What Causes A Golden Retriever To Suffer From Separation Anxiety
There are several reasons why your golden retriever might develop this disorder. Early-life stressors include being separated from its mother before the age of eight weeks or breeders/ past owners who were negligent or abusive. Additionally, having spent time in a shelter or rescue center and improper socialization can cause or worsen the likelihood of your dog developing anxiety.
Dogs can develop separation anxiety later in life as well. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome, also known as doggy Alzheimers, can mimic or lead to this affliction. The loss or impairment of an older dogs senses can cause it, too.
Punishing Your Labrador For Issues Of Separation Anxiety
You generally talk to your friends or watch a movie or listen to music when you are fully stressed. But what about your Dog? Who else does he have to share his stress? Its just you. The destructive behaviour during separation anxiety is his way of expressing his stress. Punishing your dog for destroying things and for other forms of weird behaviour can make the Dog more stressed. Increasing stress is not at all a solution for your stressed Dog. Any form of serious punishment can be very painful for your Dog.
Your dog has a short-term memory. Suppose your dog has destroyed the furniture in the afternoon, you came home from the office in the evening. Punishing your dog at that time is not useful, as your dog cannot relate the punishment given to the destruction it has done in the afternoon.
Patience is the Key. Every dog is different and every dog takes its own time to get rid of separation anxiety. If you can train your dog properly there are fewer chances that your Dog suffers from anxiety.
Be patient in understanding and handling your dog and you can stay happy with your doggy friend forever that does not overreact when you go out.
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What Is Separation Anxiety Disorder
The main differences between normal separation anxiety and separation anxiety disorder are the intensity of your childs fears, and whether these fears keep them from normal activities. Children with separation anxiety disorder may become agitated at just the thought of being away from mom or dad, and may complain of sickness to avoid playing with friends or attending school. When symptoms are extreme enough, these anxieties can add up to a disorder. But no matter how fretful your child becomes when parted from you, separation anxiety disorder is treatable. There are plenty of things you can do to make your child feel safer and ease the anxiety of separation.
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Why Do Yorkies Experience Separation Anxiety
Although experts dont know exactly why dogs experience separation anxiety, they do have a clue as to which dogs could experience it. Research3 has shown that dogs are more likely to develop separation-related behavior problems if they:
- Are male
- Live in a home without children, although some studies indicate no difference
- Had limited exposure to humans and various experiences from 510 months old
- Experienced a change in the household like a new human resident, a routine change, a move, or a traumatic event
Key Points About Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children
SAD is a type of mental health problem. A child with SAD worries a lot about being apart from family members or other close people.
The cause of SAD is both biological and environmental.
Symptoms of SAD are more severe than the normal separation anxiety that nearly every child has to some degree between the ages of 18 months and 3 years of age.
A child must have symptoms that last at least 4 weeks to be considered SAD.
A mental health evaluation is needed to diagnose SAD.
Treatment includes therapy and medicines.
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What Can I Do About Dog Separation Anxiety
Is there anything an owner can do to prevent or help alleviate their anxiety? The key is keeping your pet occupied while you are away, to ward off the terrible results of separation anxiety. Helping your dog by providing mental stimulation while you are away, can help alleviate anxiety in your absence. The key to success is being able to teach your dog to enjoy being left alone.
Trying to understand the underlying reason for your pets anxiety will be a great step in the right direction. Although there is not any conclusive evidence to point to the reason for separation anxiety in dogs, there have been studies that have suggested situations that have triggered the development of .
Avoid Making Arriving And Leaving A Big Deal
A common error among dog owners in general is that they tend to make a big deal out of arriving and leaving the house. When they leave the house, they pet their dogs and reassure them that they will be back in a few hours. When they arrive at the house, they greet their dogs with so much enthusiasm that their dogs will show the same enthusiasm too.
These practices make dogs think that you arriving and leaving the house is a big deal and something they should be particularly invested in. Let your dogs think that arriving and leaving the house is something very normal. Dont make a big deal out of these things. Leave the house and arrive as if nothing has happened. There is no need to say goodbye or greet dogs enthusiastically every time.
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Technology Masks The Problem
She said: Technology can mask the existence of the disorder. Text messages and video calls give sufferers the means to be in constant contact with the object of their attention in a way that is socially acceptable.
Problems occur when separation from the loved one causes such anxiety that quality of life seriously suffers. Symptoms can include headaches, nausea, difficulty sleeping and nightmares. It may even prompt panic attacks which, unaddressed, may lead to panic disorder and can be mistaken for agoraphobia.
Fellow mental health professionals were at first sceptical of the new diagnosis. Work conducted over the course of almost 20 years some of it with a research team based in the US led by Dr Katherine Shear has since confirmed the existence of ASAD.
The pioneering work of the Australian researchers was recognised when the disorder was included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , one of the key references for psychiatric diagnosis. Previously this maintained that separation anxiety disorder was experienced only by the young.
How Can I Tell If My Child Has Separation Anxiety Disorder
All kids experience some separation anxiety. For infants and toddlers it is a normal stage of development which is connected to developing an attachment to parents and other caregivers. In older children, certain separation fears and worries are typical for their age. For example, lets say your child is starting his first day of kindergarten. He is likely to show some anxiety and discomfort when getting up and ready for school and going into the school for the first time. He may even cry when he comes home and say he wants to stay home and not return to school. If this period of anxiety is minor , lasts only a few days, and is replaced by a return to his normal mood and activities, this is probably normal separation anxiety. However, if your child remains significantly distressed about being away from you during the school day , this may be separation anxiety disorder.
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What Wont Help A Separation Anxiety Problem
- Punishment is not an effective way to treat separation anxiety. In fact, if you punish your dog after you return home it may actually increase his separation anxiety.
- Getting another pet. This usually doesnt help an anxious dog as his anxiety is the result of his separation from you, his person, not merely the result of being alone.
- Crating your dog. Your dog will still engage in anxiety responses in the crate. He may urinate, defecate, howl or even injure himself in an attempt to escape from the crate.
- Leave the radio on .
- Obedience school. While obedience training is always a good idea, it wont directly help a separation anxiety problem. Separation anxiety is not the result of disobedience or lack of training, its a panic response.
Provide A Calm And Comfortable Environment
Chiweenies are small dogs, so its easy to imagine how they can be afraid of so many things. As small dogs, many things are potential threats. They can become more afraid in general if they get separated from their owners, because it means they would have to deal with the potential threats alone.
Give your chiweenies a calm and comfortable environment. Because of their size, your whole house may seem overwhelming when they are alone. Its best to designate an area for your chiweenies an area they can call their own and where they can feel that they are safe. Put them in a gated part of the house or in a playpen.
Avoid crates because these are too small, even for the small chiweenies. Crates can make them claustrophobic and stressed.
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Helping A Child With Separation Anxiety Disorder
None of us like to see our children in distress, so it can be tempting to help your child avoid the things theyre afraid of. However, that will only reinforce your childs anxiety in the long term. Rather than trying to avoid separation whenever possible, you can better help your child combat separation anxiety disorder by taking steps to make them feel safer. Providing a sympathetic environment at home can make your child feel more comfortable. Even if your efforts dont completely solve the problem, your empathy can only make things better.
Educate yourself about separation anxiety disorder. If you learn about how your child experiences this disorder, you can more easily sympathize with their struggles.
Listen to and respect your childs feelings. For a child who might already feel isolated by their disorder, the experience of being listened to can have a powerful healing effect.
Talk about the issue. Its healthier for children to talk about their feelingsthey dont benefit from not thinking about it. Be empathetic, but also remind your childgentlythat they survived the last separation.
Anticipate separation difficulty. Be ready for transition points that can cause anxiety for your child, such as going to school or meeting with friends to play. If your child separates from one parent more easily than the other, have that parent handle the drop off.
Keep calm during separation. If your child sees that you can stay cool, they are more likely to be calm, too.
What Is The Difference Between Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children And In Adults
While anxiety disorders such as SAD cannot be prevented altogether, seeking treatment as soon as you notice that your child has a problem can reduce the severity of the problem and improve your childs quality of life. Some other tips include:
- Stay calm in front of your child, as she often looks to you for how to react in new and uncertain situations.
- Avoid providing an excessive amount of reassurance since this may signal more, not less, to worry about.
- Teach your child how to problem solve, cope, and reassure herself.
- Limit the avoidance of activities. Though avoidance may temporarily reduce distress, it will allow the anxiety to grow and make things more difficult for your child in the future.
- Provide support and praise for small victories in separation rather than consequences for the difficulties, since consequences tend to increase anxiety.
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How To Handle Separation Anxiety Disorder
Keep your goodbyes brief. Whenever you leave your kid, give her advance warning that a sitter will be arriving or that you’ll be dropping her off, and then keep your goodbye brief. “If you act anxious, or keep returning for another hug, she will think there is something to worry about,” says Vincent Barone, Ph.D., a child psychologist at Children’s Mercy Hospitals & Clinics, in Kansas City, Missouri. Try to convey that the time apart is temporary and is not a cause for alarm.
Develop a ritual for leaving. It can help to develop a very brief routine for the process. You might say, “Mommy will be back to get you after work. I love you.” Then hug your child and leave. By keeping farewells the same each time, you create a familiar transition from being with you to being without you.
Prepare an activity. Ask your sitter or daycare teacher to have an activity ready as soon as you turn your child over. Getting her engaged in a clapping game or a new toy will take her mind off the fact that you’re leaving, notes Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution.
Exiting And Entering The House
Tip #21: When you exit the house, its good to give your Pom something to be busy with
Stuffed kong to the rescue! Its yummy and engaging. Leave it to your dog just before you walk out of the door.
When the Pom focuses on this instead of you leaving, chances are hell be in a better mood.
Tip #22: Upon coming home, you could give your Pom a brief greeting
You can do this by squatting and petting it or let it lick you. Dont act too excited about it but show youre there and reassure your Pom everythings alright.
With some dogs this works better than simply ignoring them upon walking through the front door. What you can try is greeting the Pom first thing after entering the house.
After that, just go along as you would normally do take some time to take your coat off, take off your shoes and put your bags where they belong.
Then you can change into home comfy clothes.
During this time, do not give attention to your Pom. Let him follow you, lie down on the bed or sit anywhere beside you.
Tip #23: You can give him a favorite toy to chew on while waiting, to make time fly faster for him
This is called redirecting the attention. Instead of being bored or getting frustrated, hell enjoy doing something he likes.
Once youve done all of the preparation to stay home after a long work day, initiate play. Greet your pom once again, with a smile, a toy. Play some ball, tug or chase.
In short:
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Ayurveda Concept Of Sad
All anxiety disorders are studied in comparison to Chittodvega explained by Master Charaka as one of the diseases caused by imbalance of rajas and tamas qualities of mind. Since separation anxiety disorder is also a type of anxiety disorder it falls under the bracket of chittodvega. Separation Anxiety Disorder is treated on the lines of treating chittodvega.
Other principles of treating SAD on the lines of treatment of contamination of mind carrying channelstreatment of unmada and apasmara disorderstreatment of vata disorders
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