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HomeStressWhat Are The Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety

What Are The Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety

What Are Some Ways To Prevent Stress

Signs of Anxiety and Depression

Many daily strategies can help you keep stress at bay:

  • Try relaxation activities, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation. Programs are available online, in smartphone apps, and at many gyms and community centers.
  • Take good care of your body each day. Eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep help your body handle stress much better.
  • Stay positive and practice gratitude, acknowledging the good parts of your day or life.
  • Accept that you cant control everything. Find ways to let go of worry about situations you cannot change.
  • Learn to say no to additional responsibilities when you are too busy or stressed.
  • Stay connected with people who keep you calm, make you happy, provide emotional support and help you with practical things. A friend, family member or neighbor can become a good listener or share responsibilities so that stress doesnt become overwhelming.

Breathing And Relaxation Exercises

Many people find exercises that focus on breathing and muscle relaxation to be helpful in relieving stress. The playlist below will help you to understand how stress works and start feeling better. These exercises can be done anywhere and are designed to help you feel more relaxed in general, as well as helping you feel calmer if you are becoming stressed.

This playlist is free to download, and you can also stream it using the Soundcloud website or app. You can download and listen to individual tracks if there are particular exercises that work best for you. If you’re listening to it for the first time, it’s best to start from the beginning.

To access a BSL version of this playlist, .

Find out more by checking out these 10 stress busters.

Eat Right And Stay Hydrated

Sounds simple, right? But when youre stressed, these healthy basics can easily fall by the wayside. Take good care of your mind and body by keeping healthy foods on hand, cutting back on sugar and caffeine, and drinking plenty of water. A few small changes in your daily habits can make a big difference in how you feel.

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Job Loss And Unemployment Stress

Losing a job is one of lifes most stressful experiences. Its normal to feel angry, hurt, or depressed, grieve for all that youve lost, or feel anxious about what the future holds. Job loss and unemployment involves a lot of change all at once, which can rock your sense of purpose and self-esteem. While the stress can seem overwhelming, there are many steps you can take to come out of this difficult period stronger, more resilient, and with a renewed sense of purpose.

A Persistent Strong Urge To Go Go Go

Signs and symptoms of anxiety

Feeling a persistent urge to go, go, go is a common indication of elevating stress. While we can go, go, go for a while, always being on the go will cause the body to eventually crash from hyperstimulation if we dont give the body ample time to rest and recover.

Experiencing an always on the go, go, go feeling is a common indication the bodys stress is elevating.

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How To Tell If You Have Anxiety Lightheadedness

One of the problems with intense anxiety is that it can be hard to tell the difference between anxiety and a different underlying medical condition. Unfortunately, certain medical conditions might produce symptoms that closely resemble those of an anxiety disorder. For this reason, its important to be seen by a doctor who can rule out possible underlying medical conditions.

How Are Anxiety Disorders Treated

You can check what treatment and care is recommended for anxiety disorders on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence website.

NICE produce guidelines for how health professionals should treat certain conditions. NICE only provide guidelines for:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder,
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder ,
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder , and
  • Social anxiety disorder.

The NHS does not have to follow these recommendations. But they should have a good reason for not following them.

We have described some of the treatments for anxiety disorders below. The treatments you will be offered depend upon the type of anxiety disorder you are experiencing.

You can find more information about treatments for:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder by clicking here.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder by clicking here.

Monitoring your symptomsSome anxiety disorders, such as generalised anxiety disorder may get better by itself with no treatment at all. Or after education and advice from your doctor. Your doctor will monitor your symptoms to see if they improve. And they will talk to you about medications that you can get without a prescription. These are sometimes called over-the-counter medications.

Individual non-facilitated self helpThis involves working from a book or a computer program. You will be supported by a trained professional

Individual guided self-helpYou should:

Your learning should:


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The Effects Of Chronic Stress

Your nervous system isnt very good at distinguishing between emotional and physical threats. If youre super stressed over an argument with a friend, a work deadline, or a mountain of bills, your body can react just as strongly as if youre facing a true life-or-death situation. And the more your emergency stress system is activated, the easier it becomes to trigger, making it harder to shut off.

If you tend to get stressed out frequently, like many of us in todays demanding world, your body may exist in a heightened state of stress most of the time. And that can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

Health problems caused or exacerbated by stress include:

  • Depression and anxiety
    • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax

    Symptoms Of Stress Vs Anxiety

    Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

    While stress and anxiety are not exactly the same, they have many key symptoms in common.

    In response to a threat or misfortunewhether real or imagined, internal or external, and present or potentialyour body releases hormones , such as cortisol and adrenaline. The release of these hormones causes the physiological and psychological symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, or both.

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    The Most Common Emotional And Cognitive Symptoms Of Short

    • Anxiety or nervousness in the American Psychological Associations 2017 Stress in America survey, 36 percent of people report that stress makes them feel more nervous or anxious.
    • Anger or irritability in the APA survey, 35 percent of people report this.
    • Difficulty concentrating or forgetfulness

    Natural Remedies For Anxiety

    Natural remedies for anxiety are those that donât involve conventional medications . They include things such as herbs, aromatherapy, and performing certain actions that promote relaxation. Some people with anxiety use natural remedies alongside conventional treatments to find relief.

    Examples of natural remedies for anxiety include:

    Deep Breathing Exercises

    Rapid, shallow breathing is a common symptom of anxiety. Breathing in this manner can increase your heart rate, make you feel dizzy, and may even increase the risk of a panic attack. Deep breathing involves taking deliberately deep and measured breaths to restore normal breathing patterns, which can help to reduce anxiety.

    Weighted Blankets

    Research shows that weighted blankets can be beneficial for alleviating symptoms of anxiety. The pressure helps to put your body into ârest mode,â reducing those symptoms and preparing your body to rest. These blankets come in many different sizes and weights, enabling you to find what works best for you.

    Quit Cigarettes and Alcohol

    Both alcohol and cigarettes may appear to calm your nerves at first. After taking a drink, however, your anxiety may worsen. A cycle can develop, leading to alcohol dependence.

    Several studies also show that smoking can worsen symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, itâs a good idea to try to avoid drinking or smoking to reduce feelings of anxiety.

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    Simple Strategies Can Reduce The Headaches Upset Stomach And Shortness Of Breath That May Be Triggered By Emotional Stress

    You’ve had headaches on and off, or possibly nausea, or muscle pain. It could be emotions, rather than a physical illness, driving your symptoms.

    Blame your autonomic nervous system. This is a system in your body that you don’t consciously control, but that regulates things like your heart rate, breathing, urination, and sexual function. It’s also the system that reacts when you are under a physical threat. The autonomic nervous system produces your fight-or-flight response, which is designed to help you defend yourself or run away from danger.

    When you are under stress or anxious, this system kicks into action, and physical symptoms can appear headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, shakiness, or stomach pain. “Doctors see it all the time patients with real pain or other symptoms, but nothing is physically wrong with them,” says Dr. Arthur Barsky, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

    In today’s world, with the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic toll, many people may be noticing new physical symptoms without realizing what’s causing them. “This is a terribly stressful time,” says Dr. Barsky. “There is stress about what our lives are like, the ominous threat of getting the virus and getting sick. It’s already clear that the pandemic is heightening anxiety and sense of stress.”

    The Most Common Depressive Disorders Include:

    Symptoms Of Work Anxiety
    • Major depressive disorder This is a depressed mood that lasts for a two-week period. This could occur as a single or recurrent episode.
    • Persistent depressive disorder This is a depressed mood that occurs almost every day for at least two years

    It’s common for those struggling with anxiety disorders to also struggle with depression or vice versa. Close to 10% of the world’s population suffers from anxiety and depression. However, while anxiety and depressive disorders are highly treatable, only a small percentage of affected people receive treatment.

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    How To Tell If The Symptoms You Are Feeling Are Due To Stress Or Something Else And When You Should See Your Doctor

    When you notice yourself experiencing more symptoms of stress more often, its a good time to focus on self-care, Dossett says. Remember, self-care is everything you do to take care of your health and well-being. It can be making time for a yoga class, taking a walk in nature, focusing on getting more sleep, or connecting with a close friend, among many other things.

    If focusing on self-care doesnt help , talk to your doctor about stress, Dossett says. Your doctor can help identify underlying health issues that may be contributing, or help you create a self-care routine that better helps you manage the stressors in your life .

    Whether or not youre stressed, its smart to see your primary care physician once a year for a complete exam, including a check of blood pressure, heart rate, weight, cholesterol, and possibly thyroid hormones. Stress and symptoms of stress youre experiencing should be part of that conversation. Stress symptoms can be signs of other significant health issues.

    When women have heart palpitations, doctors are more likely to think that theyre either experiencing stress or anxiety, or that theyre hysterical in some way. As a result, women tend to be underdiagnosed with heart disease, says Dr. Haythe. And this happens despite the fact that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States.

    Identifying And Easing Anxiety

    It’s possible to become so fixated on the physical effects from your anxious state that you don’t even realize you were anxious to begin with, says Dr. Barsky. So, how do you know if anxiety is causing your symptoms? And if it is, how can you feel better? Dr. Barsky offers some tips to help you interrupt this cycle.

    Stop and assess. “The first step is to pause for a second and observe what’s going on with your body,” says Dr. Barsky. Think about what you are experiencing and whether it relates to a feeling of emotional upset or a reaction to something alarming or stressful. If your symptoms followed a stressful event or period of time, it’s possible these emotions triggered your symptoms. Also, be alert to signs that you are tensing your muscles, which can also indicate a stress reaction.

    Relax your body or work it. To relieve stress, try some deep breathing or relaxation exercises. There are numerous online resources and smartphone apps that can help guide you through relaxation techniques. Physical activity can also help you relieve tension. Try to squeeze in a daily walk or a run.

    Reassure yourself. If you believe your symptoms are being caused by anxiety, reassure yourself that what you are experiencing is not harmful or fatal. “They’re not serious, and they don’t signal an impending medical disaster,” says Dr. Barsky. The symptoms will pass when the anxiety eases.

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    Appetite Changes And Weight Gain

    Changes in appetite are common during times of stress.

    When you feel stressed out, you may find yourself with no appetite at all or overeating without noticing.

    One small 2006 study of 272 female college students found that 81 percent reported that they experienced changes in appetite when they were stressed out, with 62 percent stating they had an increase in appetite .

    Changes in appetite may also cause fluctuations in weight during stressful periods. For example, a study involving 1,355 people in the United States found that stress was associated with weight gain in adults already living with extra weight .

    A third study from 2017 found that individuals with higher cortisol and insulin levels and higher levels of chronic stress were more likely to gain weight in the future . However, the study was limited in the scope of research in that participants were predominantly white females.

    While these studies show an association between stress and changes in appetite or weight, more studies are needed to understand other possible factors are involved and how stress impacts different people.

    What Are Some Symptoms Of Stress

    Symptoms of Stress, Anxiety and Depression:

    Stress affects everyone differently. Some ways that chronic or long-term stress affects women include:

    • Pain, including back pain
    • Acne and other skin problems, like rashes or hives
    • Feeling like you have no control
    • Overeating or not eating enough
    • Being easily angered
    • Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed
    • Less interest in sex than usual

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    Trouble Falling Or Staying Asleep

    Sleep disturbances have a strong association with anxiety disorders.

    People with an anxiety disorder may find themselves waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble falling asleep.

    Some studies suggest that people with insomnia are 10 to 17 times more likely to develop further mental health conditions such as anxiety.

    While insomnia and anxiety are strongly linked, its unclear whether insomnia leads to anxiety, anxiety leads to insomnia, or both.

    What is known is that if a person treats their underlying anxiety disorder, insomnia often improves as well.

    Panic disorder is another type of anxiety disorder in which a person may experience recurring panic attacks.

    Panic attacks produce an intense, overwhelming sensation of fear that can be debilitating.

    During a panic attack, a person may also experience:

    • rapid heartbeat
    • chest tightness

    Panic attacks can happen as isolated occurrences, but they may be a sign of panic disorder if they occur frequently and unexpectedly.

    You may be showing signs of social anxiety disorder if you find yourself:

    • feeling anxious or fearful about upcoming social situations
    • worried you may be judged or scrutinized by others
    • fearful of being embarrassed or humiliated in front of others
    • avoiding certain social events because of these fears

    Social anxiety disorder is very common, affecting 5 to 10 percent of people worldwide.

    You Believe You Have Many Things You Need To Get Done All At Once And The Internal Pressure To Get Them Done Is Relentless

    Feeling like youve got many things to get done, and having a strong urge to get them done in spite of feeling you need to rest, is another indication of chronic stress.

    While its normal to have periods where you feel overly busy, if you constantly feel this way, and if you are constantly feeling an internal pressure to get them done, that can mean stress is elevating.

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    A Variety Of Reactions Are Possible In The Context Of A Covid

    The current COVID-19 pandemic is a particular and rare situation. It can affect people physically, but also psychologically. In this type of context, many people will experience stress, anxiety and depression reactions. This page is intended as a tool to help you to deal with these reactions and minimize their impact on your life.

    What Causes Anxiety Disorders

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    We dont fully understand what causes anxiety disorders. But it is thought that the following factors can cause anxiety.

    Genetics. Some people seem to be born more anxious than others. You may get anxiety through your genes.

    Life experience. This could be bad experiences such as being abused or losing a loved one. It could also include big changes in life such as moving home, losing your job or pregnancy.

    Drugs. Caffeine in coffee and alcohol can make you feel anxious. Illegal drugs, also known as street drugs can also have an effect.

    Circumstances. Sometimes you know what is causing your anxiety. When the problem goes, so does your anxiety.

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    Coping With Stress And Anxiety

    Learning what causes or triggers your stress and what coping techniques work for you can help reduce your anxiety and improve your daily life. It may take trial and error to discover what works best for you. Here are some activities you can try when you start to feel overwhelmed:

    • Keep a journal.
    • Exercise, and make sure you are eating healthy, regular meals.
    • Stick to a sleep routine, and make sure you are getting enough sleep.
    • Avoid drinking excess caffeine such as soft drinks or coffee.
    • Identify and challenge your negative and unhelpful thoughts.
    • Reach out to your friends or family members who help you cope in a positive way.

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