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How To Work On Social Anxiety

Stop Complaining And Blaming

3 Ways to Beat Social Anxiety!

Perhaps you were dealt a bad hand in life. Maybe you had a controlling mother or a father who put you down. Although these life experiences may have contributed to your social anxiety, you don’t need to let them continue to influence the course of your life. Start taking responsibility for your actions and behavior.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder

When having to perform in front of or be around others, people with social anxiety disorder may:

  • Blush, sweat, or tremble.
  • Have a rapid heart rate.
  • Feel their mind going blank, or feel sick to their stomach.
  • Have a rigid body posture, or speak with an overly soft voice.
  • Find it difficult to make eye contact, be around people they dont know, or talk to people in social situations, even when they want to.
  • Feel self-consciousness or fear that people will judge them negatively.
  • Avoid places where there are other people.

Good Jobs For People With Social Anxiety

A person can be diagnosed with depression depending on how long the symptoms last. A diagnosis is usually confirmed if any of the symptoms above last for two weeks or longer. At that time, individuals who are diagnosed with this condition are encouraged to get help. Banyan Mental Health is a facility dedicated to helping individuals with depression and other mental disorders learn how to cope with their symptoms and find a healthy balance in life. If you or someone you know is battling major depressive disorder, our depression treatment in Florida can help.

Although our list offers plenty of options, dont feel limited to these jobs. If you have a dream career, pursue it. There are plenty of mental health therapy programs that can guide you in recovery and help you cope with symptoms so you can have the job of your dreams.

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Fearless Jobs For People With Social Anxiety

Jobs for people with social anxiety can be a challenge to find. Fear of interaction with people and anxiety about being in public are symptoms of this disorder.

What will I learn?

Many people with social anxiety find it difficult to work in customer service or with others. This is because they require a lot of contact with the public.

Talk Back To Negative Thoughts

Social Anxiety Treatment

These thoughts might be about people or situations, and they may even be automatic. Most of the time, theyâre wrong. But they can cause you to misread things like facial expressions. This could lead you to assume people are thinking things about you that they arenât.

One way to do this is simply to use pen and paper:

  • Think of all the negative thoughts you have in specific situations.
  • Write them down.
  • Write down positive thoughts that challenge negative ones.
  • Hereâs a broad example:

    • Negative thought: âThis situation makes me so anxious, I wonât be able to deal with it.â
    • Challenge: âIâve felt anxious before but Iâve always gotten through it. Iâll do my best to focus on the positive parts of the experience.â

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    Work With Your Strengths

    In order to get yourself out of a social anxiety rut, you don’t need to have an end goal of becoming a stand-up comedian or accomplished concert pianist.

    If you love books, maybe joining a book club or even leading a book club would be your thing. Think about your interests and talents, and how you can bring more sociability into those areas in your life.

    How Social Anxiety In The Workplace Manifests

    WebMD says social anxiety can present as fear of public speaking, social interaction, eye contact and starting conversations. Those with more severe cases can even fear going to work.

    Physical symptoms include panic attacks, sweating, rapid heartbeat, stomach issues, dissociation and more. These reactions often stem from the persons fears of judgment and embarrassment.

    I think the workplace offers an environment where people can come under certain stresses, Upright said. And it’s not to say that the environment is inherently bad. It’s just that when you have a predisposition to something like social anxiety, the effects can happen as a result of yourself in an environment that can help to trigger the effects of social anxiety.

    Social anxiety kicks in around the age range of nine to 13, and once you have it, it’s like a virus that impacts every part of your life, Metry added. And as the years go on, it gets worse and affects more areas of your life It really controls so much of people’s performance, how they’re able to see things, how they’re able to interact and communicate.

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    Create Your Own Structure

    Our anxieties can heighten in situations where theres a lot of uncertainty. Case in point: office parties. I personally dread them because Im always unsure of how to initiate conversations beyond my work life and be interesting at that. This lack of structure or predictability can feel unnerving, especially with big social groups.

    The advice here is to make a simple structure for yourself ahead of these situations. Pick three to four people that youd like to talk to. For instance, it could include your direct report, your boss, and the receptionist. A little structure can help you overthink less throughout the event.

    Choose A Job With Flexibility

    Social Anxiety Disorder vs Shyness – How to Fix It

    Although it might seem that remote or isolated work would be best, that would be unlikely to improve the condition and might aggravate it. If the condition progresses to complete isolation, a high risk is created of serious depression. The best type of job, therefore, would be one that was flexible so that the socially phobic employee can attend therapy sessions and gradually increase or decrease interpersonal contact as treatment progress dictates. John F. Tholen, PhD, Retired Psychologist and author of Focused Positivity: The Path to Success and Peace of Mind

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    Try Toastmasters Or Improv Classes

    Joining Toastmasters or going to an improv class can help you practice social and communication skills, including public speaking, in a structured environment. If you have a fear of giving presentations, Toastmasters could be a great idea youll be given lots of advice on how to speak in front of other people, plus techniques that will help you hold an audiences attention.

    To find improv classes, Google + improv. To find your local Toastmasters group, visit the Toastmasters International website.

    How To Work On Social Anxiety And Meet New People

    Over 40 percent of the population struggles with social anxiety. Being mindful and kind to yourself are two of many ways to work on social anxiety.

    The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that 15 million adults in the U.S. suffer from social anxiety. Young people are especially vulnerable during their many life transitions.

    Despite the level of severity that someone may be experiencing social anxiety, it is a common form of anxiety that prevents folks from getting out there and living their life. It is not the same as being shy or introverted, it is a fear of speaking with others, feeling judged and unlike, and it creates barriers for a person to enter the world freely.

    If you or someone you know is experiencing social anxiety, and it is affecting their ability to engage here are 10 ways to battle social anxiety and meet new people. While forming new relationships may be scary at first, it will be therapeutic and positive for overcoming social anxiety.

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    Medical Billing & Coding

    A medical biller or someone in the remote data entry department of an organization is likely to be able to work from home with little to no direct interpersonal interaction required. Some individuals in this position will also be expected to communicate with insurance companies and patients over the phone regarding their bills. This position is good for those able to conduct phone conversations, but who may still have difficulty with in-person communication and interaction. Kerry Heath, LPC-S, NCC, CEDS-S

    Tip : Focus On Others Not Yourself

    The Social Anxiety Workbook for Work, Public &  Social Life : Strategies ...

    When were in a social situation that makes us nervous, many of us tend to get caught up in our anxious thoughts and feelings. You may be convinced that everyone is looking at you and judging you. Your focus is on your bodily sensations, hoping that by paying extra close attention you can better control them. But this excessive self-focus just makes you more aware of how nervous youre feeling, triggering even more anxiety! It also prevents you from fully concentrating on the conversations around you or the performance youre giving.

    Switching from an internal to an external focus can go a long way toward reducing social anxiety. This is easier said than done, but you cant pay attention to two things at once. The more you concentrate on whats happening around you, the less youll be affected by anxiety.

    Focus your attention on other people, but not on what theyre thinking of you! Instead, do your best to engage them and make a genuine connection.

    Remember that anxiety isnt as visible as you think. And even if someone notices that youre nervous, that doesnt mean theyll think badly of you. Chances are other people are feeling just as nervous as youor have done in the past.

    Really listen to what is being said not to your own negative thoughts.

    Focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about what youre going to say or beating yourself up for a flub thats already passed.

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    Avoiding Social Gatherings Events Or Specific People

    If youre trying to overcome social anxiety, its important to remember that its not all in your head. And I mean that literally: While worry places a central role in social anxiety, your behavior is equally important. Specifically, the tendency to avoid potentially scary social situations.

    For example, many people with social anxiety get especially nervous and uncomfortable around new people. As a result, they frequently turn down to social gatherings theyve been invited to that involve unknown guests.

    There are two problems with this habit of avoidance:

  • First of all, it deprives you of a lot of potentially great experiences. So many new opportunities, exciting adventures, and potentially wonderful relationships simply never happen if you avoid spending time in situations that involve new people.
  • But even worse, when you feel afraid of interacting with new people, then avoid those situations, you teach your brain that interacting with new people is dangerous. This means that the next time you have an opportunity to do something with new people, youre going to feel even more anxious, and your desire to avoid it is going to be even stronger. Once again, the vicious cycle!
  • Even though social anxiety can feel like a very heady experienceworries, anxiety, nervousness, etcits crucial to learn to see that it has a strong behavioral component as well. How you choose to act is every bit as important in social anxiety as how you think and feel.

    Give Yourself Permission To Say I Dont Know

    If you have social anxiety, you probably worry about looking foolish or ignorant. It can help to realize that you dont have to know everything and that its OK to ask for help or acknowledge that you cant answer a question.

    If you are willing to learn from other people, youll come across as an honest, humble employee who wants to improve.

    Article continues below.

    Break free from social awkwardness

    Learn how to stop being awkward in our free training. Take our quiz to get started.

    Most managers appreciate employees who can say, I dont know how to do this, but I want to learn or I cant answer that question, but I can try to research it.

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    Help Your Coworkers Out

    When you help someone else, you may find it easier to stop overthinking and overanalyzing social interactions. Research shows that socially anxious people are less likely to use avoidance behaviors when they deliberately set out to perform acts of kindness.

    Here are some ways you can help your colleagues:

    • Offer to pick up coffee or some lunch for a coworker if they are too busy to leave the office.
    • Offer to take over a routine task for an overwhelmed coworker.
    • Tidy up the breakroom.
    • Give someone the gift of your attention. Ask how their day is going and listen carefully to their reply.
    • Give advice if its wanted and relevant.

    And Remember: You Can Always Leave If You Need To

    8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety

    Youre not trapped. Try and stay for at least one hour to build on your confidence, but you dont have to be the last one standing.

    While it can be frustrating, social anxiety is something that can be managed with the right approach. With just a few changes to your routine, its possible to live a happier life with less anxiety. Accept it, embrace it, and work with it.

    Claire Eastham is a blogger and the best-selling author of Were All Mad Here. You can connect with her on her website, or tweet her @ClaireyLove.

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    Evaluate How You Feel In Different Social Environments

    Do a little experiment, evaluate how you feel in different social situations on a scale of one, not anxious, to 10, very anxious. Visit the coffee shop, the library, the mall, a concert, a party, a restaurant, etc, and give it a rating.

    This will help you to identify triggers for your social anxiety. Do you start to immediately feel anxious in a crowded room or a direct conversation? Having this data about yourself will help you better navigate social situations, and prepare yourself for entering them in the future.

    Check In With Yourself

    When youre out in public and start feeling anxious, its easy to spiral and become fixated on everything that appears to be going wrong, even if youre the only one feeling that way. In the moment, you need to focus outside of yourself and remind yourself, This is probably anxiety. I cant read their mind. I do not know what theyre actually thinking of me, Dr. Potter says.

    This is easier said than done, of course, so she suggests using a technique called five senses that can help you regain perspective and stay in the moment. Do a check-in with yourself of all of your five senses to get yourself more externally focused. Distract yourself from unpleasant internal sensations and negative thoughts, says Dr. Potter. Then you can try to refocus on: What are they actually saying to me? What else is going on right now? What can I see? What can I hear? What can I feel?

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    Engage In Breathing Exercises To Refocus On The Present Moment

    Once Ive identified Im having a panic attack, concentrating on my breathing is the first thing I do. True, sometimes its not easy to recognize Im having one. But feeling extreme distress and overwhelming emotions is usually a great indicator. Ill notice Im holding my breath, which can often make the pain feel worse or more intense. Taking a moment to simply breathe slowly really helps me think and attempt to calm myself.

    Although there are many breathing exercises out there, I just take in a long, deep breath, and then let it out. Completely fill your lungs until they expand, and then let it all out. Continue to do this as you work through some of the other steps below, and there will be a significant difference. The worst thing we can do in this situation would be to continue to hold tension .

    Deep breathing has been shown to alleviate acute stress, and breathing exercises also give our mind something to focus on instead of our panic. It can be a simple goal that brings us back to the present moment and makes us feel accomplished once we do it.

    So give yourself that grace and allow the breaths to bring you some peace. Once youve got the breathing down, you can move on to any other tactic below .

    Social Anxiety In Children

    Social Anxiety: How To Work Through It â Sierra Dator, MSW, LCSWSierra ...

    Social anxiety can also affect children.

    Signs of social anxiety in a child include:

    • crying more than usual
    • frequently complaining of feeling unwell – nausea, headaches, dizziness
    • having frequent tantrums before a social event or activity
    • avoiding interaction and eye contact with other children and adults
    • fear of going to school or taking part in classroom activities or events
    • not asking for help at school
    • being very reliant on their parents or carer

    Speak to your GP if you’re worried about your child. Your GP will ask you about your child’s problems and talk to them about how they feel.

    Treatments for social anxiety in children are like those for teenagers and adults. The use of medication depends on the age of the child and the severity of their experience of social anxiety.

    Therapy will depend on your child’s age and will often involve help from you. You may get training and self-help materials to use between sessions. It may also take place in a small group.

    Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE.

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    Join A Supportive Community

    Nowadays, the online space is part of people’s lives more than ever before, and joining an online community of like-minded people on the internet can help with those feelings of self-criticism and doubt at work. Have discussions with people who have similar struggles in the workplace.

    Do you find it difficult to speak up about issues to your boss in fear of them being rejected? Do you have anxiety about how your co-workers see them? Communities like Social Anxiety Support have a range of categories for you to get involved in! Sections on how to cope, research, friendships, medication, arts and crafts, and more.

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