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Can Anxiety Cause Upset Stomach

How To Manage It

Acupressure point for anxiety and upset stomach

Getting help for anxiety can make a big difference in both mental and physical symptoms. Talking to a mental health professional is a good first step.

A therapist can help you find the treatment that best fits your needs, whether its therapy or a combination of therapy and medication. Some people who experience GI symptoms and anxiety or depression find that antidepressants help with both sets of symptoms.

Certain lifestyle changes could also help you manage symptoms of anxiety. Some tips that may be especially helpful for diarrhea and other stomach issues include:

  • avoiding alcohol and tobacco

Its also important to know how to cope with anxiety and stress as you experience it. If youre working with a therapist, they can help you explore coping methods.

On a larger scale, it may also help to take inventory of your daily tasks, both at home and at work. If they feel overwhelming, set aside time to go over your responsibilities. Ask yourself if theyre essential, or if theres anything thats adding unnecessary stress to your life.

Can increased self-care or division of responsibilities reduce your load? Sometimes, taking a careful look at everything youre dealing with can help you find new ways to address challenges. If possible, involve a trusted co-worker or loved one in the process.

You may also want to make an appointment if:

Can Gastric Disorders Contribute To Anxiety And Depression

Dr. Randi Fredricks, Ph.D. is a therapist, researcher and author with a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Dr. Fredricks works…Read More

It turns out that stomach problems can cause a lot more than just physical discomfort. Research has suggested that gastrointestinal troubles may be linked with anxiety and depression as well.

It is probably no surprise that stomach issues can cause stress, but they can also lead to significant mental health problems. The stomach complaints most strongly associated with anxiety and depression appear to be conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome . However, a 2011 Stanford University study discovered that even short-term digestive problems can lead to mental health issues later.

Of course, not all stomach irritation is related with lifelong psychological problems. The Stanford study noted that the exact impact most likely depends on when gastrointestinal trouble occurs during someones development. It is also likely influenced by genetics and other environmental factors.

Research has found that around 20 percent of Americans suffer from persistent or recurring pain in the upper stomach region, related to conditions such as IBS. A number of studies have shown that these individuals are significantly more likely to experience anxiety or depression.


The Concerning Symptoms Of Anxiety And The Anxiety Loop

When stress hits and your heart rate increases, your breathing quickens or you start trembling, it can be alarming. So alarming that, in some cases, you might even feel anxiety about your anxiety symptoms. This can lead to a worsening of the anxiety you’re already feeling.

When anxiety hits, try to calm yourself with these tips:

  • Take deep, controlled breaths
  • Close your eyes and try to clear your mind
  • Release tension from your body by relaxing
  • Accept your anxiety, challenge the validity of your concern and try to shift your focus

If your symptoms become severe, including chest pain and/or shortness of breath, seek immediate medical attention at an emergency room even if you think it’s related to anxiety.

And, if you’re experiencing general anxiety more frequently than usual, consider talking to your doctor or finding a mental health provider especially if it’s disrupting your day-to-day life. He or she can help you understand why anxiety happens and what to do about it.

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Working With The School

The school plays an important role when kids develop physical symptoms of anxiety. Clinicians work with the school nurse and sometimes the psychologist or school counselor to set up a protocol for keeping the childs absences from class as short as possible. For instance, the recommended amount of time to wait before encouraging the child to go back to class might be as short as five minutes.

As much as we can, we urge them not to contact the parent or send the child home if theyre saying that theyre nauseous, adds Dr. Domingues, if we know that they are feeling this way because theyre anxious. The shorter the break can be, the better it is, because the longer theyre out of the thing thats making them feel anxious, she says, the harder it will be to get them back in.

This sort of symptoms can appear in a wide-range of children, but theyre most common in the grade-school years, notes Ms. Greenspan. As kids get older and transition into adolescence and adulthood, they are more likely to manifest their anxiety symptoms in other ways.

Can Anxiety Cause Diarrhea

Having an Upset Stomach? Try These Foods to Get Relief

Jan 15, 2021 | Anxiety, Blog, Diarrhea

Anxiety cannot only affect you mentally, but there are also various physical effects. Anxiety can take the form of long lasting nervousness, fearfulness, and worry. It can significantly impact the functionality of your stomach. So can anxiety cause diarrhea?

If you experience diarrhea or loose stools when under anxiety, dont worry because youre not the only one. Stomach troubles often come with stress, but its possible to minimize the impact of the symptoms. Keep reading to find out how and why anxiety and stress cause upset stomach and diarrhea. And how to manage disturbed bowel movements due to anxiety.

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When To See A Doctor

If anxiety-related nausea is interfering with your quality of life and you cant manage it on your own, its time to see your doctor. If its not due to a medical condition, ask for a referral to a mental health professional.

Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point. There are steps you can take to lower stress and deal with occasional bouts of nausea.

There is help. Anxiety, nausea, and anxiety disorders can be identified and effectively managed.

How To Relieve Stomach Pain Symptoms

There isnt necessarily a cure for the stomach pain symptoms themselves. When your body is under stress, your stomach tends to hurt based on the acids in your stomach and the foods youve already eaten. If you have stomach pain as a result of an anxiety attack, you may need to wait it out.

Water can help a little, however. So consider sipping cool water. Antacids may also be beneficial in some cases, but if you have stomach pain often, you may not want to depend on antacid treatments.


Stomach pain from anxiety can be caused by several stress-related issues, including abdominal tension, digestion issues, and irritable bowel. Although the stomach pain may be caused by anxiety, the acids in the stomach are still very real. There are ways to treat both your stomach discomfort and anxiety.

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Wide Range Of Symptoms

One of the more surprising issues with some types of anxiety disorder is the way that they change sensations in our body. For example, for many, feeling full is a nice feeling. However, it can lead to a variety of natural body sensations, including:

  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Slight stomach discomfort
  • Fatigue

In those without anxiety, these are natural. In people suffering from some degree of anxiety, those sensations feel much more pronounced and can trigger a full-blown panic attack.

Can Anxiety Cause Headaches

How to Calm an Upset Stomach Naturally

Headaches are associated with chronic anxiety.

Headaches are common in and of themselves, but they aren’t necessarily a common symptom of the general anxiety you might feel here and there.

However, headaches including migraines can be a complication of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder . This type of anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive worrying that disrupts a person’s day-to-day life.

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What To Do When You Have Stomach Problems From Anxiety

While the best way for you to stop your stomach problems is to cure your anxiety, there are some strategies that you can try to implement that may reduce some of the symptoms. These include:

  • Breathing Exercises There are relaxation exercises that focus on the idea of breathing more efficiently. When your stomach problems are caused by hyperventilation or air swallowing, slow and controlled breathing can be not only calming but also reduce the likelihood of further air swallowing symptoms.
  • Healthier Diet Even though anxiety is going to create some stomach problems no matter what you eat, the reality is that foods that are hard to digest are always going to put some strain and stress on your stomach. When combined with anxiety, they’ll be more likely to get much worse. Healthier eating can be a much more effective way to ensure that you aren’t suffering from as many stomach problems.
  • Exercise Exercise can temporarily create more stomach problems because exercise increases stomach acid. But eventually, exercise should help you control your anxiety better, and possibly improve your hormonal balance. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health, providing far more benefits than simply muscle mass and a healthy heart.

Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

In fact anxiety is associated with a host of physical symptoms, including headaches, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, along with a racing heart, shakiness or sweating symptoms older people experience when theyre having a panic attack.

All these physical symptoms are related to the fight-or-flight response triggered when the brain detects danger. All of them have a purpose, notes , a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. When she talks to kids about anxious headaches or stomach aches, she explains the role of each. For instance, she says, your stomach hurts because your digestive system is shutting down to send blood to other areas of your body. You dont want to be digesting food at that moment because youre trying to either flee danger or fight danger.

Dr. Domingues assures children that these symptoms are not harmful theyre just their emergency system responding to a false alarm. But its important to understand that kids arent necessarily inventing their symptoms, and the danger may feel very real to them. Dont assume a child who spends a lot of time in the nurses office at school is doing it intentionally to get out of class. Her acute anxiety may be causing her pain.

Headaches and stomach aches related to anxiety are still real feelings, and we want to take them seriously, says Ms. Greenspan.

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Where In The Hell Are These Nervous Poops Coming From

Thanks to the probiotics trend, youve probably heard how our bodies and brains interact as one interconnected unit. Thanks to something called the gut-brain axis, these two organs are particularly close pals with undeniable influence on each other.

When your guts enteric nervous system gets signals from the brains central nervous system, it regulates the gastrointestinal tract.

But when youre feeling stressed, agitated, annoyed, or scared, these chemical messengers can make your GI tract go wild. Think: diarrhea, nausea, or constipation.

Or it might be the other way around, with your gut sending signals to the brain and causing an emotional whirlwind.

If your mood has been off after a bad bout of digestion, see if these physical symptoms came first:

  • stomach cramps

Gone to the bathroom and still feel on edge? And not keen on the idea of a second or third diarrhea attack? Then lets strategize on managing your anxiety with these seven tips.

When To See A Medical Healthcare Provider

Can Anxiety Cause Severe Stomach Pain

Even if you are fairly certain that stress is the culprit, you should discuss any unusual physical complaint with your healthcare provider to ensure that no other disease process is present and contributing to the problem. You should seek immediate medical attention should you experience any of the following:

  • Fever over 102 F or fever that lasts more than three days
  • Rectal bleeding

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How Emotions Are Connected To Your Stomach

Many people wonder it does stress cause diarrhea, and if so, why does it happen? When stress affects your stomach, it’s a feeling you don’t want to experience. The stomach is made of many nerves similar to the brain. It is considered the second largest part of the body comprised of many nerves. These nerves are connected to how your body responds when under pressure or stress. The body engages in other actions when you encounter something you consider as a threat. Usually, it is something you don’t want to do but likely creates a form or anxiety. Your heart rate goes up, your muscles get tense, and in some cases, your colon increases contractions. The reaction from your colon makes conditions favorable for diarrhea.

Sometimes stress causes issues with your poop, including constipation and irregular bowel movements. The brain and the stomach communicate back and forth with each other, meaning they are connected in ways people don’t realize. When you start feeling anxious, it cues the conversation for the stomach and brain to start. The brain can influence actions in the stomach and vice versa. When you feel discomforts such as aches or pains, your gut is experiencing spasms. The spasms create a reaction for areas of your digestive system depending on the level of stress you are experiencing. In other words, when conditions are favorable, stress and diarrhea go hand in hand when the stomach gets aggravated.

A Word From Mindset Health

The nervous system and stomach issues are intimately linked. If you experience diarrhea or other IBS symptoms and mental health conditions such as anxiety disorder, there are treatments available to help you manage stressful situations and improve your anxious stomach. Relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy may help to improve GI symptoms and improve your upset stomach, with hypnotherapy through apps like Nerva being especially helpful.

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How To Calm Your Anxious Stomach

Is stress upsetting your stomach? With a worldwide pandemic causing massive disruption to our normal way of life , its not surprising that stress-induced anxiety levels are higher than ever. In order to help you combat unwanted gastric side effects, weve gathered several tips for how to relax an upset stomach when stress is inevitable, and how to know when you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Can Stress Cause Diarrhea Understanding How Stress Affects Your Gut

Anxiety and Your Stomach

Dealing with stressful situations may hurt your body, in particular, your stomach. Diarrhea may be a symptom of a health condition, but it is also associated with anxiety and stress. If you experience diarrhea and you don’t have any other symptoms, chances are your body is stressed out, and it’s a symptom creating uneasy tension in your stomach. Because the stomach is sensitive to stress, it may result in experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, including stomachaches. Understanding how stress affects the stomach will provide useful insight into how to get relief when it gets upset. The following details provide insight on how your emotions affect your gut and practical tips on what you can do to help yourself feel better.

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