Training For Curing Dog Separation Anxiety Quickly
Training is essential for putting a stop to dog separation anxiety. The sooner you do so, the sooner your dog will become more comfortable being left alone. If youre looking for a fast response from Fido, take some time off work and concentrate on the task at hand.
Here is some advice on building trust and putting a stop to dog separation anxiety.
Teach Your Dog That Its Ok To Be Alone
With any new dog, its important to start teaching your dog early that being alone is normal and good.
Even if you dont have to, start leaving your puppy alone with food and engaging items for brief periods of time.Put your puppy in a crate or canine x-pen while you shower, grab the mail, or run to the gym.
These smaller absences, paired with food treats, will help teach your puppy that you being gone is totally normal. If at all possible, start slow with short absences rather than going straight to a full work day of alone time!
Going straight from being with you all the time to long periods of your sudden absence can be very stressful for a canine!
Behavior Of A Puppy With Separation Anxiety
If your pup really is experiencing separation anxiety his behavior will be much more extreme and you should be able to tell that something is really wrong.
He will bark rapidly and frantically for as long as he can manage before he’s entirely exhausted. His barking will probably be interspersed with whining and/or howling, He may fall asleep for a few minutes and then wake up and repeat the whole desperate process. On, and on, and on.
Your pup will be incapable of being still. He’s fueled by hysteria and will probably pace, run around, jump, spin or all of these.
He will likely bite/tear at whatever is around him. It could be the interior of the crate, the doorway or walls, carpeting, flooring, toys, blankets… anything he can get his teeth into.
He may pant continuously, and this is often accompanied by drooling and yawning, all signs of stress in dogs.
He may lose control of his bladder/bowels, and he might pee/poop several times – even if he’s just been for a potty break. This happens because he is so panicked that his body can’t handle it. If he poops it will likely be diarrhea.
Over time your puppy might start to show compulsive behaviors. Some, such as spinning or tail-chasing are obvious, others such as compulsive licking or chewing on his feet can go unnoticed for a while before you realize what’s happening.
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Dealing With Dog Separation Anxiety
One of the most common phrases used by owners to describe a dog that appears stressed when the owner leaves homeor just leaves the roomis separation anxiety in dogs.
We can define separation anxiety as a dog problem behavior that shows itself through symptoms like excessive salivation, barking, whining, destroying items in the home, scratching at walls, doors and floors, and attempting to escape from the crate, or room.
Now Its Your Turn To Take Action
So there you have itI’ve given you some tips you can use to set out on a successful house-training process for your own puppy!
If you care about getting all the best expert knowledge and professional insights to support the training of your four-legged friend, you are very welcome to check out my step-by-step puppy training books. These books follows the new method of puppy training.
Other people with lots of dog experience also follow the the tips and advice in my books.
The information in my books is based on a comprehensive survey comprising no less than 255 questions, as well as on a series of in-depth interviews. A total of 30 professional dog trainers have completed the entire questionnaire, and their answers laid the foundation for the puppy training guide I created for you that can be considered a credible source of information.
Want to know more about my step-by-step puppy training books?
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Simulated Vs True Dog Separation Anxiety
There is true separation anxiety, and there is simulated separation anxiety, in which the dog behavior appears to be separation anxiety but it is, in fact, a learned behavior.
Simulated separation anxiety is often manifested when the dog lacks leadership as well as self-control. True separation anxiety, on the other hand, causes the dog to experience real stress during the absence of his owner.
In simulated separation anxiety, the dog knows that he will get attention if he acts badly. For some dogs, even being verbally reprimanded for such behavior is rewarding because he feels he was noticed.
Negative attention can be a reward in many cases, if the owner is unaware that certain needs of his dog are not being met. In these cases, there is little real stress involved, just misbehavior.
Simulated separation anxiety is fairly easy to overcome with a gradual approach, slowly increasing the amount of time spent in a cratewhen you are at home as well as awayconsistent obedience training, proper amounts of exercise, and strong leadership.
Severe cases of true separation anxiety impose a challenge to Pack Leaders.
How To Treat It
First, talk to your vet to rule out any medical problems. Sometimes dogs have accidents in the house because of infections or hormone problems or other health conditions. It also could be due to incomplete housebreaking. And some medications can cause accidents. If your dog takes any drugs, ask your vet if they are to blame.
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Downplay Goodbyes And Hellos
Dont get emotional when leaving your dog and overexcited when you come back. By paying too much attention to your departure and return, you risk reinforcing the dogs fear of your absence. Calmly say goodbye and leave. When you come back, quietly say hello and don’t get too affectionate until your dog has calmed down.
Causes Of Separation Anxiety In Puppies
The cause of separation anxiety in puppies and dogs varies and no two cases are exactly alike. Learning about your puppys history could provide some insight into potential causes of separation anxiety.
While it is difficult to identify a specific cause of separation anxiety, factors such as previous experiences and the inherent behavioral personality of your dog can be the foundation for the behavior that can then manifest during various situations.
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Fixing Separation Anxiety One Step At A Time
Effective treatment of separation anxiety can feel overwhelming. Its a slow process made more difficult by the fact that sometimes progress comes at a literal pace of one second at a time.
Guiding your dog through a separation anxiety protocol might not be easy, but having not only gone through this process with many clients but also with my own beloved dog, I can honestly say there is hope and recovery is completely possible! Flores says.
Causes Of Separation Anxiety
There are several reasons a dog may experience . The first one to consider for a new puppy is the fact that theyre going through plenty of life changes all at once: leaving siblings and a mother, going to a new home, living with new humans who may look and smell different. After all, you may act a little out of sorts if you suddenly landed in a new home with people you dont know.
Until your puppy settles into their new environment and becomes comfortable with their new family, its not unusual for them to whine, bark, and seem a bit nervous when left alone. But that doesnt mean you should just wait it out and see if the symptoms improve. As a pet parent, its important to take steps to make sure these symptoms dont develop into full-fledged separation anxiety this is an issue thats easier to prevent than it is to treat.
Other changes can also trigger these symptoms, such as a new person added to the home or a move to a new residence, even if the relocation is with all the same family members. An altered schedule can also create separation anxiety in your puppy, especially if you brought your puppy home during a break when you had lots of time to spend together such as a holiday or summer vacation, and then you go back to work or school without training your puppy to remain calm when left alone.
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Dog Separation Anxiety Training Plan: Step
Heres what your desensitization plan should look like for beginning to resolve your dogs separation anxiety.
Date of Training |
Does Your Puppy Have Separation Anxiety
There are several signs that your puppy may be suffering from separation anxiety, but before you draw that conclusion, rule out other possibilities first. For example, if when you come home from work you find the contents of the trashcan all over the floor and your slippers freshly chewed, take a moment to reflect on your dogs usual routine. Is he getting enough exercise? Could your pup be under-stimulated or bored? Make sure your dog gets adequate exercise, and provide him with some engaging, interactive toys like the Rolly Cannoli, to help keep him distracted and busy while youre away. If you come home to puddles of pee, consider if your pup has been properly housebroken, or if he is old enough to hold his bladder for a long enough period of time.
In other words, your pup might just be displaying some bad behaviors that can be adjusted with a more consistent schedule, proper training, and adequate exercise. If it is separation anxiety, then be on the lookout for the following clues:
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Run Before You Leave For Work
If youre not a morning person I can hear you moaning already, believe me Im not a morning person either. But after my dog ripped down every curtain and drape in my home and chewed up each corner of my kitchen table, I knew I had to do everything I could to calm him before I left.
Dogs build up nervous energy that needs an outlet, if they dont find one they result to destructive behavior.
Wake up 30 minutes before you leave for work, put your shoes on and run your dog. If youre not into morning jogs then teach your dog to play fetch and let them sprint back and forth for 20 minutes, getting all that pent up energy out. By the time you leave for work your dog will be ready to go back to sleep.
After doing this for a few months youll actually begin to love your new morning routine, I promise. The morning fresh air is better than coffee.
For extreme cases you may have to do this every time you leave , but your dog will become accustomed to the routine of playing, and then napping when you leave.
After The Holidays: Getting Your Dog Back Into Your Normal Routine
Holidays, like Christmas and Easter, usually mean you have more time to spend with loved ones your dog included. But what happens once the holiday is over and life goes back to normal?
Weve all experienced the holiday blues and our dogs are no different. Theyve got used to spending more time with you, getting extra fuss and attention, and can be left feeling bored and lonely when they suddenly go back to their normal routine.
You can help your dog to avoid feeling this way by easing them back into their normal routine. Leave them alone in the house while you go out for a short trip or while you spend time in another room. Gradually build up the amount of time your dog is spending alone until theyre ready to go back to their normal routine. Make sure your dog has been for a good walk before you have to go out and leave them. This will help them to settle and rest while youre away. Interactive toys also help to keep them busy once theyve woken up and while theyre waiting for you to get home.
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Natural Remedies For Dog Anxiety
Dog anxiety is common. It can stop your dog from enjoying normal doggie activities like going for a walk around the neighborhood. So its important to find a way to help her relax and have fun!
While some vets may prescribe your dog pharmaceutical meds they may not be the best choice. Medications for anxiety can have some pretty bad side effects . Luckily, there are lots of natural remedies you can try.
Before I get to those, heres some background on dog anxiety.
Leave A ‘special’ Toy
As well as making sure that your dog has exciting things to do when you’re with them, make sure you also give your dog a mentally stimulating toy, such as a stuffed ‘kong’, a meat-flavoured chew or a treat ball or cube. Make sure that this is a ‘special’ toy that they only get when you’re not there. Remember to put away this toy when you return and also to take any food treats out of your pet’s daily food allowance to avoid overfeeding.
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