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HomeSymptomsCan Xanax Make Anxiety Worse

Can Xanax Make Anxiety Worse

Get Treatment To Avoid Rebound Anxiety Today

Understanding how Benzodiazepines (eg valium, xanax) can make anxiety worse with regular use.

Xanax addiction is extremely dangerous, but it can be severe if you stop taking them after longtime use. It is especially true if you quit abruptly after developing a chemical dependence. If you start to feel withdrawal symptoms after you stop using the drug, know that its important to seek help as soon as possible. You could experience rebound anxiety that could lead to a relapse.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder from Xanax, there is help available. Speak to an addiction treatment specialist at Serenity at Summit to learn more about benzodiazepine addiction and how it can be treated. Call 844-432-0416 or contact us online to learn more about your addiction therapy options. The first steps on the road to recovery may just be a call away.

Overall Thoughts On Alprazolam For Anxiety

Despite what some people may think, anxiety drugs are not inherently bad. For those that have not seen success with other treatments, or for those whose anxiety is so severe they need immediate relief simply to get through their day, anxiety medications may not be a terrible idea. They have side effects, but generally they are not too dangerous, and Alprazolam is an example of one of the few medicines that could have an impact on your life.

But, anxiety drugs should not be used as a first choice, nor should they ever be the only choice. You should first make sure to try to learn coping skills and use psychological interventions such as meditation, relaxation techniques, and therapy to learn how to manage your anxiety without medication. Furthermore, it is important to note that finding the right anxiety medication and the correct dosage for your needs can be a lengthy process. It may take months to figure out what the right medication and dosage is for your anxiety. Finally, if you do decide to take Alprazolam, or any anxiolytic, you need to make sure that you are also working on treatments that will keep your anxiety away if you stop taking the drug in the future. Medication alone is not the answer. It is important to know that it works best when used in conjunction with therapy which will address the root causes for your anxiety and teach you the necessary coping skills for managing it in the future.

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Using Alprazolam For Anxiety

Alprazolam is one of the most prescribed medications in the world. One might say that it’s prescribed too often, because most people are given Alprazolam by doctors, not psychologists. No medication should be a person’s first choice when they’re trying to manage their anxiety, rather medication needs to be a last resort, after you’ve tried other non-mediciated options. Furthermore, while many people just want to take a pill to address their anxiety, the best results are actually found when using medication in conjunction with therapy.

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What Is The Safest Way To Take Xanax

Because of Xanaxs serious side effects and the risk of misuse and dependence, you should only take it under the supervision of a healthcare provider. If you and your provider decide that Xanax is right for you, take it at the lowest dose possible for the shortest time possible.

If you are taking Xanax, you should also avoid alcohol and certain drugs such as opioids . These substances affect the brain in similar ways and can have an additive effect. They can lead to serious health complications such as breathing problems and sometimes even death. All of these substances have a high risk of misuse and dependence.

You might be taking other medications in addition to Xanax or another benzodiazepine. Certain medications, when taken with Xanax, can slow down or speed up the amount of time it takes Xanax to leave the body. Conversely, sometimes Xanax can slow down or speed up how long it takes other medications to leave the body.

Examples of these medications include:

  • Grapefruit juice

Can Xanax Cause Depression

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Unfortunately, some prescribing physicians may be perpetuating the cycle of abuse when it comes to benzodiazepines like Xanax.

While it is known that these drugs are safest when used for no longer than six weeks, many doctors continue to allow patients multiple refills for far longer periods of time. The Bend Bulletin notes 1.9 million prescriptions were filled for Oregon residents in 2013, and 45 percent of them refilled their medication at least three months in a row.

Often, symptoms of anxiety can lead to depressive symptoms, too, and Xanax may be prescribed to treat the original symptoms. Depression and anxiety are cited as primary reasons for drug abuse among 63 percent of older adults, per the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. While many may begin using these medications in a prescribed fashion to treat their symptoms, those same symptoms may resolve over time but the individuals remain medicated. When they attempt to come off the drug and familiar symptoms return, they assume they still need them, but sometimes, its merely that the drug itself, and dependence on it, causes feelings of depression and anxiety to manifest during withdrawal.

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Will Xanax Interact With Other Drugs My Cat Is Taking

Certain medications can act differently when taken in combination with other drugs. Thats why its important to make sure your vet knows about any other medicines your cat may be already taking.

Xanax is one such medication that can interact with others your veterinarian may have prescribed for your cat. The following drugs are known to have potentially dangerous interactions with alprazolam:

  • Cimetidine
  • Erythromycin
  • Rifampin
  • Any central nervous system depressants

When taken at the same time, antacids can decrease the effectiveness of Xanax by slowing its onset. If your pet has been prescribed antacids, make sure to administer them at least 2 hours before or after you plan to give your cat alprazolam.

Alprazolam may have a stronger than expected effect if used at the same time as itraconazole, other anxiety medications , or propranolol. Conversley, the use of Xanax may increase the effect of digoxin, a heart medication.

Just because your cat might be taking one of the medications above doesnt necessarily mean they cant take Xanax. Your veterinarian may vary the dosage and/or have you monitor your pet more closely while taking the drug combination.

Make sure you contact your veterinarian if your cat experiences any unusual reactions when different medications are given together.

Myth #1 Anxiety Isnt Really An Illness

While its true that a small portion of human anxiety is natural, extreme forms of anxiety are a completely different animal. When anxiety takes on the form of a disorder, it causes problems in your everyday life to the point of total impairment. And though we cant see anxiety on x-rays or detect it in blood samples, this very real condition can be diagnosed and treated.

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Does Xanax Make You Depressed

Although depression is listed as a side effect of Xanax, it is unclear if Xanax itself can make you feel depressed or if the depression is due to the problem that Xanax was prescribed for. Xanax is mainly used to treat anxiety and panic disorder. In studies of people with anxiety who took Xanax or placebo, 13.9% of people on Xanax developed depression, while 18.1% of people with anxiety on placebo developed depression. In studies of people with panic disorder who took Xanax, 13.8% of people on Xanax developed depression, while 14% of people with panic disorder on placebo developed depression. More people taking placebo developed depression than people taking Xanax.

Anxiety, with or without the use of Xanax, is a major risk factor for depression. Although people without anxiety have a 16.2% risk of having depression, people with anxiety have a 62% risk of having depression. Many people with anxiety live with chronic depression: a study found 59% of people with anxiety had depression during the year before the study. Therefore, it can be difficult to know if Xanax causes depression, or if it is the anxiety that Xanax is being used to treat that causes depression. Some studies even show that Xanax may help improve depression.

Xanax For Anxiety: Is It A Good Long

Xanax: why prescribing it may make anxiety worse

Xanax is the brand name for a fast-acting benzodiazepine medication, alprazolam. This medication is prescribed for short-term treatment of generalized anxiety, panic disorders, anxiety associated with depression, and social anxiety disorder. Rarely, it is used to treat insomnia or seizures, but among benzodiazepine medications, Xanax is not the most efficient at this. Even more rarely, alprazolam can be prescribed to treat more intense and immediate symptoms of depression. However, it is important to remember that benzodiazepines, especially Xanax, work rapidly, so they are prescribed to treat the intense and sudden symptoms associated with panic or related conditions they are no longer seen as a long-term treatment.

There are many reasons that Xanax and other benzodiazepines are not considered appropriate long-term treatment for most conditions. Most people rapidly develop a tolerance to the drugs they can cause euphoria so may lead to compulsive or addictive behaviors and they can take time to detox from. People who abuse Xanax may doctor shop, steal prescriptions from friends or family, or get multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors. This increases the risk of addiction to Xanax, which can lead to long-term health problems.

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What Are The Risks Of Taking Benzos For Anxiety

Benzodiazepines are one of the most commonly prescribed psychotropic medications in the world. At PCH Treatment Center, we are referred many clients who have been on long-term benzodiazepine therapy for their anxiety. We find this problematic for many reasons.

First, a person taking this drug will develop tolerance and dependence, requiring ever-increasing dosages to maintain the same effects. If they have been maintained on a stable dosage regimen for a prolonged period, benzodiazepines may be doing nothing for their anxiety or actually increasing it. Further, benzos can be the cause of the anxiety being experienced.

Second, these drugs, especially when combined with other medications, can cause over-sedation or respiratory depression resulting in a risk of overdose. These medications also cause disinhibition, which can result in behavioral problems and risk-taking activities. Evidence is accumulating that chronic use of benzodiazepines is associated with depression, cognitive impairment and an increased incidence of developing dementia. The elderly are especially sensitive to benzodiazepines.

Discontinuation of benzodiazepines must be done carefully, as patients can develop severe withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening, such as seizures.

We also integrate neurofeedback and holistic activities that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders, including trauma-informed yoga, arts programs , and meditative practices.

How Long Does It Last

Immediate release formulations of Xanax have an approximate half-life of 11 hours but can vary from 6 to 27 hours for some individuals. It takes several more cycles for the drug to be eliminated from your body entirely. Your symptoms will likely fade before the medication has completely left your system.

The bulk of your symptoms should subside within 24 hours of your last dose. You may still experience minor symptoms, such as decreased appetite, for one to two days after your last dose.

If you take Xanax for any reason, theres always a chance that youll experience a hangover when the medication wears off.

Youre more likely to experience a Xanax hangover if:

  • its your first time taking the medication
  • you use the medication infrequently
  • youve used the medication for a while but have recently changed your dose
  • youve used the medication for a while but have recently missed one or more doses

If you continue to take the medicine, your body may become more accustomed to the drug, and the side effects may not be as severe.

However, long-term use or high-dose use can lead to a drug dependency. You should only take Xanax as prescribed by your doctor.

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Find The Addiction Treatment Necessary At Northern Illinois Recovery Center

If you or a loved one has developed a dependency on either Klonopin or Xanax, treatment is available. Northern Illinois Recovery Center offers comprehensive treatment for all kinds of substance use disorders. We provide Xanax addiction treatment and prescription drug addiction treatment for when individuals find themselves dependent upon medications like Klonopin. Some of the other substance abuse treatment programs we offer include:

  • Alcohol addiction

How Much How Often

Xanax Abuse and Addiction

The typical Xanax dosage is 0.75 to 1.5 mg a day, divided into three 0.250.5 mg doses as needed for anxiety. It is best if used only as needed. But keep in mind that the dosage that works for you may not be the same as the one that works for someone else. Dosing can vary depending on the severity of your disorder, your height, weight, age, and metabolism. Your healthcare provider will likely prescribe the lowest possible dose that is effective for your disorder.

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What Are The Benefits Of Xanax

Xanax can be beneficial for people with anxiety or panic disorders.

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive or unwarranted anxiety and worry for a period of at least six months. Panic disorder is described by recurrent unexpected periods of intense fear, also known as a panic attack.

During a panic attack, a person will usually have a pounding or racing heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, a choking feeling, dizziness, fear, and other symptoms.

In clinical trials, Xanax was shown to be better than a placebo in improving anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety or anxiety with depression. For panic disorders, clinical studies found that Xanax significantly reduced the number of panic attacks experienced per week.

It isnt known if Xanax is safe and effective when used to treat anxiety disorder for longer than 4 months or to treat panic disorder for longer than 10 weeks.

Side Effects And Warnings

Xanax has many of the same side effects as alcohol, including mental and physical impairment, sleepiness, slower reaction times, balance and coordination problems, dizziness, and light-headedness. Other common reactions include memory problems, slurred speech, trouble concentrating, confusion, upset stomach, headache, and blurred vision.

You should not take Xanax if you have shown sensitivity to other benzos such as Valium and Ativan, have narrow-angle glaucoma, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Alert your health care provider if you have liver problems, as there is a risk that Xanax may build up in your system and lead to overdose or heavy sedation. Xanax has not been shown to be effective for adolescents and teens under age 18 so using it in this population is considered off label.

Xanax also may be habit-forming. The risk of addiction is about two 2%, Dr. McGee says, but that risk is higher, he adds, among people who are already addicted to alcohol or opioids. He also worries that Xanax and drugs like it may prevent some from learning how to manage anxiety. People have a tough time learning to cope without meds once you put them on them, so the real problem is dependence, Dr. McGee continues. Over many years Xanax can increase risk of falls, motor vehicle accidents, dementia, and urinary incontinence, he adds.

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