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HomeNewsWhy Do I Get Anxiety When I Eat

Why Do I Get Anxiety When I Eat

Related: 4 Different Women Describe Their Ongoing Struggles With Social Anxiety

Why Do We Get Anxious? What’s The Point Of Anxiety?

My sister came to visit, and I tried to create as casual a dining atmosphere for myself as possibleI set up my dining table by the patio door so there was fresh air and a peaceful view to enjoy, put some music on in the background to distract myself if an anxiety wave hit, and, well, stocked up on wine and beer.

We ordered takeout. We ate. We talked. We drank. I got through the entire dinner without having to leave the table, and promised myself Id celebrate with a Carlton dance later.

But near the end of the dinner, I started to feel queasy and uncomfortable, like my body was trying to digest a brick. I tried to ignore it as we moved to the living room to watch a movie, but it wasnt long before I went into the bathroomand didnt come out until the next morning.

That was the day I became the little engine that couldnt. Every meal with others from that point on became unbearable to sit through. It felt like I didnt have control over my own body anymore.

For the next few years, I straight-up stopped trying to eat with others, including my parents.

Characteristics Traits And Symptoms

Food anxiety is induced or triggered by food and can interfere with a persons health, daily activities, and quality of life.

When the cause of food anxiety stems from a fear of how food will affect the body, in the absence of body image disturbance or fear of weight gain, characteristics may include:

  • Dramatic restriction of food or types of food
  • Only eating certain textures
  • Lack of appetite or interest in food
  • Fear of choking or an allergic reaction
  • Picky eating that gets worse over time

However, when body image distortion or fear of weight gain causes food anxiety, signs may include:

  • Becoming overwhelmed with food choices
  • Overly restricting food because the person is not sure what to eat
  • Obsession with weight or body image

Regardless of the root cause, those with food anxiety become tense when thinking about or deciding what to eat. This creates a physiological reaction called the fight or flight reaction. It causes symptoms such as:

  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Stomach-churning or butterflies in the stomach
  • Shakiness or clamminess
  • Rapid breathing

Fight Or Flight Response

When the body perceives danger, survival instincts kick in. The sympathetic nervous system triggers the “fight or flight” response. When someone experiences anxiety, this physiological response occurs even if there is no real danger.

If food anxiety leads to not eating or eating very little, symptoms may include:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Irritability or grumpiness

Depending on the severity of the decreased food intake, time frame, and level of malnourishment, the following symptoms may occur:

Regardless of the source of food anxiety, it can affect a persons quality of life. For example, some people with food anxiety may avoid social events. They fear that the food choices will be overwhelming and anxiety-provoking, so they decide not to go. If a child is afraid to eat new foods, the family may never go out to eat or have dinner at a friends house.

Also Check: How To Treat Anxiety Disorder

What Are The Best Interventions To Beat That Anxiety For No Reason Forever

Much of the above can be due to health problems that cause inflammation.

Dr Kelly Brogan, MD has discovered ways to deal with that anxiety for no reason without the need for any medication. Hop over to her website to see if her way to treat the problem might suit you.

Also, the above signs and symptoms can be treated with hypnosis. Self-hypnosis with the aid of a professionally created download is super user-friendly and effective in treating a huge number of conditions.

Look at these . Or, see my article: to have all your questions answered.

I also want you to consider getting some professional help too, as your anxiety for no reason may well be related to how you view yourself, your perceptions of the world around you, what you tell yourself about those perceptions, how you react to all of the above.

Your being on edge so often might be worsened by your imagination.

Those waves of anxiety may, in part, be caused by your brains reality simulator which is always on stand-by to dish up the worst possible scenarios.

Do also ask yourself

  • Is there any chance you sometimes use anxiety to get out of things you just dont fancy for reasons other than your fears?
  • Might you also be suffering from social anxiety?
  • Could you possibly be setting yourself up to be the vulnerable one in your relationship ?
  • Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?

All of these can play a role when youre plagued by anxiety for no reason.

Managing Overeating Caused By Anxiety

What Does Stress Eating Mean? Why Do I Stress Eat?? Help ...

With anxiety causing overeating and binge eating in millions of individuals, the common question is how can a person deal with anxiety and stop binge eating at the same time. There are, fortunately, a variety of effective methods that can be implemented to manage overeating, and also assist with relieving symptoms of anxiety.

The first step is to identify the emotional triggers that cause you to binge eat. Also, identify what you grab for when you start craving determine what your comfort foods are. Stress is the most common factor that can cause both anxiety and cravings the cortisol released when our bodies are placed under stress causes us to crave fatty and salty foods, as well as sugary treats. Thus, identify what is causing your stress, and then see if you can limit your exposure to these triggers.

In addition to identifying and avoiding possible triggers, there are some other strategies that can also be helpful. Practicing mindful eating, for example, can help you feel fuller and make you less likely to experience cravings. You should also practice impulse control techniques to help yourself say no when a craving strikes. Other strategies that may also work:

Also Check: How To Cope With Medical Anxiety

How To Fight Back Against Morning Anxiety

Anxiety is a frustrating condition, especially when it pops up first thing in the a.m. As mentioned above, if you have chronic anxiety or a diagnosed anxiety condition, you’ll want to work with your mental health practitioner to find the right treatment for you. But if your morning anxiety is more of an occasional annoyance, Dr. Saltz has some tips that could help cut down on its occurrence:

1. Make measures to minimize overall stress. If you have generalized anxiety disorder or are overly stressed, Dr. Saltz says it’s important to take steps to manage it, which could include the help of a therapist. “Meditation, regular exercise, and having an overall healthy diet all play parts in minimizing overall stress,” she adds.

2. Cut back on caffeine and sugar. Because these are two culprits that often cause physiological responses that mimic anxiety, cutting them out or reducing your intake could help. Look for breakfast foods rich in protein and healthy fats that won’t spike insulin levels, like eggs or a green smoothie, and consider switching your regular latte for a milder form of caffeine, like matcha or tea.

3. Take some deep breaths. This might seem like an “easier said than done” situation, but Dr. Saltz says taking slow, deep breaths truly can help calm the mind and body. “If there’s something you’re worried about on your mind that pops up while you’re taking your deep breaths, acknowledge it and let it pass don’t try to push it away,” she says.

Why Do I Always Feel Weird After Eating

Postprandial hypotension Its caused by increased blood flow to the stomach and intestines, which takes blood flow away from other parts of the body. As a result, the heart rate speeds up to pump more blood through the body. The blood vessels also tighten. Both factors can cause a person to feel dizzy after eating.

Don’t Miss: How To Get Over Health Anxiety

Anxiety And Overeating Whats The Overlap

Contributor: Jennifer Pells, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and employee of Structure House, a residentially-based weight management treatment program in Durham, North Carolina.

Think back to a situation when you felt really anxious worried, tense, fearful, dreading, etc. Can you recall the feeling of that anxiety in your body, maybe in your stomach or your chest, and the gnawing worried thoughts that you couldnt stop? Anxiety can be a painful, paralyzing emotion.

Most of us are pretty motivated to avoid feeling it, and we will find ways to avoid anxiety if we can, or somehow reduce the intensity or distract ourselves away from the feeling.

Make The Necessary Life

Why Stress Makes You Hungry & How to Stop Stress Eating

Your anxiety is much less likely to rear its ugly head in the future if you commit to making lifestyle changes that protect your body, mind and environment from damage.

Now Im going to refer you to my page on how to get over a nervous breakdown.

I wrote that article for people who are on the far end of the scale with their anxiety theyve had a complete burn-out.

They may or may not have previously suffered from excessive stress or anxiety, but the advice for you is the same as it is for them.

Be sure to also visit my article on how to treat anxiety symptoms.

Next enlist your partners support

Read Also: Does Acupuncture Work For Anxiety

Physical Sensations From Food

The most likely culprit – and the reason it tends to affect those with panic attacks more – is because of some of the physical sensations that occur within the body after eating. For example:

There are more physical sensations than this as well. For example, those that have sensitivities to certain foods may have other symptoms that trigger anxiety. Those that have some form of diabetes may also have physical sensations as well. Those who ingest caffeine may also increase heart palpitations and various physical symptoms. All of these could be contributing factors.

Replacing Anxiety Distractions Like Eating Is Difficult

Given the physical and mental sensations that may occur during even a mild anxiety or panic attack, it really isnt reasonable to suggest that someone go for a run. I will acknowledge the benefits of exercise, a fact that shouldnt be in in debate, but what I think is being missed is that exercise is a preventative treatment and not an acute treatment. In the throes of a panic attack, it can be difficult to even stand up, let alone complete a highly physical task.

As indicated above, this is why many people with anxiety disorders resort to eating. Replacing anxiety distractions is difficult, so its best to use the KISS model: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Instead of trying to replace eating with jogging replace eating with knitting, playing Angry Birds, or listening to music.

The key is to look for a healthy distraction, something that will help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety without causing another problem to pop up. Remember, the goal isnt just to relieve anxiety it is to lead a good life and to be happy. We achieve wellness by connecting our mental and physical health together.

Recommended Reading: What To Do If You Have Anxiety

What Triggers Night Anxiety

Its dark and everything seems tragic when its dark.

Then you worry about not getting enough sleep again and the cycle continues until its 5 AM and youve slept only 2 hours the entire night.

You may also experience hideous dreams that make no sense at all. You wake up feeling awful. You just know that youre going to be a wreck again tomorrow.

A surefire way to ruin your entire day too, right?

Why? What keeps triggering these night anxiety attacks especially when youre in bed at night?

The relative isolation, quiet, and absence of distractions are probably the most important factors here.

During the day, we can use a variety of strategies to modulate these concerns, including taking direct action to address them.

Lying in bed in a dark room, they become overwhelming and inescapable.

The Problems With Anxiety Affecting Appetite

Why am I anxious?

Some might think that appetite changes should be the least of their concern. After all, anxiety itself is hard enough to manage on a daily basis. We are here to inform you that any changes to your appetite are problematic – not only for your health but also for management of your current anxiety.

It should go without saying that eating too much or too little is unhealthy. Too much and you can become overweight. Too little and you may not be giving your body enough nutrients to properly function. In addition to those common issues, your appetite can affect your anxiety overall:

  • Fatigue and Energy

A common problem is the way appetite changes and anxiety can affect energy levels and induce fatigue. Overeaters often find themselves excessively sleepy and without any energy. Undereaters do not consume enough calories and nutrients to stay energized. Both spectrums suffer from correctable fatigue, making it harder for their minds and body to cope with stress and/or anxiety.

  • General Health
  • Hyperventilation

Obesity also has a tendency to cause more hyperventilation as a result of your diaphragm being unable to fully depress and allow full lung expansion. As a result, you are forced to take shorter, shallower breaths that with time can cause hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can both cause and be a symptom of panic attacks.

  • Nutrient Deficiency

Recommended Reading: Can You Have Anxiety Without Panic Attacks

Eating During An Anxiety Attack Is Simple

Anxiety can be very debilitating and even frightening. Eating during an anxiety attack is simple, almost automatic. As Ive spoken about in this blog before, when I have a panic attack, salty snacks like pretzels help calm me down. This isnt because pretzels have a medicinal property, but because the ritual, the habit, calms me down. The sensation of eating helps moves my focus away from the anxiety and onto the pretzels.

I didnt start out with pretzels, however. I started with any food I could get my hands on. I ballooned to over 550 pounds because binge eating relieved anxiety. Again, the food wasnt magical it was a distraction. Many people replace food with drugs, alcohol, or self-harm. These things work because of the distraction. Ultimately, we are better served to pick a healthier distraction. In my case, I picked pretzels. I am still relying on food, which doesnt make it the best choice, but it is the best I have been able to manage and that is okay.

How Do I Know If It’s A Problem

As it may feel like part of your everyday life, you might be unsure if your issue with food and eating is a problem. But if your relationship with food and eating is affecting your life, you can seek help. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh or what your body looks like.

Some people don’t seek help because they think their problem is not serious enough. Sometimes they do not feel âill enoughâ to have an eating problem.

It’s also possible to have problems with eating and keep them hidden. Sometimes this can be for very long time.

“I never looked âillâ. When I read about eating disorders it was always girls with acute anorexia. Because that wasnât me, I felt like my behaviour was just a bizarre quirk Iâd made up.”

Don’t Miss: How Can You Help Someone With Social Anxiety

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