading: How To Reduce Anxiety To Sleep

    Information For Carers Friends And Relatives

    If you are a carer, friend or relative of someone who hears voices, you can get support.

    How can I get support?

    You can do the following.

    • Speak to your GP about medication and talking therapies for yourself.
    • Speak to your relatives care team about a carers assessment.
    • Ask for a carers assessment from your local social services.
    • Join a carers service. They are free and available in most areas.
    • Join a carers support group for emotional and practical support. Or set up your own.

    What is a carers assessment?A carers assessment is an assessment of the support that you need so that you can continue in your caring role. To get a carers assessment you need to contact your local authority.

    How do I get support from my peers?You can get peer support through carer support services or carers groups. You can search for local groups in your area by using a search engine such as Google. Or you can contact the Rethink Mental Illness Advice Service and we will search for you.

    How can I support the person I care for?

    You can do the following.

    • Read information about anxiety disorders.
    • Ask the person you support to tell you what their symptoms are and if they have any self-management techniques that you could help them with.
    • Encourage them to see a GP if you are worried about their mental health.
    • Ask to see a copy of their care plan, if they have one. They should have a care plan if they are supported by a care coordinator.
    • Help them to manage their finances.

    You can find out more about:

    Tackle Negative Thoughts Head

    Feeling Anxious? Heres How You Can Tell If You Have ...

    Challenge those negative, destructive thoughts. Consider your specific thought patterns- why are they headed in this panic-inducing direction? Are they real, or are they merely imaginary? If they are authentic, what can you do about them? Can you start letting go? Are they thoughts of feeling overwhelmed?

    Also Check: How Do You Know If You Have Anxiety Issues

    What Anxiety Feels Like Vs What Stress Feels Like

    All of us experience some level of what we recognize as anxiety from time to time. At low levels, this feeling is generally referred to as stress and can be a healthy and motivating response to a particular life situation. For example, feeling stress before an exam is normal and helps to motivate focus, which is typically helpful in such situations. But, sometimes our inner response is disproportionately larger than the external situation it is linked to or we feel high levels of agitation for reasons that are unclear to us. So, how do we discern stress from anxiety if they are variations on the same general feeling?

    In general, you can figure this out by looking at how well the external situation matches the inner response and how much the feelings you are having are impacting your sense of wellbeing and ability to get things done. When your inner agitation is interfering in your daily life or sense of wellbeing, especially when there is no obvious reason, then you may be experiencing levels of anxiety that might be worth checking out. Stress is a physical or mental tension in response to a trigger.

    If you find yourself reacting like this to stressful situations, you can learn to manage your anxiety and separate a typical stress reaction from an outsized anxious reaction.

    But Even Though Its Common And Highly Treatable The Vast Majority Of Anxiety Sufferers Go Without Treatment Often Times Because They Dont Even Know Somethings Wrong

    Anxietys tricky like that it can creep into your life in ways you might think are just stress, but actually are symptoms of a condition that could be helped by medication, therapy, or even certain lifestyle changes.

    Anxiety has a diagnostic set of criteria, psychologist and trauma specialist Dr. Anjhula Mya Singh Bais tells BuzzFeed. But much like anything love, heartbreak, depression it manifests uniquely at times in individuals.

    If youre feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope but arent sure why, here are some sneaky anxiety symptoms you might want to look out for so you can start exploring ways to feel better.

    Recommended Reading: How Can You Develop Anxiety

    What It Means To Have An Anxiety Disorder

    Anxiety disorders essentially turn stressful thoughts up to 11, both in intensity and sometimes duration. While people without an anxiety disorder can experience manageable stress for short periods of time, often in relation to a specific situation, those feelings last much longer and may become all-consuming for someone with an anxiety disorder. For people with anxiety disorders, there is often a disconnect in the estimation of dangerin anxiety-producing situations versus the actual or realistic threat, Dr. Valerio explains.

    As if this werent complicated enough, anxiety disorders can manifest in a number of ways. Here are some of the main ones to know:

    In order for a doctor to diagnose you with these or other anxiety disorders, you need to meet specific criteria. For instance, your symptoms cant be better explained by the use of alcohol or drugs, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . And, as crappy as it is, youll need to have sustained experiences of anxiety over time, since anyone can go through really stressful periods but not necessarily meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder. For instance, a diagnosis of GAD requires at least six months of symptoms, the NIMH says, and a diagnosis of panic disorder necessitates repeated panic attacks, not only one.

    Overly Apprehensive Behavior Can Overly Stress The Body Which Can Cause Symptoms Of Stress To Persist

    ROCD Without Anxiety (I’m Not Feeling Anxious!)

    The body can recover relatively quickly once a stress response has ended.

    However, when stress responses occur too frequently, such as from overly apprehensive behavior, the body cant complete recovery.

    Incomplete recovery can leave the body in a state of semi stress response readiness.

    We call this state stress-response hyperstimulation since stress hormones are stimulants.

    A body that becomes hyperstimulated can exhibit symptoms of a stress response even though a stress response hasnt been activated.

    Hyperstimulation is a common cause of anxiety symptoms that occur even though you dont feel stressed.

    You May Like: Does Anxiety Cause Chest Pressure

    Can Anxiety Lead To Panic

    A person who has panic disorder may experience anxiety that they are going to have a panic attack. The uncertainty about if or when an attack is going to happen can lead to anxiety between attacks.

    For a person with panic disorder, anxiety may trigger a panic attack. The fear of having a panic attack can affect the persons behavior and ability to function in daily life.

    The APA suggest there may be a biological factor underlying panic disorder, but scientists have not yet identified a specific marker.

    • tightness in the throat and difficulty breathing
    • trembling or shaking
    • feeling faint

    Not every case of anxiety will include all these symptoms. Anxiety can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the trigger and how the person reacts to it.

    Faced with an examination, for example, some people might feel mildly apprehensive, while others may experience all the above symptoms.

    Usually, when the hazard or perceived danger passes, symptoms go away.

    Anxiety that continues for a long time or that is triggered by specific events may be a sign of another disorder, such as social anxiety disorder.

    Anxiety often results from stress or feeling overwhelmed.

    Common causes of anxiety include:

    • work pressure
    • the use of some medications
    • a recent or past traumatic experience

    Triggers of anxiety could include:

    • public speaking
    • exposure to a phobia trigger
    • a fear of having a panic attack

    Sometimes, anxiety can also stem from a psychological disorder.

    Find What Relaxes You

    There are already things in your life that relax you. You may find it beneficial to make a list of things you enjoy and that help you to relax so you can reference it when symptoms of anxiety arise. When you notice your anxiety rising turn to those activities to help stop symptoms before they escalate.

    For example, if you find that a warm bath is relaxing, don’t wait, draw a bath, maybe light some candles or add a few nice scents and get in. Whether it’s a bath, a shower, skipping stones at a park, getting a massage – if it works, do it right away, rather than allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by your anxiety.

    Read Also: Is Anxiety And Panic Attacks The Same

    How Are Anxiety Disorders Diagnosed

    If you have symptoms of an anxiety disorder, talk to your healthcare provider. Theyll start with a complete medical history and physical examination.

    There are no lab tests or scans that can diagnose anxiety disorders. But your provider may run some of these tests to rule out physical conditions that may be causing symptoms.

    Why Does Anxiety Cause Physical Symptoms

    How Anxiety And Panic Attacks Differ

    Whether youre dealing with anxiousness or a diagnosable anxiety disorder, it can manifest in your body in multiple ways. From head to toe, almost every system can be impacted just by nature of your body releasing a lot of stress hormones, Mona Potter, M.D., medical director at McLean Anxiety Mastery Program in Boston, tells SELF. But why does it happen?

    Well, you have your fight-or-flight response to thank for your physical anxiety symptoms. Typically, its supposed to help you survive a threat by escaping or fending it off. In way-back-then cave-people days, that threat might have been something along the lines of a lion. If you have anxiety, though, your fear and worry are that threat, prompting your sympathetic nervous system, which controls involuntary processes like your breathing and heart rate, to kick into high gear. This leads your adrenal glands to release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, according to the Mayo Clinic. This domino effect is behind anxietys physical symptoms.

    When a person experiences anxiety, its essentially the fight-or-flight system kicking in and saying, Danger! Neda Gould, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and associate director of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Anxiety Disorders Clinic, tells SELF.

    So what are the physical symptoms of anxiety to look out for?

    Recommended Reading: How To Overcome Crippling Anxiety

    What Is Anxiety Exactly

    Anxiety is an umbrella term for a range of uncomfortable feelings like fear, worry, and stress. It has both a colloquial and clinical meaning. Sometimes people describe garden-variety episodes of stress as anxiety, but theyre able to cope with and move on from this anxiousness without the stress being overwhelming. Other times, though, anxiety is overwhelming, which is when we get into diagnosable-mental-health-condition territory.

    There are various anxiety disorders that can really disrupt a persons life. One is generalized anxiety disorder, which happens when you experience immense, disproportionate fear about any number of circumstances and events, according to the Mayo Clinic. Another is social anxiety disorder, which happens when social interactions trigger your feelings of worry. Yet another anxiety disorder youve likely heard of is panic disorder, when a person has repeated panic attacks involving uncontrollable terror. These bouts of fear are so forceful that people with panic disorder often worry about having panic attacks in the future and avoid anything they think might set one off.

    Although the triggers for various anxiety disorders can differ, one major thing they have in common is the potential to cause physical symptoms of anxiety.

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