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HomeExclusiveHow Many People Are Affected By Anxiety

How Many People Are Affected By Anxiety

What Causes Anxiety Disorders

Rise in Anxiety Symptoms and How it Affects Your Health

Anxiety disorders are thought to be caused by a combination of factors. Most anxious people are probably born with a genetic vulnerability to develop an anxiety disorder. Personality traits and responses to stressful life events may trigger the condition or make it worse.Common stressful life events include:

  • being in an unpredictable new situation such as a change of school or workplace, or travelling overseas.
  • break-up of a relationship.
  • experiencing the death of somebody close.
  • financial or work problems.
  • excessive drug or alcohol use.
  • physical health problems.

Lifetime Prevalence Of Social Anxiety Disorder Among Adolescents

  • Based on diagnostic interview data from National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement , Figure 3 shows lifetime prevalence of social anxiety disorder among U.S. adolescents aged 13-18.4
  • An estimated 9.1% of adolescents had social anxiety disorder, and an estimated 1.3% had severe impairment. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria were used to determine impairment.
  • The prevalence of social anxiety disorder among adolescents was higher for females than for males .

Figure 3

Lifetime Prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder Among Adolescents


Dont Be Too Hard On Yourself

Try to develop a habit of being flexible rather than over-demanding on yourself or others. Dont try too hard to be perfect in everything you do.Remember that youll never be able to control everything that happens around you, or what other people do and think, so why not accept this and concentrate on enjoying just being yourself.

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Government Of Canada’s Role

The Government of Canada is working to help Canadians improve and maintain their mental health, including coping with anxiety disorders. Within its jurisdiction, the Government of Canada works to:

  • Support Canada’s researchers in finding ways to prevent and treat mental illnesses and disorders.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the primary health care, home care and acute care sectors to effectively deliver mental health programs and services.
  • Work in collaboration with other governments and non-governmental organizations to improve the mental health of Canadians.
  • Provide high quality, reliable information to the public.
  • Report on health trends in the population.

In 2007, the federal government provided funding to establish and support the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Among other goals, the Commission leads in the development of a national mental health strategy and works to reduce the stigma about mental illness.

Reducing Anxiety In Your Life

Generation at risk: America

There are lots of things you can do for yourself to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.The experience of having an Anxiety disorder varies from person to person. While managing symptoms can often be difficult, and this should not be underestimated, discuss with your treating health professional what you can do to help yourself.

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Everything Is Not An Emergency

As someone starts to feel extremely anxious they often experience a similar pattern of warning signs symptoms such as feeling on edge or becoming short of breath. Emotions and physical responses react as though there were real danger but this is the big lie of anxiety disorders, for everything is not an emergency.

Treatment And Medication For Test Anxiety

Some students will experience severe test anxiety. In severe test anxiety, symptoms are more intense and persistent. These students may experience panic attacks. They may continue to have poor test performances despite thorough studying.

Your doctor or your childs pediatrician can prescribe medications to help control severe anxiety. Medication can also reduce panic attacks.

Your doctor may refer you to a counselor to help with stress management. A counselor can help you learn methods for coping with anxiety. A counselor can also help you cope with any self-doubt or low self-esteem that could be causing the performance anxiety.

If you or your child has severe test anxiety, you may get approval for them to receive special accommodations. Anxiety disorders are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes test anxiety. Once you file the required paperwork, you or your child can take exams in a separate, quiet room, and you may be given additional time to complete the test.

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Learn To Recognise The Warning Signs

Learn to recognise the warning signs, so you can re-assess your situation and try to nip the anxiety in the bud.Think about what happens when you start to feel anxious. If you often feel like you are going to have a panic attack on public transport, for example, make a list of how you feel and what happens to your body when this happens.Alongside this, make a list of how you could manage these symptoms such as slow breathing or thinking about something very positive, for example.

Anxiety And How It Affects Society

How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It

These are just a few of the ways unresolved anxiety affects our society.

Those who have an anxiety condition:

  • Often feel out of control of their health and life
  • Experience higher levels of overall stress
  • Often struggle with low self-esteem
  • Feel nervous in many social situations
  • Have difficulty managing pressure
  • Feel disconnected or detached from reality and life
  • Often feel they are just on the edge of losing control
  • Often arent reliable
  • Become inward focused and dwell on their health condition and personal problems
  • May jump from relationship to relationship in search of perfection
  • May jump from job to job because of higher levels of stress
  • Live a restricted lifestyle
  • Feel life is passing them by
  • Question their faith and Gods presence in their lives
  • Feel at a distance from God

In addition to anxiety disorder impairment, those who seek help may encounter real and perceived barriers to help:

  • the individual or medical professional may not recognize the symptoms
  • symptoms may interfere with the persons ability to seek help
  • specialized help may not be available in their area
  • long waiting lists limit access to professional help
  • the individual has insufficient medical insurance coverage
  • they may believe there is a stigma attached to mental illness and wish to avoid any association with it
  • they may be avoiding the perceived appearance of weakness
  • they may be in denial

With the right help and healing, those who have experienced an anxiety condition can:

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Treatment And Support For Anxiety

Not everybody who experiences anxiety needs mental health support. For many people, anxiety is a temporary experience, or mild enough to not cause problems.

But many people do find treatment and support helpful. If you are interested in getting support to manage anxiety, its a good idea to talk to a GP first. A GP can provide information and refer you on to other health professionals or support services.

Here are some psychological therapies that have been found to be helpful for managing anxiety disorders :

  • cognitive behavioural therapy
  • eye movement desensitisation reprocessing
  • interpersonal psychotherapy.

Some people also find medication helpful to manage their anxiety, particularly if it is severe or ongoing .

Anxiety is a normal part of life, but there are things you can do to help manage it if it is causing problems.

To connect with others who get it, visit our online Forums. Theyre safe, anonymous and available 24/7.

Can We Blame Social Media

Some others have looked to the impact of social media on mental health. After all, social media has flooded society so thoroughly in such a short space of time, it is highly unlikely to have had no impact at all.

Facebook was founded in 2004 today, almost 1.5 billion people use it at least once per day.

So one, singular, standalone website is now perused by around 1 in 5 people globally.

Thats incredible, and Facebook is only one of the many social media giants.

Studies looking at the link between social media and anxiety are relatively easy to find.

For instance, one that investigated social media use, sleep, and mental health in over 400 Scottish adolescents revealed that those who used social media the most, particularly at night-time, had lower self-esteem and higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Another investigation surveyed more than 1,700 young U.S. adults. The researchers compared the number of social platforms used with levels of anxiety and depression.

People who frequented higher numbers of social platforms reported higher levels of depression and anxiety. Another study on 1822-year-olds came to similar .

Before we throw Facebook and their staff to the lions, we need to remember that cause and effect cannot be established in the vast majority of these studies.

Because social media is so ubiquitous, it is difficult to run a study with a control group of adults who have not been introduced to it.

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How Anxiety Affects Men And Women Differently

While there are some people who seem to take everything that life throws at them in stride, the rest of us struggle with feelings of uncertainty, worry and fear of the unknown from time to time. Normally, our attitudes brighten with a change in circumstances or a fresh perspective, but for some people, a cloud of anxiety hangs around, no matter what.

Were taking a closer look at generalized anxiety disorder, and how it affects men and women, with the help of Ken Jones, a psychologist and the director of behavioral health at Texas Health Arlington Memorial.

The National Institutes of Health defines generalized anxiety disorder as excessive worry or anxiety about normal daily life, occurring more days than not, for a period of six months or more. With little ability to control their overwhelming fears, people may see the negative effects of anxiety trickle down to their relationships, health, school and/or work performance, and feelings of overall well-being.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , the most common signs and symptoms of anxiety are as follows:

  • Feelings of nervousness, irritability or being on edge
  • Feelings of panic or sensing impending danger or doom
  • Increased heart rate, hyperventilation, sweating or shaking
  • Feelings of weakness or exhaustion
  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances

Their research resulted in the following findings:

Draw On The Support You Need

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Dont forget that being a good support person means getting support for yourself too.This may mean mutual carer support online or by attending a group of others who are in the same situation education and training in looking after yourself as well as the person with the Anxiety disorder, and finding respite care too so you can take a break.

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Statistics Related To Mental Health Disorders

The following are the latest statistics available from the National Institute of Mental Health Disorders, part of the National Institutes of Health:

  • Mental health disorders account for several of the top causes of disability in established market economies, such as the U.S., worldwide, and include: major depression , manic depression , schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  • An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older — about 1 in 4 adults — suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.

  • Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. In particular, depressive illnesses tend to co-occur with substance abuse and anxiety disorders.

  • Approximately 9.5% of American adults ages 18 and over, will suffer from a depressive illness each year.

  • Women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from major depression than men. However, men and women are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder.
  • While major depression can develop at any age, the average age at onset is the mid-20s.
  • With bipolar disorder, which affects approximately 2.6% of Americans age 18 and older in a given year — the average age at onset for a first manic episode is during the early 20s.
  • Most people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental disorder — most commonly a depressive disorder or a substance abuse disorder.

  • Four times as many men than women commit suicide. However, women attempt suicide more often than men.
  • Disruptive Behaviour And Dissocial Disorders

    40 million people, including children and adolescents, were living with conduct-dissocial disorder in 2019 . This disorder, also known as conduct disorder, is one of two disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders, the other is oppositional defiantdisorder. Disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders are characterised by persistent behaviour problems such as persistently defiant or disobedient to behaviours that persistently violate the basic rights of others or major age-appropriatesocietal norms, rules, or laws. Onset of disruptive and dissocial disorders, is commonly, though not always, during childhood. Effective psychological treatments exist, often involving parents, caregivers, and teachers, cognitive problem-solving orsocial skills training.

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    Support For Anxiety And Suicide

    Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In 2017, 47,173 Americans died by suicide, and there were an estimated 1.4 million suicide attempts. The relationship between anxiety and suicide has been studied for years, but results seem inconclusive. One study suggests that anxiety disorders are statistically significant but weak predictors of suicide ideation and attempts. Another found that panic disorder and PTSD are strongly associated with suicide attempts. Regardless of its relationship though, anyone who is seeking support can call the suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or find resources on the ADAAs website.

    Depression By Education Level & Employment Status

    PTSD and the Brain

    The statistics presented in the entry above focus on aggregate estimates of prevalence across total populations. In the chart we present data on depression prevalence across a number of OECD countries, disaggregated by education level and employment status. This data is based on self-reported prevalence of depression as requested by surveys. There are multiple reasons why this data may differ from IHME statistics presented above: it is based only on adults aged 25-64 years old, and focuses on self-reported depression only. The lack of differentiation in these surveys between mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and bipolar disorder mean that self-reported depression data may include individuals with these other disorders.

    Categories in the chart have been coloured based on education level, with further categorisation based on whether groups are employed, actively seeking employment, and the total of employed, active and unemployed. Across most countries we tend to see the lowest prevalence in depression amongst those with tertiary education and highest prevalence in those who did not reach upper secondary education.

    It is also notable that the large differences in education level close or disappear when we look only at the sub-group of those employed. Overall, the prevalence of depression appears to be lower in individuals in employment relative to those actively seeking employment, or the total population which also includes the unemployed.

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    Prevalence Of Social Anxiety Disorder Among Adults

    • Based on diagnostic interview data from National Comorbidity Survey Replication , Figure 1 shows past year prevalence of social anxiety disorder among U.S. adults aged 18 or older.1
    • An estimated 7.1% of U.S. adults had social anxiety disorder in the past year.
    • Past year prevalence of social anxiety disorder among adults was higher for females than for males .
  • An estimated 12.1% of U.S. adults experience social anxiety disorder at some time in their lives.2
  • Figure 1

    Past Year Prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder Among U.S Adults


    Complementary And Alternative Medications

    CAM are treatments that are not typically considered part of conventional medicine, however, they have been found helpful in alleviating some anxiety symptoms. These are treatments that can be used in conjunction with therapy and medications. CAM includes:

    • Acupuncture
    • Modifying diet by decreasing the intake of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.

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    Comparison Of Ihme Estimates To Other Sources

    In this entry we have focused on data trends published by the Institute of Health Metrics Global Burden of Disease study. This is currently the only source which provides estimates for all countries over time, and across the full range of mental health and substance use disorders. The World Health Organization publish estimates on depression only the comparison of depression prevalence from IHME versus WHO is shown in the scatter plot.

    A range of national sources also publish estimated prevalence of depression. In many cases, the boundaries, or category differentiation in mental health disorders is different from IHME estimates. They are often therefore not directly comparable. For example, the Center for Diseases Control in the United States provides information and estimates on combined depression and anxiety disorders, treating anxiety as a subset of depression.

    You Stress Out About Losing Control

    When Anxiety Overstauys its Welcome

    Again, anxiety is all about fearing a loss of control, which is why many sufferers go out of their way to prepare. That can develop counterproductive behaviors, like obsessive over-preparing or guardedness,Dr. Seda Gragossian, clinical director at Talk Therapy Psychology, tells Bustle. This is commonly seen in people with social anxieties who will avoid putting themselves entirely in situations where they have no control of an outcome.

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    The Economic Cost Of Social Anxiety Disorder

    Social anxiety disorder imposes substantial economic costs on individuals, their families and carers and society, as a result of functional disability, poor educational achievement, loss of work productivity, social impairment, greater financial dependency and impairment in quality of life. These costs are substantially higher in those with comorbid conditions, which are very common in people with social anxiety: 50 to 80% of people with social anxiety disorder presenting to health services have at least one other psychiatric condition, typically another anxiety disorder, depression or a substance-use disorder .

    For comparison, people without a mental disorder incurred a mean annual cost per person of £379 for health services, £595 associated with productivity losses, and £794 relating to social security benefits .

    By extrapolating the data to a population of 100,000 people attending primary care services, estimated that the total healthcare cost of social anxiety disorder would amount to over £195,000 per annum, with primary care costs alone approximating £49,000. Wider costs, such as social security benefit claims, were expected to reach £474,000.

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