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HomeMust ReadHow To Treat Cat Anxiety

How To Treat Cat Anxiety

Some Of The Ways To Minimize Separation Anxiety In Cats Are As Follows:

How to Decrease Anxiety in Cats : Pet Behavior
  • Leave the radio or TV on a station that is often on when youre there
  • Keep arrivals and departures low key
  • Create a nook, safe haven, or refuge for your cat that is their safe space
  • Provide plenty of toys and/or puzzles for playtime while you are gone
  • Channel prey instincts by hiding food in toys that make them work for it
  • Start with shorter absences first
  • Provide a perch or catio so that your cat can see their favorite views
  • Consider a room diffuser or pheromones to provide a calming scent for your cat
  • Remove departure cues put your keys in your pocket a few minutes before leaving)
  • Provide plenty of cuddles and playtime once home
  • For more serious cases, consider having a sitter coming for 1-2 play sessions during absences

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of checking with your veterinarian when you see any change in your cats behavior before you chalk it up to separation anxiety, as early treatment of illnesses is crucial to cat wellness. For example, some cats go outside the litter box when they have urinary tract infections.

In extreme cases, medication may be an option, but your vet will usually leave that as a final alternative. As the ASPCA notes: “Sometimes for cats, veterinarians will advise using pheromones or calming treats before prescribing medication. Always consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist before giving your dog or cat any type of medication or supplement for a behavior problem.”

Visit The Vet For Cat Anxiety Medication

If all else fails, talk to your vet about prescription cat anxiety medication. He or she may want to prescribe something more short-term like gabapentin, or a longer-time resolution such as buspirone or amitriptyline. But never give your cat human anti-anxiety medication without first checking with your vet.

Remember, treating cat anxiety will probably be a lesson in patience and trial and error. Learn to recognize what, if anything, is triggering your cats anxiety and try the tips listed above. Dont be afraid to ask your vet for advice. An anxious cat deserves as much care and attention as an ill kitty.

When To See A Veterinarian

You should consult your vet any time you notice a significant change in your cats behavior, personality, or body language. That includes exhibiting the signs of anxiety outlined above, as well as a change in how much your cat is sleeping. Its also important to recognize that anxiety is more pervasive than short-term fear. Some cats will hide briefly after a loud noise or a visitor, but they return to normal shortly afterward, explains Delgado. Anxiety tends to be more ongoing and doesnt always have a clear trigger. Just like you would take your cat to the vet if they had a broken leg, anxiety can lead your cat to suffer and requires medical treatment.

During your appointment, your vet will likely ask for a detailed history of your cats behavior and perform a physical examination before determining the best course of action. Your vet may recommend medication or behavior-modification techniques, says Delgado, or refer you to a behavior specialist who can help you assess your cats situation and environment for changes.

Whether your vet prescribes your cat anxiety meds or not, youll definitely want to create a routine for your cat, as well as environmental enrichment. Thats ultimately what will help make your cat calmer. Next, learn the other signs its time to take your cat to the vet.

Signs Your Cat Is Mad at You

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What Are Some Dietary Changes That Can Help With Cat Anxiety

If your cat is struggling with anxiety, there are a few dietary changes that you can make that may help to ease their symptoms. One thing you can try is adding a bit of omega-3 fatty acids to their diet. This can be done by giving them a small amount of fish oil, or by adding some flaxseed oil to their food. You should also make sure that they are getting enough protein in their diet, as this can help to keep them feeling calm and relaxed. Finally, you might want to consider giving them a supplement that contains tryptophan, as this can also help to reduce anxiety levels.

Identify The Cause Or Triggers Of Your Cats Anxiety

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Cat personalities can be incredibly diverse, and so are the causes of their anxiety. The rumbling noise of an unbalanced washing machine may cause one cat to run away in fear and leave another completely unfazed. Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of a threat or danger real or not .

Common causes:

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How Do I Find Out What Is Frightening My Cat

Finding out whats frightening your cat can be an important step to getting them help. Unfortunately your cat could be scared of almost anything, even things that dont seem at all frightening to us!

So how can you tell what your cat is afraid of? The first step is to look for the signs listed above. Once you know how to tell when your cat is scared, you can start to match up what is happening at the times theyre afraid.

For some fears, the cause will be clear. For others it can be hard to know exactly why your cat is afraid. But knowing the source of the fear can be really useful to help your cat get better.

Some common examples of cat fears include:

  • Strangers or unfamiliar people
  • Dogs or other predators.

With cats that spend time outdoors, you might struggle to find out exactly what theyre afraid of as you might just see the end result when they come home. Fortunately, there are still lots of ways you can help them.

Cat Fear: How To Help A Nervous Cat

From the loud bangs and the bright lights of fireworks, to storms and lots of festive visitors the world can be a scary place if youre a cat! Thankfully, there are lots of ways you can help your furry friend through their anxieties and fears.

Weve all heard of the term scared-y cat, but sadly when a cat is scared its more than just a phrase. Cats can be afraid of lots of different things and for many owners finding the cause of the problem and knowing what to do next can be a challenge. Unfortunately if your cat is left without any help their fear can lead to stress, anxiety and even illness, especially as fears tend to get worse over time.

Our vets have put together some tips to help you know if your cat might have a fear or phobia as well as advice on how to help them. Its always important to get your cat checked by your vet if theyre suddenly acting differently. Although most fears are a behavioural issue, your vet will be able to look for any medical problems that could be causing your cat to feel anxious and if needed they can refer your cat to an accredited behaviourist who will be able to help them.

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Do Cats Get Separation Anxiety

Cats definitely get anxiety, but its unclear if its the same as separation anxiety in dogs. Cats having a stress response show a lot of the typical signs of distress wailing, digestive changes, lots of clawing, licking, and peeing so diagnosing anxiety is mostly about figuring out the specific trigger. Then you can work with your veterinary team, or consult a specialist, to help figure out how you can best help your cat.

The best way to help your cat with stress is to try to be proactive. Change can be unsettling, so take it slowly. If you have to move food, water, or litter boxes to a new location, try to do it over time. If youre moving your cat to a new house, start them in a small space, then gradually open up the rest of the house. Introducing a new pet? Separate the animals, then let them meet each other by sniffing under a door.

If theres a transition in your cats life, try to provide familiar objects, like beds, toys, or even an old scratching post in your cats space. These can be a great source of comfort if theres a new animal or person in the house, or if theyve lost a loving human or animal friend.

Another way to help your cat is to provide a cozy cat place maybe up high, like a cat tree, perch, or nook that is entirely their own. Make sure to interact and play with your kitty. Leave fun toys, like catnip mice or food puzzles, to keep them entertained when youre away. And always be sure their kitty litter is clean.

How Cat Anxiety Medications Work

How To Manage Cat Separation Anxiety | Chewtorials

Depending on your cats condition and behavioral problemsTrusted SourceThe Merck Veterinary ManualTrusted provider of veterinary medicine.Go to source, your vet may consider one of two treatment options. For example, a cat that suffers from anxiety after a triggering event like a thunderstorm may benefit from short-term anxiety medication. On the other hand, a cat that deals with general, ongoing, or recurring anxiety will likely need long-term medication.

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What Behavior Modifications Help Cats With Anxiety

Cat behavior modification includes techniques such as desensitization, counterconditioning, positive reinforcement, and socialization. Behavior modification is an excellent long-term cat anxiety treatment plan.

Desensitization. This is a training technique that involves controlled exposure of a cat to the anxiety trigger. The idea behind desensitization is to help your cat realize that the source of her anxiety poses no real harm to her.

For example, if your cat is sensitive to loud noises like fireworks, you can play a few clips of fireworks on your TV to familiarize her with the sounds. You can start at lower volumes and go up slowly until she isnt fazed by the sounds anymore.

It is important to stay below your cats stress threshold when using desensitization. If your cat is startled during training, dial it back a notch or end the training until she feels better.

Counterconditioning. The goal of this behavioral change technique is to alter your cats perception of the source of her anxiety. This is achieved by teaching the cat to associate a positive experience with the anxiety source.

For example, if your cat has separation anxiety, you can offer her a treat right before you leave. This way, when your cat becomes aware of imminent departure, she gets excited about the upcoming treat rather than feeling anxious about you leaving.

If your cats behavioral issues persist, you may have to see a specialist like a veterinary behaviorist or professional animal trainer.

Valerian Chamomile And Other Calming Herbs

Many herbs that are popular stress relievers for pet parents are gaining popularity for pets themselves. Before you make that leap, though, talk to your veterinarian about whether the product youre considering is safe.

In some cases, the oil form of herbs can be toxicwhich means essential oils and raw plants are definitely out. Teas and tinctures can also be problematic because the active compounds can be too concentrated. What seems just right for you may be way too much for your felines liver to handle. Its just better to be safe than sorry.

Most of all, be patient with your cat as you try these different options. The last thing you want to do is cause your feline friend even more stress by getting angry and frustrated. Stay open and positive, and youll find the anxiety solution that works for your cat.

This 7 Natural Ways to Ease Cat Anxiety article has been reviewed and approved by Veterinarian Emily Wilkinson, DVM, and was co-written with Emily Parker, who runs the all-things-cats website, Parkers mission is to help cat parents love their kitties better. Shes had lots of practice walking the talk, as she spends a lot of her time loving and caring for her rescue kitties, Gus and Louis . She likes to explore her city to find new coffee shops and always hopes to run into an outdoor kitty or two.


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Does My Cat Need Medication To Help With Their Problem

Some cats will need medication to help with their anxiety alongside behavioural treatment plans. There are a number of different medications that are licensed or recommended for cats.

Never use human anti-anxiety medications on your cat. They can have side effects and some could be dangerous to your pet. Speak to your vet if you think your cat may need medications to help with their fear.

How Do Vets Determine The Cause Of Cat Anxiety

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Your veterinarian will first want to rule out other conditions that might be contributing to your cat’s behavior, such as pain or thyroid disease.

This consists of a thorough physical exam, blood tests, and urine tests. Additional tests may be recommended depending on your cats results.

A thorough history is an essential part of establishing a diagnosis, and any videos you have of the behavior are also helpful. These will provide clues to the stimuli and situations that cause your cat to be anxious, if there is no medical cause found.

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Let Them Eat In Peace

Keep your cats food, water and litter tray somewhere quiet and out of the way. Although not a big deal for humans, fridges, dryers and washing machines make a lot of noise and can be off-putting for cats when they are trying to eat. Similarly, cats can find it difficult to relax when their litter tray is kept in a major thoroughfare such as a hallway or kitchen. Having to pass or step over your cat can startle it during its more private moments, resulting in a more stressed or anxious feline.

How To Treat & Prevent Anxiety In Cats

So now that you know the symptoms of cat anxiety and what can cause it, lets discuss cat anxiety treatment. Treatment will differ for every cat. What works for one cat might not for another, so it may take some time and trial and error before you find a method that works for you and your furry friend.

Cat anxiety treatment will often involve a combination of things, like optimizing their environment and giving them medication. Its also important to address any underlying medical issues first, as that could be the reason for your cats anxiety.

Treating your anxious cat is so important for their overall health and wellbeing. Your cat is relying on you for help, and putting off treatment is just going to exacerbate the issue at hand.

Here is how to help a cat with anxiety:

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Recovery Of Extreme Fear And Anxiety In Cats

Extreme fear and anxiety are not known as life-threatening conditions, but it is still important to schedule a follow-up appointment with your veterinarian. This way, you can check the progress of the treatment and make sure your cat has not developed any other conditions.

It could take a while to help your cat cope with their fears, and there is a chance your cat is just naturally anxious. The best thing you can do is work with your veterinarian, train your cat to cope with anxiety and avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

Causes Of Cat Anxiety

Does My Cat Have Separation Anxiety?

Like previously mentioned, cats are creatures of habit. If there is a change to their normal routine, they will likely be curious and may act differently. While changes in their behavior are normal, anxiety is not and must be monitored. Some things that may cause feline anxiety are:

These are just a few of the reasons why a cat may be feeling anxious, and the causes of feline anxiety will depend on the cat and their typical behavior. If you sense that something is off with your furry friend, visit your vet.

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What Is The Best Type Of Carrier

Individual cats may have specific preferences for a carrier, but some options are better than others. Although cardboard cat carriers are inexpensive and disposable, they should only be used as a temporary form of transport because a determined cat can break out of them in no time. Durable options for transporting your cat range from soft-sided carriers, to wire crates, to hard plastic carriers with wire doors. Whatever the type of permanent carrier you choose, it should be easy to clean and you should be able to get your cat in and out of it without a struggle. Purchase a carrier that fits your cats size. If you have several cats, provide each one of them with their own carrier.

The ideal carrier is strong, lightweight, and waterproof, with a large opening to allow easy access to the cat, and an easy to remove top with quick release fasteners. If you have a carrier with a removable top, your cat may be able to remain nestled in the bottom of the carrier while your veterinarian performs some parts of the routine physical examination. And if your cat needs to stay in the hospital for any reason, the bottom part of the carrier can be put into the hospital cage to provide a familiar and comforting bed.

Increased Aggression Or Submission

Any cat owner will testify that sometimes their furry friend can act a little odd. Because of their predator-prey roots, cats will oscillate between acting aggressive and acting submissive, especially if they have a playmate. While this behavior is normal, any major changes could be a sign of cat anxiety. For example, if a normally playful cat spends all day under the bed, they may be anxious about something.

These are just a few signs that your kitty might be experiencing some anxiety. If you notice any major changes in your cats behavior, eating, or litter box habits, speak with your vet about possible feline anxiety.

Now that you understand some of the common symptoms of cat anxiety, its important to understand what may be causing them.

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