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How To Stop Your Dog From Separation Anxiety

Skip Getting Another Dog

Cesar Explains How To Fix Separation Anxiety With Your Dog

Many dog owners assume that their dog’s separation anxiety may magically disappear if they bring home another dog. This well-intent strategy can be a recipe for disaster.

The resident dog risks not getting any relief, and on top of that, changes may further disrupt his life and the new dog may end up feeling confused from the resident dog’s behavior, to the extent that he may develop anxiety as well, so then you’re left with double the trouble.

As a general rule of thumb, avoid getting a new dog in hopes of fixing the problem. This rarely, if ever works, other than in some very unique situations.

What Is Separation Anxiety In Dogs

As the name suggests, it stems from fear, worry, and distress about being removed from the company of their owner. Its particularly prevalent in puppies and younger dogs, but it can also manifest in older canines that have been adopted or rescued.

In short, it is a fear from your dog that you are going to leave them and not come back. Its essential that you build a mutual trust with your canine companion. This will ensure that they understand that, if youre leaving them at home, its for a good reason and you will be returning ideally with treats.

A dog that suffers from this condition will be distressed, destructive and potentially dangerous to himself or herself if left home alone for any period of time. Its a condition that needs to be managed and dealt with as quickly as possible, for both your sake and that of your dog.

Identify The Cause Of The Anxiety

Identifying triggers for separation related behaviours can be difficult, as the majority of behaviour happens while your dog is on their own. If possible, set up a camera that allows you to see what your dog is doing when youre not with them. This footage will allow you to more accurately identify any specific environmental triggers that may be contributing to your dogs behaviour such as: the sound of people passing the house, loud cars and trucks or maybe even the sound of the neighbours dog barking.

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Try Positive Reinforcement Training For Your Dog

Sometimes the simplest solution is the correct one. Dont punish your dog when theyre anxious and acting out. Instead, create a situation where your dog can make the right decision and then reward them. The best place to start is at the door. If you have a series of steps you take before you leave, run through them. If you grab your keys or jacket and your dog sees, do that and step outside. Then come back in a moment later so your dog knows its not always a bad thing when you grab your go-items. You could even give them one of their favorite treats to really cement that leaving isnt always bad.

Keep going in that model. Praise your dog when they dont use the bathroom inside. Give them a treat when they go for a toy instead of a table leg. Vary how often you reward your dog so they dont start acting out just for the payoff, and youll have a well-behaved doggy in no time.

There’s Destructiveness And Destructiveness

Dog Separation Anxiety : How To Treat And Prevent Separation Anxiety In ...

For instance, take dogs who engage in destructive behaviors when left alone. These dogs are often assumed to be suffering from separation anxiety when destructiveness may be caused by other issues such as teething, play, boredom, noise phobias, confinement phobias, lack of sufficient exercise or mental stimulation, prey drive , and even territorial behavior triggered by seeing dogs or people outside that leads to chewing and scratching around windows and doors.

In dogs with separation anxiety, destructiveness is particularly centered on doors, windows, and items that carry the owner’s scent. On top of this, such destructiveness is expected to take place in the first 30 to 60 minutes after the owner’s departure, points out Dr. Hunthausen, a veterinarian who owns Animal Behavior Consultations in the Kansas City Metro area.

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Does Pavlov Ring A Bell Use Classical Conditioning To Create Positive Associations With Being Alone

  • Prepare a yummy and long-lasting food puzzle or work-to-eat toy . This should be something they dont get very often something super valuable in your dogs opinion.
  • Right before you walk out the door, give this special treat to your dog in their crate or long-term confinement area.
  • Keep your absences very short when you begin classically conditioning your dog to being alone. Try to return before they finish their food puzzle the first few times you do this you dont have to completely leave the house at first, just be out of sight. Taking the trash out or walking to the mailbox are great opportunities to practice this exercise.
  • When you return home, immediately remove their yummy puzzle or work-to-eat toy and put it away.
  • Gradually increase the length of time youre absent.
  • Your dog is learning that your leaving predicts something delicious appearing and they get to enjoy something positive while alone. Theyre also learning that that yummy thing disappears when you come back.

What Not To Do If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety

Do NOT punish or scold your dog. This anxious behavior is because they are distressed, not done out of spite or disobedience. Your dog is scared or upset and their separation anxiety is how they are trying to cope with the situation. By punishing your dog you will only make them more upset and the problem will get even worse. Finding positive ways to redirect this behavior will result in everyone being happier in the end.

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Resources And Products To Help With Separation Anxiety

There are tons of great resources and products to arm yourself with when taking on separation anxiety. Interactive toys like Kongs, snuffle mats, or food puzzles can keep your dog engaged for a while. Calming aids like treats with L-Theanine and melatonin or weighted blankets can also help.

When in doubt, look to resources like the American Kennel Club, the ASPCA, and the Humane Society for trustworthy information. And be aware that while these suggestions may help, they shouldn’t be substituted for actual training or advice.

Featured Video For YouMove over, Boston Dynamics. You can build your own tiny robo-dog now.

UPDATE: Mar. 1, 2022, 12:00 p.m. EST This story has been updated to add additional context from Dodman and to reflect Carly Loyer’s complete title. An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported the ASPCA’s statistic 23 million dogs and cats, not just dogs, were acquired during the pandemic. This story has also been updated to correctly spell Nicholas Dodman’s name.

How To Crate Train Dog With Separation Anxiety

How to PREVENT Separation Anxiety In Your Puppy / Dog!

Karen Parquet | Crate Training

Based on my own experience as a dog owner, crate training can be an effective way to help our dogs with separation anxiety. By providing a safe, secure space for them to stay while youre away, crates can help to reduce your dogs anxiety levels.

However, its important to crate-train your dog properly in order to avoid making their anxiety worse. Here are some tips on how to crate train a dog with separation anxiety.

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Treatment For Moderate To Severe Separation Anxiety

Moderate to severe separation anxiety will require a more intricate counterconditioning treatment process. For such severe cases, its essential to slowly acquaint your dog to staying alone by beginning with several brief separations that do not result in any form of anxiety.

Then as time goes by, you can gradually increase the duration of the separations.

Counterconditioning and desensitization are complicated treatments and can be tricky to work through. You should completely avoid fear, or the process will not work and may cause your dog to be even more frightened.

The treatment will change depending on your dogs reactions and because these reactions may be complex to observe and interpret. You will require the help of a trained expert to guide you through the counterconditioning and desensitization treatment plan.

To get help with this, contact a board-certified veterinary behaviorist or a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist . If you cannot find any of these two, you can look for a Certified Professional Dog Trainer .

However, make sure that the trainer has the necessary qualifications to help you. He or she must have the education and experience in treating anxiety and fear using counterconditioning and desensitization.

The following steps briefly explain a counterconditioning and desensitization program:

Keep Your Arrivals And Departures Low

Your dog takes emotional cues from you its part of that special human-animal bond. If youre anxious about leaving them alone, theyll notice and start to become anxious as well.

  • Avoid fawning over your dog before you leave. This does NOT mean you cant say goodbye. Just do so in a calm manner that indicates to your dog that your leaving is nothing to worry about. Some dog owners like telling their dogs the same thing every time they leave, such as Ill be back or Be good, see you later!
  • Stay calm when you arrive back home. Of course your dog will be happy to see you, and its heartwarming to have a pup with a wagging tail greet you when you get home. But if youre wanting to prevent separation anxiety, you dont want your dog to become overexcited about your return.
  • Teach your dog a polite welcome home routine. Not only does this keep greetings calm, it also helps with behaviors such as jumping on people and door dashing. Have your dog sit and stay for any attention, train them to go to bed, or have them perform a few tricks.

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The Comfort Crate Method

Introduce crate

If possible, while your dog is a puppy or at least new to your home, introduce him to a crate. This will be a safe haven for your dog when hes dealing with fear or anxiety. Set up the crate with a bed or soft blanket and some toys or stuffed animals he can chew on and sleep with.

Offer a treat to encourage your dog to get into a crate.

‘Inside’ command

Begin to use the same command to get your dog into the crate each time you use it. Something like “puppy in” works to let him know its time to go into the crate.


While you are in the house with your dog, practice getting him into the crate by command and having him in the crate while he can see you. You can put him in his crate at night for sleeping and during the day when you do activities that may be scary, such as vacuuming. This will teach him the crate is a safe place to be.

Talk then ignore

Have conversations with your dog when hes in the crate while you are home. But as he gets used to the crate, leave him alone and ignore him. Even if he whines, ignore him.


When he is used to the crate, begin to leave the house. Some owners may need to do this before the dog has had much time in the crate with his owner home. If possible, make these first few trips out of the house short.


As soon as you get home, be excited to see your dog and let him out of the crate. Be sure to let him outside first thing to go potty. Give him lots of love and attention when you come home to him.


What Should Be Done Before Departures

Five Steps to Preventing Dog Separation Anxiety

Before any lengthy departure, provide a vigorous session of play and exercise. This not only helps to reduce some of your dogâs energy and tire her out, but also provides a period of attention. A training session can also be a productive way to further interact and âworkâ with your dog. For the final 15 to 30 minutes before departure, your dog should be ignored. It would be best if your dog were taken to her rest and relaxation area with a radio, TV, or video playing . You can then prepare for departure while your dog is out of sight and earshot. At this point, provide your dog with some new motivating toys to keep her occupied and distracted before and during your departure. The key is to avoid as many of the departure cues as possible, so that your dogâs anxiety doesnât heighten before you leave. Brushing teeth, changing into work clothes, or collecting keys, purse, briefcase or school books, are all routines that might be able to be performed out of sight of the dog. You might also consider changing clothes at work, preparing and packing a lunch the night before, or even leaving the car at a neighbor’s so your dog wouldn’t hear the car pulling out of the driveway.

“Avoid saying goodbye since this will only serve to bring attention to the departure.”

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Training For Curing Dog Separation Anxiety Quickly

Training is essential for putting a stop to dog separation anxiety. The sooner you do so, the sooner your dog will become more comfortable being left alone. If youre looking for a fast response from Fido, take some time off work and concentrate on the task at hand.

Here is some advice on building trust and putting a stop to dog separation anxiety.

Should I Let My Dog Sleep With Me If He Has Separation Anxiety

There are pros and cons to letting your dog sleep with you if they have separation anxiety. On the one hand, sleeping with your dog can help them feel more secure and less anxious. Its difficult to get good sleep if your dog is constantly restless or wakes you up during the night.

If your dog is having trouble relaxing in their crate, sleeping with them may only reinforce separation anxiety. It is ultimately up to you and your preference. If you choose to let your dog sleep with you, it is important to continue working on their separation anxiety and not let it become a crutch for them.

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Signs Of Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Dogs suffering from separation anxiety might learn their persons predeparture cueslike putting on a certain uniform, making lunch or organizing a briefcaseand begin to exhibit stress responses before their person even leaves.

Once the dog is alone, they might exhibit any or all of the following hallmarks of separation anxiety:

  • Pacing: Dogs that are panicked by their persons departure might be unable to settle down and might resort to walking back and forth repeatedly.

  • Vocalization: Barking and howling are common canine responses to isolation, but dogs with separation anxiety might continue vocalizing the entire time theyre alone.

  • Loss of appetite: Separation anxiety can cause even the most food-motivated dog to ignore treats and bones.

  • Destruction: Many dogs suffering from separation anxiety destroy small household itemslike the remote control or pillowsor resort to large-scale destruction, like tearing through furniture, walls, doors or windows.

  • Elimination: Dogs that are house-trained might have accidents while alone, including diarrhea.

  • Drooling: Some stressed dogs drool excessively and wind up with a soaked chin and chest.

  • Escape: Dogs with severe separation anxiety might be able to escape confinement, which can result in injuries.

It’s Important To Establish A Routine For Your Dog Now So They Are Prepared When You Return To Work

Help your Dog with Separation Anxiety | The Battersea Way

While there is no silver bullet when it comes to preventing separation anxiety, there are things you can do in advance to prepare your dog for a seamless return to your old routine. According to Pratt, one of the most important things dog owners can do is establish a routine that closely resembles the one they had in place before stay-at-home orders were issued.

“Allow your pet to have some alone time. You have your space, and they have theirs,” said Sueda. Even if you don’t have anywhere to go outside of the house, you can put your dog behind a pet gate or in a separate room.

You should leave your dog alone in the house on occasion, particularly if they have not struggled with separation anxiety in the past. “I typically tell people that they are going to want to do an absence minimally three days a week and try to sprinkle in things like going to the mailbox ,” said DeMartini-Price. Use the time out of the house to do essential shopping, take a walk, or sit outside with a book for an hour.

Do they bark or have an accident immediately after you’ve left the house? Are they relatively relaxed for several minutes before they display signs of anxiety? Using a security camera or webcam to observe your dog’s behavior can give a good sense of how they might be feeling.

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The Role Of Pack Instincts

Canine separation anxiety is a stress response that gets activated by a dogs frustrated pack instincts.

Since survival in the wild dictates staying together at all costs, pack instincts compel a dog to keep an eye on you and follow you wherever you go – that’s why our dogs follow us from room to room, and also why a dog with this condition feels trapped, even though they may be safe at home.

Its the resulting frustration that they feel when they cant see or follow you somewhere that prompts a variety of stress-induced responses that can be observed in any animal that feels stuck somewhere it doesnt want to be, including humans.

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