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How To Ask Your Doctor For Anxiety Medication

How Soon Will I Feel Better

Asking Your Pharmacist About Medications for Anxiety and Depression

Antidepressants can take time to begin working, and even longer to reach full effect. Dr. Tola notes that antidepressants can take up to eight to 10 weeks to become effective. Ask your doctor or provider how soon you can expect to feel some positive effects, and how long you should give it before determining the medication is not working. Your doctor or provider may book a follow-up appointment after a period of time to check in with your progress. If your physician doesnt suggest it, ask about scheduling an appointment. Often doses need to be adjusted, and sometimes a new medication may need to be prescribed.

Drug Interactions And Overdose

While benzodiazepines are relatively safe when taken only occasionally and in small doses, they can be dangerous and even deadly when combined with other central nervous system depressants. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before combining medications.

Dont drink on benzodiazepines. When mixed with alcohol, benzodiazepines can lead to fatal overdose.

Dont mix with painkillers or sleeping pills. Taking benzodiazepines with prescription pain or sleeping pills can also lead to fatal overdose.

Antihistamines amplify their effects. Antihistaminesfound in many over-the-counter sleep, cold, and allergy medicinesare sedating on their own. Be cautious when mixing with benzodiazepines to avoid over-sedation.

Be cautious when combining with antidepressants. SSRIs such as Prozac and Zoloft can heighten benzodiazepine toxicity. You may need to adjust your dose accordingly.

Paradoxical effects of benzodiazepines

The benzodiazepines work because they slow down the nervous system. But sometimes, for reasons that arent well understood, they have the opposite effect. Paradoxical reactions are most common in children, the elderly, and people with developmental disabilities. They include:

  • Increased anxiety, irritability, agitation, aggression, and rage
  • Mania, impulsive behavior, and hallucinations

Alternative And Complementary Medicine

Complementary medicine may also have beneficial effects on well-being when used in conjunction with psychotherapy and medication. Acupuncture, meditation, light therapy, and herbal supplements are some alternative options that you might consider.

You should always talk to your doctor before you try any type of alternative treatment. In the case of some herbal supplements, for example, you and your doctor need to consider possible drug interactions if you are currently taking or plan on taking antidepressants.

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Signs You Should Talk With Your Doctor About Anxiety

If youre concerned that you have issues with anxiety, take a moment to breathe. Know that theres nothing inherently wrong with you, and youre not alone.

Almost everyone experiences feelings of anxiety at some point in life, whether its from public speaking, test-taking or even driving in traffic. Feelings of anxiety are common in stressful situations, but theyre usually temporary and resolve quickly.

Anxiety disorders are different. You may have an anxiety disorder if feelings of intense fear or worry continue in situations that arent anxiety-inducing. If that sounds like you, again, dont be alarmed. More than 40 million American adults face anxiety disorders, and theyre highly treatable conditions.

Are There Over The Counter Anxiety Medications

12 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Your Anxiety

Technically speaking, there are no over-the-counter medications available specifically for anxiety. That said, several remedies are available without a prescription that can help those struggling with anxiety or depression.

Supplements like GABA, Ashwagandha, or Valerian Root have been shown in some cases to be helpful. Be sure to talk with your doctor before adding a supplement, as there could be potential interactions with your current prescriptions.

Natural options such as CBD have been growing more and more popular over the last several years. Aromatic oils, like lavender, chamomile, and peppermint, have shown promise as well. Staying away from caffeine and excessive sugar can lower anxiety levels. Foods like nuts and healthy fats from fish or avocados are great foods for those with anxiety disorders.

Theres no reason to suffer through anxiety alone. If youre interested in anxiety medication then asking a doctor for anxiety medication is the next step.

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Who Can Prescribe Anti

In general, any physician or psychiatrist can prescribe anti-anxiety medication.

However, you must see a doctor in person for anxiety medications that are classified as controlled substances. Online doctors cannot prescribe benzodiazepines, such as Xanax.

That said, online doctors can prescribe antidepressants, which are the first line of treatment for anxiety and have been proven to be highly effective. They also have less side effects and risk factors than benzodiazepines.

How Your Doctor Can Help You Manage Anxiety

There are several approaches that can help you cope with anxiety, and you can guide your own treatment plan. One size does not fit all. It is important to remain honest with your provider about how you would like to manage your symptoms.

Medication. Many people fear that they will be advised only to start medications. This may be suggested, as medication can be helpful in some cases. But you can say that you prefer conservative or alternative measures. After all, this is your health were talking about. Before stopping any medication, discuss this with your providerstopping abruptly can worsen symptoms.

Lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise and eating healthy can improve your symptoms. We can also incorporate integrative medicine into your plan, which consists of meditation, yoga, emotional support animals, acupuncture and massage therapy to help manage stress.

Overall health. Well also evaluate your overall physical health by ruling out thyroid conditions, sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, and autoimmune conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis that can cause anxiety. Managing vitamin D and iron levels can also help improve your symptoms. By just checking your vitals, we can help get to the root cause of your anxiety.

If you are concerned about your anxiety, reach out to your doctor for guidance. Dont have a primary care physician? Find one near you.

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What Your Doctor Looks For

When you talk with your doctor, theyll assess your physical health. The physical symptoms of anxiety can be easily confused with underlying medical conditions.

Your doctor may examine and interview you for some illnesses that often imitate, or trigger the onset of, anxiety disorders, like:

  • Central nervous system damage
  • Low blood sugar
  • Substance use

If your doctor determines that your anxiety isnt linked to drug use or a physical medical condition, they can refer you to a mental health professional who can diagnose you appropriately.

How Can I Learn More About Anxiety

What To Ask The Doctor About Your Child’s Medication – Ken Duckworth, MD

These organizations offer information about and resources for anxiety disorders:

Anxiety Disorders Association of America

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to advocacy and education about anxiety disorders. This link will take you to its website:

American Psychological Association

Get information on anxiety and help finding a psychologist. This link will take you to its website:

American Psychiatric Association

Learn more about childrenâs anxiety disorders and other mental health problems. Get help in finding a psychiatrist. This link will take you to the website:

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Learn more about panic disorder, phobias, and treatment that helps. This link will take you to the website:

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What Helps Severe Anxiety

There are many treatment approaches for severe anxiety. The top treatment methods include:

  • Medication
  • Natural Remedies
  • And more

Anxiety disorders are highly treatable and thanks to innovative strides in telehealthcare websites like PlushCare, you can buy many anxiety medications online safely, discreetly, and conveniently.

Lets take a look at how you can get an anxiety prescription online, along with other anxiety treatment options.

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Adhd

Although ADHD cannot be cured, it can be treated. In most cases, people wait too long to bring their ADHD symptoms up to their physicians,” says Ramsay. His suggestion: “Trust yourself enough and err on the side of bringing it up.”

People with ADHD symptoms may hesitate to mention their worries about the condition to their doctor because they fear they’ll be labeled a hypochondriac. Ramsay points out that although ADHD is underrecognized in the medical community, he doesnt deny that the popular claim that ADHD is overdiagnosed has some merit. “The real problem is actually misdiagnosis, not overdiagnosis, he says. Theres an overdiagnosis of ADHD in people who want to take medication to enhance their academic performance but an underdiagnosis of ADHD in people who truly have it.

Once youve made the decision to discuss your ADHD symptoms with your doctor, its good to have a plan for how you will address the issue. Here are some suggestions on how to talk to your doctor about ADHD.

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How Can I Best Keep Track Of My Progress With Adhd

You can track your ADHD symptoms by scaling the 18-item self-report checklist that is an extension of the ADHD screener. You can do this before treatment and repeat during your treatment to see where youre at, says Adler. If treatment is effective, you would want to see at least a 30 percent improvement in your overall symptoms, he notes.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Doctors Who Treat Anxiety

Youve probably thought of a million questions you want to ask your doctor. But when youre in the office, theyre easy to forget. Writing them down will help both you and your doctor, and save time. Its a good idea to put the most important questions at the top of the list in case there isnt time for all of them. Here are some questions you may want to ask. Add any others you think are important for your doctor to know.

  • Do I have an anxiety disorder?
  • Is there something else that might be causing my symptoms?
  • What treatment do you recommend?
  • Should I see a psychiatrist or a psychologist?
  • Is there a medication that I can take? Does it have side effects? What can I do to prevent or relieve the side effects?
  • Is there a generic medication I can take? How long will I need to take it?
  • When will I feel better?
  • What else can I do to relieve my symptoms?

The list of questions you make will help you be prepared to answer your doctors questions. Here are some questions your doctor will probably ask you:

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I Need Relief And I Need It Now

So where does that leave you if youre suffering? Even when anxiety relief comes with side effects and dangers, that can still sound like a fair trade when panic and fear are ruling your life.

The bottom line is that theres a time and place for anxiety medication. If you have severe anxiety thats interfering with your ability to function, medication may be helpfulespecially as a short-term treatment. However, many people use anti-anxiety medication when therapy, exercise, or other self-help strategies would work just as well or better, minus the drawbacks.

Anxiety medications can ease symptoms, but theyre not right for everyone and theyre not the only answer. Its up to you to evaluate your options and decide whats best for you.

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What Happens If I Miss A Dose

Its important to avoid missing doses as you run of causing what is called discontinuation syndrome, which can worsen the side effects, says Dr. TSarumi.

Ask your doctor or provider what to do if you have missed your scheduled dosedo not double up on the next dose, stop taking the medication, or make any other decisions about the missed dose without checking with your doctor or provider. Missing doses happens to the best of us. Asking this question ahead of time will ensure you know what to do if/when it happens and minimize the interruption to your treatment.

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Questions About The Doctor’s Overall Approach

You and your doctor should jiveânot like, you need to hang out on weekends or anything, but it’s good to get a sense of their treatment style and how they feel about holistic approaches.

Will you support me if I decide to stop this medication, or decide to not use medication?

What other treatments and strategies do you recommend I try before using medication?

If this medication does not improve symptoms, what would you recommend next?

What is your approach to medication? Do you try one at a time? Do you use multiple medications at once?

Ssri Antidepressants For Anxiety

Talking With Your Doctor About Your Medication | Psychosis, Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression

Many medications originally approved for the treatment of depression are also prescribed for anxiety. In comparison to benzodiazepines, the risk for dependency and abuse is smaller. However, antidepressants take up to 4 to 6 weeks to begin relieving anxiety symptoms, so they cant be taken as needed. Their use is limited to chronic anxiety problems that require ongoing treatment.

The antidepressants most widely prescribed for anxiety are SSRIs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, and Celexa. SSRIs have been used to treat generalized anxiety disorder , obsessive-compulsive disorder , panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Common side effects of SSRIs include:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased sweating

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Talking To Your Doctor About Your Mental Health

Talking about mental illness can be hard. There is a stigma that surrounds mental health and mental illness. It can prevent people from getting the support and help they need. But mental illness is a common problem. In fact, about 1 in 5 people will experience some sort of mental illness in their lifetime. So, dont be afraid to reach out for help. Your family doctor is a good place to start.

For some people, the thought of talking to their doctor about their mental health is scary. But getting treatment for mental illness is important. It rarely goes away on its own. Left untreated, it can get worse, lead to other health problems, or last for a long time. Deciding to talk to your doctor about your mental health is the first step on your journey to feeling better.

Dont Be Afraid To Talk About Anxiety

The first step to bringing up feelings of anxiety is by saying to your primary care physician something like, I want to discuss what I have been feeling lately. Many people suffer from anxiety but do not seek treatment.

Cultural stigmas can play an enormous role in how people view anxiety. Minorities in the United States are historically less likely to seek mental health treatment. There is a thought that by admitting that you have anxiety, you are showing a sign of weakness.

It is human nature to have episodes of anxiety. Anxiety is a psychological and physiological response to threats. Our bodies can respond to these threats by increasing heart rate, sweating, feeling restless, abdominal upset and nausea. These are common symptoms of anxiety.

It is important to identify when this physiological response interrupts your everyday activities such as going to work, personal hygiene, enjoying family and friends. If it does, its time to talk to your doctor. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Its confidential. When you discuss your symptoms with your doctor, this conversation is always confidential. This information will not be shared unless you request your provider do so.

Take your time. Schedule your appointment to discuss anxiety in an extended time slot if possible. This will help ensure you do not feel rushed.

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