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How To Tell If A Cat Has Anxiety

Cat Separation Anxiety Symptoms:

Cat Stress: What You Need to Know!
  • Cats with separation anxiety will follow their owners compulsively between rooms and demand constant attention
  • They will begin to recognise the signs when youre about to leave the house, and will become distressed: hiding, sulking, or vocalising their displeasure loudly.
  • When theyre alone in the house, they may perform destructive behaviours that they are not usually inclined to, such as failing to use the litter box or refusing to eat.

Signs Of Separation Anxiety In Cats

Heres the understatement of the century: Cat behavior can be confusing. Thats especially true for the signs of cat separation anxiety, which can also be signs of boredom, stress, or underlying medical conditions. But heres the bottom line: Cat behavior problems like tearing up your carpet or peeing on your bed often indicate something more serious than a quirky personality or a personal vendetta your cat has against you. Here are some possible signs of cat separation anxiety:

  • Excessive vocalization/meowing
  • Urinating or defecating outside the litter box
  • Destructive behavior
  • Changes in appetite
  • Extreme excitement when you leave or return
  • Attacking when you leave or return
  • Trying to escape when you leave

If your cat does any of the above when theyre left alone or when their favorite family members are away, theres a chance that they may have separation anxiety.

But remember: Cats are complex creatures who might engage in these behaviors for many reasons, from boredom to more serious health concerns. Separation anxiety is usually a diagnosis of exclusion, which means that your vet will likely want to rule out other possible reasons for their behavior first. Before you assume your cat has separation anxiety, take them to the vet for a checkup to make sure there are no underlying medical reasons for their behavior.

Treatment Options For Feline Anxiety

If your cat has been diagnosed with separation anxiety, your vet can recommend the best course of treatment. Treating anxiety in cats often involves behavior modification and environmental changes severe cases may require medication. Usually, you will start with behavior modification first to see if it works.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Separation Anxiety In Cats

Does your cat display any of the following symptoms of separation anxiety? If so, it might be time to see the vet.

  • Peeing or pooping outside the litter box
  • Increased vocalization
  • Destructive behavior
  • Excessive grooming
  • Increased activity

Because cats are good at hiding it when something is wrong, it can be helpful to keep an eye on your cat when you’re not home to see if he or she displays any of these indicative behaviors. According to Martin, “Video camera recordings can be instrumental in diagnosing separation anxiety in cats, as some clinical signs may be missed or go unobserved when the owner returns to the cat.

“If you notice any of the common signs of separation anxiety, don’t assume it’s an automatic diagnosis, as these symptoms can also potentially arise from other health issues. Martin recommends contacting a veterinarian to rule out other medical causes of anxiety and get guidance on a proper treatment plan.

Can Cats Get Anxiety From Their Owners

Does My Cat Have Separation Anxiety

They are frequently the result of significant changes in routines, environments, or the way we think, similar to how humans experience anxiety. A cats anxiety can be triggered by a variety of events, including moving home or introducing a new person to the family. Similarly, many cats become anxious when a historical event occurs.

can arise as a result of excessive attachment to someone. A recent study discovered that cats have similar attachment styles to their owners as dogs and children do. Cat separation anxiety is an issue that affects cats living strictly indoors and coming from a home with only one adult caregiver. It is also possible that separation anxiety is accompanied by other health issues. It is always critical to conduct a thorough medical examination to rule out medical conditions before determining whether or not an emotional disorder exists. The management of the environment, behavior modification, and medication are the three most common methods of treating anxiety disorders. If your cat is experiencing anxiety, your veterinarian may recommend a medication or supplement.

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Summary Of Anxiety In Cats

Anxiety is a natural response to certain situations and stimuli, but it can become debilitating for your cat, leading to poor quality of life and worsening or causing medical issues, so its important to watch out for the signs of anxiety and consult your veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible. With an approach combining behavioral modification, environmental changes, calming aids and potential medication, most cats can overcome or lessen their anxiety, and be able to lead a much happier life.

Managing Anxiety In Cats

Anxiety is a very real problem that can not only cause our cats severe emotional distress, but can also exacerbate or cause a number of medical problems, including urinary tract issues. Cats suffering from anxiety may also engage in unwanted behaviors, including urinating outside of the litter box or vomiting. Read on to learn more about the causes and symptoms of anxiety, and the things you can do to help treat and manage your cats anxiety.

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Identify The Cause Or Triggers Of Your Cats Anxiety

Cat personalities can be incredibly diverse, and so are the causes of their anxiety. The rumbling noise of an unbalanced washing machine may cause one cat to run away in fear and leave another completely unfazed. Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of a threat or danger real or not .

Common causes:

Kitty Is Pacing Or Can’t Sit Still

What does Separation Anxiety look like in your cat and how can you help?

Cats sleep a lot, so if your cat is spending more time pacing than sleeping, it’s a sign that kitty is anxious. “For an animal that sleeps up to 16 hours on almost any given day, a restless cat shouldnt be a difficult sign of anxiety to spot,” iHeart Cats noted. “Humans who suffer from anxiety are known to pace or have difficulty sitting still, and this is true in cats as well. Anxiety triggers sensors in the mind that can cause your cat to feel stressed, nervous, and uneasy for no reason at all.”

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Is It A Good Thing To Be Quiet And Walk Slowly When Im Around My Anxious Cat

Owners often behave in a certain way around nervous cats, presuming that hushed voices and movement from room to room on the tips of their toes is the right strategy to adapt to avoid scaring them. Unfortunately, the air of tension in the home that this creates, may fuel your cats anxiety.

Acting normally and feeling relaxed as a consequence would have a more positive impact. Constant attempts to communicate and demonstrate love, involving seeking a nervous cat out and extracting it from a hiding place or focusing on it as it enters a room is also undesirable for a timid cat, often making the owner look threatening and obtrusive.

Exposure To Other People

If your cat isnt used to being around anyone but you, they could become fearful of others. Have a few friends come over from time to time, and let them offer your cat a favorite treat or toy. It may take a few repeated attempts before your cat is brave enough to come near, so be patient. Getting them used to other people will make them a less anxious cat overall, and will help them to accept other caregivers when you go away on vacations.

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Your Cat Is Trembling

In general, cats don’t like to be startled. If your cat becomes fearful to the point that they tremble on the regular, it might be time to consider that kitty is overly stimulated and needs a break. Create a safe space for kitty that’s all their own so your cat can retreat when it begins to feel anxious or overwhelmed.

Resources And Products To Help With Separation Anxiety

Fear and Anxiety in Your Cat  VIP Animal Care

As mentioned above, food puzzles are a great way to provide your cat with mental stimulation and keep them engaged while you’re away. Pheromone diffusers have also been reported to help, says Kornreich. They work by emitting a synthetic copy of the facial pheromones your cat uses to mark their territory, thus making them feel more safe and secure.

Organizations like the Best Friends Animal Society, Cornell Feline Health Center, the ASPCA, and the Humane Society have a wealth of resources dedicated to cat care and dealing with separation anxiety. Also, PetMD is a site dedicated to healthcare information from vetted veterinary professionals.

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Are Some Cats More Anxious Than Others

You might have noticed that some cats saunter around without a care in the world, while others are known for being skittish scaredy cats. And this makes sense because cats personalities and life experiences are all different.

Just like humans, some cats are more anxious than others, says Mikel Delgado, PhD, a postdoctoral veterinary fellow, certified applied animal behaviorist, and resident cat expert for the pet food company Smalls. This is due in part to genetics, so some cats just might be born a bit more prone to anxiety. At the same time, socialization at a young age will have an impact on how sensitive a cats stress response becomes.

For that reason, Delgado says its ideal for kittens to get lots of gentle, positive exposure to different people, animals, types of handling, and experiencessuch as being in a carrierwhen they are young. This early experience will help them cope better with change when they are older. While were on the subject, heres how to get your cat in a carrier without getting clawed.

Can Cbd Oil Reduce A Cats Anxiety

CBD products for pets have gained popularity in recent years, and many dog owners have seen benefits when using them to treat anxiety in dogs.

However, while there are many different CBD products on the market for cats, its important to note that there have been very few scientific studies examining the safety of CBD in cats. There is also no official regulation, as the Food and Drug Administration has not officially approved CBD products for therapeutic use in cats.

Cats are a sensitive species, and often have difficulty processing drugs that are safe in humans and dogs. Therefore, at Small Door, we currently do not recommend CBD for cats, and will not do so until there are more studies on its safety.

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Are You Concerned Your Cat Is Suffering From Anxiety

Bold, mellow, jumpy, shy every cat has a unique personality that shapes how they respond to stress. You may first notice your cat has fears and phobias anywhere from 5 months to a year old, but cats can develop new triggers at any age. Here are the physical symptoms and stress-based behaviors to watch for, as well as ways you can help your cat.

If your cat seems stressed, your first step is to consult your veterinary team to rule out any physical cause. Make an appointment

Ways To Tell If Your Cat Has Anxiety

How to Tell if Your Cat is Stressed (Cat Stress 101)

While each and every cat is different, some cats are noted to be a bit more neurotic or naturally nervous than others. If you happen to notice any sudden, erratic changes in behavior for your once happy and social cat, anxiety could very well be the underlying issue. Here are 5 ways to tell if your poor kitty is suffering from a case of anxiety:

1. Here Kitty Kitty??

If your cat suddenly seems to retreat when you call them, or is often hiding from you or others in the home, this could definitely be a sign that they are coping with anxiety. Just like a human, when a cat is anxious they will likely choose to retreat away from others to maintain their privacy while they deal with their feelings that are troubling them.

Practice being extra gentle with them and do not force them to come out of their resting place if they dont want attention at the moment. Cats can suffer from anxiety for a number of reasons, and changes in their home environment that arent adequately introduced is definitely one reason this condition can develop.

Source: Ângela Antunes via Flickr

2. Suddenly Your Sweet Cat is No More

Source: via Flickr

3. Your Once Quiet Cat is Excessively Vocal

Source: draxil via Flickr

4. The Litter Box May Go Unused

Source: Tom Thai via Flickr

5. The Food Bowl Runs Empty or Stays Full

6. Your Cat Suddenly Seems Under the Weather

Source: Jason Paul Smith via Flickr

7. Kitty Cant Sit Still

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How To Tell If Cat Has Anxiety

Behavioral signs of cat anxiety include: Urinating outside the litter box. Urine spraying around the house. Excessive scratching of furniture. Aggressive behavior towards you or other pets. Constant meowing. Pacing around the house, often accompanied by meowing. Easily spooked by noises or movement.

We Hate To Break The News To You But Theres A Good Chance Youre Accidentally Stressing Out Your Kitty Heres How To Change That And Keep Your Cats Anxiety At Bay

An anxious cat isnt ideal for the pet owner or feline. Not only is kitty feeling stressed out about the world around her, but this situation can also wreak havoc on your household. For example, cats with anxiety can exhibit destructive behaviors such as peeing outside of the litter box or getting into areas they shouldnt. It can also cut into your ability to get some real human and animal bonding time. While cat anxiety can be a challenging problem to deal with and it wont magically go away overnight, it is by no means impossible to overcome. We asked veterinarians to weigh in on this issueand provide some possible solutions to save everyones sanity. When youre up to speed, find out what else your cat would love to tell you.

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Remain Calm And Confident

Youre the pack leader so your kitten is likely to follow your lead. If you take a long time to say goodbye to your kitten before you leave for the day, youre likely to spur those feelings of separation anxiety in her. Instead, keep your goodbyes short and sweet. If you cant resist a longer goodbye, say goodbye with lots of petting and praise about 10 to 20 minutes before you leave. Then, you can leave without feeling guilty!

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Use Natural Calming Supplements

How to Help Cats with Anxiety with an Anti

With the rise of natural calming supplements for pets, you have your choice of many natural treatments for your anxious cat:

  • CBD: This natural compound from cannabis plants may reduce cat anxiety and comes in many varietals now, including treats, oils, and capsules. However, never give your pets regular marijuana, which contains THC.
  • Bach Flower Rescue Remedy: This natural stress reliever is made from spring water infused with wild flowers. It is said to help ease an anxious pet by restoring balance between the mind and body.
  • Anti-anxiety diets and treats: Ask your vet about Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Calm formula and other calming cat chews.
  • Herbs: Find out which herbs are safe for cats, including catnip and valerian. While these herbs might initially stimulate your cat, the resulting euphoria should leave him calm and relaxed.

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Mild Cases Of Fear In Cats

Many cats are fearful simply due to lack of experience. If they are around something completely unfamiliar, its likely to cause insecurity and questionable reactions. For instance, if your cat has never seen a dog before, they might react poorly the first time they meet one.

After a while of exposure, fears usually dissipate once they see that no threat exists. However, the worst-case scenario is that something happened during the initial stages of uncertainty that add to the fear of what is going on.

For instance, if your cat escapes your home and has never seen anyone on the outside, having a bad run-in with your neighbor chasing them off their porch with a broom might cause lifelong panic over those circumstances.

Of course, you might not have to worry about your cat trying to escape your home anymore, but you do have to worry about the fear of newcomersor brooms, for that matter.

A cat who has had any type of abusive reaction from a human might develop a fear of strangers, causing them to hide or act aloof if company comes over. But that same defense might not be present among the family.

What To Do If My Cat Shows Symptoms Of Separation Anxiety

The first thing to do when you recognize the symptoms of separation anxiety in yourfeline companion is, taking a trip to your vet. Cats with underlying health conditionssuch as urinary tract infection or allergies may also contribute to symptoms such aslitter box mishaps, fur loss, and loss of appetite.

If your feline is diagnosed with separation anxiety some behavioral and environmental changes can help with easing the situation. Keep your cat occupied with his/her favorite toys during your departure. Forgo announcing your arrival and departure.

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