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HomeFactsHow To Talk To Your Doctor About Anxiety

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Anxiety

Learning More About Yourself


The last real benefit you should have gained from the Great Anxiety Challenge is new knowledge about yourself. All of life is really about learning more about yourself and what brings you happiness and joy. In order to fight anxiety, we have to step back and truly go on a journey to learn more about ourselves. Once we have that new information, we can develop strategies for an even better life.

Next post, talk well a little more about self-esteem and self-acceptance, two very important keys to a healthy life without anxiety getting in the way!

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Anxiety

Many people struggle with some degree of anxiety from time to time and to a point, that can be healthy. Worry is part of what makes us human, but our bodies can only handle so much stress being in constant fight or flight mode.

When you notice this intense worry affecting your day-to-day life and decisions, its time to seek help.

Things To Tell Your Doctor

This information will help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

  • Make a list of your symptoms and when they began. Note when your symptoms occur, how they affect your life, and when theyre better or worse.
  • Write down any major stresses in your life, as well as any traumas youve experienced, both past and present.
  • Write down all of your health conditions: mental and physical.
  • Make a list of all medications and supplements youre taking. Include how much you take and how often.

List any other substances you use or consume, such as:

  • coffee

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Can Doctors Prescribe Medicine Over The Phone

Yes, doctors can prescribe any medication during a phone appointment that is not classified as a controlled substance by the FDA .

Antidepressants can help control anxiety and can be prescribed after a phone or video appointment with a doctor.

However, benzodiazepines like Xanax are controlled substances that you can only get a prescription for by seeing a doctor or psychiatrist in person.

If you would like to talk to an online doctor about your anxiety, PlushCare is here to help. Make an appointment any time by or calling 798-0620.

For as little as your regular copay, you can talk to a board certified doctor about your symptoms.

If they feel itâs appropriate, the doctor can send an electronic prescription for a non-controlled anxiety medication to your local pharmacy, where you can pick it up as soon as itâs filled.

Take steps now to start controlling your anxiety. Talk to a trusted PlushCare doctor today!

You Have Little Or No Energy Most Of The Time

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Anxiety And Depression ...

When youre struggling psychologically, your body feels it, too. Depression can drain your energy quickly, and you might find yourself feeling fatigued on most days. Moving slowly, forgoing exercise and longing just to lie down are all common with depression.

You might lack the energy to upkeep your household or care for children or pets, and even small tasks like showering can feel like insurmountable chores.

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National Movement To Talk About Your Mental Health

Unless youve been living under a rock, by now youve seen the interview between Harry, Meghan, and Oprah discussing their feelings about why they split from royalty.

Theres been a stigma associated with mental health and theyve created a movement to start talking openly about it which is backed by Harry, William, and Lady Gaga.

Now, as a result of their interview its created a ten part film series called Heads Together which is a mental health campaign. The series will have several people talking about a myriad of topics that include:

  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement

Talking With Your Doctor About Anxiety

A little anxiety is healthy. Too much anxiety can be paralyzing. If your thoughts, fears and worries are getting in the way of your life, you might have an anxiety disorder. A lot of people do. In fact, nearly 20% American adults has anxiety.

The good news is anxiety is highly treatable. Unfortunately, many people continue to suffer in silence. Its not necessarily easy to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about your anxiety, but doing so opens the door to effective treatment.

Healthcare professionals who treat anxiety include:

  • Psychiatrists

  • Family medicine doctors, such as your primary care doctor. In cases of moderate to severe anxiety, a may make a referral to a for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis.

  • Nurse practitioners who specialize in mental and behavioral health

  • Physician assistants to primary care doctors or to psychiatrists

  • Professional counselors and therapists

  • Psychologists

Among these providers, psychologists, counselors and therapists offer testing and therapy but they do not prescribe medicine.

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Bringing It Up: 13 Tips For Talking With Your Physician About Depression

Perhaps youre troubled by lingering sadness or hopelessness, or youre noticing changes in sleeping or eating habits, a lack of energy, trouble concentrating or a loss of interest in activities you used to find pleasurable. These symptoms may indicate depression or a related illness. But how do you know for sure?

Talking with a doctor about whats bothering you is the most direct route to determining whats wrong and taking action to remedy the problem. But for many people, the prospect of discussing a mental health problem with a doctor is almost as scary as the problem itself. This article contains 13 tips to help you prepare for the conversation, and for what comes next.

Tip #: Take Ownership Of The Follow

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Depression

Ideally, when a new diagnosis is made and a psychiatric medication is prescribed, a follow-up call or visit should be scheduled within one to two weeks. At this early stage in treatment, the doctor can confirm that the patient is taking the medication correctly, and assess whether he or she is seeing any improvement in symptoms or experiencing any side effects. But as recent studies of electronic medical records from across the nation reveal, doctors often schedule the first follow up appointment a month or more after the initial consult, missing the opportunity to intervene early in treatment.

Timely follow-up is important to keeping you and your doctor on the same page. If your doctor doesnt schedule a follow-up appointment shortly after you begin treatment, you need to do so. While it is asking a great deal of a patient to be proactive, especially when he or she is feeling down and vulnerable, the best outcomes result when patients play an active role in their treatment. Youve already shown courage by sharing your concerns build on that victory by continuing to own your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Recommended Reading: How To Get On Disability For Depression And Anxiety

What Do I Need To Tell The Doctor

On this page:

Talking about your health means sharing information about how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Knowing how to describe your symptoms and bring up other concerns will help you become a partner in your health care. Use these worksheets to organize your questions and information when talking with your doctor.

As Part Of A New Campaign Mind Is Urging Anyone Who Is Worried About Their Mental Health To Speak To Their Gp

The mental health charity has put together a guide called Find the Words offering advice on how to take that first step and have the conversation.

Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at Mind, said:

Many of us worry about speaking to our GP if were struggling with any health problem. When it comes to talking about our mental health, it can be harder still. But bottling things up can make things worse. Its better to ask for help earlier on. That way, if needed, you can start receiving the treatment you need to set you on the road to recovery.

GPs are usually the first port of call for physical and mental health complaints, so theyre used to dealing with these types of issues. In fact, roughly one in three GP appointments have a mental health component. Nevertheless, it can be overwhelming having a conversation about what you are thinking or feeling with your GP or practice nurse, someone you may hardly know. Thats why weve put together a new guide with some tips on how to prepare for your appointment and make the most of the short time you get with them. Find out more at

Speaking to your GP or practice nurse is the first step to getting help. If youre struggling with your mental health, you might be offered various types of treatment, or signposted on to other services. Typically, you could be offered, or given information about:

Felicity, 27, is from West london but currently lives in Devon. She said:

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Its Best To Talk About It

Its common to feel a bit worried about sharing your concerns with a health professional. Please bear in mind that many people struggle at this time of their lives: anxiety or depression affects up to one in five expecting or new mums and one in ten expecting or new dads. It can happen to anyone, and is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, seeking help when you need it shows that you want the best for yourself and your family. And the earlier you can get the right support, the more likely you are to feel better quickly.

What Does The Doctor Look For To Make A Depression Diagnosis

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Your Mental Health ...

A doctor can rule out other conditions that may cause depression with a physical examination, a personal interview, and lab tests. The doctor will also do a complete diagnostic evaluation, discussing any family history of depression or other mental illness.

Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms, including how long youve had them, when they started, and how they were treated. Theyâll ask about the way you feel, including whether you have any symptoms of depression such as:

  • Sadness or depressed mood most of the day or almost every day
  • Loss of enjoyment in things that were once pleasurable
  • Major change in weight or appetite
  • Insomnia or excessive sleep almost every day
  • Physical restlessness or sense of being run-down that others can notice
  • Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness or excessive guilt almost every day
  • Problems with concentration or making decisions almost every day
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide, suicide plan, or suicide attempt

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Dont Be Afraid To Talk About Anxiety

Bringing up the conversation of anxiety with your doctor might seem intimidating, but it doesnt have to be.

Its important to address your feelings, and your doctors office provides a very safe environment to have that conversation. Know that although you may feel there is a stigma associated with anxiety, its a very normal response to fear and worry.

A lot of people never bring it up with their doctor because they worry theyll be put on medication for the rest of their life, and this just isnt the case. Medication is one of many treatment options available to manage and treat symptoms of anxiety, along with lifestyle changes and other natural approaches.

Dont be afraid to start the conversation with your doctor.

Its just important to bring it up and voice your concerns. That is the most important thing: dont be afraid to start the conversation with your doctor. It can be as simple as saying, Doctor I want to talk to you about how Ive been feeling lately

Your doctor will likely want to talk about your work, spiritual life, relationships and physical health and how anxiety might be impacting those areas of your life. Be prepared to also discuss your family history and personal history of anxiety, depression or mood disorders, chronic illnesses and other potential health concerns.

Are There Different Types Of Anxiety

Anxiety comes in many shapes and sizes. Some disorders require more treatment than others, but its difficult to tell which one you have without a proper diagnosis from a doctor.

Here are some of the most common anxiety disorders:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized as persistent and excessive anxiety about events and routine issues. This type of anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression.
  • Social anxiety revolves around the fear and avoidance of social situations due to self-consciousness and possible embarrassment.
  • Panic disorder involves sudden feelings of intense anxiety that result in panic attacks and other physical symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • Specific phobias occur when you are exposed to a certain situation or object that you wish to avoid altogether.

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What Do You Want To Discuss

At the start of your appointment, set out what you want to discuss .

Be honest. This can be difficult, but its really important. This will help your GP get a better idea of the support you need. Remember, it is part of a doctors job to help patients with their mental health. Even though what you are going through and feeling might be new to you, it is likely they have seen others with similar problems.

Your GP will ask questions to work out the best way to support you. If youre not sure about something, or dont understand something they have said, you can ask questions too – its your appointment. Dont feel ashamed or embarrassed they are there to help you.

Can I Keep My Visit Private

Making Friends with Depression: advice on talking to your doctor about depression or anxiety

It’s a good idea to talk to your parents first about these types of issues, and many teens do. But if talking to a parent or other responsible adult in your family isn’t possible, you still need to get good care for yourself. That’s where confidentiality comes in.

Confidential care means that your medical treatment stays between you and your doctor you don’t have to get a parent’s permission. Confidentiality helps to ensure honesty and openness between a patient and a doctor. Most states ensure that teens can get confidential care for some sensitive medical matters, such as sexual health education and treatment, mental health issues like suicide and depression, and drug abuse. Sexual health education and treatment includes counseling, birth control, pregnancy care, and examinations and treatment for STDs.

So where can you get these services? Many family doctors will agree to treat their teen patients confidentially. So you may be able to approach you own family doctor and ask if he or she will do so. If you’re not sure whether your treatment will be confidential, ask beforehand: Some doctors will treat their teen patients confidentially only when they have a parent’s approval to do so. Most doctors agree to keep things confidential unless they feel their patient is either in danger or is a danger to others in these cases, the doctor must inform the teen’s parents.

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