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HomeMust ReadHow To Reduce Cat Anxiety

How To Reduce Cat Anxiety

Can Cbd Oil Reduce A Cats Anxiety

How to Decrease Anxiety in Cats : Pet Behavior

CBD products for pets have gained popularity in recent years, and many dog owners have seen benefits when using them to treat anxiety in dogs.

However, while there are many different CBD products on the market for cats, its important to note that there have been very few scientific studies examining the safety of CBD in cats. There is also no official regulation, as the Food and Drug Administration has not officially approved CBD products for therapeutic use in cats.

Cats are a sensitive species, and often have difficulty processing drugs that are safe in humans and dogs. Therefore, at Small Door, we currently do not recommend CBD for cats, and will not do so until there are more studies on its safety.

Give Litter Box Options

If you cat is anxious, they may not be using the litter box all the time. An anxious cat might mark items or areas in the home in an effort to take back some control over whats upsetting them.

For instance, if they feel threatened by a neighborhood cat they see outside they might urinate or spray by a window or external door. If theyre urinating on your belongings, this could be a sign theyre trying to comfort themselves with their own scent.

This behavior, understandably, causes you a lot of distress and it needs to be dealt with quickly. Make sure to keep your cats litter box clean and place several around the home.

If you have a few cats, its a good idea to have enough litter boxes so they each have their own space. If they dont have to share, theyll be less anxious.

Speak To The Vet About The Possibility Of Antianxiety Medications

If none of the above is enough to help your cat deal with anxiety and stress, speak to the veterinarian about the possibility of long-term or short-term anxiety medications. Depending on your cats specific needs, the veterinarian will be able to prescribe something that helps your kitty stay calm.

We recommend using this as a last resource, as most cases can be solved naturally without using these medicines. The medicines could have secondary effects and tend to be addictive. They are an effective last resource, but make sure you have exhausted all other options first.

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Cat Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Fact Checked

Theres a reason why cats continue to be one of the most beloved types of pets: theyre intelligent, friendly, and smart. And just like humans, they have their own personalities and quirks.

Some of these quirks include fears and anxious behavior, which can manifest themselves in a variety of different ways. Its important to understand common anxieties in cats, what causes them, and how to treat them, if necessary.

Recognise The Signs Of Stress In Cats

Reduce Stress for Your Cat Before and During Vet Visits

1. An unhappy cat will often twitch the end of their tail as a warning sign, just before stress sets in. Their claws may also come out in self-defence.

2. If your cat feels unsafe or threatened, they are likely to hide and crouch down to make themselves seem as small as possible. That way they will feel less visible to any potential dangers.

3. A stressed cat may mark their territory by spraying while standing with their tail quivering in the air.

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Skip Goodbyes & Elaborate Reunions

It may seem unnatural and even heartbreaking to leave your precious kitty without saying goodbye, but your fond farewells may actually trigger your cats anxiety. Your efforts to calm your cat as you leave may also clue them in to something being out of the ordinary, which is a cause for stress.

Its best to skip the goodbye and just leave.

Also, when you return, dont make a big fuss about being reunited with your kitty. Stay calm and only acknowledge your cat when theyre calm and any unwanted behaviors like clawing or loud vocalizing have stopped.

Do not reward attention-seeking behavior.

Cat Friendly Practices Can Help Reduce Stress

A trip to the veterinarian can be stressful for both you and your cat, including the just getting them into the pet carrier for the car ride to the the pet hospital. Cat Friendly Practices try to alleviate some of that burden.

Cat Friendly Practices are veterinary hospitals like ZippiVet that consistently take extra steps to care for cats unique needs, having implemented feline-friendly standards. We understand the needs of cats, seek to decrease their stress and provide a more calming environment. Our veterinary staff have also been trained in feline-friendly handling and understanding cat behavior in order to increase the quality of care for your cat. Call, text, or request an appointment online for your pet at one of ZippiVets four Austin area locations today.

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Provide Positive Alternative Behaviors Through Enrichment

Cats have instinctual needs that, when met properly, can dramatically impact their quality of life and state of mind. Giving them opportunities for play, hunting behaviors, mental stimulation, and of course, a sense of safety and security is a surefire way to alleviate anxiety. Try social enrichment activities such as:

  • Interactive play
  • Cognitive enrichment through food puzzles and training sessions

Check For Health And Behavior Causes

Cat Stress: What You Need to Know!

Cats that do not feel good can react with anxious behavior. Kitties have evolved to be great pretenders and never let on that they feel bad. Stoic cats with hidden aches show only subtle signs, if at all. A hurt paw may not cause a limp but instead prompts the cat to hide or become clingy, for example. Resolving an underlying health issue often relieves anxious behaviors.

For a cat, the unknown equals danger. Wild kitties that failed to honor this truth were taken out of the gene pool, while properly cautious cats survived to breed and passed on this caution gene to future generations. Being cautious and hiding are survival instincts, so your cat may naturally be a little more anxious than others.

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Create A Safe Space For Your Cat

If other pets, a baby, sounds, or things they can see outside are creating stress for your cat, a quiet, dark area away from these stimuli can help. Create a safe space for your cat , where they can relax away from any stressors. A quiet, darkened place, made from cardboard boxes or sheets draped over chairs can work well. Make sure your cat can live in this space comfortably for a few days, and provide all the essentials in this one room: food, water, bedding, a litter box, a scratching post, and other toys. Provide plenty of individual attention, playtime and cuddles to your cat, to ensure they dont get jealous of other pets.

If you live in a smaller apartment and are worried your cat does not have enough individual space, there are a number of ways you can increase their territory vertically, using cat trees, cat shelves and window perches .

Stress And Anxiety In Cats

This article is written by Pet Circle Veterinarian, Dr Carla Paszkowski BVSc.

Could your kitty be suffering from anxiety? Cats are very prone to stress and anxiety and it can present in a number of different ways. Cats are masters of masking their anxiety, so the signs aren’t always obvious. Symptoms can also be incredibly varied – in fact, almost any problem behaviour may be caused by or exacerbated by stress.

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Prepare The Car So It Promotes A Calming Environment

We all have our own way of preparing for stressful events. Some of us may meditate or listen to classical music, while others may take a run around the block or rock out to heavy metal music. Our cats are no different, but they rely on us to make their environment calm. Here are a few things you can do to make kittys ride less stressful.

  • Play classical music specifically composed for cats and/or purring sounds. Through a Cats ear and purr apps are great options.
  • Spray Feliway, a calming pheromone, in your car and/or the carrier 10- 15 minutes prior to your cat entering.
  • Be calm and remember for cats that “shhh!” sounds a lot like hissing, so try to avoid shushing if they are vocalizing.
  • Cool or warm the car to comfortable temperature before putting your cat inside.

Our Final Thoughts On Cat Anxiety

How to Reduce Cat Stress? by relaxmycat

Cat anxiety can be a real worry for owners. Its not unusual for our pets to have separation anxiety or react in fear when they experience a new situation, and there are may tips you can try to alleviate their worry.

Having said that, when an animals nervous system seems to be on high alert continually, its time to develop a treatment plan with your veterinarian.

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Tip : Find A Comfort Product

If the idea of medicating your cat isnt for you, youre not alone. There are many products designed to help relieve different symptoms of cat anxiety, such as calming pheromone diffusers, collars and even comforting compression shirts. Calming cat treats and foods are also readily available at your favorite pet store.

Use Cat Calming Products

We have had great success with our cat Barney by using a Feliway plug-in diffuser which is supposed to have a calming effect on cats. It works by emitting synthetic pheromones, which it is claimed, can help reduce anxiety and stress in cats. The smell mimics a cat’s own pheromones which helps a cat feel safe and secure. You simply plug the diffuser into your plug socket, in much the same way as you would do an air freshener, and forget about it.

I have to confess that this can be a fairly expensive method to employ. Firstly, you need a minimum of one diffuser on each floor, depending upon the size of your home. In addition to purchasing refills on a monthly basis, you will also need to replace the diffusers themselves, typically after six months.

Due to the potential fire hazard, I personally have a problem leaving the diffusers plugged into the mains overnight, or when I am not at home. They do become warm to the touch and I prefer to give them time to cool down. I am sure that the fire risk is extremely low, but this is my preference. I have not experienced any adverse effects from my cats, as a result of doing this and it also makes the refills last a little bit longer.

Of course, there are several other different types of calming products available which may help with your cats anxiety. These include cat calming collars and natural supplements such as Bach Pet Rescue Remedy, vitamin B calming chews and liquids.

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Other Signs Of A Stressed Cat

You may notice your cat sits differently, their facial expression changes or they exhibit strange behaviours.

  • Often crouching and looking tense indoors
  • Ears rotate backwards frequently or flatten downwards
  • Wide open eyes with very dilated pupils which makes their eyes look black
  • Staring at the floor with a fixed, glazed expression
  • Rapid frequent grooming that usually lasts around five seconds, starting and stopping quite suddenly
  • Frequent head shaking
  • Rippling, twitching skin on their back
  • Exaggerated swallowing and quick flicks of their tongue onto their nose

Top tip

One of the best ways to protect your cat against possible stress is to try to anticipate the sorts of things that might cause them stress in the first place . Once you have identified possible sources of stress, you can then manage the situation or environment in a way that helps reduce the chances of your cat suffering.

Try Cat Calming Products

7 Simple Steps to Reduce Stress in Cats

Specific cat calming products in various forms are also available, but shouldnt be relied upon as a sole solution. These can be used in spray, diffuser and plug-in form, and release pheromones designed to be soothing to animals, which mimic natural cat pheromones. These may help with cat calming, but owners should also try to identify the root cause of cat anxiety for the best long-term solution.

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Set Up Your Surroundings

1. Create safe hiding spaces for your cat by using their basket or a couple of boxes that they can retreat to when stressed. Your cat is likely to prefer somewhere higher up the darker and cosier the spot, the safer they will feel.

2. Let them interact with you on their own terms. Cats need to feel in control of their surroundings, so take your cues from your pet and avoid stroking or playing with them if you notice any of the body language signals mentioned above.

3. Installing a cat flap can also be a great way to ensure your cat feels more in control, as they will be able to come and go as they need to. You could opt for a high-tech version that recognises your pet’s microchip or a lockable one if you’d prefer to keep your pet indoors at night.

Inga says: Remember, each pet is different and many factors can come into play when handling a stressed cat. It’s most important that you try to keep calm, and then approach your pet according to their needs and level of stress.

If your cat’s anxious behaviour persists even when they are away from stressful situations, consider asking your vet to refer you to a qualified animal behaviourist who will be able to help you come up with long-lasting solutions.

Do you have any practical tips for helping cats with anxiety issues? Tell us on social media using the tag #PethoodStories.

How To Reduce Cat Anxiety

A favorite toy or old scratching post can bring a good deal of comfort to your cat. While waiting for your cat to come around, try to maintain a calm, stress-free home as much as possible. You dont need to walk on eggshells for fear of disturbing the cat, however, and they should get used to your normal home.

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My Cat Struggles When I Try To Put Her Into Her Carrier Do You Have Any Tips

For most cats, the only time they ever see their carrier is when it is brought out immediately before going to the vet. Even if nothing unpleasant happened to the cat during the veterinary visit, that carrier will be associated with the car ride and the unfamiliar sounds and smells of the average veterinary office. It is these stress-inducing associations that cause cats to resist getting into the carrier.

You can help your cat get over the fear of a carrier by developing positive associations between the carrier and positive experiences.

You can help your cat get over the fear of a carrier by developing positive associations between the carrier and positive experiences. The first thing to do is to avoid storing the carrier in the garage or basement and only bringing it out when a trip to the veterinarian is imminent. Instead, open the door or remove the top and keep the carrier out in an area where your cat likes to sleep or play. This way, the cat can begin to associate it with the familiar sights and scents of home. Set it up as your cats own private sleeping quarters or private dining room by placing her cat bed or her food and water dishes in the carrier. Or simply use the carrier as the spot where she gets treats.

If your cat already has negative associations with the current carrier that you are using, consider purchasing a new carrier that does not resemble the old one.

Management Of Cats Anxiety And Stress

How to Reduce Stress at the Vet

Anxiety and stress in cats may manifest itself in many ways. The stress response causes an initial immediate reaction but can have a cumulative effect if the situation goes on for a long period of time. Some signs include: changes in their eating habits , not using their litter box, hiding, changes in vocalization, scratching or biting at people or objects, increased or decreased grooming behavior and aggression towards people or other animals.

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Make Sure All Your Cats Needs Are Met

This sounds obvious, but you would be surprised at how cat owners can be unaware of cats needs not being met.

  • A nutritious, sufficient, and cat-appropriate diet that is adequate to your cats life stage and activity levels.
  • Unlimited access to clean and fresh water.
  • One or two litter boxes that are big enough, in a safe and calm place, and always clean. Your cat should like the litter, and it should not have any unpleasant scents or textures.
  • A comfortable and safe space to sleep. Cats like places that provide shelter and comfort while having a good view of the environment. Check out the Heppers Pod Bed that ticks all these boxes.
  • A scratching place to help keep the claws in a perfect state.
  • Physical and mental stimulation, easily provided by a variety of toys. Regularly rotating the cats toys help to keep them interesting and engaging.
  • Love and affection. While cats might seem cold and distant, it needs your love and affection just like any other living being. But be aware of your cats limits and dont overwhelm it. If your cat comes by looking for attention and a snuggle, make your best effort to provide it.
  • Most cats are solitary creatures that need to have their personal space. Kids all over them or having to share space with other pets can be very stressful to cats. Ensure the cat always has access to some personal time and space when it needs it.

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