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How To Get Over Depression And Anxiety

Comorbid Anxiety And Depression Treatment

Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Depression: Unplug Your Mind

Admitting that you have a problem and seeking help is the first step to conquering depression and anxiety. Often the root cause of these feelings can stem from past trauma, grief or substance abuse. An experienced therapist will work with you to examine these causes and determine an appropriate approach to treatment.

The treatment should be tailored to a specific diagnosis. A treatment plan for a diagnosis of depression, an anxiety disorder and substance addiction should be designed to help a person manage and reduce the symptoms of the disorders, often at the same time. The identification of all of the underlying causes and psychological factors that build to create these afflictions is the first step on the road to recovery.

Some people may have a disorder that causes most of the distress, and it is important to address it first. For example, if a person has developed PTSD due to a highly traumatic experience, they might be unable to begin treatment for depression until they confront and process their trauma. In other cases it is difficult to tell which set of symptoms is predominant, so treatment of both may start at the same time.

How Does Depression Affect Productivity

Depression and workplace productivity can significantly counteract each other. This is a common challenge for many people suffering from depression. Employers suffer, too: The estimated cost, due to loss of productivity related to depression and its effects, is in the billions of dollars.3

Why is it hard to keep up workplace performance when youre depressed? The symptoms of depression can be debilitating. Depression can affect productivity in these ways:4

  • Lack of concentration
  • Lack of initiative or motivation
  • Low energy, fatigue
  • Poor communication with others
  • And more

Depression at work is a challenge for many. Self-care and daily changes in your routine may help, but its important you talk to your doctor, a therapist, or behavioral provider for long-term management of depression. Without treatment, depression can worsen.

Ways To Beat Depression For The Long Term

Beating depression and coping with depression arent the same. While there are many daily tips and tricks to cope with depression, beating depression implies a long-term resolution of symptoms.

Based on the volumes of research behind depression causes, daily goals may have the most beneficial impact if they:

  • promote a sense of meaning, accomplishment, or mastery
  • increase the frequency of positive emotions
  • help you identify self-defeating or unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors

Keeping these criteria in mind, you can start to develop some daily routines to help you beat depression.

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When To Seek Professional Help

Any level of depression should be taken seriously and the faster you address the symptoms, the less likely you are to develop a more severe type of depression. Seeking professional help is a sign of bravery and self-respect because it shows that you are dedicated to caring for your mind and body. A therapist can offer more clinical advice and guide you through treatment with approaches that are more tailored to your specific situation and needs. However, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, tell someone you trust and seek assistance immediately.

Everyone experiences low points in their life and their mental health, but depression is a treatable mental illness and you can recover. Whether you or a loved one is feeling depressed, every persons experience with mental illness is different but help is available. Visit our Key Services page to learn more about the treatment methods we offer and to explore our list of additional health and wellness classes to support your overall mental health.

If you are in a crisis, please call us at 303-425-0300 or by calling the crisis line at 844-493-8255. The 24/7 crisis walk-in center and withdrawal management program is open at 4643 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.

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Practice These Coping Skills Every Day


I recommend doing many if not all of the following coping skills and techniques once a day when experiencing depression. Its important to know you probably wont be motivated to do any of them at first because depression frequently saps motivation. In other words, know that its normal to feel unmotivated until youre halfway done.

The patients I work with who frequently practice these coping skills get better.The seven techniques can be memorized with the acronym MY PEERS.

1. Meaning: Find small ways to be of service to others.

Find personal meaning by serving something larger than yourself. Remember service doesnt have to be big to count. Consider this, Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued it must ensue as the unintended side effect of ones personal dedication to a course greater than oneself. Viktor E. Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning

2. Your goals: Find workable goals that give you a sense of accomplishment.

Most people feel guilty when talking about goals because they set unreasonable or unworkable goals. A goal is workable if its:

  • Something you can control
  • Manageable
  • Realistic for you
  • Measurable
  • If something goes wrong with your goal, adopt a what can I learn from this? attitude . Also, be careful when comparing your progress with others. We usually compare our biggest weakness with another persons biggest strength. This is unfair .

    3. Pleasant Events: Schedule pleasant activities or events.

    4. Engagement: Stay in the present.

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    What Do I Do If Im Worried That A Relative Or Friend Has Depression Or Anxiety

    If you think a friend or relative is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, try to talk to them about it.

    You may feel uncomfortable bringing up a sensitive topic, especially if the person you’re concerned about doesn’t often talk about their emotions. Explain why you are concerned but avoid diagnosing their problem or forcing solutions.

    They may be unwilling to talk about it, but let them know that you’re willing to listen when they’re ready.

    There are various ways you can help them, such as:

    • Offer your support, listen and reassure them that how theyre feeling can be improved.
    • Stay in touch, call or visit regularly. The risk of depression increases when people feel alone and unsupported.
    • Encourage them to make an appointment with their GP or another health professional. Offer to go with them to appointments.
    • Encourage them to keep active and healthy. Plan occasional outings to get them out of the house.

    Supporting a relative or friend with depression can be both rewarding and stressful. There is information and support for carers where you can get help for the difficulties you experience. Contact Carers Direct, Carers UK and the Carers Trust for more information.

    Coping With Depression Tip : Reach Out And Stay Connected

    Getting support plays an essential role in overcoming depression. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. At the same time, the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. When youre depressed, the tendency is to withdraw and isolate so that connecting to even close family members and friends can be tough.

    You may feel too exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships. But this is just the depression talking. Staying connected to other people and taking part in social activities will make a world of difference in your mood and outlook. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness and it wont mean youre a burden to others. Your loved ones care about you and want to help. And if you dont feel that you have anyone to turn to, its never too late to build new friendships and improve your support network.

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    How Is Depression And Anxiety Treated

    If you broke your leg, you wouldn’t just struggle on without help. You’d get in seen to. Mental health is as important as physical health and can be treated successfully. There are several treatments available often a combination of treatments is needed.

    If your symptoms are mild, your GP may take a ‘wait and see’ approach. They may give you some advice on how to cope with symptoms then see if symptoms improve within a few weeks.

    Talking treatments

    Theres something called ‘talking therapies’ now, which can really help people who are feeling low, anxious or out of sorts.

    Talking treatments allow you to talk to a trained professional who can help you manage your thoughts and feelings and the effect they have on your mood and behaviour.

    Examples of talking treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling. They may be one-on-one sessions or in a group environment.

    If you are considering talking treatments, be sure to mention any cultural, language or religious needs you have or any hearing or sight problems, so they can be addressed when arranging therapy for you. Talking treatments are effective and available for free on the NHS.

    What Causes Depression Or Anxiety

    How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety

    Depression and anxiety can happen for no obvious reason. But in many cases it can be triggered by certain life events, such as:

    These situations might make anyone feel low and not everyone who experiences these goes on to develop depression. But thinking about any triggers can help you understand your feelings.

    Everyone feels down from time to time, but if you’ve not been feeling yourself for a while it’s time to talk to someone like your doctor, nurse or a trusted friend or family member.

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    Listen To Upbeat Music

    There’s no doubt that music can have an impact on how you feel, so choosing the right music when you’re feeling down might be an effective way of lifting your mood.

    Research has found people who are depressed may have a tendency to choose music that intensifies rumination, sadness, and emotion-focused coping. So while you might be tempted to turn to somber tearjerkers when you’re feeling down, consider listening to more upbeat songs to boost your mood and inspire positive feelings.

    Learn To Avoid Procrastination

    Another way to take control of your stress is to stay on top of your priorities and avoid procrastinating.

    Procrastination may harm your productivity and leave you scrambling to catch up. This can cause stress, which negatively affects your health and sleep quality .

    A study in 140 medical students in China linked procrastination to increased stress levels. The study also associated procrastination and delayed stress reactions with more negative parenting styles, including punishment and rejection .

    If you find yourself procrastinating regularly, it may be helpful to get in the habit of making a to-do list organized by priority. Give yourself realistic deadlines and work your way down the list.

    Work on the things that need to get done today and give yourself chunks of uninterrupted time. Switching between tasks or multitasking can be stressful in itself.


    If you find yourself regularly procrastinating, staying on top of your to-do list may help ward off related stress.

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    What Strategies Are Often Used In Treating This Dual Diagnosis

    Evidence-based research suggests that both anxiety and depression be treated at the same time.

    Effective strategies often used in treating these co-occurring conditions include:

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is often used to treat people with both disorders. Fears, anxieties and tendencies toward depression are managed by seeking out their root causes. Once uncovered, patients learn how to take control of their emotions and life.
    • Antidepressant medications Often combined with CBT, these may be prescribed in treating both disorders. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are new antidepressant drugs that produce fewer side effects than their predecessors.
    • Exercise This can be very helpful for both disorders. Physical activity causes feel-good chemicals to be released in the body. This aids in relaxation and feeling of well-being.
    • Relaxation techniques This typically involves meditation or mindfulness. These techniques can often help to remedy both disorders and improve quality of life.2

    Aim To Get A Good Nights Sleep

    Anxiety and Depression Cure: Simple Workbook for Anxiety Relief. Stop ...

    Not enough sleep can worsen symptoms of both anxiety and depression but too much sleep can also affect well-being and mood.

    Experts recommend most adults get

    These tips can help you get the sleep you need:

    • Make a habit of going to bed and getting up around the same time each day.
    • Turn off electronic devices about 1 hour before bedtime.
    • Create a soothing ritual that helps you wind down before bed.
    • Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet.

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    Instead Of Resisting The Feelingsmake Friends With Them

    In general, there are two common ways to confront depression and anxiety ignore it, or combat it.

    If you try to ignore it, often the fear just grows, and continues to influence your actions in ways you dont want. It stops you from taking action toward what you want.

    When you combat something, you create conflict, and that negative energy can overtake your mood. It can permeate you, so that the thing you want most becomes tainted by negativity. And again, that will inform your actions.

    But if you take a totally different approach negotiating with your negative feelings, not combating or ignoring them you can get a totally different result. If you take the time to listen to them, and express your side of the story, you can come to a reconciliation.

    Strong negative feelings have something to teach us. Theyre there for a reason, and we can gain from trying to understand it.

    Thats the purpose of this exercise.

    Its designed to help you see your feelings more clearly, understand what role they play in your life, and befriend it instead of fight it.

    Are you ready?

    Lets get started.

    First, find a place where you feel completely safe, somewhere you wont be disturbed.

    Get comfortable. You can sit, stand, kneel, lie down, whatever. All it matters is that you feel grounded, comfy, and relaxed.

    Feel your own strength. Feel your courage. If any resistance, anxiety, or judgment comes up, just let it go. Right now, were stepping into a place of strength, peace, and neutrality.

    Tip : Challenge Negative Thinking

    Do you feel like youre powerless or weak? That bad things happen and theres not much you can do about it? That your situation is hopeless? Depression puts a negative spin on everything, including the way you see yourself and your expectations for the future.

    When these types of thoughts overwhelm you, its important to remember that this is a symptom of your depression and these irrational, pessimistic attitudesknown as cognitive distortionsarent realistic. When you really examine them they dont hold up. But even so, they can be tough to give up. You cant break out of this pessimistic mind frame by telling yourself to just think positive. Often, its part of a lifelong pattern of thinking thats become so automatic youre not even completely aware of it. Rather, the trick is to identify the type of negative thoughts that are fueling your depression, and replace them with a more balanced way of thinking.

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    Seeing A Psychologist About Depression

    Licensed psychologists are highly trained mental health professionals with experience in helping patients recover from depression. Several different approaches to psychotherapy have been shown to help individuals recover from depression, especially those with mild to moderate depression. Psychotherapy can help people with depression to:

    • Pinpoint life events that contribute to their depression and help them find ways to change, accept or adapt to those situations.
    • Set realistic goals for the future.
    • Identify distorted thought processes or unhelpful behaviors that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
    • Develop skills to cope with symptoms and problems, and identify or prevent future episodes of depression.

    Two of the most common evidence-based therapies for depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy.

    There is no one “right” approach to therapy. Therapists work closely with their patients to create tailored treatment plans to address their unique needs and concerns. Psychotherapy can help patients learn ways to better cope with stress and manage their symptoms of depression. These strategies can lead to recovery and enable patients to function at their best.

    To find a licensed psychologist in your area, use our Psychologist Locator.

    Why Are Anxiety And Depression Often Co

    How to NATURALLY Overcome Depression & Anxiety

    Its a cycle, says Sally R. Connolly, LCSW and therapist. When you get anxious, you tend to have this pervasive thinking about some worry or some problem. You feel bad about it. Then you feel like youve failed. You move to depression.

    These two disorders anxiety and depression have a complicated relationship:

    • The chance of acquiring depression is much higher when an anxiety disorder already exists. Nearly half of those with major depression also suffer from severe and persistent anxiety.
    • People who are depressed often feel anxious and worried. One can easily trigger the other, with anxiety often preceding depression.
    • People with post-traumatic stress disorder are especially prone to developing depression.
    • A biological predisposition for both of these conditions if often at the root of an individuals battle. This seems to be true with anxiety disorders even more than with depression. Connolly explains, Some people are just worriers and pass it down.

    People with an anxiety disorder should speak with a psychiatrist, therapist or other healthcare professional about their symptoms. Treatment for an anxiety disorder should not be delayed. If not caught in time, depression may find the door wide open for moving in and setting up house in those individuals.2

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