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Do Dogs Get Separation Anxiety

Teach Your Dog New Tricks

Help your Dog with Separation Anxiety | The Battersea Way

Teaching your dog a new trick isnt always the easiest, but its definitely rewarding for both of you. This is something that you may have to work on over time, but will develop attention and obedience skills. One fun one to start with is Under the Bridge. Simply sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and use a high-value treat or your dogs favorite toy to tempt them to move under the bridge your legs have made. Make sure to give them a lot of praise once theyve accomplished the task!

Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise for a well-rounded dog. These games and others strengthen not only your dogs mind but your bond with your dog.

Treatments For Canine Separation Anxiety

It has been suggested that adding another animal, such as another dog, to the household may help dogs with separation-related behavior problems to cope with absences from their owner.38,39 However, evidence suggests that the presence of another dog in the household does not prevent another dog from developing separation-related problems.9,11,14

Owners may respond to the separation-related problem behaviors of their dogs by confining the dog to a crate. Some authors have recommended this approach because once the dog is accustomed to the crate they rarely engage in the stress-related behaviors exhibited by dogs that have free access during periods of separation from their owner.40 However, others have found that dogs left in crates or cages while at home alone are no less likely to display separation-related problem behaviors than dogs that have free access to the home.14 In fact, confining a dog with separation anxiety to a crate can increase lip licking,11 a response consistent with stress,41 and dogs can injure themselves in attempts to escape from the crate.39

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Is That Really What Were Dealing With

My first step in working with these dogs and their families is to confirm that the dog actually has separation anxiety. Sometimes thats very straightforward. My canine patient comes in with the classic history of soiling the house, barking, howling, or whining repeatedly, destroying things when left home alone, or some combination of these behaviors. Her people report that she shows these signs of distress even when left alone for only a few minutes. Neighbors have complained about the loudness and duration of her barking, and the entryway of her home is covered in teeth and claw marks. She paces and whines as soon as theres any sign of an impending departure, and while her enthusiastic greetings are heartwarming, they are a bit excessive.

In other cases, the picture is a bit more complicated. For example, a dogs people bring him in because neighbors have complained about the excessive barking but they themselves have never heard him make a peep. They wonder if their neighbors are mistaking him for that other dog down the halltheres no evidence that anythings been amiss in their absence after all. Or I might see a dog because she rearranges and occasionally destroys things when home alone, but barely seems to notice her persons preparations to leave the house. Do either of these dogs really have separation anxiety, or is there something else going on?

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How Long Does It Take Most Dogs To Overcome Separation Anxiety

It would be logical to most of us to say that the mild dog will move through the separation anxiety protocol more quickly and more easily but the severe dog will have a potentially long and tedious protocol. That would be a logical deduction based on the labels.

But what weve found over the many years and the hundreds of dog that weve seen is the outward appearance or manifestations of their anxiety has zero relationship with the ease or difficulty of success. Some of the most severe looking dogs zoom through protocol and some of the more mild appearing dogs could take months and months to make progress.

Theres no reciprocal relationship between the outward display of the dog and how quickly or easily the dog will be successful. Remembering that the outward display of the dogs anxiety is not an indication of how easily or quickly a dog will make progress in their separation anxiety training.

Moving Into Another Home

Adopting a Dog With Separation Anxiety

Moving to a new residence can also trigger your dogs separation anxiety, mainly because its such a significant change. Everything around him is so different and unfamiliar that hell be having a hard time adjusting.

As a dog owner, you must make your dog feel like hes still at his old home. Bring some items hes familiar with and keep the scent the same. At the same time, follow the same routine and dont leave him alone too often yet.

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Slowly Increase The Amount Of Time You’re Out Of Sight

Again, this might mean staying outside for only two seconds, then three, and so on for severe cases. Once you start adding time, you can mix up the intervals during which you step out in a given training session. For example, if you’re able to remain outside for five minutes, first step out for five minutes and then for three minutes. Change it up, but don’t go beyond five minutes until your dog is showing no signs of anxiety. Keep going until your dog seems generally comfortable with your absence.

The Spruce / Missy Schrott

Remove The Triggers Which Cause Anxiety

If you notice your dogs anxiety stems in response to specific things like strangers or other dogs, try to eliminate the stressors for a while. For example if your dog is afraid of other dogs or other people, you can stop going to the dog park. You can take your dog for walks to places where there are less people or less dogs around.

Behavioral modifications towards strangers

You can also reset your dogs mind to associate new people with positive reinforcements. Ask your friend to come into your house and give your dog a treat every time he or she comes. Repeat this exercise on a regular basis. Eventually your dog will learn to associate new people with good treats.

Behavioral modifications towards being left alone

The standard for behavioral modification usually involves desensitization as well as counter conditioning. Such methods can be tricky to carry out . These methods require the help of a trained and experienced professional. To know more about the behavioral modifications to with being left alone watch out for my next blog post.

Dog appeasing pheromones

These are synthetic pheromones. These are similar to pheromones which are produced by female dogs when they are nursing puppies. These can work amazingly well reducing the anxiety of your dog. These are available in different forms like callers, diffusers and sprays.

Alternative therapies

Always consult your vet before starting your dog on any kind of alternative therapy.

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How To Treat It

First, talk to your vet to rule out any medical problems. Sometimes dogs have accidents in the house because of infections or hormone problems or other health conditions. It also could be due to incomplete housebreaking. And some medications can cause accidents. If your dog takes any drugs, ask your vet if they are to blame.

Be Calm When Arriving Or Leaving Your Dog

How To Cure A Dog’s Separation Anxiety | It’s Me Or The Dog

One of the mistakes we make, as dog owners, is that we tend to overreact whenever we say goodbye or say hello to our pets. Yes, we can consider this normal because its really sad to leave your dog behind, and were also excited to see them again.

However, what we dont know is that it brings some sort of negative emotion to our dogs. It makes them think that they wont be safe because youre afraid about leaving them. The same thing if you arrive home to an overly excited dog as it only intensifies their emotion.

So, stay calm when saying your goodbyes and hellos. You dont even have to say goodbye, and when you arrive, dont pet your dog immediately when hes overexcited. Make sure he calms down first before you start petting him and giving him a treat so as not to encourage the behavior.

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What Goes Through A Dogs Mind During Separation Anxiety

We may never know for sure exactly what a dog thinks and feels, but dog behaviorists have a few theories.

Some dogs with separation anxiety may be struggling with a fear of abandonment. If they were previously given up for adoption or abandoned, they may be remembering their traumatic pasts every time their owners leave.

Reliving those moments puts the dog into fight-or-flight mode, a state of panic in which the dog attempts to flee from or attack the source of the panic. But since the source is the dogs own mind, the result is extreme behavior and destruction.

Dogs with separation anxiety may also be unable to deal with change. In these cases, the dog defines normal as my owner is here, and when the owner leaves, the situation is no longer normal.

Here, the dog may not worry that his owner is never coming back, but he may not know what to do with himself in the meantime. Without his owner to guide his behavior and activities, he becomes distressed and acts out.

What You Should Never Do

As frustrating as separation anxiety can be, its important that you never punish or yell at your dog. The dog is not misbehaving out of spite, or being disobedient. Your pooch is upset. Punishing your dog in any way could make the problem even worse.

Some people will try and bring home another pet to reduce the incumbent dogs anxiety, but thats usually not an answer, either. Your dog is upset because youre gone, not necessarily because theyre alone. And while obedience training is never a bad idea, it wont do a lot of good for this particular problem. Your dogs problem isnt obedience its anxiety.26

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My Pet Is Okay With Me Running To The Store For 30 Minutes Does That Mean My Pet Will Not Have Separation Anxiety When I Leave The House For 8 Hours

Most dogs with separation anxiety display those behaviors within minutes of being left alone, says Dr. Agapis. However, doggy day care, boarding at veterinary clinic, or accompanying the owner to work should be considered as an alternative to routinely leaving a dog home alone for an extended time. In Sweden, it is actually illegal to leave your dog home alone for over 6 hours.

Cats demonstrate separation anxiety primarily when their owners are away for a few days, not during the typical workday. During extended absences, cats may benefit from a professional pet sitter stopping by twice daily for play sessions or even for overnight stays.

If Youre Not Sure Whether Or Not Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety Or Suspect She Does Get Video

What to do About Your Dogâs Separation Anxiety

Video of your dog while she is home alone is the most effective and accurate way to tell if she has separation anxiety. Ideally, youll want to get video of her reaction to a few different scenarios including how she responds to:

  • a routine absence

  • any off-routine absences, such as a trip to run errands or an evening out

In most cases, youll want to record or view at least the first 30-60 minutes following your departure. Dogs with separation anxiety typically show signs of distress within this period, many within the first 10 minutes of being alone. When you review the footage, pay attention to whats going on before any periods of destruction, barking/howling, or house soiling and watch for more subtle signs of distress including general restlessness, panting, lip licking and whining. This information helps to determine the severity of the problem and the best course of treatment.

If you’re one of those pet parents whose neighbors have complained that your dog barks while you’re out of the house and you doubt the accuracy of their report, record your entire absence. You may find these reports are accurateyour dog starts barking within minutes of your departure and keeps it up for most of your absence. Or you might find that she goes through cycles of barking/howling and resting and shows other signs of anxiety including pacing, panting and lip licking. Based on these videos, your dog is experiencing significant distress and you now know exactly what is going on.

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Hyperactivity & Separation Anxiety In Puppies

As mentioned above, under-stimulation can contribute to separation anxiety, but its important not to overexercise your pup as this can interfere with their physical development. So how can you work out your pup without overworking them?

Puppies typically need 5 minutes of exercise per month of their age twice a day until they are adults. However, some pups are so energetic that this can seem like it just isnt enough.

To make walks as stimulating as possible, try to vary the location and include some fun activities like running, paddling or swimming, and playing fetch. You should also try to interact with as many friendly people and dogs as possible.

Exercising the mind is just as important and oftentimes, even more tiring than going for walks. Not only does it improve your pups overall wellbeing, but it also leaves a lot less space in the mind for anxiety. Toys, games, and learning new things are all great ways of stimulating your puppys mind.

With older pups that have mastered the basics of training, you can start to play games like treasure hunt and hide and seek. To play hide and seek, simply ask your pup to sit and stay while you hide somewhere in the home. Then, call them to come and find you. Treasure hunt follows the same rules but involves hiding toys and treats instead.

What Can I Do About My Dogs Separation Anxiety

Its exhausting to come home to destruction and upsetting to see your puppy in such distress. Its even more devastating for your dog. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to deal with SA. The Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic states the goal of treatment is to resolve the dogs underlying anxiety by teaching him to enjoy, or at least tolerate, being left alone. So some of the treatments are the same as the preventative measures and may already be part of your puppys routine. But consider all of them as you tackle SA. Look at the following methods of treatment:

1. Crate TrainingIt bears repeating that a crate is your dogs friend and your ally. Its an important training tool and the solution for many puppy challenges. It isnt cruel or unhealthy if used appropriately. Instead, it can provide your pup with a safe, quiet place to relax. The trick is to teach him to associate his crate with wonderful things like chew toys and food-releasing puzzle toys so hes happy to spend time inside. Some dogs feel safer and more comfortable in their crate when left alone. However, other dogs can panic. Watch your puppys behavior to see if he settles right down or if the anxiety symptoms ramp up. Remember, the goal is not to crate your dog all day, every day as a solution to his SA. Its to keep him and your house safe while you teach him to enjoy being alone.

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My Dog Starts To Get Anxious Even Before I Leave What Can I Do

There are a number of activities that we do consistently prior to each departure. The dog soon learns to identify that these cues or signals mean imminent departure. On the other hand, some dogs learn that other signals indicate that you are not planning to depart and therefore can help the dog to relax. If you can prevent your dog from observing any of these anxiety inducing pre-departure cues, or if you can train your dog that these cues are no longer predictive of departure, then the anxiety is greatly reduced. Even with the best of efforts, some dogs will still pick up on “cues” that the owner is about to depart. Train your dog to associate these cues with enjoyable, relaxing situations rather than the anxiety of impending departure. By exposing your dog to these cues while you remain at home and your dog is relaxed or otherwise occupied, they should no longer predict departure. This entails some retraining while you are home. Get the items that normally signal your departure, and walk to the door. However, do not exit the house. The dog will be watching and possibly get up, but once you put everything away, your dog should lie down. Then, once your dog is calm, this is repeated. Only 3 to 4 repetitions should be done in a day and the dog must be calm and quiet before presenting the cues again. Eventually, your dog will not attend to these cues because they are no longer predictive of you leaving. Then, your dog will be less anxious when you do leave.

Signs Of Separation Anxiety

What To Do About Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

A dog who has it shows a lot of stress when they are alone. They might:

  • Howl, bark, or whine to excess
  • Have indoor “accidents” even though they are housebroken
  • Chew things up, dig holes, scratch at windows and doors
  • Drool, pant, or salivate way more than usual
  • Pace, often in an obsessive pattern

They likely won’t do any of these things to an extreme while youâre around. A normal dog might do some of these things once in a while, but one with separation anxiety will do them almost all the time.

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