What Is A Natural Way To Relieve Tension Headaches
Here are 18 safe home remedies for relieving headaches naturally.
What Are The Types Of Tension
Healthcare providers break down tension headaches into two main types. They base the type on how many headaches you have and how often:
- Episodic tension-type headaches happen less often . Your provider may call them infrequent if you have one or fewer headaches each month.
- Chronic tension-type describe when your headache days outnumber headache-free days. Chronic tension headaches happen 15 or more days each month for more than three months in a row.
What Does A Covid Headache Feel Like
There are more than 150 different kinds of headaches.
Tension-type headaches, aches due to raised blood pressure, muscle tension, sinus infection all these things can cause a headache.
There are a few tell-tale indicators of a COVID headache. They include the following:
1. Bilateral pain
2. Little to no relief despite taking over the counter medicine
3. Lasts for more than 3 days
4. The sensation feels like a pressing or stabbing
5. Ranges from moderate to severe pain
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What Do Headaches Caused By Anxiety Feel Like
When my anxiety was at its worst, Id get headaches all the time. Really bad ones. They were so bad that I was sure they were caused by something terrible, even though I knew anxiety could cause headaches.
What stopped my worrying about them was finding out what headaches caused by anxiety felt like. I did that by doing a lot of reading, and by talking to lots of other people online who were also suffering with them.
It turned out that most people who got headaches as a result of their anxiety experienced very similar symptoms to me, and that reassured me that nothing terrible was wrong with me. It made it clear that the headaches were just anxiety and nothing else.
So, how do anxiety-caused headaches actually feel? Heres a list of what you might experience:
- pain in your head that can range from mild to severe
- pain that is usually a constant ache, although occasionally it can feel like a throbbing
- pain that is often focused in the hat band region forehead, temples, and at the back of the head
- pain that is usually on both sides of your head, but for some people it can be one-sided
- pain that feels like a pressure behind your eyes
- pain that radiates into your shoulders and upper neck
- pain in your head that feels like its coming from your neck and back
- pain that makes you sensitive to light and loud noises, but this is more commonly seen with migraines
- pain that lasts anywhere from minutes to many days
How Are Tension Headaches Treated
The goal of treatment is to stop headaches from occurring. Good headache management depends on reducing stress and tension. Some suggestions include:
- Going to sleep and waking at the same time each day
- Exercising regularly each day for at least 30 minutes
- Eating regular meals without skipping any, especially breakfast
- Avoiding headache triggers, such as certain foods and lack of sleep
- Resting in a quiet, dark environment as needed
- Stress management
- Medicine, as recommended by your healthcare provider
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Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure
No, but it can cause a temporary spike in your blood pressure.
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a condition in which your blood pressure is chronically higher than it should be. This places extra force on the walls of your blood vessels and, over time, can lead to several health conditions, including:
- Heart attack
- Metabolic disease
General anxiety can cause a temporary, significant increase in your blood pressure, but the effects typically don’t linger long enough to have a lasting impact on your health or cause long-term high blood pressure.
However, if you regularly experience blood pressure spikes due to chronic anxiety issues, your blood vessels can be affected in ways similar to high blood pressure.
Why Is My Head Hurting So Bad Suddenly
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. They can be brought onor triggeredby things such as stress, depression, hunger, and muscle strain. Tension headaches may come on suddenly or slowly. Chronic tension headaches often occur along with other health problems such as anxiety or depression.
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How To Relieve Anxiety Headaches
Although there is no proven way to instantly relieve tension headaches associated with anxiety, there are some standard headache treatments. Over the counter medications, like Tylenol, are effective for some people.
Yet, as with any medication, it is important to determine whether or not it is safe for you to take. Drinking water may be a more natural approach, as it is a commonly cited remedy for tension headaches, as dehydration is known to exacerbate headache symptoms.
Another approach to managing anxiety headaches is decreasing the amount of screen-time you consume . The light from screen time can contribute to tension headaches, especially if you are already prone to tension headaches.
Also, because light can worsen the intensity of a headache, turning off, or dimming the lights could be helpful. Although less common, some other options for tension headache relief include:
- Close your eyes and rub the temples of your head for a few minutes. This may relieve some of the pressure.
- Take a warm shower. It’s possible for warm showers to relax the muscles, which could reduce some of the pressure in your head.
- See if someone else can give you a massage. Relieving all muscle tension, especially in the neck and back, and greatly improve the feeling in your head.
None of these tricks are guaranteed, but they all can potentially relieve some of the discomfort associated with a tension headache.
Identifying And Easing Anxiety
It’s possible to become so fixated on the physical effects from your anxious state that you don’t even realize you were anxious to begin with, says Dr. Barsky. So, how do you know if anxiety is causing your symptoms? And if it is, how can you feel better? Dr. Barsky offers some tips to help you interrupt this cycle.
Stop and assess. “The first step is to pause for a second and observe what’s going on with your body,” says Dr. Barsky. Think about what you are experiencing and whether it relates to a feeling of emotional upset or a reaction to something alarming or stressful. If your symptoms followed a stressful event or period of time, it’s possible these emotions triggered your symptoms. Also, be alert to signs that you are tensing your muscles, which can also indicate a stress reaction.
Relax your body or work it. To relieve stress, try some deep breathing or relaxation exercises. There are numerous online resources and smartphone apps that can help guide you through relaxation techniques. Physical activity can also help you relieve tension. Try to squeeze in a daily walk or a run.
Reassure yourself. If you believe your symptoms are being caused by anxiety, reassure yourself that what you are experiencing is not harmful or fatal. “They’re not serious, and they don’t signal an impending medical disaster,” says Dr. Barsky. The symptoms will pass when the anxiety eases.
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Can Anxiety Cause Shortness Of Breath
Certain anxiety disorders can cause feelings of shortness of breath.
General anxiety increases your respiration rate, causing you to breathe more rapidly than usual. This faster breathing, also called hyperventilation, isn’t the same as shortness of breath, however.
Shortness of breath feels like a tightening in your chest and often comes with trouble breathing. It’s not a common symptom of general anxiety.
However, similar to feelings of chest pain, shortness of breath is associated with panic attacks and panic disorder, a specific type of anxiety disorder.
Since it can be a sign of heart attack or another life-threatening condition, unexplained shortness of breath is a medical emergency. Whether you have a history of panic attacks or not, you should go to the emergency room if you’re experiencing sudden and/or severe shortness of breath.
What Causes A Tension Headache
The exact mechanism that causes a tension headache is not known. Several factors, such as genetics and environment, are thought to be involved. Muscle contractions in the head and neck are considered a major factor in the development of a tension headache. Some people get tension headaches in response to stressful events or hectic days.
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What You Can Do
If you are experiencing a lot of headaches or migraines in addition to your panic disorder symptoms, discuss these issues with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to rule out any potentially serious medical conditions that may be contributing to your headaches.
Treatment options for panic disorder and the co-occurring headaches may also be available. Some medications that are prescribed for panic disorder have been shown to effectively treat co-occurring headaches.
On the other hand, your medication may actually be contributing to your headaches. Your doctor may need to determine if your medication for panic disorder is actually causing your headaches.
Additionally, your doctor will create a treatment plan to help you manage both your headaches and panic disorder symptoms. Headaches and migraines are common issues among panic disorder sufferers. Fortunately, your doctor will be able to help you treat and manage both conditions.
Antonaci F, Nappi G, Galli F, Manzoni G, Calabresi P, Costa A. Migraine and psychiatric comorbidity: a review of clinical findings. J Headache Pain. 2011 12:115-25. doi:10.1007%2Fs10194-010-0282-4
Why Does Anxiety Cause Headaches
Migraine sufferers are highly responsive emotionally, reacting quickly to stress. In times of emotional stress, certain chemicals are released that provoke the vascular changes that cause a migraine headache. Factors related to stress include: anxiety, worry, shock, depression, excitement, and mental fatigue.
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The Prevention Of Tension Headaches
Tension headaches can take a heavy toll on your life. In addition to causing pain, they can also cause you to miss days of work, or impair your ability to function at work. Or they may cause you to be irritable with friends and family. If any of these things are happening to you, then you want to be sure to take one or more of the many available steps you can take to prevent tension headaches.
- Exercise – this will relieve stress.
- Learn to Detect When You Are Pushing Yourself – much of the stress and tension that we experience in life comes from pushing ourselves too hard. Learn do detect when you are pushing yourself, and then learn to gently stop yourself pushing yourself. And dont judge yourself when you find yourself pushing yourself. Just let it go.
- Biofeedback Training – biofeedback training will teach you how to stop making the muscular responses to stress that cause your headaches.
- Psychotherapy – go into therapy to find out why you are feeling stressed and/or anxious. Once you find out why you are feeling stressed, you can take measures to reduce your stress.
- Meditation – meditation will help you see why you are feeling stressed and learn to let it all go.
- Mindfulness Training – mindfulness training will do the same.
- Create a Life That is an Expression of Your True Self and Your Deepest Values – this is the best way to stop stress and anxiety. Be yourself. Believe in and love what you do.
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Treatment And Home Remedies
Can anxiety cause headaches? Yes. Are these headaches something you need to learn to live with? Absolutely not. There are many remedies for anxiety headaches that you can try out. However, you should know the difference between instant but short-lived remedies and more effective, long-term remedies.
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Improve Your Sleep Quality
As mentioned before, poor sleep quality is a common cause of anxiety headaches, so improving sleep quality can help avoid these headaches altogether. However, it may be extremely difficult to improve your sleep quality if you have anxiety AND go to bed with a headache. For this reason, you should consider melatonin supplements.
So there you go! Everything you need to know about anxiety and headaches. By understanding the causes of these headaches and following the tips on how to get rid of them, youll achieve some amazing results. Good luck!
A Quick Overview Of The Research
Scientists think that having depression or anxiety can make headaches more intense, longer lasting, and recurrent. Peeps with generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder are more likely to get headaches.
In one study, 13.7 percent of neurology patients with headaches were also diagnosed with anxiety. Whats more, sleep disruption and disability due to headaches were found to be predictors of anxiety or depression.
What do anxiety, depression, and headaches all have in common? Theyre all impacted by neurotransmitters and stress. Lets unpack how headaches and anxiety go hand in hand.
Migraines and tension headaches are the two types most commonly associated with anxiety. Heres how to tell which type you have.
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To Relieve Pain Around The Eyes And Forehead:
All of these tips are effective ways to protect your eye muscles from strain. They are particularly useful for relieving headache pressure in the front of the head, on the sides of the head, and around the eyes.
- Rub the tops of your eyebrows and your temples .
- Protect your eye muscles. This will prevent them from getting strained. You can protect your eye muscles by:
- Making sure you take breaks from paperwork
- Avoiding exposure to harsh lighting,
- Taking 10-minute breaks for each hour you need to be using a computer or tablet screen
More Anxiety More Migraines
Symptoms of a migraine include:
- severe pain on one side of the head lasting a few hours to a few days
- nausea or vomiting
- visual disturbances before the headache
- sensitivity to light or sound
According to the American Migraine Foundation, about half of people with migraines also have anxiety.
Anxiety may ramp up as a result of living with migraine, or it may exist before headaches become a problem. People with untreated anxiety respond less successfully to treatment.
Here are some likely reasons anxiety triggers headaches.
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