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How To Reduce Test Anxiety

Prepare And The Grade Will Take Care Of Itself

How to reduce test prep anxiety: 3 tips from Sal Khan

When Bill Walsh took over as the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers, his work was cut out for him. The organization had endured several embarrassingly bad seasons prior to his arrival, and as a result, the media, fans and even some players expected the 49ers to fail.

That was until Walsh implemented a new philosophy.

Instead of setting long-term goals like winning the Super Bowl, Walsh prioritized the tiniest details each and every day: wearing uniforms properly, executing plays in practice down to the inch, eating healthy, and getting adequate rest.

If the players could do these little things right every single day, the score of the game would take care of itself.

There are strong parallels between Walshs coaching philosophy and test preparation. Boosting confidence in the classroom starts long before test day. This means taking care of the little things: taking notes every class and reviewing material consistently instead of cramming the night before the exam.

The compound effect of this slow, steady preparation is the confidence that you need to ward off those nerves on test day.

The downside of thorough preparation is obvious: its time-consuming, especially for college students who juggle multiple classes, jobs, and extracurriculars. The key is to find a level of preparation that you can tolerate without overwhelming yourself.

Then, on test day, think, Ive prepared as best I can now the grade will take care of itself.

Take A Good Amount Of Sleep

Proper sleep is compulsory for our health and mind especially when we have anxiety. Because a good amount of sleep restores your brainand makes you more energetic and refresh.

I know its very difficult to fall asleep when you have test anxiety but if you can then nothing could be more beneficial than it. Here is a guide on how deep sleep may treat anxiety.

And for taking a deep sleep, I would suggest you go to the bed early and leave your phone half one hour before bed.

Dont too think, If Id sleep more I cant give enough time to my preparation.

Once your mental health would be good you can be more productive in less time, dont you think?

The 12 Myths About Test Anxiety

  • Students are born with test anxiety.
  • Test anxiety is a mental illness.
  • Test anxiety cannot be reduced.
  • Any level of test anxiety is bad.
  • All students who are not prepared have test anxiety.
  • Students with test anxiety cannot learn math.
  • Students who are well prepared will not have test anxiety.
  • Very intelligent students and students taking high-level courses, such as calculus, do not have test anxiety.
  • Attending class and doing my homework should reduce all my test anxiety.
  • Being told to relax during a test will make you relaxed.
  • Doing nothing about test anxiety will make it go away.
  • Reducing test anxiety will guarantee better grades.
  • Don’t Miss: How To Cope With Relationship Anxiety

    Q Should Students Share That They Suffer From Test Anxiety With Instructors

    Kissen: Sometimes students with test anxiety are so anxious that they don’t show up for class, and then they don’t show up for class for a week, and then it becomes a vicious cycle. Having accommodations with student services and being partners with the school, can be helpful in extreme cases. It can set you up for success.

    Kaufman-Scarborough: Yes, many educators have tips that can help manage or reduce anxiety.

    Driscoll: I think so, because it could help the student feel less isolated.

    Clear All Your Concepts And Prepare Well

    Lake Carolina Elementary Communigator Reducing Test Anxiety

    As I said, one of the biggest causes of test anxiety is a lack of understanding of the material or didnt prepare well.

    So if you have time for your test and you are poor in studies then take help from your friends or clear all your concepts and theories that seem important for your exam. Once you have prepared enough then you must have confidence and wont have any anxieties.

    Remember you should study to grab knowledge not to get high grades. Once youll have the knowledge, you dont need to worry about the grades.

    But if you are average at study and have clear your concepts but couldnt prepare then start your exam preparation now if have time. But if you are now deprived of time then remember, exams are not made to fail you, it is just a way to check your knowledge and skills.

    Read also: How to study effectively for exams?

    Don’t Miss: How To Calm Down My Anxiety Attacks

    When To Seek Help

    Many people experience anxiety, particularly when it comes to taking tests. However, if you feel your fear of tests is getting in your way of functioning at school or work, consider reaching out for professional help.

    A mental health professional can explore the underlying causes of your anxiety and can work with you in developing a plan to manage it.

    These resources may help you:

    The Relationship Between Procrastination And Self

    According to temporal motivation theory , procrastination is a function of expectancy and value appraisals regarding the respective learning task and its outcomes. In particular, procrastination is assumed to be more likely for tasks of low value and low expectancy. Further, the expectancy component of procrastination is theoretically predicted to be most strongly influenced by students self-efficacy expectancies. In line with these assumptions, empirical studies show that procrastination is more likely for students who do not believe to have the capabilities to study successfully for an exam .

    To sum up, both control-value theory as well as TMT assume that low self-efficacy expectancies amongst other variables might cause test anxiety and procrastination as they strongly influence students perceived control over achievement activities and their outcomes.

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    Strategies To Reduce Test Anxiety

    Prior to an exam, most students experience some degree of anxiety. Feelings of nervousness before a test is to be expected. It is the bodys normal biological and psychological response to stress. However, for some students, anxiety can impact their ability to concentrate and perform successfully on exams. When this occurs, it is important to engage in behaviors and activities that will reduce or eliminate feelings of anxiety and enhance performance on an exam.

    What are the symptoms of test anxiety?

    The following are strategies to help you reduce test anxiety:

    Why Are We Talking About Anxiety In The First Place

    Test Day Tips – Tips to Reduce Test Anxiety
    • The 2014 National College Health Assessment found that 54% of all college students report feeling overwhelming anxiety, up from 46.4% in 2012.

    • 61% of high school students reported suffering from test anxiety at least some of the time, as many as one-quarter were afflicted almost always.

    • Test anxiety is becoming increasingly common: Research reveals an increasing trend in test anxiety over time, potentially as a result of the increase in testing and testing requirements in U.S. schools. Test anxiety is more prevalent in later grades.

    • Students with disabilities, gifted students, and females tend to experience higher rates of test anxiety. Test anxiety contributes to the gender gap in mathematics on tests like the SAT . University of Florida research).

    • Test anxiety can affect performance, squeeze out cognitive capacity, overwhelm working memory, and create a cascade of physical symptoms.

    • Potential confounding factors include processing speed deficits, skill deficits, learning differences.

    Read Also: How To Practice Mindfulness For Anxiety

    Use Anxiety Reduction Techniques

    • Learn and practice, on a daily basis, relaxation and visualization techniques so they will come easily to you at exam time.
    • Check SFU’s Health and Counselling Service’s resources on stress and relaxation.
    • While preparing for the exam, visualize a positive exam-writing experience. Seneca College has helpful techniques on memory and the SLC has additional resources on exam anxiety.

    If your exam anxiety is serious and persistent, visit Health and Counselling Services at MBC 0300, 778-782-4615.

    Thanks to Ken Dickson of Athabasca Universitys Counselling Services for the 8 Strategies organizational framework.

    What This Looks Like In Class

    One of my favorite hobbies is listening to students talk about math. On test days, I walk around the classroom listening to pre-test conversations, and theyre some of the best mathematical conversations Ive ever heard. Its great to hear students collaborate and problem-solve, all while using mathematical vocabulary. For example, the test question below was to write a number sentence for each figure and to find the equation of growth for Figure n.

    As I listened in, I heard comments like these :

    • I see a big square, with two extra rows and a single block each time
    • I counted from left to right, so I saw a row, a vertical column, a rectangle, then another row
    • I made one huge rectangle that fits the entire shape, then chopped off rectangles until I got the desired figure.

    As these students shared their methods, I saw other students listening intently, asking clarifying questions to really understand the math, which is always a plus.

    Also Check: How To Get Anxiety Out Of Your Body

    A Positive Reception From Students And Teachers

    When I asked my students for their opinion about this approach, one of them said, Im not sure if its just me, but Ive had my fair share of experiences where I question absolutely everything I know in the few minutes before a test. The five-minute Test Talk gives me an opportunity to double- or triple-check my uncertainties with my classmates to give me more confidence and to settle my nerves before taking a test. I dont see it as an opportunity to try and learn something brand-new right before the test, but more as a chance to briefly collaborate about what Ive already studied.

    Since I first posted this idea on Twitter, many teachers have shared their variations on it. A teacher named Andre Sasser does her version of the Test Talk in the middle of the testing periodevery student has something to contribute since theyve had more time to think.

    How To Reduce Test Anxiety And Get Rid Of It

    Staar Resources Conquering Text Anxiety

    Are you suffering from test anxiety?

    If yes then youre not alone. Test anxiety affects an estimated 10 million students in North America.

    The American Test Anxiety Association reported about 16 percent of college and high school students have high test anxiety and 18 percent have moderately high test anxiety, Even test anxiety, pressure on college students more common now than in past.

    But after reading this article you will be able to reduce and overcome your test anxiety because in this article I have 9 essential tips and guides that must be helpful for you. So read this article till the end.

    But wait, if you have a high level of test anxietyand you get a panic attack or elsehave headache or stomach painthen you need psychotherapy treatment.

    Before we dive into our tips for reducing test anxiety let me first tell you

    Don’t Miss: How To Help A Teenager With Anxiety

    Provide Important Information About How Proctored Exams Work

    Give your students upfront information about how proctored exams work so that they know what to expect beforehand.

    Be sure to include information about:

    • What online proctoring is, how it works, and why its used
    • What can trigger a flag and what to expect during an interaction with a test proctor
    • Test rulesto help avoid any confusion
    • Minimum system requirements
    • The role of a remote proctor
    • Available support options and how to access it
    • Accessibility options and accommodations

    Prepare To Write The Exam

    • Eliminate extraneous sources of anxiety such as how to get to the exam room by figuring that out in advance.
    • Think about what commonly distracts you during exams and develop strategies in advance for dealing with these distractions.
    • Get as much rest as possible the night before the exam.
    • Wear a watch to monitor your time.
    • Wear layered clothing so you can control your temperature during the exam.
    • Only go to the exam room a few minutes early to avoid encountering anxious people.

    Read Also: What To Take For Insomnia And Anxiety

    Next Steps For Managing Test Anxiety

    Sometimes breathing techniques and mindfulness aren’t enough to dispel text anxiety. If anxiety gets in the way of your academic performance or significantly impacts your mental health, you might consider visiting your campus counseling center.

    College counselors specialize in helping students work through test-taking anxiety. You can also research test accommodations, including extra time or a quiet room in which to take your exam.

    Most college students experience test anxiety at some point in their academic careers. By acknowledging the stress of exams, applying the above tips and strategies, and reaching out for mental health support if needed, you can overcome test anxiety and achieve success.

    Here Are Some Successful Strategies For Test Anxiety

    Reduce Test Anxiety

    We all experience some level of anxiety before a test. A little nervousness can actually help motivate us to perform our best. Too much anxiety can become a problem if it interferes with your performance on tests. Some strategies for dealing with test anxiety:

    Before the test, take good care of yourself:

    • Be prepared. Study the material in advance do not leave cramming for the day before your test. Do not do a last minute review.
    • Get plenty of sleep, it is hard to function at your best when overtired
    • Avoid any use of drugs and alcohol, they can interfere with your mental ability.
    • Exercise may increase your alertness and sharpen your mind.
    • Have a moderate breakfast, fresh fruits and vegetables help reduce stress avoid caffeine, sugar and junk foods.
    • Allow yourself plenty of time arrive at the test location early.
    • Choose a seat where you will not be easily distracted.
    • Use abdominal breathing to help reduce anxiety. Place one hand on your abdomen, right beneath your rib cage. Inhale through your nose and feel your abdomen fill like a balloon…count to three on your inhalation and then slowly exhale counting to four, feeling your abdomen contracting with the exhalation.
    • Do a reality check, how important is this exam in the grand scheme of things? Put it in perspective.
    • Use positive affirmations, say a phrase to help keep things in perspective, “I’ve done this before, I can do it again.” or “I have all the knowledge I need to get this done.”

    Recommended Reading: Do I Have High Functioning Anxiety

    Symptoms Of Test Anxiety

    Test anxiety symptoms can range from mild to severe. It is possible to have mild symptoms of test anxiety and still perform well on exams. Others can feel so overwhelmed that they encounter panic attacks before or during exams. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America describes symptoms of test anxiety as physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional.

    Physical SymptomsPhysical symptoms can range from increased heart rate, sweating, dry mouth, to shaking, fainting, panic attacks, vomiting and nausea.

    Cognitive and Behavioral SymptomsCognitive and behavioral symptoms can include negative self-talk and cognitive distortions that lead students to avoid studying or testing situations. Challenges with focus and concentration as well as racing thoughts or rumination can be common.

    Emotional SymptomsEmotional symptoms can include low self-esteem, depressive symptoms, frustration, irritability, feeling overwhelmed and a sense of hopelessness.

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