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HomeCauseCan Anxiety Cause Muscle Weakness

Can Anxiety Cause Muscle Weakness

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

Anxiety Causing Fatigue, Muscle Tension, or Exhaustion?

Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

How To Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

Now that we understand that anxiety can cause body pains, and we are familiar with some of the ways it can do this, lets take a moment to learn about how we can reduce these physical symptoms and achieve long-term physical and mental peace. Some of the best ways to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Be physically active

When implementing additional activity into your lifestyle, it is important to do so in a way that is safe for your body. At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we are able to work with your bodys needs. We are a judgment-free zone, and we are happy to discuss your anxiety symptoms and the ways they might be manifesting as physical pain. Once we are on the same page about your physical health and your needs, our exercise programs will be a great way to help ease anxiety and its symptoms. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins and other natural chemicals in the brain that can enhance an individuals sense of well-being. These results might not be immediate, and it will be important to stay committed to the exercises in order to experience long-term success.

  • Get massages
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine

This tip is pretty self-explanatory, but these substances are all known to worsen symptoms of anxiety. These substances change the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to worsened anxiety.

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep


Anxiety And Muscle Weakness

Muscle weak point anxiety symptoms descriptions:

  • A muscle or group of muscles feel unusually weak, rubbery, odd.
  • Some people describe this symptom as that their muscles feel wobbly, numb, unsteady, and/or tired.
  • Others explain their muscles as sensation like they wont work right.
  • Others describe this symptom as that they do not have confidence in their muscles since they do not feel as strong as they used to.
  • Others descriptions consist of weak hands, feet, legs, arms, neck, back, head, and face muscles. They can feel so weak that you become concerned you have a major medical issue, such as MS, ALS, or Parkinsons Disease.

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Chronic Stress And Long

Aches and pains are common symptoms of stress, however, ongoing pain or stiffness may be a sign of a more serious problem.

A 2018 study published by PubMed revealed Stress-related disorders were significantly associated with risk of subsequent autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to produce antibodies which attack and damage the bodys healthy tissue instead of fighting infection. In certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, the antibodies attach to connective tissue within the joints leading to pain, stiffness, swelling, andwithout treatmentpotentially permanent joint damage.

Autoimmune diseases are often incurable however, early intervention and treatment can help prevent further damage and joint deterioration.

Effects Of Depression And Anxiety On Your Overall Health

Can Anxiety Cause Weakness In Legs

Q1. Can anxiety or depression cause physical weakness, particularly in the legs and arms? This happens to me daily at different times.

Diane, South Carolina

Depression is associated with fatigue and low energy, but not actual weakness. Some people with anxiety have fluctuating feelings of numbness or weakness in their limbs, especially during intense anxiety or panic attacks. The history of such complaints, coupled with the findings of a physical examination, can help separate these kinds of physical symptoms from those associated with other conditions that cause weakness, such as multiple sclerosis.

Regardless of the cause of your physical symptoms of weakness, worrying about your health can be quite disruptive and lessen your quality of life and productivity. The best remedy for this type of worry is to get a good medical evaluation and, if recommended by your doctor, a more detailed assessment by a specialist who can determine the cause of your symptoms.

Although a diagnosis should not be made on the basis of such a short description, it sounds very much as if you may be in the midst of what is called a major depressive episode. First, you should not feel alone at least 1 in 10 people will suffer from depression in his or her lifetime typically, the first episode develops during a period of increased stress.

Stacy, Oaklahoma

Amy, Georgia

Learn more in the Everyday Health Depression Center.

Also Check: Can Stress And Anxiety Cause Seizures

Reducing Absorption Of Nutrients

When it comes to your muscles and joints, nutrients such as vitamin D, calcium and magnesium are extremely important. Deficiencies in any of these can lead to joint problems but, unfortunately, in times of stress, your absorption of certain nutrients can be inhibited.This is because, in times of stress, your stores of these nutrients can be redirected away from your bones to other areas of your body, such as your heart and lungs. This means your bones and joints won’t be getting the nutrients they need to thrive. Plus, to complicate this picture, we must also consider cortisol.

Released as part of your body’s initial stress reflexes, cortisol helps to dilate your blood vessels and promotes feelings of alertness and wakefulness however, too much cortisol can also block your absorption of calcium and negatively affect the density of your bones. This can, understandably, make your joints more prone to aches and pains.

How To Recover From Anxiety

In somatic conditions like anxiety, our physiological functioning plays just as big of a role as our psychological functioning. A successful treatment approach must address chronic muscle tension, diet, exercise, sources of psychological stress, and our habitual thought patterns and reactions to stress.

1. Release your muscle tension with Clinical Somatics.

While many people start practicing Clinical Somatics exercises to relieve muscle and joint pain, the exercises also have the immediate effect of calming the nervous system. With regular practice of the slow, gentle exercises, anxiety can be eliminated completely.

An advantage of treating your anxiety by practicing these exercises is that it gives you an active way to approach your conditionyoure doing something, rather than thinking about things or trying to force yourself to relax. Youll also get a break from thinking about your worries because the extreme slowness of Clinical Somatics exercises demands complete focus its literally impossible to think about anything else.

2. Regulate your stress hormones, neurotransmitters, mood, and energy levels with healthy lifestyle habits:

  • Get regular aerobic exercise

  • Commit to a regular sleep schedule

  • Limit caffeine to one serving a day , or eliminate completely

  • Limit alcohol to one serving a day, or eliminate completely

  • Reduce your sugar intake

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

  • Look into possible nutrient deficiencies and food intolerances

3. Participate in talk therapy.

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What Is Muscle Weakness A Sign Of

Muscle weakness is a very common complaint but there is a huge range of possible causes. People feel tiredness or reduced strength in their muscles.

Are you suffering from muscle weakness? Well, you might think its a symptom of your anxiety. Well, anxiety is one of the common causes of muscle weakness.

Nervousness or being afraid can cause your body to feel weak and tired. Daily psychological stress can also cause your body muscles to weaken and eventually lead to muscle loss.

Muscle weakness can be a sign of lack of exercise or aging. Muscle injury or pregnancy can also lead to muscle weakness.

There are many medical causes for muscle weakness. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases can also eventually lead to muscle weakness. Other possible causes of muscle weakness include stroke, cancer, depression, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis.

Muscle weakness at a very young age is a sign of either congenital muscle disorders or malnutrition.

If you feel fatigued or tired or you feel like your body has become very weak, its best to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

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Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety No One Talks About

Muscle Related Anxiety Symptoms!

Contrary to what some may believe, anxiety isnt something that just happens in your head. Anxiety refers to a very real mental health condition and for many, it is experienced on both a mental and physiological level.

The term anxiety is often used flippantly, but in reality anxiety is a condition that should be diagnosed by a mental health professional. Theres a big difference between feeling the effects of an anxiety disorder and feeling occasional stress. Stress is often in reaction to a life change or other trigger symptoms of anxiety sometimes develop in response to those things, but can also occur at random. These symptoms can be difficult to manage and can hugely affect the quality of a persons life.

Some of the symptoms of anxiety are more well-known especially the ones related to thoughts and emotions. It is not uncommon, for instance, for a person with anxiety to worry excessively or experience irritability and mood swings. However, some symptoms of anxiety are more physical. Here are a few you may not know about.

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What Does It Mean When Your Legs Feel Weird

Restless legs syndrome , also called Willis-Ekbom Disease, causes unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an irresistible urge to move them. Symptoms commonly occur in the late afternoon or evening hours, and are often most severe at night when a person is resting, such as sitting or lying in bed.

How Does The Body Respond To Stress

When faced with danger, a chemical reaction occurs in your body which allows you to act quickly. This reaction, also known as the fight-or-flight or stress response, is your bodys way of keeping you safe from harm. Unfortunatelythe body cant always discern between a legitimate threat and the pressure of daily life.

Any stressful situationfrom narrowly avoiding a head-on collision to being stuck in a traffic jamcan trigger this response causing the heart rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, and muscles to tighten.

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C Spinal Conditions Causing Leg Weakness

1. Slip disc/herniated disc

This condition involves the displacement of a cushioning disc located between the spinal vertebrae. These discs absorb any kind of a shock to reduce the risk of spinal injury.

2. Lumbar spinal canal stenosis

This condition is often associated with pain and numbness in the lower limbs. It can give rise to radiating back pain that extends to the legs.

3. Sciatica

It is characterized by shooting pain that stems from the lower back and runs down through the buttocks, down the back of each leg, sometimes culminating in the foot.

Scared Help Severe Anxiety And Arms And Legs Feel Tired/weak

Muscle Weakness

Does anyone feel weak like tired muscles in the legs and arms with anxiety and have no energy. I also have burning feeling in arms sometimes. I know I’m tense but 8n still panic. I have had severe anxiety for the last 3 months and it’s scaring me alot. I juat eant to feel normal again. I feel like I’m not myself at all like I’m just in a daze all the time.

28 likes, 243 replies

  • Posted 6 years ago

    I have been to the dr alot. I am going to a psychologist but it’s not helping and I have been taking sertraline for about 5 weeks now

  • Edited 2 months ago

    I feel like I’m not myself too I hate been like this I’ve had anxiety issues for 3 years but intense like this for 5 month I just want to be normal again I’ve experienced all sorts of strange feelings with my anxiety bit it is just that anxiety X

  • Posted 6 years ago

    Of course it is Catherine nd that is the best way around knowing and dealing with it , and yeah what I would give to be the person I was who I still feel like but just ain’t x

  • Posted 6 years ago

    What strange feelings do you experience? This is so horrible I can’t cope with it at all I think I get every symptom possible. I get muscle twitches and little jerks I guess you call them I get lightheaded like I’m going to faint and feel weak and sweaty chills almost flu like feeling muscle aches and pains muscle tension tingles and little pulling sensations in my hand and fingers do you get these?

  • Edited 5 months ago

  • Edited 8 months ago

  • Posted 3 years ago

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    Feeling Too Hot Or Too Cold

    Due to the altered circulation that can come with anxiety, hot flashes are not uncommon. Narrowing blood vessels can affect body temperature. A person may, for this reason, feel too hot when they are anxious. Conversely, sometimes the body will sweat in response. This can sometimes be too effective and cause a person to feel too cold.

    Knowledge Can Anxiety Depression Cause Muscle Weakness

    Individuals who are depressed in some cases make use of alcohol and drugs to lift their spirits. The National Bureau of Economic Study reports that individuals that have been diagnosed with a mental disease take in 69 percent of the nations alcohol and also 84 percent of the countrys cocaine. When a person battles with both a substance use condition and also a psychological wellness problem can anxiety depression cause muscle weakness, its called a dual diagnosis. Its much more typical than you assume for brand-new parents to experience a perinatal mood condition, consisting of postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, and postpartum depression this takes place to 15 to 20% of people. Because of the dip in pregnancy hormonal agents instantly after giving birth, you could really feel some perinatal bad moods or unhappiness.

    • Depression is most likely the most typical psychological grievance and also has actually been described by physicians considering that prior to the moment of ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who called it melancholia.
    • Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that complies with the seasons.
    • The diagnosis is less typical in some countries, such as China.

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    Nerve Conditions Which Damage Muscles

    Conditions affecting nerves tend to lead to true muscle weakness. This is because if the nerve to a muscle fibre stops working, the muscle fibre can’t work either and it will become floppy and eventually shrivel.

    Neurological conditions: muscle weakness can be caused by cerebrovascular disease such as stroke and brain haemorrhage and spinal injury. Tumours in the brain can also lead to muscle weakness. Muscles which become partially or completely paralysed lose their normal strength and will eventually waste. Some recovery is possible but it will be slow and may not be complete.

    Spine-related conditions: when nerves are damaged as they emerge from the spine , weakness can result. When the discs slip out, they press on nerves headed lower down in the body. The weakness affects only the muscles served by the irritated or compressed nerve.

    Other uncommon nerve conditions:Multiple sclerosis : this is caused by damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord and can cause sudden paralysis. This can recover partially but does not always do so.

    : this is a post-viral paralysing disease which causes weakness and loss of muscle function from the fingers and toes upwards. It may last many months, although complete recovery is usual.

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