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How To Stop Overthinking And Anxiety

Immerse Yourself In Nature


No matter where youre located, fresh air can do your mind plenty of good. If youre able to get out in nature, even better. Studies show taking a 90-minute walk in a nature-filled environment can decrease ones inclination toward ruminationBratman GN, Hamilton JP, Hahn KS, Daily GC, Gross James J. Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 112:8567-8572. . This response mostly has to do with the lack of noise and distractions in natural settings, as well as the ability for some people to quell their negative thoughts and appreciate something larger than themselves in their surroundings.

When To See A Doctor

Overthinking can be more pervasive for some people than others. If your thoughts are intrusive or highly distressing, or your tendency to ruminate is interfering with your ability to function, I recommend seeking the assistance of a mental health professional, says Dattilo. Therapy can help distinguish which worries are productive or unproductive. Also, if youre struggling with thoughts of self-harm of any kind, contact your doctor or therapist immediately, she adds.

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Trick Your Brain Into Happiness

People plagued by obsessive thoughts do not always choose healthy ways like mindfulness to distract from them, however.

Dr. Edward Selby, a psychologist at Florida state university, has shown in a study that people try to avoid rumination by engaging in a range of uncontrolled behaviors, such as binge eating and substance abuse.

But he says that a much better way to overcome such distress is by distraction and shifting attention away from problems that are obsessing us.

There are many activities that can be used to distract from rumination, he says, and people should choose the one that works best for them. Here are some examples:

– Listen to music

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Return To The Present

As mentioned above, when were overthinking, we are either ruminating about the past or worrying about the future, which means that we are not in the present moment.

Another technique to help you stop overthinking and relieve anxiety is to practice returning to the present moment.

The easiest way to return to the present moment is to practice deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.Heres a simple meditation exercise to get you started.

  • Find a quiet place

Sky Breath Meditation: A Powerful Technique To Stop Overthinking

Overthinking Creates Anxiety You Can

There are many ways to reduce the harmful effects of overthinking, but what if there was a single, effective technique that encompassed them all?

Good news. There is.

SKY Breath Meditation is a simple breathwork exercise that can be practiced by anyone, and has been shown by more than 100 independent, peer-reviewed studies to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being.

You can learn more about SKY Breath Meditation by attending a free breath and meditation online session. Just click on the image below to choose your day and time, and experience the benefits of a calm, centered mind for yourself.

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Write Down Your Thoughts

Journaling is a good way to keep track of your thoughts. It helps when you can write them down and actually see them on paper. Then, logically write down a solution to help you through your situation.

If you are having conflict with a person, write them a letter. You dont necessarily have to send it but getting your thoughts down is a healthy exercise to analyze a situation and better communicate with that person.

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Dont Believe Every Thought

How to stop overthinking everything? Dont believe the lies your own mind tells you.

It seems like a simple enough statement, but its hard to do for people who are chronic worriers or who tend to overthink everything.

The truth is, you have the power to take control of your thoughts. When negative self-talk creeps in, you dont have to believe it. You can acknowledge it and you should. But you have a choice on whether you let it take over. Just because your own mind is telling you to overthink something, or be fearful about something doesnt mean you have to.

Interesting concept, isnt it? The best part is, you can put this tip into practice every time worry tries to slither its way in and ruin your day.

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Ways To Help You Stop Overthinking

To assist with the self-help process, here are 10 ways to help you stop overthinking:

1. Instead of dwelling on what can go wrong, think about what can go right.

Just because we can imagine something bad can happen doesnt mean it actually can. Imagination is just that: conjuring up the imaginary. But dwelling on the negative does cause instant stress. Chronic stress has been linked to many medical and mental health issues.

Changing the direction of your thinking can illuminate possibilities rather than negatives. Having possibilities fosters hope and determination, which can insulate the body from unnecessary stress.

2. Distract yourself with a hobby, visiting with loved ones and friends, or doing something that makes you happy, etc.

Being distracted with positive influences is a great way to change the channel on overthinking.

3. Take a nap.

Research shows that sleep declutters the mind making way for clearer thinking. Taking a nap is a great way to clear the mind and stop overthinking.

Taking a nap also reduces stress.

4. Sleep on it.

As mentioned previously, sleep clears the mind of clutter. Rather than staying up and trying to come up with a solution, pause your thinking and sleep on it. You might be surprised at how clear a solution is in the morning.

5. Put it into perspective.

6. Nothing is perfect, so stop waiting for the perfect decision.

7. Everyone makes mistakes. Thats normal.

8. Accept your best and expect the rest.

Bonus Tip Practice mindfulness

Realize You Need To Learn How To Stop Overthinking

How To Stop Anxiety And Overthinking

The first step in putting a stop to overthinking about everything is to acknowledge that youre a worrier. Think it sounds easy? Not exactly.

Its hard for us, as human beings, to admit weve got a problem big or small. However, realizing that you overthink things is the only way youll even have a desire to put a stop to it or make a change.

The next time you catch yourself worrying about something, pump the brakes. You dont have to dig into the underlying cause of that worry just yet. Instead, acknowledge the fact that you might be overthinking the subject.

That simple pause and acknowledgment can help you come back to the reality of the situation and make it feel less scary and overwhelming.

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Tip : Distinguish Between Solvable And Unsolvable Worries

Research shows that while youre worrying, you temporarily feel less anxious. Running over the problem in your head distracts you from your emotions and makes you feel like youre getting something accomplished. But worrying and problem solving are two very different things.

Problem solving involves evaluating a situation, coming up with concrete steps for dealing with it, and then putting the plan into action. Worrying, on the other hand, rarely leads to solutions. No matter how much time you spend dwelling on worst-case scenarios, youre no more prepared to deal with them should they actually happen.

Stay Rooted In The Present Moment With Yoga And Exercise

The human mind loves to explore the past and the future, but the body always stays in the present . One of the best ways to reduce overthinking is to emphasize your connection to your body.

When you overthink, stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released into your bloodstream. These hormones are designed for fight or flight, but when you flood your system with them by constantly overthinking, they lead to a host of unpleasant bodily sensations like headaches, body aches, and physical lethargy. No fun at all.

If you want to stop ruminating, and simultaneously rid your system of the buildup of stress hormones, do some physical exercise like yoga. Try these 15 yoga poses for stress relief, and see for yourself how a bit of exercise can cleanse your system, keep you rooted to the present, and lead to a host of other positive outcomes in life.

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How To Stop Overthinking With 3 Easy Steps

Overthinking and anxiety are the perfect recipes for chaos and uneasiness. However, learning how to stop overthinking is key to reinstating some peace in your life.

I think we all can overthink from time to time but its important to not let it get the best of you. Learning how to stop overthinking and practicing methods can be helpful to manage it.

If youd like to know how to stop overthinking, it is essential to learn the effects of overthinking. Learning how anxiety and cognitive distortions contribute to overthinking is also important. And, it is necessary to learn three easy steps you can implement to stop your overthinking.

Why Do We Overthink Things

Overthinking : How to Stop Worrying, Reduce Your Anxiety, Eliminate ...

Overthinking is a way of trying to control a situation and feel more confident about what to do next, says Sanam Hafeez, a neuropsychologist in New York City. When youre overthinking, the brain switches to analysis mode. It begins to cycle through possible scenarios and attempts to predict what will happen to reduce your anxiety.

But overthinking often prevents you from taking action because you cant easily shift out of analysis mode. The problem with overthinking is that our mind almost always comes up with another worry question, Hafeez says.

Even though people of all ages, genders, or personality types might struggle with rumination, those who are motivated by achievement can be more prone to overthinking.

Perfectionists and overachievers have tendencies to overthink because the fear of failing and the need to be perfect take over, which leads to replaying or criticizing decisions and mistakes, says Hafeez.

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Give Yourself A Break From The Problem

Many people try to come up with a decision quickly so that they can move on to other things. They believe that if they think enough, and consecutively, they can solve the problem and move on to the next one. Trying to solve a problem in one stretch, however, doesnt give you time to reflect with a fresh mind and attitude.

Its recommended to build in some time away from the problem so you can reflect on it with fresh thinking to ensure your decision is sound. Time away can be a few hours for less important decisions, or up to a week or more for more important decisions.

Also, when you take a break, be sure to set a specific time to revisit the problem. That way, if your mind wanders back to the problem during your break, you can reassure yourself that you are working on it and will complete the process at that specific time.

Knowing that you intend to solve the problem at a specific time makes it easier to dismiss meandering thoughts when they intrude on your time away from the problem.

Furthermore, taking a break can reduce stress since overthinking creates stress. A reduction in stress can recharge the areas of the brain responsible for rationalization .

Understand What Motivates Your Worry

Have you ever wondered why you overthink and worry so much?

If you take the time to think about it, there might be some underlying causes as to why you struggle so much with excessive worry.

Its not easy to face your fears, but its also not easy to face what might be causing those fears. Find some time and a safe space where you can really look inside yourself to better understand your motivations, so you can take control of them and possibly get the help you need to get rid of them.

Its not always easy to take back your freedom from fear, but its not impossible.

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Reframe How You View Problems

It is natural to reflect on important decisions before you make them whether you are making a large purchase, changing jobs, or making a choice about a personal relationship. But when you start obsessing over your decisions, it becomes negative and unhealthy.

The next time your focus lands on a specific problem, and you are unable to move past it, try to think about how you perceive the problem. One of the best ways to introduce more constructive thinking is through viewing challenges or obstacles as opportunities for growth. Recognize you have control over your circumstances through shifting your viewpoint it is a healthy way to build resiliency and slow down overthinking.

Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.

Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.

Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

How Do You Deal With Overthinkers

Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30

Here are six ways to stop overthinking everything: Notice When Youre Stuck in Your Head. Overthinking can become such a habit that you dont even recognize when youre doing it. Keep the Focus on Problem-Solving. Challenge Your Thoughts. Schedule Time for Reflection. Learn Mindfulness Skills. Change the Channel.

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It All Comes Down To Avoidance

Anxiety gets maintained in the long-run by avoiding the things we are anxious about in the short-term . Anxiety is a warning signal from our brain: its saying, Stop! This thing is dangerous, do something!

The way to decrease anxiety in response to any trigger is to teach your brain that the trigger is NOT dangerous and does not require the warning signal. The only way to do this is to directly confront and expose yourself to that trigger so that your brain learns it is not dangerous. This is the basis for Exposure Therapy, the most effective treatment for all types of anxiety.

Once your brain learns that it is not dangerous , it shuts off the warning signal because it is no longer needed. But when you avoid the trigger instead of allowing yourself to be exposed to it, you prevent this process from taking place, and the anxiety is maintained. Thats why avoidance in the short-term keeps anxiety going in the long-term.

ANYTHING you do when you are anxious to try to relieve the anxiety in the short-term GUARANTEES the anxiety will stick around in the long-run.

Lets go through how this applies to the worry cycle:

How To Challenge These Thoughts

During your worry period, challenge your negative thoughts by asking yourself:

  • Whats the evidence that the thought is true? That its not true?
  • Is there a more positive, realistic way of looking at the situation?
  • Whats the probability that what Im scared of will actually happen? If the probability is low, what are some more likely outcomes?
  • Is the thought helpful? How will worrying about it help me and how will it hurt me?
  • What would I say to a friend who had this worry?

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What Causes Overthinking And Anxiety

The two basic things that underly overthinking is stress and anxiety. Apart from these basics, issues with ones self-esteem and self-doubt are other common causes of overthinking. Highlighting the pandemic situation,social distancing has caused us stress and anxiety, and anxiety is a natural response to fear.

What Is Overthinking Disorder

Overthinking: How to Stop Worrying, Reduce Your Anxiety, Eliminate ...

So, what exactly is overthinking disorder? We all get sucked into obsessive thoughts sometimes, but when this starts to consume our lives it turns into a serious, chronic problem. Some people are more likely than others to suffer this problem. For example, those with a history of anxiety disorder. After all, scientists know that overthinking activates the same parts of the brain that are involved in fear and anxiety.

However, even if you dont have a history of mental health difficulties, you might be prone to overthinking if you consider yourself a problem-solver.

Your greatest asset, an analytical mind, can easily become an enemy when you get stuck in a loop of unproductive thoughts. In addition, high levels of uncertainty can trigger the overthinking disorder. For example, if something dramatic has changed in your life or you have experienced a major loss, your mind may start to spiral in the direction of unproductive obsessiveness.

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How To Break The Cycle Of Overthinking

Serani created a five-step process to escape the endless cycle of overthinking.

Step one: The first step is to become aware when youre overthinking, she said. Sometimes other people will point it out to you, and while it can be irritating to hear, its helpful in learning how to spot it within yourself.

For her, Serani said her palms become sweaty and her heart begins to beat faster when she overthinks.

Step two: The next step is to take a step back and gain some perspective of what it is youre overthinking and if you have any control over it. Am I thinking about something thats beyond my control, or is it something that I can control? Serani said.

You might not be able to control the traffic, but maybe you can control the route you take next time, the GPS you use to get around traffic jams, the beverage in your cupholder, and how you react to the situation.

If it is something you cant control, you can tell yourself, I have to really prioritize what I have the ability to change and this is beyond my ability to change, Serani said.

Step three: If the situation is within your control, the third step is to be in the moment and isolate the singular problem.

Step four: Once you have identified one issue, the next step is to set a time limit on how long youre going to give yourself to problem-solve. Its important to not slip into problem dwelling, which isnt productive for resolving the issue at hand, Serani said.

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