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How To Cure Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Learning To Be Assertive

How to Diagnose and Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder? – Insights from Dr Sanil Rege (Psychiatrist)

Being assertive means communicating your needs, wants, feelings, beliefs and opinions to others in a direct and honest manner without intentionally hurting anyones feelings. A person with an anxiety disorder may have trouble being assertive because they are afraid of conflict or believe they have no right to speak up. However, relating passively to others lowers self-confidence and reinforces anxiety. Learning to behave assertively is central to developing a stronger self-esteem.

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Thanks to evolutionary psychology, we know these days that anxiety is a survival mechanism weve inherited from our ancestors.

Of course, in prehistoric times, humans had good reason to feel anxious they were faced daily with physical threats!

The modern world isnt quite as dangerous, yet in many ways we do live in anxious times. Its not so much physical threats that face us, but potential threats presented in news and other media.

Who Is At Risk For Anxiety Disorders

A mix of genetic and environmental factors can raise a persons risk for developing anxiety disorders. You may be at higher risk if you have or had:

  • Certain personality traits, such as shyness or behavioral inhibition feeling uncomfortable with, and avoiding, unfamiliar people, situations or environments.
  • Stressful or traumatic events in early childhood or adulthood.
  • Family history of anxiety or other mental health conditions.
  • Certain physical conditions, including thyroid problems and heart arrhythmias .

Anxiety disorders occur more often in women. Researchers are still studying why that happens. It may come from womens hormones, especially those that fluctuate throughout the month. The hormone testosterone may play a role, too men have more, and it may ease anxiety. Its also possible that women are less likely to seek treatment, so the anxiety worsens.

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No There Is No Permanent Cure For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

There is no permanent cure for Anxiety and Panic Attacks yet

The tendency toward Anxiety and Panic Attacks is both genetic and environmentally based. Many, many scientific studies have proven this fact.

Your psychological makeup is a part of you, just as much as the shape of your head. Although symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks may be relieved on a long-term basis, such relief always has the potential to be broken since a person has an in-built tendency toward those mental problems.

Im not trying to depress you Im just being honest.

Youre stuck with your head shape. Youre stuck with your basic psychological makeup. But you can do something about that psychology to relieve your symptoms for years. Just dont fool yourself that it might be permanent. It may be, it may not be.

Keep A Positive Attitude

An Overview of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There is no need to lose hope for better living. Many people challenged with anxiety, such as with generalized anxiety disorder, lead full, productive, and joyful lives.

The key is taking time to learn what strategies work well for you, stay connected to others, and remain positive.

Find inspiration through quotes, verses, music, nature, social connections, etc. We are surrounded by positive examples of hope and inspiration.

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How We Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If you suspect your child may have GAD, it is essential to speak with a qualified mental health professional as soon as possible. Children with GAD respond well to treatment that is administered by trained mental health clinicians. By closely working with the treatment team, you can help your child go on to enjoy an active and fulfilling life.

Evidence-based treatments for GAD in children and adolescents includes cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of medication and therapy. Here at Boston Childrens Hospital, medication is used in conjunction with therapy for treatment of GAD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants are currently first-line medications in the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders in children. These antidepressants are powerful anxiolytics with a broader spectrum that may improve comorbid affective disorders and symptoms of anxiety.

Preventing Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder often accompanies panic attacks. Treatment that is meant for anxiety includes medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes. Natural alternatives to these treatments include nutritional changes, stress management techniques, deep breathing exercises, and sleep hygiene recommendations. The best ways to prevent GAD are medications, medical procedures, and any activities that are known to lower the risk of anxiety. Keeping a healthy lifestyle by being physically active, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a low-stress environment is also important.

Natural treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder is one of the most important aspects of mental wellness. It is important to note that this process does not happen overnight, and it may take years before you notice any significant change in your self-care practices.

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What Is And How To Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a disorder that can significantly influence the lives of both those who suffer from it and their family or close friends. Although numerous factors may influence this alteration, they are usually generalized into three large groups known as predispositional factors, linked to the vulnerability of the subject, activating factors, related to the perception of some threat or danger and maintenance factors, which they are responsible for maintaining the disorder after its onset.

In other words, anxiety is closely related to various psychological, biological and social principles. This is why if you ask yourself: does generalized anxiety heal itself? The answer will be relative according to each patient and the modification of the influencing factors in each one, so it is essential to consult a specialist. Despite this, in the following FastlyHealarticle, you will find all the information about this disorder and its treatment.

What Is Separation Anxiety Disorder

6 Tips To Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

This condition mostly happens to children or teens, who may worry about being away from their parents. Children with separation anxiety disorder may fear that their parents will be hurt in some way or not come back as promised. It happens a lot in preschoolers. But older children and adults who experience a stressful event may have separation anxiety disorder as well.

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How Are Anxiety Disorders Diagnosed

If you have symptoms of an anxiety disorder, talk to your healthcare provider. Theyll start with a complete medical history and physical examination.

There are no lab tests or scans that can diagnose anxiety disorders. But your provider may run some of these tests to rule out physical conditions that may be causing symptoms.

Signs And Symptoms Of Gad

Not everyone with generalized anxiety disorder has the same symptoms, but most people experience a combination of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that often fluctuate, becoming worse at times of stress.

Emotional Symptoms of GAD include:

  • Constant worries running through your head
  • Feeling like your anxiety is uncontrollable there is nothing you can do to stop the worrying
  • Intrusive thoughts about things that make you anxious you try to avoid thinking about them, but you cant
  • An inability to tolerate uncertainty you need to know whats going to happen in the future
  • A pervasive feeling of apprehension or dread

Behavioral symptoms of GAD include:

  • Inability to relax, enjoy quiet time, or be by yourself
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing on things
  • Putting things off because you feel overwhelmed
  • Avoiding situations that make you anxious

Physical symptoms of GAD include:

  • Feeling tense having muscle tightness or body aches
  • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind wont quit
  • Feeling edgy, restless, or jumpy
  • Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea

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What Causes Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are like other forms of mental illness. They dont come from personal weakness, character flaws or problems with upbringing. But researchers dont know exactly what causes anxiety disorders. They suspect a combination of factors plays a role:

  • Chemical imbalance: Severe or long-lasting stress can change the chemical balance that controls your mood. Experiencing a lot of stress over a long period can lead to an anxiety disorder.
  • Environmental factors: Experiencing a trauma might trigger an anxiety disorder, especially in someone who has inherited a higher risk to start.
  • Heredity: Anxiety disorders tend to run in families. You may inherit them from one or both parents, like eye color.

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Anxiety is fear about what might happen in the future. Everyone is anxious at times, but the medical problem of anxiety happens when worry becomes intense and just wont go away.

Troubles with anxiety often begin in childhood and may continue throughout life. As we grow older, the types of situations that cause anxiety, and the types of worries we have, change.

In all cases, normal worrying turns into medical anxiety when it starts getting in the way of life.

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Tip : Look At Your Worries In New Ways

The core symptom of GAD is chronic worrying. Its important to understand what worrying is, since the beliefs you hold about worrying play a huge role in triggering and maintaining GAD. You may feel like your worries come from the outsidefrom other people, events that stress you out, or difficult situations youre facing. But, in fact, worrying is self-generated. The trigger comes from the outside, but your internal running dialogue keeps it going.

When youre worrying, youre talking to yourself about things youre afraid of or negative events that might happen. You run over the feared situation in your mind and think about all the ways you might deal with it. In essence, youre trying to solve problems that havent happened yet, or worse, simply obsessing on worst-case scenarios.

All this worrying may give you the impression that youre protecting yourself by preparing for the worst or avoiding bad situations. But more often than not, worrying is unproductivesapping your mental and emotional energy without resulting in any concrete problem-solving strategies or actions.

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Everyone gets anxious sometimes, but if your worries and fears are so constant that they interfere with your ability to function and relax, you may have generalized anxiety disorder . GAD is a common anxiety disorder that involves constant and chronic worrying, nervousness, and tension. Unlike a phobia, where your fear is connected to a specific thing or situation, the anxiety of GAD is diffuseda general feeling of dread or unease that colors your whole life. This anxiety is less intense than a panic attack, but much longer lasting, making normal life difficult and relaxation impossible. Generalized anxiety disorder is mentally and physically exhausting. It drains your energy, interferes with sleep, and wears your body out.

If you have GAD you may worry about the same things that other people do, but you take these worries to a new level. A co-workers careless comment about the economy becomes a vision of an imminent pink slip a phone call to a friend that isnt immediately returned becomes anxiety that the relationship is in trouble. Sometimes just the thought of getting through the day produces anxiety. You go about your activities filled with exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke them.

Sound familiar?

  • I cant get my mind to stop its driving me crazy!
  • Hes latehe was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago! Oh my God, he must have been in an accident!
  • I cant sleepI just feel such dread and I dont know why!

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How Can I Treat Anxiety

Anxiety can be treated in a variety of ways. One common treatment option is cognitive behavioral therapy , which helps provide people with tools to cope with anxiety when it occurs.

There are also certain medications, like antidepressants and sedatives, that work to balance brain chemistry and prevent episodes of anxiety. They may even ward off the most severe symptoms.If youre looking to go a more natural route, though, there are little and big ways you can help combat anxiety.

You can make adjustments to habits, like exercise, sleep, and diet. You can also try something totally new, like aromatherapy or meditation. No matter what your lifestyle demands, theres a natural way to help reduce anxiety for everyone.

Differential Diagnosis And Comorbidity

Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

When evaluating a patient for a suspected anxiety disorder, it is important to exclude medical conditions with similar presentations . Other psychiatric disorders use of substances such as caffeine, albuterol, levothyroxine, or decongestants or substance withdrawal may also present with similar symptoms and should be ruled out.5

Complicating the diagnosis of GAD and PD is that many conditions in the differential diagnosis are also common comorbidities. Additionally, many patients with GAD or PD meet criteria for other psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder and social phobia. Evidence suggests that GAD and PD usually occur with at least one other psychiatric disorder, such as mood, anxiety, or substance use disorders.10 When anxiety disorders occur with other conditions, historic, physical, and laboratory findings may be helpful in distinguishing each diagnosis and developing appropriate treatment plans.

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Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Natural remedies for anxiety are those that donât involve conventional medications . They include things such as herbs, aromatherapy, and performing certain actions that promote relaxation. Some people with anxiety use natural remedies alongside conventional treatments to find relief.

Examples of natural remedies for anxiety include:

Deep Breathing Exercises

Rapid, shallow breathing is a common symptom of anxiety. Breathing in this manner can increase your heart rate, make you feel dizzy, and may even increase the risk of a panic attack. Deep breathing involves taking deliberately deep and measured breaths to restore normal breathing patterns, which can help to reduce anxiety.

Weighted Blankets

Research shows that weighted blankets can be beneficial for alleviating symptoms of anxiety. The pressure helps to put your body into ârest mode,â reducing those symptoms and preparing your body to rest. These blankets come in many different sizes and weights, enabling you to find what works best for you.

Quit Cigarettes and Alcohol

Both alcohol and cigarettes may appear to calm your nerves at first. After taking a drink, however, your anxiety may worsen. A cycle can develop, leading to alcohol dependence.

Several studies also show that smoking can worsen symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, itâs a good idea to try to avoid drinking or smoking to reduce feelings of anxiety.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

In most cases, the first medication you’ll be offered will be a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor .

This type of medication works by increasing the level of a chemical called serotonin in your brain.

Examples of SSRIs you may be prescribed include:

  • difficulty achieving orgasm during sex or masturbation
  • in men, difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection

These side effects should improve over time, although some such as sexual problems can persist.

If your medication isn’t helping after about 2 months of treatment or it’s causing unpleasant side effects, your GP may prescribe an alternative SSRI.

When you and your GP decide it’s appropriate for you to stop taking your medication, you’ll normally have your dose slowly reduced over the course of a few weeks to reduce the risk of withdrawal effects.

Never stop taking your medication unless your GP specifically advises you to.

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